Catching Eagle's Eye (3 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Catching Eagle's Eye
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Kicking his trainers off, he lay lengthwise on the bed, propping his head against his arm in order to keep drinking. In this position, it was easy to see the hard ridge of his cock pressing against the worn cotton of his shorts. This is what Chadwick had seen during the massage, and Dane couldn’t help feeling smug about the sizable package he displayed.

The few times he visited leather bars, he had worn tight pants to show off what he had to offer a willing sub. At eight inches, he had the right bulk to fill a sub’s ass to almost painful fullness and drill it down hard. It was easy, too easy, to imagine Chadwick bent over a spanking bench, his bare ass glowing pink from Dane’s hand, begging for more. His cock pulsed against its confines at the image. He allowed a moan to escape his lips before he took another swig of cola.

He tormented himself a few seconds more with the fantasy of smacking a willing Chadwick before he gave into the need to jerk off. Bottle in one hand, he unbuttoned his shorts and yanked down the zipper, taking his briefs with it. His needy rod sprang out, and he clasped it with a hard squeeze. With languid strokes, he caressed his dick, not caring that he had no lube. The harsh friction served him well enough. There was no willing sub at hand to hurt, so he might as well do it to himself.

He closed his eyes and pictured Chadwick spread before him, waiting to be filled. He ran his fingers over the hot flesh that still bore the marks of his dominion. The pink globes jerked and shimmied at the caress. Low moans washed over him. In his head, they came from his sub, though his own mouth made them.

“Please, sir,” came the breathless plea.

“Please what?” he teased, knowing the answer already.

“Please fuck me.” The ass wiggled in his hands, trying to entice.

Dane’s breathing sped up. “I don’t know. Have you been a good enough boy for me?”

“Yes, sir. I belong to you. I’ll do anything to please you. My body is yours to command how you see fit.”

“Aah.” Dane arched up into his own fist and stroked with greater urgency. He parted the imaginary ass cheeks to reveal the puckered hole waiting for him. Dusky and moist, prepped and ready. He rubbed the tip of his cock against the flesh before sinking it deep within the tight heat. He sighed with relief, his need partially sated simply by being encased by such a welcoming place.

For a few seconds, he savored the feeling before he gave into the need to thrust and pummel. His hips jerked with increasing speed as he pounded his body against Chadwick’s. His perfect sub cried out in ecstasy each time Dane’s cock filled him, meeting every thrust with a counter-one. Their bodies bounced against each other with a frenzy of movement.

Dane gripped his cock painfully and rubbed the flesh raw as he climaxed through the fantasy. The bottle slipped out of his other hand when the force of his orgasm made him jack-knife into his fist. He grabbed his balls and squeezed. A loud roar sprang up in his mind, stifled because of the thin walls around him. But there was no one to see how his whole body jerked and shook. One final gasp pressed past his lips before he managed to lie face up once more.

In Dane’s mind, Chadwick, still bent over, his body slick and shivering, looked over his shoulder and gave Dane a knowing smile. Shit. Dane shook his head to clear the image, but when he closed his eyes, it remained firmly fixed in front of him.

God damn! How was Dane supposed to get through PT with the guy now?

Chapter Two

“Don’t look now, my man, but someone is checking you out in a major way.”

Of course, Will had to look. In the whole history of humanity, who had ever been able to resist looking? He turned his head to glance over his shoulder and saw a smoldering twink gazing back at him. The kid was certainly a sight with his spiky dark hair and dusky lithe body. Pouty lips pursed in Will’s direction. He gave the kid a small smile in return and shook his head.

“Too young,” he said to his friend, Carlos, his neighbor and regular wingman when he felt like clubbing. Being non-military, Carlos was an easy guy to hang with. Not that Will believed he had to hide his nature around the people he worked with, but with Carlos, he didn’t have to be self-conscious about his mannerisms or speech. Sometimes he got the feeling his comrades were just waiting for him to act “gay” in the stereotypical way people expected.

“Nah, I’m sure he’s legal.”

Will took a gulp of his beer. “Not what I meant. I like guys with a little more meat on their bones and hair on their chests. You know, someone who’s finished growing,” he added with a wide grin.

What he didn’t say, although he thought it, was he liked older, dominating guys who would take charge of him. Just the thought of another man ordering him around sent a pleasant tingle down his spine and into his balls. His submissive nature probably had led him to join the navy, even more than his family history of serving. Too bad the clubs Carlos liked to go to tended to attract adorable and androgynous guys, eager to please, but not his type at all.

Carlos leaned in closer as he was jostled by someone on his other side. The bar they stood against was getting more crowded. “You’re too picky, my man. I bet that twink could swallow you whole.”

“So go find out.”

“Nah, he’s not looking at me. Besides,” he sighed. “He’s already talking to someone else now.”

They stood in relative silence for a few minutes in that they didn’t speak. The music blared around them, sending a driving beat through Will’s blood. It was good to get out even if he rarely managed to hook up with anyone. Of course, his odds of finding the right guy had diminished considerably since taking on his new patient. Damn Lieutenant Sawyer anyway.

Visions of the guy had plagued him since the therapy session the day before. He hated to admit it, even to himself, but he looked forward to the next one coming in about fourteen hours. Christ, he was actually counting the time down. Pathetic. Even if Sawyer was gay, he was still a patient and, Will would bet anything, closeted.

Carlos smacked his arm, jolting him out of his reverie. “How about that one?”

With a suppressed sigh, Will turned to look, sure he wouldn’t want this new pick, either. He was surprised, however, to see a tall, broad man lounging against the far wall. A bit older than Will and definitely full grown, the sight stirred his interest. Okay, so not the guy he’d been thinking about just then, but he wasn’t going to get Sawyer anyway. Why not go after someone actually attainable. With a nod to his friend, Will pushed off from the bar.

He wended his way through the crowd, keeping his quarry in sight. Although the guy was talking to a couple of others, he didn’t seem to be taken. When Will was only a few feet from him, the other man looked his way. Their gazes met and locked.

A slow smile spread across the man’s face as Will closed the distance between them. When he was less than a foot away, the guy pushed away from the wall. He grabbed Will by one arm while snatching the beer from Will’s suddenly sweaty grip. Will gave it up without a fight and vaguely realized it had been handed off to one of the other men standing nearby.

The man pulled Will close and licked his tongue up the side of Will’s ear. “I know what you need, baby,” he said in accented English.

Without another word, he dragged Will back across the room and down into the back hall. Here, it was even darker than in the club, and there was space for men to twine around each other’s bodies. Will found himself pushed up against the wall and before he could even blink, his newfound friend was down on his knees undoing Will’s jeans. Okay, not how he had pictured this going. Who was he to complain, he thought as his semi-hard cock was engulfed in warm, wet heat.

Leaning back, he closed his eyes and pictured a different scene as his cock was serviced by the random. In his mind, it was he who knelt before another man. Not just any man, though. Sawyer. Years of reticence intervened to fight the fantasy. He shouldn’t be thinking of this particular man. He should pick a safer fantasy man, like Viggo Mortenson. He tried to morph the face into the actor’s, but the image bounced back to the SEAL. So he gave up and let it flow.

While his cock stiffened under the massage of lips and tongue, he saw himself on his knees, hands cuffed behind his back. He had only his mouth and teeth available to unsnap the jeans riding low on the narrow hips of his dominating lover and to lower the zipper. Stern eyes watched his every move, a promise of punishment if he failed his task. Pain slut that he was, he considered fumbling deliberately just to feel the man’s strong hands landing blows against his ass. The imaginary sensation of flesh striking flesh made him shiver and moan. The mouth working his cock picked up speed while a hand cupped his balls and rolled them between thumb and fingers.

Clasping his hands behind his back, Will moaned again. “Harder, please,” he begged.

The grip tightened on his nuts, making him smile and gasp. In his mind, his lips wrapped around the flared head of Sawyer’s cock. He sucked the hard length down his throat and swallowed. His reward was a quick thrust that sent the cock farther in, choking him. He didn’t pull back, though, determined to take as much as the man would give him. He worked the pole with his tongue and throat, milking his lover, coaxing him to come. When Sawyer’s hand gripped Will’s head, his fingers digging into Will’s scalp, Will smiled. The pain added to the pleasure in ways he could never understand.

His balls tightened against his body as his climax built. He grunted and thrust into the man before him, still picturing Sawyer doing the same to him. His tongue felt large, swollen by dick. He swallowed convulsively when the orgasm ripped through him, it was as if he took his own cum down. All the while, Sawyer gazed down on him, stern but approving. When he was spent, Will sighed, utterly content.

Fingers tugged up his pants and tucked him back into presentable shape. Reluctantly, Will opened his eyes and saw his hook-up smiling back at him. “You like it a little rough, huh?”

Pushing away from the wall, Will shrugged. “Yeah, a little.” Liar, he loved it a lot, but this wasn’t the time for deep conversation. He gestured at the bulge in the other man’s jeans. “Let me take care of that for you.”

The man shook his head. “No, gracias. This,” he said cupping himself. “It’s for my boyfriend only. He likes it when I suck other men off, especially Americans.” He turned in the direction of the main room, and sure enough, one of the guys he’d been talking to leaned against the wall watching them. He held Will’s beer, too.

“Got it.” Will walked over to take his drink. Using his bottle to salute the two men, he went searching for Carlos. With his balls drained, he was more relaxed. He couldn’t help but worry, however, about the next day. How the hell was he going to face Sawyer after the fantasy blowjob?


Late the next morning, Will had to face his worry about Sawyer because the man headed for him across the therapy room. The picture Will had in his head of the guy was nothing compared with the real deal. Had he thought Sawyer was hot? Scorching was more like it. The man packed some serious muscle with broad shoulders he held back and straight. His biceps and triceps were on full display, straining the integrity of the short sleeves of his cotton T-shirt. The damn thing was too baggie for him to see, but Will was sure that if he could get his hands under it, he’d be caressing a classic V-shaped torso.

And, holy fuck, did he need to get himself under control. He forced a casual smile on his face, determined to pretend he hadn’t pictured giving the superior officer a blowjob not even a day earlier.

“How are you doing today, Lieutenant?” he asked, feeling as if Sawyer and everyone else in the place could hear the forced calm in his voice.

Sawyer stopped a couple of feet in front of him, his hands tucked inside his pockets. If Will really wanted to torture himself, he’d imagine the guy was hiding a boner of his own. Yeah, right.

“I’m anxious to get started, Chadwick,” came the gruff reply.

Good, at least one of them had his head screwed on straight. “Yes, sir. Right this way.”

Will led Sawyer to the first of the machines for the workout and walked him through the exercises again. It was standard procedure for Will to do the repeat, but he needn’t have bothered. Sawyer was a SEAL, after all, with a memory like an elephant and the single-minded determination of a shark. More than once, he had to remind the guy to take it slow and easy. Soon, he became so engrossed in his duty, thoughts of rough sex with Sawyer took a back seat. That is, until they were done with the final rep, and Sawyer blindsided him with a personal question.

“So, Chadwick, do you ever let up on the grim and the grind and have some fun?”

Will blinked back at the man as he handed him a towel to wipe the sweat from his face. Droplets rolled along Sawyer’s outer cheeks, off his chin and down his throat, disappearing under the wet collar of his shirt. Will’s gaze followed the trail, and a vision of his tongue licking up the moisture popped into his head. The thought made him break out in his own sweat.

“I’m sorry, sir?” he replied gruffly.

Sawyer stared back at him as he used the towel to swipe the wet away. “You’re so serious. I just wondered if you ever kick back and let all of this go.”

Will licked suddenly dry lips. He had to be imagining this conversation and the look in Sawyer’s eyes. It was the same look he’d seen the other guys give him the night before at the club, except it couldn’t be. No way the lieutenant was hitting on him. Was he?

He forced himself to shrug as if he weren’t affected by this man’s attention. “Sure. You know, between Bethesda and D.C., there’s night life, clubs.”

Sawyer swung the towel around his neck. “What kind of clubs? I’ve never lived in this area of the States before, and if I have to hang out for a while, I may as well make the best of it.” The look in his eyes was almost a teasing one. It held heat and interest, maybe.

Shit, how to answer the question? If he told him about the clubs he knew, he’d have to include the fact they were gay clubs, and if Sawyer wasn’t gay himself, he might freak out. He might demand a different therapist. Just because being gay in the navy was legal, it didn’t mean every service member was cool with it. Open hostility wasn’t tolerated, but this guy was a SEAL. He probably had the pull to get his way. Will didn’t trust his own instincts or perceptions. He might only be seeing and sensing what he wanted in this man.

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