Read Carnal Slave Online

Authors: Vonna Harper

Carnal Slave (3 page)

BOOK: Carnal Slave
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He pushed against her ankles. The way they were secured together, she had no choice but to bend her knees outward, exposing her pussy. Another nail was being hammered into her coffin. She tried to resist, but he was too strong and she too overwhelmed.

Something hard and cold pressed against her vaginal opening. For a moment nothing made sense, then she realized he was inserting a vibrator into her. Much as she wanted to fight, the memory of how he’d pinched her sex and slapped her breast kept her in line. Besides—and she’d never let him know this—she loved what a vibrator did to her.

He straightened her legs, then tightened a leather belt around her thighs, sealing the toy inside her. She felt nubby projections along the length of the artificial cock. It was thicker than any male cock she’d ever had inside her and pressed against her vaginal walls.

“Remember what I said about entertainment.” He chuckled. “Hold on a moment. I’ll show you what I’m talking about.”

Ever since he’d put on the sleep mask, she’d had to rely on her nerve endings to tell her where her captor was. She sensed he’d backed out of the rear of the SUV. After he closed the door, the ache in her arms compelled her to awkwardly turn back onto her side. Her ability to bend her knees was restricted and no way could she dislodge the vibrator but at least her arms no longer carried the weight of her upper body.

The engine came to life. As the vehicle idled under her, she realized her captor hadn’t brought any of her belongings with them. Maybe they’d come later and maybe—oh God, maybe she’d never see them again!

Was she going to die tonight? He was taking her to some isolated area where he’d rape her and then—“Here we go.”

Alerted to the ominous tone, she tried to look over her shoulder in the direction his voice had come from. She’d given up when the hard artificial cock started jerking inside her.

She gasped and struggled to get away.

“Don’t try to escape. It’s staying there until I decide otherwise. For the record, its remote controlled and the batteries are new.”

Why are you doing this?
she silently asked as the vibrations increased.
I haven’t done—oh please, I don’t—please, please, let me go!

But Damek had no intention of freeing her. She knew that with every fiber of her being.

Maybe she’d never understand what drove him, but maybe it didn’t matter. To him she was a possession, a helpless female he’d play with until he grew tired of her.

And then?

A pulsing sensation replaced the strong vibrations. She stopped trying to ignore the assault on her vagina. The liquor in her system she’d forgotten about during her capture again made its presence known. Her head was swimming, and her joints and muscles felt loose. Even when she concentrated on her restraints, her attention kept returning to the dildo’s magic.

Everything else about tonight was a nightmare, but the relentless invader reminded her of what she was, a sexual creature.

Her body hummed. Her vaginal juices coated the vibrator and leaked out to drench her inner thighs. She was relaxed and yet she wasn’t. Even with vodka blunting her responses, her need to climax grew.

Groaning, she tried to squeeze her legs more firmly together. The shoulder under her was becoming numb, her neck ached, and the cuffs chaffed her wrists. At the same time, arousal tightly gripped her.

“Done,” Damek said from the front seat. “We’re on the road.” A short silence followed, then he spoke again. “No, I didn’t bother to take pictures with my cell. It’ll be awhile before I send you what’s on the digital. For the record, I took her the old fashioned way.” He laughed.

“Yeah, I guess you could call it brute force. And technique. What? Of course she’s okay. Unlike you, I only leave deliberate bruises.”

He had to be listening to whoever he’d called. Hard as she tried to learn something from his side of the conversation, little made sense.

“In your dreams. Call when you have something to tell me.”

Judging by the quiet, she guessed the conversation was over. The ride was so smooth she barely knew they were moving. There was something hypnotic about the tires’ humming.

He turned on the radio but kept it so low all she knew was that he was listening to a talk show.

She wouldn’t ask herself any more questions. Doing that only brought her to the edge of sanity. Neither would she think beyond these moments. Her fundamentalist parents had drilled mindless obedience into her, and even though she’d eventually walked out of their house never to return, she still always did as those in charge dictated. She didn’t know any other way.

Damek would take advantage of her passive nature unless—unless what?

After warning herself not to ask him any questions she didn’t want to hear the answers to, she concentrated on the vibrator. It didn’t touch her clit and wasn’t as powerful as her plug-in toys which meant she probably wouldn’t climax, but it kept her on edge all right. Wanting more. Needing an outlet for the heat concentrated in her vagina.


They stopped after maybe a couple of hours. Not saying a word, her captor removed the leather around her thighs and drew out the vibrator. The moves were so intimate, a powerful stranger taking control of her body. He then pulled her out of the vehicle and stood her upright.

She felt gravel under her bare feet. The robe had slipped off her shoulders. Instead of putting it back in place as he’d done before, he let it sag on her arms as he pushed her ahead of him.

Pebbles jabbed her insteps, but she didn’t dare stop. Much as she hated him, right now she needed him for everything.

“Listen,” he said and pulled her against him. “There aren’t any other vehicles around.

We’re going to urinate, both of us.”

Her bladder was so full she barely cared that he’d undoubtedly watch her empty it. He let her go, and a moment later she heard a stream of water strike the ground. The smell of urine attacked her nostrils.

He drew her robe away from her body in back so her buttocks and legs were fully exposed. “Do it.”

Feeling even more demeaned and devalued, she widened her stance as much as the hobbles allowed and started to squat only to stop because she was afraid she’d fall.

“Do it!” He slapped her buttocks.

Shocked and scared anew, she yelped.

“Do it.” He again struck her ass cheeks. “Now.”

The last of the lethargy she’d slipped into while they were traveling died. Determined to do whatever it took to keep him from hurting her again, she willed herself to pee. Some of the urine tracked down the insides of her sex-juice stained thighs.

Animal. He was turning her into an animal.

Almost before she was done, he gripped her shoulders, spun her around, and again propelled her ahead of him. A wild hope rose in her. He was going to shove her into the middle of wherever they were and leave her there. Her capture had been part of his sick joke but now he was done messing with her. Come morning, someone would find and free her.

The front of her thighs slammed into something hard. She was still fighting the unexpected pain when he lifted her into the SUV. Like before, he filled her vagina with the dildo and strapped her legs together. The vibrations started up, and her body instantly responded.

No longer caring what he saw, she bent her knees and started rocking her lower body from side to side.

Anything to help her escape the nightmare.

He laughed and pressed down on her belly. “Horny little bitch, aren’t you? That’s going to be your hell and salvation—and the key to my success.”

To her relief, he soon left her. She continued the rocking motion as they got underway, but before long the weight on her arms made it impossible for her to focus on pleasure. Hating her existence, she squirmed around until she was again on her side. The night was going to be endless.

Her life ruined. Her world gone.

Mommy, I need you. Daddy, please.

But they’d never heeded those words in the past and wouldn’t now.

Chapter Four

The next time they stopped, Willow detected a little light around the edges of her blindfold that told her it was morning. He again claimed the vibrator before hauling her out.

When he told her to, she peed. By now her robe was draped over her tethered arms and gaped widely in front. Just the same, she took what comfort she could from the little bit of clothing she still wore. She hadn’t slept at all and was so tired her head throbbed. In contrast, her pussy was alive and aware, on the brink. To her surprise, she needed to hear his voice, but maybe he knew and that’s why he didn’t say a word.

For the third time he filled her sex. When he turned on the vibrator, she had no doubt he’d put in fresh batteries. Given how tired and miserable she was, she should be past responding, but she wasn’t.

As the SUV picked up speed once more, she realized she was hungry. Being restrained like this was painful, but it was now taking a back seat to a more vital concern. Did he intend to let her eat and drink? Maybe there was some task she’d have to perform—like having sex with him—before she earned the right.

And maybe he’d let her starve.

No! Don’t go there!

The desperate warning didn’t help, not that she expected it to. She was helpless and scared, but she was also aware of harsh reality. Damek controlled everything about her existence.

She was totally dependent on him.

More and more light seeped past the sleep mask, and the air was getting warmer. She imagined that blessed sunlight was coming in through the rear window and waited impatiently for the rays to reach her. Maybe that would be enough to tip her over the edge into climax.

Why not hope for that, she told herself. After all, she had nothing else to look forward to.

No understanding of her future.

The vehicle slowed and made a sharp right hand turn. Gravel crunched underneath the tires. As disoriented as she was, she didn’t try to guess where they were. That, like everything else, would have to wait until Damek decided to let her know.

His. She was his.

She wasn’t sure how long they traveled on the gravel road before he stopped and turned off the engine, at least three miles.

What are you going to do to me? Oh please, what is this about?

This time when he opened the rear door, instead of pulling the dildo out of her, he left it and the thigh restraint in place and set her on her feet. Helplessness rolled over her in waves.

He’d taken her out of her world and into his. She was under his command, completely. Feeling less than human.

“We’ve reached our destination.” He spoke with his mouth near her right ear and an arm draped over her shoulder. His fingers rested on the upper swell of her breast. “We’re going to be here for as long as it takes me to train you. Then you’ll be sold.”

Trained? Sold?

Dizziness assaulted her. Still, she tried to twist away. Laughing, he hauled her against his side again.

“It’ll eventually make sense. In the meantime, the only thing you know is that you’re at one of Carnal Incorporated’s training facilities. No corners have been cut in making it as efficient as possible. I’m part of this unique operation because I do an excellent job. It may sound as if I’m bragging, but I’m simply stating facts. I want you to begin to comprehend a bit about the organization’s structure since that’s the first step toward compliance.”

Trained? Sold?

He pressed against the back of her head until she had no choice but to lean over.

Instead of pushing her to the ground, he unsnapped the sleep mask and pulled it away. Shaking anew, she blinked repeatedly until her world cleared. She was at what appeared to be a ranch complete with two large barns and an expansive house with a wrap-around porch. Wooden fencing defined a corral nearby. Instead of barbed wire, cyclone fencing some fifteen feet in height surrounded the complex. Pastureland lay in all directions, but she didn’t see any livestock.

“Ranching’s a damn hard business. When the couple who owned this spread died, none of the heirs was in a position to take over so it was sold. Its isolation makes it exactly the kind of place that meets Carnal’s needs.”

Except for a few trees, the land was open. Not seeing any other structures beyond the fencing added to her realization that she was cut off from civilization.

“Enough with the tour.” Grabbing her hair, he started dragging her after him. Unable to move her legs, she stumbled and fell. Dust billowed up around her.

“Damn clumsy bitch!” he snapped and kicked her in the side.

Squealing, she tried to scoot away but she’d landed face down with her breasts on the rough ground.

“Get the fuck up.” He kicked her again. This time his shoe landed on her buttocks.

I can’t. You know I can’t

Blow after blow rained down on her. He wasn’t putting all his strength behind the kicks, but it didn’t matter. He stood over her helpless body doing whatever he wanted to her, punishing and dehumanizing her. Beyond terrified, she dug her knees and toes into the dirt and wriggled around like a worm.

“God damn whore. Worthless bitch.”

The words spewing from him hurt more than the blows. This man who’d stolen her away from her life didn’t see her as a human being. She was nothing more than some creature who’d displeased him. He’d punish her until he’d gotten over his anger. Maybe he’d continue kicking until her body was a mass of bruises. Her bladder let go.

He stopped pummeling her and straddled her legs. Terrified he’d start again, she willed herself not to move as she lay with her hair, breasts, belly, and legs in dirt. She hated him.

“Got your attention did I?” He unfastened the strap around her thighs and yanked out the dildo. He rubbed it in the dirt, then dragged it over her cheek. “You’re nothing, got it. A piece of meat. Worthless. Eventually, thanks to me, you’ll have value, but you’re a long way from that.”

His fingers closed around her arms, and he hauled her to her feet. As he let go of her, she started shaking so she could barely stand.

“Scared you did I? It won’t be the last time.” He backed up a few feet and studied her while she tried to breathe through pain and fear. What did he think of her filthy, hurting, naked body? Even with everything that had happened since he’d pulled her out of the SUV, her pussy still felt the effects of its sexual pummeling. The contrast was beyond her comprehension.

BOOK: Carnal Slave
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