Catching Eagle's Eye (10 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Catching Eagle's Eye
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“Confined,” Will said with exquisite enunciation.

Dane cupped him. He could feel the hardness of the cage but also the throbbing of Will’s dick. The poor thing really did want to come out to play. Later. First some rules, then some dinner, then some play.

Letting Will go, he took his bags farther into the room. It was a nice big one with a king-sized bed and a view of the ocean, exactly as he had ordered it. Of course, with the curtains closed and night having fallen, they wouldn’t appreciate the view before morning. That was assuming they ever got out of bed. The idea of keeping Will chained to it for the entire weekend made Dane smile.

“You look like the Cheshire Cat,” Will observed, putting his bag on the floor next to the closet.

“I was just picturing all the things I have planned for us this weekend.”

“Oh? Anything I should know?”

Dane approached Will slowly, letting him see the desire and excitement he felt, even with his recent orgasm taking some of the edge off. He stopped a couple of feet in front of him. “There’s a few things we need to talk about, yeah. First of all, I brought a bunch of toys with me.”

Will’s eyes darted to where Dane’s bags sat. “I figured the thing around my dick wasn’t all you had.”

“That’s right. I have a variety of scenes I want to try with you, but you need to agree that it’s how this weekend is going to go. If you want it to be a couple of days of more or less vanilla sex, that’s fine. I’m totally down with how it’s been between us so far.”

Will started shaking his head before Dane had finished speaking. “No, sir. I want the full boat.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Being dominated by you is all I’ve thought about since we hooked up. Imagining being in your control, of taking the pain you dish out, well, it’s kept me hard, I can assure you. I want this, Dane, so damn much it scares me.”

Dane closed the distance and cupped Will’s face. He slid his thumb across Will’s lower lip that was a bit swollen from the earlier kissing. “Don’t be scared. I’ll take good care of you.”

“I know,” Will replied, his voice a whisper.

Will’s gorgeous face had an expression of utter confidence, almost serenity as he turned his green eyes up at Dane, and Dane understood the look was meant for him. Knowing such a strong man could put his trust in him was humbling. Many times, he’d heard people in the lifestyle say that it took more courage to be a sub than a Dom. He had even repeated those words himself, but he hadn’t really appreciated how true it was until now.

He’d never be able to play the submissive role. He needed to be the one in control because it made him feel more masculine. The old wounds inflicted by his father hadn’t faded when it came to sex. Any time he’d even thought to put himself under another man’s control, his guts knotted up. Seeing the grace Will was showing, however, made him envious.

Dane could have spent the night staring into the man’s eyes. Sex aside, he enjoyed just being in Will’s company and realizing that made him scared. This was only going to be a weekend of fun and games, nothing more. Time to start the lessons. Once he got into his role as a Dom, this dreamy, sappy stuff would fade out.

Letting go, he stood back. “Now that we agree on that basic point, let’s start with the rules. I’m your master this weekend so you’ll address me as ‘sir’, understood?”

“Yes, sir,” Will replied without hesitation.

“Good, although that’s the easy part for a sailor. I know you know how to recognize rank and follow orders, but you have to do more than that for me. You have to give up control totally. When I tell you to do something, you do it. No hesitation, no questions, no resistance. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Next, you need to pick a safeword, two actually. One tells me to slow down, that you’re uncomfortable with what I’m doing and maybe want to talk about it before continuing. The other tells me to stop. If you use either word, no matter what I’m in the middle of doing, I will obey. It’s the only time I do what you tell me to do. So tell me what words you want. They should be things you wouldn’t ordinarily say. If you simply tell me to stop, I’ll ignore you, thinking it’s part of the game. Got it?”

Will rolled his eyes and that little gesture had just earned the boy a punishment, but no need to tell him that now. “I know about safewords, sir. I’m not a complete novice to the lifestyle, and I’ve already thought of my words. Yellow to slow down and red to stop.” He shrugged. “Not very original, I know. I tried to think of something more exotic, but I couldn’t.”

“Originality doesn’t count. They just have to be words you’ll remember. Now, go use the head if you need to so we can go to dinner. I’m starved and you must be, too. And brush your teeth while you’re at it. I doubt you’ll want to taste me on the way to the dining room.”

Will ran his tongue along the outside of his upper teeth. “I don’t know. I like the taste of you,” he said with a grin.

Oh, Christ! Dane’s cock punched up as if he hadn’t just gotten off. “Go do what I told you to do, boy, before I redden your ass for your insolence.”

Will’s expression turned solemn. “Yes, sir.” As he passed Dane, however, there was a distinct gleam in his eyes.


Dinner was surprisingly normal given what promise the weekend held. The setting of the resort was fabulous, and Dane had asked the host to seat them by the window. Will could see the ocean crashing against the rocks below them as they feasted on the perfectly cooked seafood that Dane ordered. It was amazingly easy to cede total control to the other man. With Dane in charge, Will could simply sit back and enjoy whatever came.

They chatted easily about the same kinds of things any couple would on a date because that was essentially what they were on. They talked shop a little bit, and Dane told Will some non-classified stories of his deployments. Knowing what SEALs did was not the same as hearing about what an actual SEAL had really done in combat. They talked too about family, or at least Will did. Dane didn’t seem as willing to discuss his, and Will didn’t pry.

The beginning of their short vacation was all so…magical. And just thinking about it made him feel as if he’d inherited a second X chromosome, but he couldn’t help it. Sitting here in this beautiful place with a gorgeous, sexy-as-sin guy, he felt pampered and wanted and safe. If that made him a girl, then so be it.

He really needed to remind himself, though, that they had one weekend of fun planned and that was all. Dane wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. He’d been upfront about how far things would go between them. No matter how wonderful this vacation turned out, Will had to rein in his more romantic side and accept it for what it was—a marathon of sex with a BDSM tutorial thrown in for extra measure. As long as he was what Dane wanted, he would be happy, he had to be happy.

That included the fucking steel prison his cock was incarcerated in. He hated the thing, and that was, of course, the whole point. His suffering got Dane off. Getting Dane off, got Will off. It wasn’t a lifestyle for everyone, yet it worked for them. The way his dick kept straining against its confines, desperate to get hard, was testament to that. He couldn’t wait to see what Dane had planned for him later.

Leisurely eating was the norm while on vacation. Although they had arrived at the tail end of the dining hours, the staff didn’t hurry them. After a couple of hours of multi-courses, however, Dane finally called it done. He had limited them both to only two glasses of wine, which mystified their server as did Dane’s refusing the offer for dessert.

The look Dane gave Will as they stood up sent a spark to his already aching groin. They returned silently to their room, the sexual tension a tangible thing between them. Will’s nerves were exquisitely frayed with anticipation. He had no idea what Dane had planned for the rest of the night. He should have been frustrated. Instead, he was incredibly aroused. The waiting ended as soon as Dane closed and locked the door behind them.

“Strip,” he ordered and the no-nonsense tone he used was a total turn-on.

He did as ordered in an unhurried fashion, wanting to give Dane the small gift of anticipation, too. As he took off each piece, he folded it and placed it on the corner chair. As he wore only a T-shirt, jeans, sandals, and the chastity device, it didn’t take long. When he was done, he stood with his back ramrod straight, his hands clasped behind his waist, and his eyes forward. He’d read about different positions that a sub should hold for his master, and it was so like being at parade rest, it was natural to him.

“Hmm,” Dane murmured as he walked around Will, pushing his body this way and that to adjust his stance. “Not bad. Not bad at all, except your eyes should be down. I’m not your commanding officer, I’m your Master.”

Will lowered his gaze while keeping his chin up. “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”

Dane said nothing, but on his next lap around to Will’s back, he smacked Will’s ass. The unexpected swat caused Will to gasp. The guy certainly wasn’t pulling any punches. The effect on Will’s cock was worse than the sting, though. It pressed against the metal cage, demanding to be let out. Before he could even appreciate the misery, Dane slapped his ass again with even more force. His eyes flew open wide with another gasp, and he glanced up at Dane without thinking. That earned him a light slap in the face by Dane’s palm, more sound than fury, before he lowered his gaze again.

“That’s for the eye-rolling earlier and for breaking your pose already by looking up,” Dane explained.

Will fought to steady his breath as he processed his first punishment and Dane’s explanatory words. Okay, so things had become way more intense than he had anticipated. This was going to be a weekend of real play.

“Do you need to say something to me?” Dane asked.

What? Like one of his safewords? Fuck that! “No, sir.” He was proud of how steady his voice sounded. He had asked for this, and there was no ignoring how much his dick was in the game. If not for the cage, he’d be hard and leaking pre-cum.

He was rewarded for his stoicism by Dane running a caressing hand down his back. That simple touch of praise aroused him on a different, softer level. He kept his gaze straight down, resisting the urge to glance around and see what Dane was doing when the man moved away from him. Will heard a bag unzip and couldn’t help but wonder what his Dom was going to use on him next. A good sub wouldn’t think about it, just let it happen, but he wasn’t a good sub…yet.

His curiosity was satisfied when Dane took him by the wrists and encased them in soft bindings. The cuffs were then clipped to each other. His position was mostly the same, although now he couldn’t free his arms even if he wanted to. Instinct made him tug on them. He stopped immediately because he didn’t want Dane to think he was being rebellious. Whether the other man missed the movement or chose to forgive it, he didn’t know. For long seconds, however, there was nothing more than the soft sounds of the two of them breathing.

“Damn, but I love seeing you cuffed.” Dane’s words were a warm caress and made Will relax even more into the confinement.

There was additional movement, then Dane stood in front of him and slipped a soft mask over Will’s eyes. It wasn’t anything heavy-duty, more like what someone might wear for sleeping. He swayed a bit with the sudden sensory loss. Dane gripped his shoulders firmly until Will’s balance was restored. This was harder to accept than being restrained.

As if reading his thoughts, Dane said, “I know this is difficult. Just breathe deeply and evenly. I’ve got you. I won’t let you fall.”

They stood together for a minute or two, Will breathing steadily as Dane had ordered. When he felt he had acclimated to the blindfold, he nodded briefly, not sure if he should communicate at all. But it was okay apparently because Dane praised him again before tugging him gently forward.

“Trust me, Will. Remember, I have you.”

He did trust Dane, although he couldn’t quite make his feet move forward without hesitation. He knew he was being moved toward the bed and thoughts of what awaited him there made the journey easier. Even so, he still cried out when his world turned topsyturvy. Dane’s arms wrapped around him in a controlled fall. Will’s face bounced against fluffy material. It was obvious his torso lay across the bed while his legs hung off the side. Dane patted his rump.

“Good boy. You’re right where I want you.”

Will breathed heavily against the comforter as he once again waited to see what would come next. He felt the bed depress near his waist, and the warmth of Dane’s body brushed up against his flank. Fingers parted his ass cheeks and hard coldness rubbed up against his hole before he felt pressure.

“Take a deep breath and push your sphincter out,” Dane ordered.

He complied, and a smooth, thumb-sized object pressed its way inside his ass. It popped past the ring of muscle and slid in a few inches. The farther in it went, the wider the object became. Will grimaced and grunted as his hole was stretched to a burning width. Then a whimper escaped his lips when the burn turned truly painful.

“Hurts,” he said through clenched teeth.

Dane’s hand patted his ass cheek again. “I know, baby. You can take it. Take it for me.” The pressure kept up until the widest part was through and his hole closed around the narrow base. “That’s it. All done. Now you’ll be nice and open for me when I fuck you later. Don’t you dare push it out,” Dane warned as he left the bed.

Oh, okay. Will could get with that plan, and really the butt plug wasn’t so bad now that it was in. He clenched his hole around it just to see how it felt. Although it stung, a jolt of pleasure shot right to his cock. He wiggled his imprisoned dick against the cover and was punished with a quick slap on his ass. He stilled immediately.

“You do like to court punishment, don’t you, boy?”

“Maybe, sir,” Will replied, hoping the impudent response would earn him another smack.

Instead of a palm, though, something hard rubbed against first one ass cheek and then the other. “I bet you’d love a spanking, but that would bore me. I have something else in mind.”

Dane’s words made him quiver. He knew enough not to ask what his Dom had planned, of course. That would be revealed shortly, and the anticipation was as delicious as anything he’d experienced before in this man’s hands. Whatever Dane held rubbed against Will’s ass some more.

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