Carnal Slave (8 page)

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Authors: Vonna Harper

BOOK: Carnal Slave
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“Turning her back on freedom is the hardest thing a slave does,” he said. “Surrendering ownership of your body—what a foreign and distasteful concept. However, it’s a necessary one as you’ll soon understand. Fortunately there are perks as your fellow trainee is demonstrating.

Think about what’s happening to her. She can’t move, and every inch of her body is available to her master. She knows he can do anything he wants to her. There’s nothing she can do or say that’ll stop him.”

to quit talking like that! She couldn’t handle it if he didn’t.

“Fortunately as I just mentioned, it isn’t all bad. Let me demonstrate.”

Insane as the thought was, she wished he’d left her gagged. That way she wouldn’t have to communicate with him. Every inch of her body hurt from the cruel and protracted beating.

With freedom out of her reach, she was left with one option—doing whatever it took to keep pain and fear from overwhelming her.

Master Damek pushed her thighs so far apart she had to arch her back to keep the position. She could see him but not what he was doing. What did it matter that she’d stopped shaving her pussy after Mitch broke up with her? Surely he had a clear view of her sex.

“Here’s what I’m getting about,” he said, “when I speak of you losing ownership of your body.”

She knew what he had in mind but that didn’t stop her from jumping and trying to close her legs when he touched her clit.

“No!” He slapped the inside of her right thigh with his other hand. “You don’t want me to tie your legs in place, do you?”

“No, Master.” Her voice shook. “I don’t.”

“That’s what I thought. You want freedom as much as the next person.”

What a cruel joke that was. He hadn’t said anything about whipping her again, but she had no doubt he would if she did anything to displease him—and maybe even if she didn’t. Holding her breath, she willed herself not to move.

“Here’s what it’s all about.” He again touched her clit. “Ropes, chains, and whips serve their purpose, but when we get right down to it, this is what controls you.”

She didn’t remember relaxing, certainly had no intention of doing so. Just the same, she sagged in her bonds and closed her eyes to little more than slits as he lightly rubbed his finger over her sexual trigger. He touched other places, even briefly dove into her vaginal opening, but those things paled next to his experienced finger on the most sensitive part of her body.

Pain from her abused and trapped breasts lapped at her senses and fire licked at her stretched arms. Somehow it all came together, swirling around until her body became a flowing, helpless whole. She hurt and yet Master Damek’s knowing finger kept the pain from becoming more than she could handle.

“You’re a sexual being, slave.” His voice had a sing-song quality. “Naïve when it comes to what your body’s capable of. You haven’t tapped into the full-range of that experience, but the process has begun. Under my guidance and mastery, you’ll go deep inside yourself to where the primitive creature lives.”

Much as she needed to understand what he was saying, she couldn’t give the words her full attention. After so much harsh treatment from him, she could barely comprehend that he was capable of the opposite. His gaze remained locked on her and his finger was gentle, a sweet, liberating caress. The longer he stroked her forcefully-exposed sex, the more she relaxed. She was no longer afraid of him and was barely aware of how tightly he’d tied her. Yes, she was still thirsty and half starved, but those things slipped to a small corner of her consciousness.

Master Damek was a compassionate, knowledgeable man. As he lightly trailed the fingers of the hand not working her pussy over her swollen breasts, she sank mindlessly into the sensual pool he’d created. He’d beaten her, but that harsh lesson was behind her. Reward time was upon her, sweeping over her skin and diving deep into her core. Her breathing picked up when he slid two fingers inside her, and as he began a pumping action, her heart lost rhythm.

Her head sagged to the side, stopped only by the thick collar. Her useless hands closed and relaxed repeatedly. Hopefully he understood she wasn’t trying to expel his fingers when, of their own accord, her legs closed around his arm.

“What’s this, slave?” His gentle question was in sharp contrast to his now almost violent thrusts. “What are you doing?”

Experiencing. Maybe dying.
“I—what do you want me to say, Master?”

“The truth.”

“About what, Master?”

“Do you want what I’m doing to you?”

Her breasts were so swollen she wondered if the skin might split, her vaginal nerves so close to the surface his every touch there branded her. She stood no chance of stopping him from raking his nails over the flesh not covered by ropes or clamps, not that she wanted to.

Between the electric touch there and the harsh pummeling of her sex, she was lost. Imprisoned in a way that had nothing to do with bonds.

Unable to summon the will to straighten her head, she stared at the dark haze that was her master. “I want,” she whispered and licked her lips.

“Pleasure to make you forget the other.”

The other
was the nightmare waiting to attack again. Desperate to keep it from her, she again widened her stance, lifted herself off the floor a little, and thrust her breasts at the man who commanded her world.

“That’s a good slave.” One hand harshly invaded her most private place while the other brushed and stroked her breasts. “Down you go, deep into sensation and submission.” Leaning toward her, he licked her sweat stained cheeks. “Say it, slave. I want to hear the words.”

She was so hot! Swaying at the edge of the sensual cliff he’d created. A slave to her ravenous body.

“Words?” she got out around her tight throat.

He licked her breasts, then went back to caressing them. His pussy thrusts had slowed but it felt as if he was going deeper into her each time, making her vaginal walls weep and her belly cramp.

“You’ve surrendered little slave. Tell your master where you are right now.”

“I—I don’t know.”

“You forgot to call me Master which means you’ll be punished for it. Fortunately for you, I want to keep you focused on something else. Think, slave, think. Is there anything you can do to stop what’s happening, any way you can get out of your predicament?”

Alarmed by what he’d said about punishing her, she struggled to slide back into overwhelming arousal. “No, Master. I can’t.”

“Do you want to?”

What felt like a wild beast had latched onto her pussy. It was pulling her closer and closer to a dark, yet wanted edge. “I, Master, I don’t know.”

“Because this feels too good.” He shoved his fingers as far as they’d go in her sex channel. Instead of withdrawing a little like before, they remained there. The fingers on her breasts slowed, then stopped moving.

“Yes,” she blurted, praying that’s what he wanted to hear. “Yes, Master.”

“Which means what?”

Sharp pain on her nipples forced her attention onto them. He’d caught the chain between thumb and forefinger and was pulling it toward him.

“Please, please don’t.”

“You again forgot to call me Master which means more punishment. “

He jerked the chain, and she screamed. She thought she heard an answering cry from the other captive. The sounds battered her, and she shook violently. The searing in her breasts became all-encompassing. Much as she wanted it to end, she couldn’t think how to make that happen.

The assault on her sex slowly backed off until she didn’t feel quite so trapped. At the same time, he increased the space between his fingers so they pressed against her inner walls.

“Good and bad, love and hate, pleasure and pain.”

He started pummeling her channel again. She thought he was working her even faster than before, but maybe it only felt that way because she was already so sensitive there.

was coming!

He’d know when she climaxed, she warned herself. He’d become even more powerful than he already was, know everything about her.

Scared, she tried to stop herself, but it was too late. Glorious heat enveloped her, and she screamed repeatedly. Her climax seemed to go on forever, rising and falling only to surge upward again. Every time his fingers thrust into her, they threatened to tear her apart.

“Please, please—I can’t—“

“You’re trapped, slave. Falling and falling because that’s what I want you to do, damn it!”

Her nipples felt as if they were being torn off, and sex juices exploded from her. She couldn’t stop whimpering, fought to back away from the man responsible. He cursed each time his fingers pounded her channel. She vaguely realized she was grunting in time with his profanity.

Finally—it felt as if she’d been climaxing forever—she had nothing left to give and sagged like a gutted animal. He kept after her for maybe a minute then stopped pulling on the nipple chain, withdrew his fingers from her, and wiped them on her sweating thighs.

“What’s the word, slave? The one I’ve been waiting to hear.”

She swallowed repeatedly. “Surrender,” she whimpered. “I surrender, Master.”

“Of course you do.”

Chapter Nine

The table Master Damek ordered her to climb onto reminded Willow of the one in her gynecologist’s office except there were leather straps on the foot rests. More straps had been attached to the edges of the table.

Summoning what little strength she had left, she did as he commanded. Meaning it, she’d thanked him when he removed the collar. She’d wanted to do the same when, shortly after climaxing, he’d released the nipple clamps. Instead, sudden hot pain had made her scream. She’d still been whimpering when he unhooked her arms. He’d managed her with nothing more than a jerk of the head and the whip dangling from his fingers as he led the way to the hard, metal table.

As they’d passed by the woman on the sawhorse, Willow had risked looking at her. The trainer had tossed the Hitachi aside and was fucking her from behind. Just thinking about how sensitive the poor woman’s pussy must be made Willow wince. The woman had lifted her head, and their gazes had met.

Willow couldn’t bring herself to think about what she’d seen in those dull blue eyes.

“You don’t need me telling you what to do,” Master Damek said. “Get into position.

Arms above your head.”

They were along one side of the cavernous room and so close to the barred window she could almost touch it. A few clouds hung in the sky, and she had to bite her lower lip to keep from crying. After forcing herself to turn from it, she lay on her back on the table. She still trembled from exhaustion and what might have been the most violent climax of her life. Her shaking increased as he wrapped leather around her wrists and cinched them down so she couldn’t move her arms. He lifted her legs, placed her heels in the stirrups, and restrained her ankles. Her legs weren’t that far apart, yet she felt even more exposed than she had earlier.

Humming his maddening tune, he secured her at the waist and neck with more leather.

“I’m not going to tell you what’s going to happen because I want you paying attention.

The more you behave, the sooner you’ll get something to eat and more to drink.”

Crazy as it seemed, she wanted not water but whiskey, a lot of it. She wasn’t much of a drinker. Between not liking the taste and lousy tolerance, she usually left alcohol alone. Several times Mitch had forced her to drink more than she wanted to, leaving her torn between a sour stomach, throbbing head, and the desire to please him.

The man she already saw as her master positioned himself at her side and ran his fingers under the rope still binding her breasts. “I have no doubt that’s uncomfortable, but I’m in no hurry to take it off. Seeing your boobs confined that way turns me on. Our audience feels the same way.”

He was going to rape her, take her like the other woman was being taken. She couldn’t see her fellow captive, but sharp masculine grunts and the occasional sound of a hand against flesh told her everything.

“You can’t see it from where you are,” he continued, “but there’s a camera aimed at your pussy. Time to improve the show.”

Not long ago she would be telling herself this wasn’t happening, but she’d been forced past that point. Knowing someone was looking at that part of her body was humiliating but not worse than what she’d already endured. Besides, she couldn’t do anything about it.

One bottle of water hadn’t been enough. She felt parched. Hunger lay like a weight on her stomach. Her still-sensitive pussy refused to slide to the back of her mind.

She hadn’t just climaxed. For the first time in her life, she’d come in waves as Master Damek played her sex as if it was a drum and he a professional drummer. It wouldn’t take much to get her going again, a few practiced touches from a man who knew her pussy better than she did. Dread settled over her at the thought of how much he’d taken from her in such a short time, and yet she longed to return to those moments of self-absorption. When she was climaxing, she didn’t think about anything else.

A mechanical sound snagged her attention. She felt her legs being pulled apart. Scared, she tried to lift her head, but the neck strap cut into it. She then tried to arch off the table, only the leather around her waist made that impossible. As the stretching sensation increased, she yanked at the ankle restraints.

“Not going to work.” Master Damek slapped her thighs. “Your muscles are pretty much useless when they’re in this position. Fortunately I know when to stop.”

“I’m scared, Master.”

“Of course you are. That state is a key component to your training. I’m going to leave you to get used to things while I prepare.”

What a fool she’d been to think he might take pity on her when she’d admitted her fear.

Obviously he intended to make her fear work against her. Telling herself he wouldn’t permanently damage her, she stopped straining. At least the movement had stopped, leaving her widely splayed and her leg muscles straining. She tried to make sense of what he was doing, but other than hearing water running, she had no idea.

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