Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness) (24 page)

BOOK: Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness)
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Chapter Twenty-Six






“The priestess I spoke with suggested I share my blood with you.”

“Well, it lessened the pain.” Eva poked at the salad with her fork. “Was it to help me—Did you do it to…Why is this so hard to say?”

She took up her wine again, suddenly needing the courage only liquor could provide. It was difficult to think of how close she had come to dying.

No, I did die, she told herself. She had seen the great white light and…her mother. A shiver rocked her.

Clearing her throat, she tried again, “Is that why I survived?”

Hadrian came forward, placing his elbows on the table. He laced his fingers together. How much should he tell her? It had been his blood that brought her back to the realm of the living.  What did she think of the brand on her wrist? Would she ask about it or should he tell her? What would he say? All day he had been unable to think of how to deliver the information, words failed him. How was he to explain that her life was forever bound to his?

He sighed, and rubbed his brow. If he could he would tell her nothing of their bond, but for now, he would give simple answers. He would go into detail later, after she had some time to process this new information.

“Yes, my blood saved you from death,” he said, his voice was rough like gravel.

Eva sullenly nodded. “Did the priestess happen to mention whether or not I will experience
estrus?” she asked, deciding to use the technical term. Somehow it made the situation feel a little less personal, a little less…real.

“The witch is a seer,” he stated, “according to her visions, you will.”

Eva finished her wine and Hadrian refilled her glass.

She had heard the compulsion to breed was overwhelming. It drove women to attack men, their animal side completely exposed. It could easily get bloody and violent, if the female’ s needs were not met.

“I have acquired some Levo to ease your need. It will not put you under like other remedies, but it will relax you and keep you calm.”

Eva blinked. “You think of everything.”

How the hell had he gotten his hands on Levo? The drug was elusive, expensive, and was definitely not for sale to vampires.

The drug of choice for the females in most packs was morphine. It did not stop the need; it just made the women blissfully unaware of the pain. The females who were left
were untamed and uncontrollable, overcome with the violent need for sex. Levo would leave her lucid, but numbed out. The pain would be dulled and so too would the cravings.

Eva’s body heated, desire rushed through her as her imagination went wild. She would give anything to make love with Hadrian for twenty-four hours. She would die of ecstasy. Problem was, she did not know if he would be game.

Gathering her courage, she asked, “What if I don’t want to take it?”

His brow wrinkled. “It is my understanding that if not treated, females suffer painfully.”

“Yeah, but what I’m asking…” Eva allowed her words to fade. How pathetic and embarrassing. Had she really been about to ask the vampire to tend to her needs? The man hadn’t offered and she would not beg. “Forget it.”

Hadrian shifted in his seat trying to relieve some of the pressure building within him. His body had hardened. He knew the line of her thoughts. Eva had been about to ask him to service her and he knew he would be unable to deny such a request. He craved to drive the hardest part of himself into her, to feel her come around him, on him. The thought had him itching to clear the table with a swift swipe of his arm, lay her down, raise her dress and thrust into her.

Needing to focus on anything other than his thoughts, he said, “I do have some good news, because of your mother, you have no obligations to the pack.”

Eva’s gaze shot back to meet his. “What does that mean?”

“You are free of them and of my Clan. You may leave Palatio Nocte when you are ready. However, I suggest you wait until your estrus has passed.”

Relief and angry hostility flooded her. To be free, to be finished with the pack forever was her dream. She had tried to run away countless times, only to be caught, dragged back, and punished. Why her father cared so much about her escaping, she would never know. But with her independence from the pack came her release from the Validus Clan.

A ward was required for the treaty to uphold. Who would be sent to take her place? Would it be Teresa? The thought was laughable. Yes, the pack lived deep in the jungle, but Teresa and her mother spent much of their time in town with servants in tow. She could never survive here, secluded without anyone to pamper her and cater to her every whim. Jealousy took root within her as she thought of Teresa living in the castle alone with Hadrian. If the shifter ever gave Hadrian an interested glance, Eva would scratch her eyes out.

No, I won’t be here when the new girl comes. I will be far, far away
. Finally living my life, she reminded herself.
I will be far away from Hadrian.

A sharp pain speared her chest. She nearly doubled over. Rubbing her hand over her heart she tried to breath, but her lungs were heavy. Why did she suddenly feel as if someone had ripped out her heart?

“So, who will be taking my place?” she asked, unable to silence her jealousy. She had to know.

“No one. As of today the treaty has been terminated.”

Her jaw dropped. “What? Why?”

Hadrian gave a slow shrug, the jacket tightened over his wide shoulders. “Arsenio cannot be trusted. The contract specifically states a purebred is to be given to the Validus Clan. He did not hold up his end and now, that we have discovered your true linage, I am extremely suspicious of his motives.”

“Because of me you ended your alliance?”

“He had to have known your mother was a Shaw. Their magic is incredibly strong. A shifter of his abilities would be able to scent her a mile away. He allowed her to leave Brazil with you because he knew he had no right to claim you. Perhaps, he hoped the two of you would never return.”

“But we did.”

“Yes, and he captured you.” Hadrian’s hands clenched, the whites of his knuckles flashing. “I wish I knew why.”

“You and me both,” she sighed, pushing her plate away. Her appetite had vanished, which was a shame, the lamb looked and smelled delicious. “But, it doesn’t really matter. What is done is done. There is no going back.” She took up her wine glass once more. “I will never see him again, just as I had planned when I left.”

“You intended to escape?’ Hadrian said, every muscle in his body tensed as if preparing for a chase.

She will never escape me.

He took a breath and forced himself to relax. She was not running from him, he was letting her leave.

“Somehow,” she confirmed. “I underestimated how far from civilization the castle would be and I certainly did not expect that interesting draw bridge.” 

Eva would not tell him, but she had devised an escape plan. She would wait until the night of the ball, the night her father was to come collect her and haul her back to Brazil. She knew there would hundreds if not thousands of guests. She could easily blend in and sneak about unnoticed. She would steal a car, if she could remember what Jose, her boyfriend from junior year, had showed her. She assumed the bridge would be left extended because of the amount of traffic. Simple.

“Well, you needn’t worry about that. When Falcon returns he will take you to Ivano-Frankivsk. It is the closest city with an international airport.”

Eva almost dropped her glass. She finished the wine, then carefully returned the crystal to the table, her fingers trembling.

“And when will Falcon be back?”


“Wednesday,” she repeated, her voice cracking. Her heart stopped, her blood crystallized in her veins, and her vision swayed. Three days. Hadrian was sending her away in three days.

He nodded. “I have arranged for our jet to take you back to Florida. That is where you said you would like to live. I also had someone contact your mother’s friend. Francis would be glad to have you stay with her. Or, if you decide you would rather have a place of your own, my people have found some apartments you may like. I have also spoken with the universities in the area. You could apply and start next semester, if you so desire. I will fund your education.” He reached for her hands, but pulled back. “I want you to know that no matter where you go or what you decide to do, you will have the support and protection of the Validus.”

She did not know if she should thank him or dump her plate in his lap. Here he was, offering her everything she had said she wanted, except him. He was making it possible for her to return to her old life in the States and attend school. She could become a pediatrician just like she had dreamed.

He was presenting her with a normal, average, boring life, but it no longer held its appeal. She didn’t want normal. She wanted excitement. She didn’t want average, she wanted everything and she could not go back to boring after living with Hadrian.

She tried to tell herself that is was good. This was what she wanted, but her head could not convince her heart. Even though she knew she shouldn’t, she had hoped for more.

“Eva,” he said with a frown. When she did not respond, he shook her shoulder.

She shrugged his hand off and turned to face him. Her eyes clouded, the amber depths swirled with emotions he could hardly name. He recognized sorrow and anger, but the others…he did not understand. He had thought Eva would be happy to know she would never have to return to the pack, that she could live her life the way she chose. She said she wanted normal and safe. He could give neither. He was a vampire, plagued with the demon of his maker, and he was dangerous.

“You have devised a very nice plan,” she said, her words cold, her tone flat. “Would you allow me to stay here until I came up with my own plan?’”

“I will not force you to vacate.”

She nodded slowly. Silence stretched between them. Mr. Bakin came and went, offering a new bottle of wine. Hadrian declined and the butler swiftly disappeared.

“Eva,” he sighed, leaning towards her. “This is a lot of information and a lot of changes all at once. I will not pressure you to make a decision.” His fingers twitched to touch her. He wanted to cup her face and capture her lips with his. The memory of her taste, the soft gentle glide of her tongue against his, the feel of her breath in his lungs, was maddening.

“I appreciate that,” she replied, pushing her seat away from the table. “Excuse me.”

Hadrian reached for her, impulse driving him. He caught her hand and pulled her back. “Wait. Eva, I need to know…Last night—”

“I have no regrets,” she said, tilting her chin up, “You don’t have to worry, Hadrian. I know that you never intended to sleep with me and that it just happened. I’m glad that it did. In hindsight, it may have been a mistake, but it was a mistake worth making.”

“Eva, I wish things were different, that I was…different.”

“I’m not expecting anything from you.”

He winced. He wanted more, but it was impossible.

“Just so that we are clear, tell me, why can’t I expect anything from you. Or, I should say, from us? And don’t give me the same excuses. I’m no longer mortal. I may not heal instantaneously like you, but I will mend quickly enough. You will not have to worry about being too rough. I’m also no longer your ward.”

Hadrian froze. The truth. He had to tell her the truth. He was a beast, a murderer. He had killed the only person he had ever truly loved in cold blood. The act unleashed the demon. It swept through him, taking hold of his very bones and poisoned his soul. Twisting him, breaking him, leaving him hollow. He had been lost for centuries, unable to discern the vampire’s memories from his own. They bled together until reality no longer existed. Only now was he beginning to climb out of the madness. His mind was mending, the mental barrier between him and the demon grew stronger every day, but he still could not be trusted. If he hurt her, if he even inflicted the slightest scratch, he would never be able to forgive himself.

It was better that she leaves. If she stayed, it would only be harder to let go.

His soul wept as he hardened his heart.
I must do what is best for her
. And he was not it.

“I could not bear to see you hurt,” he began. “I am a monster, Eva.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“If you knew what I have done, you would think differently.”

“Then tell me.”

Dark shadows fell over his face. “You need to forget about me, Eva. I am no good for you. All I can give you is pain.”

Eva wanted to cry, her roiling emotions were becoming too much. Her frustration simmered as sorrow pumped in her veins. She wished Hadrian could see himself through her eyes. Just once. There was darkness within him, menacing and terrifying, but there was light within him too. He was fighting so hard to protect her. Deep down, Eva knew the truth. He was protecting himself. He wore his madness like a shield.

If he would just talk to her, open up and share the secrets that ate at his soul, he would heal. He would finally be able to let go of the self-loathing that dulled his brilliant obsidian eyes and shake free the guilt that looped about his neck like a noose.

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