Finding Lacey

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Authors: J Wilde

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Finding Lacey

An Erotic Romance






J. Wilde

Warning:  This book contains scenes of graphic sexual nature and it is intended for mature audiences 18 and over.  All characters depicted in this story are over 18 years of age.



book is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual evens, locales or persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.


Copyright 2013 by J. Wilde. 

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute or transmit in any form or by any means.  For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.



Edited by:  Wilde Romance Publishing

Cover by: 
Samantha Holt

Lacey pulled in to her driveway, her whole body aching from a long day of meetings.  Movement in her rear view mirror caught her attention and she watched
a blond haired hunk jog past with his golden dog.  She had seen him many times while jogging in the park and he’d been the star of many late-night fantasies.  He was tall, handsome and quite the ladies man, according to her best friend Lex.


Wonder what it would feel like to have that hot body all wrapped around mine?


Shaking her head, Lacey made her way up the front walk.  Turning her key in the lock, Lacey pushed her way in to her small Cape Cod home.  As she flipped off her killer four inch heels and dropped her bags on the couch, she decided a quick jog might be a nice way to “bump” in to her handsome neighbor.  Perhaps refresh her memory and create a new fantasy for tonight.  Stretching her neck and letting out a whimper as the kinks released, she headed to her bedroom.


“Max!  Where are you boy?”


Some guard dog he is.
  Lacey chuckled as her best friend, a black Labrador named Max, came bustling in from outside.  She quickly stripped out of her work clothes and in to her jogging outfit.  Tight pants and a short top, she was bound to catch his eye today.


Plugging her ear buds in, Lacey leashed Max and shut her front door and headed for the park.  They walked quickly, warming up as Lacey quietly sang her favorite new Maroon 5 song.  Max, of course, stopped for his usual greeting to the large elm tree at the corner and then the jogging began. Halfway down the path, Lacey noticed her shoe had come untied.


Fumbling with her laces, music blaring in her ears, Lacey was startled when a large pair of blue cross trainers suddenly appeared before her.  Her eyes roamed upwards and followed the muscular calves up to thick thighs. A pair of black shorts barely hid the bulge just inches away from her head.  She continued her gaze upwards as her heart started to race.  Towering over her was the blond stud.


Lacey slowly stood up, pulling the buds out and realized he was smiling at her.  Her eyes slowly drank in his beautiful body.  He was a tall man, her head would barely reach his chin.  His tanned skin glistened and her fingers twitched as she imagined running her hands over his broad shoulders and thick biceps down to his firm stomach. 


A deep voice broke through her wayward thoughts and Lacey snapped her eyes up from his waistline.


“I asked if you were okay?” With a twinkle in his deep blue eyes and a devilish grin that flashed a bright white smile and revealed a small dimple, this Greek god stare in to her eyes.


“Oh.  Sorry.  I had my ear buds in and didn’t hear.”  Lacey felt a heat in her cheeks that had nothing to do with her jogging and everything to do with the tingling sensation that was riding through her body.


“Good.  Do you always jog this late?  I’ve only seen you in the mornings.”


Lacey felt her palms getting sweaty.  He’d seen her jogging?  Was he jogging too?  Geez, she’d have to pay more attention from now on.


“Oh, I had early meetings today, so I moved my run until I got home.”  Lacey felt Max pulling on his leash but she couldn’t take her eyes off of the beautiful man before her.  His dark blond hair stuck up at the top and the back was just below his ears.  He had piercing blue eyes that crinkled in the corners as he smiled.  His white t-shirt hugged tight to his body and she could see the lines of his six-pack.  Again, her hands twitched, desperately wanting to touch his rock hard body.


“I’m Shawn Reed.” He offered out a hand to her as a crooked smile crossed his face.  Her heart started thumping hard.  A breeze crossed over them and Lacey took a deep breath, inhaling Shawn’s musky scent. 


Glancing at his outstretched hand, she extended her own. “Lacey.” 


An electric charge shot up her arm as their hands connected.  His hand was large, warm and smooth as he gently shook hers.  He didn’t let go right away and she felt butterflies in her stomach.


When Lacey’s eyes shifted back to Shawn’s, heart mouth dropped open slightly.  Shawn was still staring at her, his pupils dilated and his tongue licked over that luscious bottom lip of his.  What she wouldn’t give to taste him right now.  Just a quick kiss to curb her curiosity was all she needed.  The sound of nearby giggling broke through her wanton thoughts as some kids passed by.


“Oh my goodness!  Max, stop that!”  Lacey yanked the leash, pulling Max off Shawn’s golden retriever, who he was humping while she had been staring at Shawn. 


“I am so sorry.”  Lacey grimaced, feeling her cheeks burn from embarrassment turned ten shades of red.  “He’s fixed.”


“Aww, poor guy.  Sounds like he’s more broken than fixed.”  Shawn winked at Lacey.


“Oh, um, neutered I mean.”  Lacey wanted to shrink in to the shadows cast behind her.


“I envy dogs.  They can take what they want, when they want, wherever they want.”  Shawn stepped even closer with every word, his hot breath washing over Lacey.  He was smiling, but his deep blue eyes were intense.


Lacey caught the innuendo and felt her knees go weak as heat pooled between her legs.  Damn.  It had been too long since she’d been with a man and Shawn was heating her up with every word, every look.


“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” Shawn ran his knuckles gently along her cheek, sending shivers down her spine.


Lacey blinked a few times, trying to calm herself and think, but his nearness was undoing her.  The heat radiating off  his body, his musky scent and the way his body was rock hard in all the right places was just too much.  She simply nodded.


Shawn smiled at her. “How about seven o’clock?  I can pick you up.”


Lacey simply nodded again. 
  Her throat had gone bone dry and she swallowed hard.  Her feet felt cemented to the ground, her head swam, and her body swayed with desire.  It had been ages since she’d had the attention of a man.  This wasn’t just any man either, this was an Adonis, standing before her causing her body to quake with need. 


“Where do you live?” Shawn chuckled.


Lacey shook her head, closing her eyes to focus her brain.  Taking a step back from him, she muttered, “510 Merle Rd.”


Shawn’s dog pulled on her leash and barked at another dog across the park.  He turned to walk away from her.  “I’ll see you at seven,” he threw back over his shoulder.


Smiling from ear to ear, Lacey started a slow jog back to her house.  Her mind raced as she mentally went through her wardrobe, trying to find what would be the perfect sexy outfit.  Max stopped her to mark his other favorite tree, as he did every day, and Lacey suddenly realized she hadn’t given Shawn her number and she didn’t know anything about him.   Aside from the fact that he lived in a nice light blue ranch two blocks away, he drove a black BMW, had a pretty golden retriever and there was a new car parked in front of his house once a week…undoubtedly his “girl of the week”…she knew absolutely nothing about the guy.


As soon as she got home, Lacey called her best friend, Alexis.  The only reason she even knew who Shawn Reed was because Alexis always went on and on about the bachelor two blocks over.


“Lex!” Lacey couldn’t hide the anxiety in her voice when her best friend answered.


“Lacey?  What’s wrong?” Lex’s voice was laced with concern.


“Um, sorry.  Didn’t mean to scare you.  I just got in from my run and wanted to ask you about something.”


“Damn girl, you scared me to death.  You sounded like you had just run away from a serial killer or something.”


Lacey had to laugh at that, hoping Lex was way off.  “No.  Or at least I hope not.”




“Should I hang up, call back and try to do this all over again?”  Lacey’s nerves were calming now that she had her best friend on the phone.


“Maybe you’d better.”  Lex giggled.  “No, really.  What’s up?”


“What do you know about Shawn Reed?”


“Not enough.  Oh my, he is just too hot to be for real.  He has a body that would make a Greek god jealous, gorgeous hair, intense eyes and lashes any woman would kill for.  I am getting hot just picturing him.  Phew.”


“Easy girl.”  Lacey couldn’t help but laugh at her nymphomaniac best friend.  She would undoubtedly sleep with him if he asked her.  After Bobby died, Lex was her connection to all things sexual and sinful.  Lacey lived vicariously through her exploits, having none of her own to experience.  “I meant, besides his Godlike appearance.”


“Okay, let me take a sip of water cause I am on fire over here.”  Lacey could hear all the sounds she was making and if she didn’t know better, it was almost as if she was…she shook her head trying to erase the image that popped to mind. 


“He works on Wall Street as one of those stock guys.  He is single, no kids, thirty and looks like a god.”


Shaking her head, Lacey sat back on her couch watching Max nibble on his chew toy as she listened to Lex carry on. 


“He sees a lot of women I think.  Seems like there’s a new one each weekend.  I don’t know if he has any family.  I think he is originally from South Jersey, but don’t hold me to that.”


“Where do you find out all of this stuff?”  Lacey meandered to her large walk-in closet, pushing hangers around trying to decide what to wear to dinner.

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