Catching Eagle's Eye (7 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Catching Eagle's Eye
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He found the bathroom and made short work of disposing of the condom before he wetted a hand towel and returned to Will. The other man still held his position, although his head was now lying on the counter. His blissful tiredness was a satisfying sight. Dane crouched beside Will to clean up his cock then took a few swipes at the floor. He should have done a more thorough cleaning, but he needed to take care of his shaky sub.

“Up you go,” he said as he helped Will to a standing position. The poor boy swayed a bit, but that was fine. It told Dane he had shown him a good time. He wasn’t about to leave him to his devices. As basic as their play had been, aftercare mattered. Guiding Will to the sofa, he gently got him to sit. A few seconds later, he had a bottle of water he’d found in the frig open and pressed against Will’s lips.

“Drink,” he ordered and continued to hold the bottle until Will was able do so on his own.

He watched Will’s throat work the liquid down, admiring the sweaty glow of the man’s body. Will’s eyes still looked a little glazed. He had done that, brought the man not just to orgasm but to some level of subspace, too. Jesus, he’d love to spend long hours with this man, working him with his favorite toys. Too bad all of those things were over a hundred miles away. Even if they weren’t, it was late and while Dane could sleep in, Will had to report for duty in the morning. Shit, he had to take off as soon as Will seemed clear-headed enough to fend for himself.

Before temptation overruled his good sense, Dane left Will’s side to get dressed and do a better job of cleaning up the evidence of Will’s orgasm. By the time he returned to the couch, Will had finished the water and was sitting up. He appeared more alert. When Dane stopped in front of him, Will looked up and smiled.

“How’re you doing?” Dane asked.

“Great.” The smile deepened. “That was awesome, in case you couldn’t tell how much I enjoyed myself.”

Dane chuckled. “It was clear enough given the noises you made.”

“Was I too loud?” Will asked with a worried frown.

“Nah. We both got pretty vocal toward the end, but those kind of noises, the neighbors can understand. Do you need me to stay any longer?”

“No, sir,” Will answered, lowering his gaze. He put the empty water bottle onto the side table.

Dane watched the simple movement unabashed. He loved the look of this man. “So, how long have you been in the lifestyle?”

Will’s head jerked up. “I’m not sure I am.” He shrugged. “I mean other than being spanked a few times, I haven’t done anything much in the way of BDSM.”

“Seriously? I know you basically said that earlier, but man, you have tremendous control.”

Will grinned. “Thanks. I can tell you’re experienced as a Dom. It means a lot that you think I’m a good sub.”

Dane gave into the desire to touch Will some more. He leaned down and gave him a long, lingering kiss. “You’re a fantastic sub. I’d love to play with you all night.” He sighed and turned away. “But you have to report to duty early, I’m assuming, and it’s late. I should get going.”

Will stood up and trotted after him as he headed toward the door. “I’ll walk you to your car,” he said, reaching down to gather his clothes.

“I’m a big boy. You don’t need to.”

“I want to. Please,” Will added with a boyish look that was impossible to deny.

Dane sighed. “Okay.” He let himself enjoy the scene of Will throwing on his shirt and shorts, appreciating how the guy was going commando.

Dane slapped Will’s tempting ass when he passed him to leave the apartment. The responding yelp was satisfying. The street was quiet as they descended the stoop. Neither of them said anything until they stood beside Dane’s car. He unlocked it and opened up the door on the driver’s side. They stood a bit awkwardly looking at each other for a few seconds. Dane really wanted to kiss Will good-bye, but keeping his distance from men while in public was too well ingrained. Even though he saw no one around, he just couldn’t do it.

Sliding in, he sat back and cleared his throat. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, or later today actually given the hour.”

Will dropped his gaze and rocked back on his heels. “Um, I guess so. How’s your leg, by the way,” he asked with a quick frown.

“It’s fine, Ensign,” Dane replied with a shrug. It was a lie. The thing hurt like a son-of-a- bitch. He wasn’t about to admit it. He wanted desperately to hook up with Will again and letting him know how strenuous sex had been on his leg was hardly going to encourage what was already a tough situation.

Will gave him a skeptical look but said nothing. Shaking his head, he stepped back from the car. “I’ll see you later, Lieutenant. Do us both a favor and go soak that leg.”

Dane tore his gaze away and, shutting the door, started the engine. He put down his window and winked. “Will do.” As he drove away, he forced himself to stare straight ahead and not into the rearview mirror.

Chapter Five

Dane entered the PT room and saw the familiar routine of people working out while therapists offered them help and encouragement. It was all business as usual except there was nothing usual about this morning.

Visions of what had transpired mere hours ago in Will’s apartment gave him a whole new perspective about things. He’d lain awake for hours replaying his encounter with Will Chadwick and those visions were what kept him from sleep, not the throbbing of his leg. He was used to pain, could deal with it. It was his emotions that had him tied up in knots, and not the good kind.

Usually, he was a one-fuck kind of guy—pick them up, work them over, send them home satisfied, and move on. Will was different, though, and not just because he had to face him again in this room. He wanted to see the man again, and that was a whole truck-load of different.

His gaze homed in on the young ensign in seconds. All he could do was stop and stare as Will massaged the shoulder of another patient. Will hadn’t seen him yet, so he allowed himself the pleasure of staring. He wasn’t obvious about it. Years of hiding his sexuality had honed his skills of watching on the sly. He couldn’t see much of Will’s face, but it was the man’s ass that held his fascination mostly anyway. Unlike the other people in this room, Dane knew exactly what lay beneath those regulation shorts. He wondered if those perfect globes still held the red imprint of his palm. Just the thought caused his cock to rise and shine.

And, yeah, he needed to shut that train of thought down right now or he was going to be in an embarrassing condition. It was important, too, to show Will respect where he worked. Impure thoughts and obvious boners definitely constituted “conduct unbecoming an officer” and was exactly the kind of conflict of interest that Will had been worried about as Dane had ruthlessly seduced him. He needed to show the man that Dane could be a good boy as well as a good Dom. It started with sitting the hell down by the wall and waiting patiently for his session to start.

As soon as he did, though, Will finished with his current patient and looked up. His gaze shot immediately to Dane, and the heat of it, just for a second, was enough to boil Dane alive. Then Will got himself under control in a flash and turned away. Damn, but the ensign had more discipline than Dane had. Of course, he knew that already. The amount of control Will had shown the previous night had been impressive. What would it be like to push those limits during hours of play?

“Let’s find out right now,” his cock said gleefully.

“Shut the fuck up! You’re a God damned navy SEAL. You can lie for hours motionless in the mud being eaten alive by mosquitoes, for Christ’s sake. So you can resist the lure of this guy for a couple of hours.”

“Good morning, sir.”

Dane looked up at Will, grateful for the interruption of his internal tongue lashing. “Ensign,” he said in way of greeting. Standing caused his leg to twinge, and he failed to hide the grimace.

Will frowned. “Leg giving you trouble today, sir?”

“No more than usual,” Dane lied because he was stubborn and prideful, and he didn’t want Will to turn down an invitation to repeat last night’s fun, thinking to mollycoddle Dane. The very idea made him shudder in disgust, and that wasn’t his cock talking, but his gut. He did not need protecting.

Will raised his eyebrows, giving Dane the fish eye. He wasn’t buying Dane’s act and knowing Will could see through his bullshit was just another point in the guy’s favor. “Okay, then, we’re going to start a new routine of exercises.”

Dane followed the man to a machine they had been using—not staring at the man’s ass—and watched Will demonstrate the new way to use it. Once Dane got down to work, thoughts of sex took a back seat to the very real pain of rehabilitation. Within seconds, he sweated through his shirt and took a second to admit he’d make a lousy masochist. Pain did not turn him on. By the time he was finished running through his new routine, he was panting like a dog and desperate for a shower. Happily the strenuousness of it all had left no blood or energy to fuel his cock. He and Will had managed to keep their interactions on a strictly professional level. There were no teasing smiles or double-entendres. If anything, Will was even more reserved and deferential to Dane’s rank.

“Good job, Lieutenant.” Will gave him an encouraging smile, and oh, man that small praise pumped Dane up.

Too much, actually.

Standing, Dane said, “Thanks, Ensign. I think I’ll skip the massage and go home to soak in the tub.”

Will’s smile crashed. “No, sir,” he said in a stern voice. “We will not deviate from the routine. Massage is an important part of your therapy, and we will do it. Please, Dane,” he added, his tone too low for anyone other than Dane to hear. “We can’t let last night change what we do here.”

Dane saw the concern in Will’s eyes, the almost pleading look to stick to the rules. He sighed heavily inside. The last thing he wanted was to cause Will to regret what they’d done, what Dane hoped they’d continue to do. Conflict of interest and unethical behavior had been identified by Will as his hot buttons and as well they should be. As a SEAL, Dane was all about integrity and honor. He damn well wasn’t going to be a prick and push Will into acting in a way Dane wouldn’t dream of. He had pushed the line already. He wouldn’t cross it.

“Roger that,” he replied and indicated with his head that Will should lead the way.

The massage was sweet torture, as usual, but it gave Dane the opportunity to show Will that he, too, had discipline. He willed his cock to stand down and concentrated instead on the very real pain in his leg. It was still a bitch how much his leg needed to heal. When it was over, he sat up and wiped his sweaty brow with the towel Will handed him.

“You did great today, sir. Here’s a new set of exercises for you to do on your own before our next session.”

Dane took the proffered sheet of paper and glanced at it. More boring stuff to do with his leg, but he needed to look at it as prepping for a mission. The better prepared he was, the more likely he and his men would survive. Besides, that was life in the military, ninety-five percent boredom and five percent adrenaline-pumping action.

Hopping off the table, he said, “Thanks.” He paused before asking what he knew he shouldn’t but couldn’t resist. “When can I see you again?” His voice was as soft as it could be and still be audible.

Will gave him a quick smile that was obviously forced and for the benefit of others. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to continue. Today was tough for me, really tough.”

The admission shouldn’t have made Dane feel good, yet it did. He realized he hadn’t been sure of whether the attraction was as mutual as he hoped it was. He made his face mimic Will’s.

“I could say something almost witty like ‘don’t torture yourself, that’s my job’ but I don’t want you to think I’m not hearing you because I am. I get how difficult this is for you and it is for me, too. Obviously, given that, I wanted to skip the massage. Last night was just so good, we were good together, that I can’t see it being a one time thing.”

“I know how you feel, believe me, I feel the same way. It’s just that your therapy is more important. Doing this right, taking good care of my patient, is paramount for me. I can’t fuck this up. It’s not fair to you or to the country frankly. Not to get maudlin or anything,” he added with a wry grin.

Dane made a show of folding his instructions into a small enough square to fit in his pocket. “I get it. I really do.” He blew out a breath. “Okay, this therapy thing isn’t going to last forever, right? I’ll be done in a few weeks, won’t I?”

Will nodded. “If things keep going well, yes. You’ll make a full recovery, and it’s going to take weeks, not months.”

“Good. Then we put a hold on hooking up until I’m finished. How does that plan sound?”

Will pursed his lips in a way that called to mind how he had wrapped them around Dane’s cock. “I don’t know. I’d worry that I might rush things with your therapy in order to be able play with you again.”

That comment brought a real smile to Dane’s face. “That’s what a Dom likes to hear.”

Will’s cheeks pinked up at the response, and he bit his lower lip with adorable concern.

“I’m not worried about that, Will. I trust you to have the discipline to finish my therapy when it’s medically appropriate and not a day sooner. You can do this. I know you can. I trust you.”

Will looked away. “Yeah, okay. It’s a plan.”

Dane’s grin widened. “Great. In that case, I have my own instructions.”

Will gave him a skeptical look. “You do?”

“Yup. You’re mine.” He dropped his voice to the lowest possible level and put as much possessiveness in it as he could. “While my therapy continues, no one, not even you, gets to play with your cock or your ass or your mouth. Understood?”

Will’s chest rose and fell on a deep breath. His pupils dilated on the spot in obvious arousal. “Not even me?”

“You heard me, boy. You don’t touch yourself except at night. When you’re lying in your bed ready for sleep, you will play with yourself for ten minutes, no more, no less. You will think of me as you do so. You will imagine all the ways you might please me. But you will not come.”

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