Caught in the Devil's Sheets (42 page)

BOOK: Caught in the Devil's Sheets
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“Have you been here before?” he asks, trying to make small talk.

“Nope. First time,” I admit.

“We come here a lot when Sassy is in the mood to mingle.” Scott has short graying hair, and soft blue eyes. He is wearing faded jeans that look way too young for him, and a white button up shirt that exposes his chest. It’s clear who chooses his clothes.

“Where did you meet Sassy?” I ask making use of the small talk.

“We met on a website, one specifically for bringing people of the same fetishes together.”

“So, you went out looking for a woman to dominate you?” It seems weird that an older gentleman like Scott would chose to submit to a young woman like Sassy. What can she possibly offer him?

“Yeah. Didn’t you?” he asks, flicking my collar.

Sassy immediately reaches a hand out and slaps Scott across the face, shocking me. “No touching!” she scolds.

I expect him to regain himself with anger, or maybe even cower but he smiles at her.

“Of course, Mistress,” he says lovingly.

I quickly realize I may be out of my element here. If Odin slapped me in front of people like that I would have some serious choice words for him.

“Forgive me,” he says to me this time and I shake my head, assuring him he hasn’t offended me, and trying to hide my astonishment. The slap had caught the attention of the others at the table, but they are quickly back to their conversations as if nothing happened. “So how did you and him meet.” Scott gestures to Odin, who is standing at the bar eying me as he waits for our drinks.

“That’s kind of a long story.”

“Please share.” Scott urges.

“Well, I’ve known him for a few years and I had no idea he was into all of … this,” I say giving my collar a tug with two fingers. “But, lo and behold, here I am,” I say, smiling.

“That’s interesting,” Scott says nodding his head. Odin returns with my drink, and Scott questions me further about how I like being a sub, and what issues I have with it. I notice he doesn’t even try to talk to Odin, and Keila is talking with another girl, who is clearly the sub of the man sitting next to her.

Odin asks me to dance and we go into another room where there is a large dance floor and an array of lights that move along the ground. The DJ is playing a remix of Rihanna’s song
Keila and I are facing each other on the dance floor and Odin is behind me, moving with me as I grind against him. Cole and Keila mimic us. Keila has some beautiful hula dancing skills and I try to keep up with the moves I remember from belly dancing. Shifting my weight from foot to foot, with bent knees so my hips shimmy with hers. I wrap my arms up around Odin’s neck behind me and his hands hold me by my hips moving me to the beat of the music. Others come to join us.

Keila reaches a hand out to me and I take it. We step forward so our chests are pressed together and we grind against each other. I can see Cole behind her watching in great amusement as I put my hands on Keila’s shoulders and sway with her. Her hands are around my waist and sexually she moves her hips into mine and I mirror her. Odin is still pressed up against my back and I wonder if he is enjoying the show that Keila and I are putting on. I feel his hand graze up my thigh and caress my ass. If I’m not mistaking, I feel him getting hard. Fanning the flame, I get more nasty with Keila. Before I know it, her hands are in my hair and I wrap my arms around her. Cole holds my hands behind her back, encouraging the closeness between Keila and me. Our faces are so close, I think we might kiss as our bodies snake up and down and shift together. I can hear onlookers hooting and hollering at us. Clearly, we are drawing some good attention to ourselves.

The dance continues for a few songs before my feet need a good break, and I ask Odin for another drink. We sit back down at the same table only this time it’s empty and people come up to compliment Keila and I on a job well-done. Keila is still glued to Cole’s hip as people come up to shake her hand. I feel almost naked as I’m regarded with compliments by strangers. A tall dark-haired man takes a seat beside me. He is not wearing a collar and it doesn’t seem like he’s here with anyone. He reaches a hand out and holds my tag in his hand.

“No big surprise,” he notes, casting a glance at Odin. I look to the bar and Odin has his back turned as he hands his card off to the bartender. “Beautiful girls like you flock to him like buzzards on a corpse.”

I don’t know what to make of his expression. His eyes are green, his skin is pale and he’s just as tall as Odin, only he’s as thin as a rail. He reminds me of Marilyn Manson in his black skinny jeans and his dark purple overcoat.

Odin turns from the bar and my company quickly stands to leave. “Pleasure to meet you,” he says, reaching out to take my hand.

Politely I go to shake his, and he brings my knuckles up for a kiss. Taking my hand and kissing it. I look at Odin, who has a smoldering look in his eyes. Before he can make his way through the crowd back to our table, my admirer is gone. Odin seems less than pleased when he returns with my drink.

“Making friends?” he asks in an irritated tone.

I take my drink from his hand. “Not trying to. You know that guy?” I ask.

“I’ve seen him in here quite a few times, I don’t know his name.”

I quickly pour down my drink, thirsty after the workout on the dance floor. Odin has my full attention, as he eyes me salaciously.

“What?” I ask, blushing underneath his domineering gaze.

He leans forward kissing me and his tongue slips into my mouth. I put my arms around his neck and his hand moves up my thigh, pushing up my already short dress. I stop his hand with mine, and his lips pull away from me. Surely he doesn’t mean to touch me here, in front of all these people. He eyes me like a predator, carefully debating how to take his prey.

“It’s okay,” he assures me.

Nervously I glance around. He shifts us, so that my legs are up on the seat behind him and his legs cover the view of my waist. We are in no way hiding, although a bit less obvious now that everyone can’t see up my dress. My heart races as his lips return to mine and his hand once again advances up my thigh. He leans over me, blocking out my view of the surroundings. His hand slips up my dress and I shut my eyes tighter, trying hard not to feel embarrassed. After all this is a sex club. But I can’t help feeling exposed. His hand shifts underneath my thong and two fingers press into me. I can’t believe this is happening! I’m still moist from his earlier conquest and a low murmur escapes his mouth and rumbles through mine. He twirls his tongue in my mouth, while his two wet fingers trail upward and circle around me. My breath hitches, and instinctively, I try to close my legs.

“You are mine, and I want you here, just like this,” he says. “Don’t make me punish you in front of all these people.”

I hope that he is kidding, but I don’t much care for his tone. Maybe he’s forgotten who I have been married to for the last two years. This is the exact same form of bullying I’m trying to get away from.

“If you did, I would leave,” I warn, looking him dead in the eye. I’m no one’s public punching bag. Not anymore, I remind myself, trying to gain hold of my nerves that struggle against the power of Odin’s gaze.

“No, you wouldn’t,” he says confidently.

My heart feels the familiar sensation like someone is squeezing it too tightly. Two sides of me battle each other, torn between weather to get up and prove him wrong or stay because truthfully I know he’s right. His blue eyes burn holes through me. His fingers stroke me again through my clenched knees.

“I know you want this too,” he says, and though I’d like to be angry, he’s right.

I hesitate, conflicted between my self-esteem and my wild desire for him. Kelli’s warning about me falling too fast in a dangerous pool comes like an unwanted sting in my memory.

Odin uses his free hand to cup my face, bringing my attention to him and him only. “Delilah,” he whispers to my soul. “Relax, baby.”

Before I’m even aware of it, my knees loosen and his fingers freely move about, bringing me pleasure I’m almost too ashamed to have. His lips gently caress mine, slowly getting more aggressive. His fingers dance in sweet circles around my clit until I hardly remember that we are even in a club. His hand is in my hair, his fingertips trickling along my scalp, sending electric waves through my nerves that build under the skillful touch of his hand between my legs. My body quakes and I try not to make noise and draw attention to us but it’s not easy. My breath hitches, and I feel it building inside me, the overwhelming need for release gripping me and my toes try desperately to curl inside my tight high heels.

“That’s it. Give into me!” he hisses, as his fingers flick rapidly up and down, bringing every nerve in my body screaming to life.

An orgasm shamefully begins to sweep through me. I bite down on is lower lip, trying not to clench down too tightly as the rest of my muscles do. It’s short and bittersweet, but it takes me nonetheless. I fall under Odin’s spell quickening and cumming around his fingers, here, in the lounge of Club Sin, in front of everyone who cares enough to watch. Odin’s body is the only thing blocking the clear view up my dress. His hand retreats, grazing down my thigh and tickling me. He dips his two fingers into his glass that’s still more than half full with some blue drink. Pulling them out, he uses a napkin to wipe them off, then finishes his drink with a few large swallows. I gracefully sit upward, careful to keep my legs closed. I am more than relieved to see that no one has been watching us, or at least it seems that way.

“Care for another drink?” he asks.

I shake my head. I need to gain some equilibrium back before I drink anymore.

“I want to dance,” he says, rather than asking me.

I assume that means you are mine, now get up there and dance for me.

“I need to use the ladies room first.”

Odin points toward the back corner of the lounge, where there is a sign lit up in red that says “LADIES.”

I stand up and make my way to the bathroom, and once I’m alone inside my stall, my mind fanatically races over what just happened. I came, so obviously I enjoyed it. But I don’t feel good about it. Not having that control suddenly brings back old haunting memories of being trapped in Mr. Church’s office, being violated against my will. I try to push the images from my head.

Safe word. I have a safe word. That’s what makes this so different. But what would happen if I used it? I’m afraid he’d leave me. I know he needs control even more then I do. If I have to choose between risking him walking or letting him fuck me in a room full of people, I’d chose the latter. I know it’s totally fucked up! I know I need to have more independence and stop leaning on him so much. But I can’t stop myself. The sex with him is addicting, and there is something about him I just can’t get enough of.

Reason knows exactly what it is. She’s right. I love to feel protected. I know that Odin will protect me from Jaime, from Rick, from Sergio, from everyone. He’d protect me from the world and he protects me from myself. I can’t stand being alone. I would put up with any side of him, no matter how twisted or fucked up, before I chose to be alone. Kelli’s warning becomes clearer and clearer.

I walk out of the bathroom and the Manson lookalike is standing in the doorway. “I didn’t catch your name,” he says holding his hand out to me again.

“Delilah.” I must be out of sorts to have just given him my full name.

“Very fitting. A name almost as beautiful as its owner,” he says, officially creeping me out.

I smile and begin to walk away.

“Excuse me!” he sounds appalled, and he stops me in my tracks.

I swing around to gape at him.

“I wasn’t finished talking to you,” he says, accusing me of being rude.

I stand to face him folding my arms and leaning on one hip, all but stamping my foot.

“That collar looks new.”

I don’t respond to his observation. What the hell is he getting at?

“Is it?”

“That’s really none of your business!” I tell him, not about to play into his attempt at wooing me, or whatever it is he’s trying to do.

He scoffs in surprise.

“Does your Master let you talk to him like that?” he asks, his face twisting so that his green eyes angrily stare down at me.

“I am a free woman, I do as I please. Now if you’ll excuse me!” I say turning on my heel.

“That was quite a show you and him put on. I enjoyed watching.”

I again halt mid step, anger burning through me.

“What did you just say?” I turn and my eyes blare into his. It’s everything I have not to walk back and slap him across the face.

“I saw him touching you. Looks like you enjoyed it. The sight of your body mid-orgasm is quite breathtaking!” He leaves me fuming.

I know there is no way he saw as much through Odin’s body as he’s claiming to have seen. Either way, I have had enough of this whole night. I stalk back to the bar where Odin is getting another drink. Against my better judgment, I slam back another martini. Odin immediately notices my mood.

“Are you okay?”

I debate telling him about my encounter with Mr. Tall & Creepy. But I know it will just lead to a fight. I shake my head. “I’d like to go home,” I say quietly.

Odin takes me out to the limo. He pushes me up against the side, kissing me, and I can tell he’s using his overwhelmingly sexy body to try and lighten my mood. It works. He has me alone in the parking lot and the touch of his hands to the bare skin of my thighs has me melting. He pulls his head back and gazes down at me a moment. I smile shyly.

“I’ll go get Cole and Keila,” he says, opening the door of the limo for me.

I’m quieter than usual on the way home. I don’t know what exactly still has me in a melancholy mood: the fact that being touched in public brings back memories of being violated, the idea that I’m hopelessly in love with Odin, though my best efforts to avoid being so, or the words of that asshole at the bar. Cole and Keila are too drunk to notice, but Odin asks me more than once if I’m okay, to which I nod my head politely. He has his arms around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. We are dropped off first, and I try to gracefully climb out Odin’s door in my short dress, heels in hand.

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