Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness) (7 page)

BOOK: Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness)
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Thank the gods he had come to before…he couldn’t bring himself to think of the things he could—No,
have done to her. Closing his eyes, he sucked in breath after breath. Leaning against the tomb, he desperately searched for some sense of calm.

He had lost control again and he would not be surprised if the girl demanded to be secured in another of his clan’s homes to escape him. How could he expect her to want to stay in a castle with a wild beast such as him? He had mucked things up and it was only her first night here. At the rate he was going, he would harm his ward and give the alpha of the Silveria Pack every reason not to trust him with one of his purebred daughters.

The shifters needed this treaty. Without the Validus Clan’s support they would be destroyed by their enemies, he thought even though none of that excused his treatment of the girl. He had nearly claimed her innocence in the snow and they had yet to even be formally introduced.

She knew him. She had spoken his name, her words broken, her voice rasped with desire. Her head had lolled back, giving him complete accesses to her throat. She had taken his hands, drew them up her body to cup her breasts.

He shuddered as a hiss passed his fangs. His body still burned for her as his cock strained against the roughness of his jeans.

“Fuck,” he sighed, scrubbing his face with his hands as he slid to the floor, his back pressed against the chilled stone of the sarcophagus.

He had to get a handle on himself.

His predatory instincts had consumed him when he attacked Eva in the hall. Now, the vampire had nearly had its way with her in the labyrinth. The visions had weakened his mind, leaving him vulnerable to the whims of the demon that resided in his soul. Under normal circumstances he would never even attempt to take advantage of a woman.

The thought drew a dark laugh from him, the sound echoed through the centuries old mausoleum. He hadn’t been “normal” for over three hundred years. He no longer understood the definition of the word.


Chapter Five







“This first level is considered the social floor. Here, you will find everything,” Falcon had stated at the beginning of the tour and he was right.

He had kicked off the excursion with breakfast, showing Eva the massive kitchen, large enough to cook for an army, and the smaller dining room, which could easily seat fifty. While Falcon explained how he had done everything possible to maintain the historical integrity of the castle through the extensive construction, Eva had savored a bowl of Frosted Flakes, a staple she had sorely missed while living deep within the Amazon.

When she had finished, it was on to the billiards room, complete with seven tables, a full bar that extended across one wall along with a collection of old video arcade games. What interested her the most were the various polished suits of armor and medieval weaponry that decorated the room.

Next, the monstrous movie theater with rows upon rows of oversized recliner seats, a popcorn machine, a slushy bar, and vending machines filled with a three-year supply of candy.

“I thought vampires couldn’t eat food,” she said as she paused to snag a Snickers bar, another delicacy she had been deprived of far too long.

“It’s not that we can’t, but we generally abstain from food. Occasionally, I do like to enjoy a hot fudge sundae,” he answered with a shrug. “Now, we have an obscenely large movie database which begins with silent films and ends with the latest box office releases. This theater is also connected to the Internet and you can instantly stream videos on the screen.”

Eva’s eyes grew wide with shock. She now knew what she would be doing for the next few days, catching up on all the films she had missed over the years.

As she tried to plan her movie marathon, debating whether she should begin with chick-flicks or horror, Falcon showed her into the solarium, w
ith wall-to-wall windows, which were covered by heavy, retractable metal shades and housed only night blooming flowers.

Eva’s jaw dropped when Falcon took her across the hall to the five-story library. Books extended from floor to ceiling and lined every wall. Tight, spiral staircases stood in each corner, every level accessible by wrought iron landings and walkways. It was a windowless space, except for a small reading nook tucked in the far left corner.

“My king’s book collection is so extensive that we’ve changed many of the smaller rooms in the keep into storage. Feel free to read whatever you like, we have every genre you can think of published in every language. Even a few from antiquity and various other periods.”

Has the king read all of these books?
Eva wondered.

Still dazed, Eva let Falcon guide her through the castle to the gym. She had never seen so many pieces of workout equipment. Dark blue mats covered the floor up to the full sized basketball court and stadium stands.

“I’ve saved the best for last,” Falcon said ushering her from the gym. They entered the hall and ascended a wide staircase to the second level. He pushed open a set of double doors and Eva was swept away.

The pool was long and narrow with glistening, tropical blue water. Lounge chairs lined the sides while a fully stocked bar was situated along the back wall, which was lined with covered windows. White, smooth marble columns reached to the ceiling, which was also lined with steel window covers. At night, the shades would retract allowing the brilliant moon to light the pool. The stars would twinkle as snow fell all around. The room would look like something out of a travel magazine, a pool area that belonged to an extravagant hotel.

Eva was speechless as she wandered about the expansive room. This castle had everything. Never in her life had she imagined she would be staying in a place this beautiful.

Stepping to the edge, she knelt down, and dipped her fingers in the water. It was warm.

“Out there is a small balcony out there,” Falcon pointed to a door, “When the weather grows warmer, it should be rather nice. Naturally, you will be left alone. We vampires can’t sunbathe.”

“But you can walk in the sun,” she pointed out.

Falcon’s hand went up to his chest, his fingers capturing something that dangled from a necklace, but was hidden by his shirt collar. “I’m fortunate,” he muttered.

Not wanting to pry, Eva changed the subject, “Well, Falcon, I’m at a loss. This place is gorgeous. A huge step up from my little hovel in the jungle.”
From one extreme to the other,
she thought. “I don’t know where I should begin. Should I lounge here and enjoy the hot tub, or numb my brain with some flicks, or start hoarding books?”

Falcon chuckled as he glanced at his watch. “Well, I’ve arranged a few interviews today, hoping to find a chef. They should be arriving in about fifty-five minutes.”

“You, Mr. Occasional Hot Fudge Sundae, are going to interview cooks?” she teased with a smile.

“If you don’t mind joining me, you can sample their food since each will be providing a demonstration.”

“I can’t wait,” she beamed.

Falcon pulled a paper from the inside pocket of his blazer. “I almost forgot. I’ve drawn this up for you. It is a map of the castle and the grounds.”

“Thank you,” she said taking the paper. She quickly unfolded it and scanned the drawing. He had even provided a layout for the labyrinth and circled the greenhouse at the center.

Eva frowned as she noticed the entire west wing of the castle, with the exception of the first and second level were missing. Also, the hall made of windows she had seen earlier was not on the map.

How odd. Falcon must have done it for a reason…the king, maybe?

The west wing must belong to King Hadrian. She gave a little pout of disappointment. She had been looking forward to seeing the hall of windows, which was incredibly high up. The view would have been spectacular.

But I don’t need another run in with that particular vampire,
she reminded herself as she folded the map and placed it in the back pocket of her jeans.

“Well, I’ll leave you to decide what you would like to do first and I’ll see you in the kitchen at three.”

He bowed his head slightly then turned on his heel and disappeared out the doors.

Eva sighed and sat on a lounge chair. What did she want to do first? She felt like a child at Disney World, too many options, too many exciting things. After some thought, she decided to hit the library first to pick out a book or two. Then, she would sit in on the chef interviews and taste test with Falcon before rounding out her evening with a movie and a nice soak in the hot tub. While relaxing she would come up with an educational plan. She needed to catch up with human society if she were to blend in.

Standing, she exited the pool area and retraced her steps, not wanting to get lost. She would have to study the map Falcon gave her later.

Once she reached the first floor she cast a glance at the gym. Even though it looked nothing like her uncle’s
combined jiu-jitsu and yoga studio, it had reminded her of happy memories. Every day, after school, she and her mother would go to the studio. Two days a week they did yoga together, while the remaining three days were devoted to training. Her uncle taught her well. She had even participated in a few jiu-jitsu matches and had won them all.

Stepping to one of the black punching bags, Eva tested it with a shove. She watched it swing a few times before steadying it.  Then she took up her stance, dancing on the balls of her feet. Envisioning Teresa’s face, she began to hit the bag, hesitantly at first, but her attack soon became wild. She delivered blow after blow with amazing speed, releasing pent-up aggression. She landed a few kicks, keeping her breathing controlled and even, like her uncle had taught her.

The pinpricks of awareness tickled her nape as she swung around for another hit, her arm raised, her fist tight. The loud smack of flesh-to-flesh impact rattled her eardrums in the silence of the gym.

“Hello, half-breed.”

Eva’s mind went numb. Hadrian stood before her, his lean muscled chest bare, workout shorts hugging his hips. A smile curled his sensual lips as she continued to stare. Her heart began to race as she lost control of her breathing. Lust exploded from her as her eyes focused on his chiseled abs.

“We keep running into each other,” he said.

His voice caused her to shiver and drew her gaze to his.

Realizing she was standing, gaping at him with her mouth open, she snapped her jaw closed, shook her head and frowned. Why did her knuckles sting. Glancing down her eyes grew wide. He had caught her fist.

“Your skill is impressive. Who taught you how to fight?”

Did he just ask me a question? Oh, come on, Eva, you’ve seen plenty of men. The males in the pack hardly ever wore shirts.
She exhaled a breath she had not realized she had been holding.
But damn, none of them ever looked this drop dead sexy. Oh my god, focus!

“I’m sorry. What?”

His perfect smile widened and she groaned.

“I had asked who taught you how to fight.”

“My uncle.” At his frown she hurried to explain, “My uncle on my mother’s side. He was an instructor and owned his own Jiu Jitsu studio in Rio.”

Hadrian gave a nod and released her hand. “He taught you well.”

“Thank you, Your Highness,” she said. Dropping her gaze she felt her cheeks heat with a blush. “I was, ah, just heading out. Excuse me.” Eva moved to step around the vampire king, but he blocked her retreat. She looked up and swallowed a surprised gasp. His eyes were narrowed, his expression hard. Had she done something wrong? Had she insulted him in some way? Did she not address him properly?

Crap, I only said ‘Your Highness’ once.

“Your eyes,” he grated, his voice had turned cold, fitting his demeanor. He took a step forward, forcing her to tilt her head back to maintain eye contact. “What are you?”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I don’t know what you—”

“What are you?” he demanded.

Squaring her shoulders, Eva stated firmly, “I’m half human and half jaguar shifter.” She was not ashamed of her mixed blood, she was proud to be her mother’s daughter.

Hadrian took another step, closing the space between them. Eva jumped as his chest brushed against her breasts, the contact sent heat straight to her core. She took in a deep breath, willing herself to remain calm, but his heady male scent attacked her senses. Her knees went weak and she leaned her shoulders against the punching bag for support, praying it would not swing and let her fall.

“No,” Hadrian said, his eyes focused on hers as if searching for an answer to some mystery. “No, you are not.” He snatched her wrist and raised it to his nose. While still holding her gaze, he inhaled her scent, his breath caressing over her pulse. “You are something more.” He pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist, drawing a longing sigh from her lips. “Shall I have a taste?”

She ran her tongue over her now dry lips.

“One drop,” his fangs extended, his eyes grew even darker, “could tell me everything about you.” He gently drew the pointed tips of his fangs across her skin and Eva’s eyes closed against the pleasure. “May I have a taste, little one?”

she wanted to scream. His voice was deep with need. His black eyes glittered with threatening passion and dangerous hunger. On some level she knew she should pull her arm back, but she couldn’t move. Her entire body hummed with desire, her breasts swelled against the pressure of his hard chest.

Hadrian kissed her wrist again and drew his warm tongue over her erratically beating pulse, gently suckling before murmuring, “Please, sweet, allow me a taste.”

Her moan was all the answer he needed. Hadrian inhaled her seductive vanilla scent once more as he pressed her wrist to his mouth. His body had responded the instant he came upon her in the gym, his shaft swelling as he watched her. Then, when she saw him, lust had exploded from her body; the delicious scent of her arousal hit him like an upper cut.

Just a taste
, he told himself.
Control. Do not harm the girl.

She felt his lips open over her pulse, her heart skipped as she sucked in a deep breath, holding it, waiting for him. He smiled against her wrist.

He would take a drop, no more.

Hadrian’s predatory instincts flared. Someone was coming. He probed the hall outside the gym with his sense. A growl rumbled from his throat. The vampire within him howled in protest as he dropped her hand. He took a step back, then another, ignoring the foreign compulsion that demanded he return to her. His demon roared in outage at the loss of her warmth.

Eva blinked once, twice, then a third time. He did not bite her.

Damn confusing vampire. Gets me all hot and bothered then stops. What the hell? Well, at least he didn’t pull a ‘now you see me, now you don’t’ like last time.

“Why did you—”

“Hey, Eva, the chefs are arriving,” Falcon called as he pushed open the door. “Do you want–Holy, mother of—Your Majesty, I was not expecting to find you here.”

“I intended to go a few rounds,” he said, his gaze still locked on Eva, whose cheeks were bright pink, his words hiding a naughty double meaning.

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