Caught in the Devil's Sheets (39 page)

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“I could listen to you for hours,” he says, much softer than our previous conversation.

“Ditto” I smile at him, trying not to blush.

“I haven’t played that song in a long time.”

“I love Guns N’ Roses. They were like my favorite band in the eigth grade.”

“They have been one of my favorites for a long time.” Odin sets his guitar back on the stand. “I don’t want to fight with you, Lila,” he says looking up at me through his lashes. “I wish you would just do as I ask.”

I flick the microphone amp back off, so my voice won’t carry. “I don’t want to fight with you either. I just wish you wouldn’t be so irrational.” I say rolling my eyes and trying to keep it light this time.

“I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m being irrational. Overprotective maybe, but can you blame me?” he asks.

“Yes,” I say, more teasingly. “Will you play another song?” I ask. “What do you know how to sing?” he asks, picking his guitar back up.

“Lots of stuff. Wanna duet?” I expect him to say no. Jaime always did.

by Seether?” he suggests.

“I love that song!”

“Every girl loves that song,” he says rolling his eyes.

He has a point, girls love sappy shit! Odin grabs another microphone, and sets up a stand in front of him. I flick my amp back on and he begins playing the beginning. The sound quality in this room is amazing, and Odin’s voice carries. “I wanted you to know, that I love the way you laugh. I want to hold you high and steal your pain. Away.” his voice is raspy and beautiful. And he thinks I can sing? He sounds just like Seether or Nickelback, if Nickelback was a little less gay.

I stare at him, almost gaping, and he gazes impassively back at me. I’m almost afraid to chime in on the chorus, I don’t want to ruin it. My verse comes and I close my eyes, trying to find my voice.

“’Cause I’m broken, when I’m lonesome, and I don’t feel right, when you’re gone away.”

For someone who doesn’t like this song, he hits every note perfectly. He steals my pain away.

I do my best to uphold the beauty in Amy Lee’s voice as she sings about there being no one left to fight. Then we hit the chorus again, stronger and more in harmony then the first time. Odin’s guitar hums the perfect melody. I close my eyes and listen to him play the solo without missing a beat. Then he looks into my eyes and nods as we sing the chorus one last time. Our voices carry beautifully together in the open room.

Later that day, Odin and I have sex in the pool as the sun goes down. Then again on the couch while cuddling after diner in front of his flat screen. By the time we finally make it up to his bed, we are spent, or at least I am. Odin removes the bandages from my back, and wipes my cuts down with more antibiotic ointment before laying a sheet of saran wrap on my back to sleep with. He wraps his strong arms around me and we both fall into blissful sleep.

Chapter 29
Girls’ Night

On Friday, I hold onto Odin, kissing him in the doorway as he tries to leave for Washington. Neither of us wants him to go. Not only do I not want to sit at home alone all weekend, I don’t want to worry about him out on the road. Reluctantly he lays one last kiss on my lips and leaves me.

Kelli calls to invite me over to a girls’ night Saturday night. I’m relieved to have something to do to kill the time while Odin is gone. I spend the rest of Friday finishing up packing Jaime’s things and readying myself for a yard sale.


Kelli has invited Cody’s sister Erin as well as Kelia, who I’m surprised to see. I’m also surprised to see Jenna, our old friend from high school who I didn’t even realize was in town. We all pitch in for Chinese takeout and immediately start downing bottles of Mike’s Hard Lemonade like it’s going out of style. After dinner and a few rounds of silly girl drinking games, we break out the Captain Morgan and things get really blurry. Kelli notices that I keep checking my phone and she makes fun of me.

“It’s girls’ night! Put the phone down!” she scolds.

I just don’t want to miss anything from Odin, he has a tendency to get really angry when he can’t get a hold of me. I decide to shoot him a quick text. {Having a girls night with Kelli, just in case I don’t answer your calls. You know how girls can be ;)}-Lila.

{Why don’t you tell me how girls can be?}- Odin.

Is he in Washington already? {Loud, bratty, jealous… I just wanted to let you know I was tucked in safe for the night, so you don’t have to worry or anything.}-Lila.

By this point, Kelli is threatening to take my phone and flush it.

{Be safe, have fun. No driving!}- Odin.

{Be safe yourself.}-Lila.

“Okay! I’m putting my phone away get off my back!” I tell Kelli.

“Aw, aren’t you guys just so cute!” says Keila, gushing at me through drunken eyes.

I have never hung out with Keila before the BBQ. I’m really starting to like her.

“So cute it’s disgusting!” says Kelli.

“Wait, you’re already dating someone?” Jenna asks with a concerned face.

“Cute girls never stay single!” Erin says, putting her arm around me.

I smile and shrug.
True that.

“Who are you dating?” Jenna prods for the details and Erin, Kelia and Kelli all look to me to go ahead and start talking about Odin.

I tell her about Odin and I hooking up when Jaime and I were fighting, and how things have kind of gone from there, leaving a lot out.

“It’s so cute!” says Keila, taking the stage. “He’s like my brother-in-law, and if you knew him, you’d agree that they are like so perfect together!” she squeals.

“Wow, Chuck, that seems really fast.” Jenna always calls me as Chuck. It was a joke we all used to play in high school. We would just work the word chuck into any name or sentence.

“Yeah, it is. We got to know each other quite a bit as friends and so when I became single, we obviously wanted to give it a try.”

“You mean before you became single!” Kelli blurts.

She’s drunk, I can hardly be mad, but it’d be nice if she’d keep it to herself. Keila changes the subject to how hot Polynesian guys are, and everyone starts talking about their preferred race of man. Kelli likes Asians, mainly because they make cute, scrawny, punker boys.

“Oh my God, Chuck, do you remember when you wanted to make a shirt in printing class that read,
I like rough sex with HIV positive black men
?” I remind her.

She laughs and explains to Erin and Keila that we went to school when having lame quotes on your shirt were considered funny and fashionable. Phrases like “I’m awake, what more do you want from me?” or “The voices in my head say you’re stupid” were pasted on shirts. Jenna thought having her quote on a shirt would get some actually funny reactions out of people.

A game of Never Have I Ever breaks out, starting with never have I ever fucked a Polynesian boy, which as it turns out Erin has! Before I know it I am completely spun and it’s past two in the morning. I give up on the alcohol and start on water. Cole comes and picks up Keila. He’s nice enough to offer me a ride home, but since Cody won’t be home tonight and Jenna and Erin are staying, I decide to stay, too.

Erin and Jenna take their spots on the couch. Kelli and I have shared many beds, tents, and rooms. She and I sleeping in the same bed is pretty much implied when I spend the night. I sneak into her room to put my pajamas on while she gets blankets for Jenna and Erin. I’m standing with my back to the door, pulling my night shirt on when she bolts through the door without warning.

“What the fuck, Lila?” she exclaims catching a glimpse of my back. All the bandages are off and it’s finally scabbed over.

I shush her, looking out the door, which she shuts in a hurry.

“What the hell is that on your back!?” she demands to know in a heated whisper.

“It’s nothing.” I say shrugging it off like it’s totally cool.

“Let me see!” she says walking around me.

I roll my eyes. It’s really no use hiding it. If I do, she’ll make it into an even bigger deal. It’s like Kelli to overly freak out about things. I’m so glad I’m drunk right now as I lift up the back of my shirt and let Kelli have a good hard look at the still healing whip marks on my back.

“Don’t even try to fucking tell me that you liked that!” she says, and the freak out begins.

“It’s really not that big of a deal,” I say, pulling the covers down on her bed.

“What the hell did he use? A fucking slave whip?”

“Bullwhip.” I correct sarcastically.

“That’s not fucking cool, Lila!” she says as if she’s caught me doing heroin or something.

“Yeah, I wasn’t that into it either. I told him that and we’re not going to do it again,” I say, wanting her to just calm down before she gets half a mind to call him up and scream at him, which is totally something Kelli will do.

“I don’t think you’re taking this shit seriously! After being in an abusive relationship, you should be a lot more careful before rushing into anything like this.”

“Thanks for the advice, Kelli.” I am way too tired to play into her argument right now.

“I’m just saying you hated Jaime for hitting you, which I totally don’t blame you for. No man should put his hands on a woman. But you’re going to let your new boyfriend take a fucking bullwhip to your back? How is that not worse?” Kelli sits on the edge of the bed, refusing to let this go.

I’m already tucked into the covers, my head on the pillow trying not to let the room spin around me. “It’s totally different.” I defend myself.

“Explain to me how it’s different!” Kelli is in full drunken argument mode.

And she may very well have a point, but I can’t possibly tell her the reasons for what I let Odin do. Even if I could, she wouldn’t understand.

“I don’t know how to explain it. Odin makes me feel…” I search my blurry head for the right word. “Like no one has ever made me feel. I feel wanted, needed, protected. Odin has my back. I don’t have to be constantly looking over my shoulder or worried that Jaime and all his bullshit is going to get the better of me. Odin takes care of me and I hate it, but I love it at the same time.” It’s not a good standing argument, but it really doesn’t matter. It’s my life I will live it how I choose. I wouldn’t choose to leave Odin for all the tea in China.

“If by having your back you mean he’s keeping flesh from your back in a jar under his pillow, then I totally fucking believe you! I think he’s a freak!” And with that, she finally gets into her side of the bed.

“Like I said, we’re not doing that again.”

“It’s only going to get worse. Lila, you’re an idiot if you can’t see where this is going,” she says and she turns over onto her side facing away from me. Conversation over.

I might be way more bothered by her words or even take her warning to heart if I wasn’t totally drunk and exhausted.


Odin gets home Monday and texts me to let me know he’s made it safely. Tuesday and Thursday he spends the night at my house. During the week, I get a call from Jaime. He says he will sign the papers if and only if I will come and talk to him in person, alone. This means being on opposite sides of the glass. I know Odin’s first response will be “no,” but I tell Jaime I will think about it.

The following weekend Odin and I go to the Metal Militia Rally in LA. Lisa is more than happy to see me, since a few of her girls bailed on her. Erica is there, and she’s not happy to see me in the slightest. And even less so when she realizes that I am with Odin. I guess Lisa didn’t tell her. Cole is overseeing the octagon, where men will be cage fighting in a tournament. Kelia asks me to work with her selling t-shirts and fight-wear with our logos on it, at her table, located cage side. I happily accept, since it means not working side by side with Erica all day. We haul a few totes away to Keila’s table and start folding shirts to lay out.

Odin and Cole bring us each a beer in a plastic Bud Light cup, then they are busy announcing fighters and prepping the ring. Keila and I have time to chat between the two of us before things get busy.

“How are you and Odin getting along?” she asks, flicking her auburn hair over her shoulder.

“Great, but it’s only the beginning.” I say smiling.

“The sex is fun, isn’t it?” she says, hinting that she knows the kinky details of Odin’s sex life.

I look nervously at Odin who has his back turned to me. “Yeah, it’s lots of fun,” I say, not wanting to give up any secrets.

“Personally, I love being a sub,” she says with a sweet giggle.

Holy Shit
! Her and Cole are into that? Keila seems so sweet, and quite frankly too fragile to be a sub. But then she does have the innocent school girl appeal.

I’m at a loss for words, as she continues “At first, all I could think about was, I don’t want to get hurt. But as I got to know Cole, everything just kind of fell into place. Now, I almost feel sad for girls whose men can’t take care of them. In every way,” she adds, giving me a scandalous look.

“Wow, I had no idea you guys, uh…” Shit! What’s the word I’m looking for?

“Oh, yeah! Cole and Odin and I, we’ve been to a couple conventions together. And we love going to hang out at Club Sin. I have been bugging Odin for a double date there since you started dating, but I take it he hasn’t mentioned it.”

Club Sin? “Is that a sex club?” I ask, remembering Odin talking about it.

“Yeah, specifically geared toward the BDSM community. There’s also Cat Play, which is more for all sexual orientations. We have been there, too. That’s where Odin met Samantha. But I like Club Sin!”

I am still almost shocked that quiet, cute little Keila is into being a sub and enjoys hanging out at a sex club. I question her more about Club Sin. Keila tells me that a lot of Doms will bring their subs there, with collars and leashes, and everyone inside plays a role. They have rooms where couples can get freaky together, as well as a sub lounge where, if your Dom permits you, you can go and talk to other subs.

“You should totally tell Odin you want to go. I think he’s afraid to ask you.” Keila prods at me.

“Sounds like it could be fun,” I shrug. “How did you and Cole meet?” Now I have to know!

“He and my brother used to be best friends in high school. I always had a crush on Cole, and when I finally got my chance to shine… well, I really shone! He told me that him and his brother Odin were into BDSM and invited me to the club. I was so in love with him, I would have done anything. And I still will,” she says with a huge smile on her face.

Is this what Odin and I will be like in five years? Married and going on double dates at sex clubs? Still actively playing out the Dom/sub roles? I guess I had some preconceived notion that these roles didn’t apply to married couples. I have no idea why. I guess I just didn’t think that if you genuinely loved someone you would still want all that. Not that most of it isn’t insanely hot! The very idea of ever being married again haunts me.

“Who’s your brother?”

“His name was Kai. He died in a drunk driving accident a couple years ago.” Her face is somber. It says that although she cares deeply about her brother, the wound left by his loss is well healed.

“Sorry.” I offer my condolences, and she shakes her head, telling me not to worry about it.

Things start to get real busy and the Rally takes off. Working cage side is so much fun! We get to see all the action and eventually Shannon joins us. Her help is greatly needed as our small table set up is slammed with people wanting our gear.


Odin and I ride home on his chopper. Since we obviously can’t carry on conversation, I’m left to think about everything Keila said. I also need to figure out how I’m going to bring up the phone call I got from Jaime. And, I can’t help but wonder how Odin will react when I bring up the sex club. All these thoughts fog up my head while the sound of the wind races through my helmet.

It’s well after dark when we get to Odin’s house Saturday night. The second we’re home he takes me in the shower, then we have a go of it while I’m fully suspended from the beams above his bed. The ropes burn in all the spots they’re holding my weight, but it would be a lie to say I don’t enjoy it. Odin uses different toys to play with me and I’m almost lost to an orgasm when I notice he’s pushing his cock into my backside. I squirm, but I’m so wrapped up in the sensation of the vibrator that I don’t dare say no.

“Your ass is mine,” he says, caressing my hip in his hand.

He’s right, my ass is his, as is my entire body, my heart and my soul. Odin completes me and every day I’m with him, I lean on him more. He’s becoming my other half, as much as I try to keep the distance. I know I shouldn’t love him yet and I do well to hide it. But there is no denying he has my heart wrapped in his hand. It’s just as Keila said, I would do anything for him. He does things to me, things that I crave so violently. He makes me feel so incredible it’s sinful.

Odin gently pushes into me and the foreign sensation grips my entire body. There is a gentle rhythmic humming on my clit and I find myself in an erotic tantra, moaning incoherently as wave after wave of pleasure wash through me. Odin’s hands are on my hips, gripping my body against him. My body swings back and forth from the ropes, rocking into him. I feel him start to spurt inside me, and in a pained voice, he groans loudly. My body is lost to him, and I cum so deeply that my mind loses all sense as well. There is only ecstasy and happiness as Odin’s body clenches behind me, pulling my hips into him as the humming between the lips of my sex carries on. I can hear him call my name, and with my mind far in the distance, I call back to him. “Odin.”

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