Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness)

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His gaze turned sharp then his eyes narrowed. The temperature of the room dropped as shadows descended upon his face.

“Perhaps I’m not making myself clear,” he said, his voice hard. “Or,” his gaze traveled over her, studying her from head to toe, “you want me this way, on the verge of losing control.”

She swallowed hard. His heated, predatory gaze fixed on her as his voice deepened. Dangerous sexual intent burned in his eyes as he downed his liquor, savoring it as if imagining it was her blood. His eyes roamed her body. A pure masculine smile softened his features, as his fangs grew longer.

Eva gasped. God, she wanted this vampire. She had to use every ounce of her rapidly depleting self-control
to throw herself at him.

“Danger,” he grated past his fangs, “it excites you.”


Books by Amanda J. Greene

Rulers of Darkness Series

Caressed by Moonlight

Caressed by Night

Caressed by a Crimson Moon



Caressed by a

Crimson Moon


Amanda J. Greene













Publisher Amanda J. Greene

Copyright © 2013 by Amanda J. Greene

All rights reserved.


No part of this book may be transmitted or reproduced by any means. This book is fiction. Characters, events, places, names, and etc. are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any actual persons (living or dead), businesses, or locals is completely coincidental.

Cover art by Kim Killion

ISBN – Not Yet Assigned



This book is dedicated to my loving and supportive family. Without their encouragement, none of this would be possible.

To my husband, who understands my crazy ways and knows that creativity does not work on a schedule.

I also need to say a special thank you to my Nana. She was the reader in our family and she shared the wonderful world of books with me. I will cherish every romance novel she ever gave me.




As always, thank you Rebecca Grimmius! You are such a huge help. You really do keep me on track and make sure my Rulers of Darkness facts are straight.

With immense gratitude Rosemarie Lopez, you got me through the end.  You are wonderful Beta Reader.


Glossary of Terms


Binding Ceremony:
Takes place between a vampire and their mate through the exchange of blood. Their blood will mix and they both must consume the combined blood at the same time. They will bare the mark of their binding, a scar.

Black Knights:
The protectors of the vampire royalty and nobility and the enforcers of vampiric law.

A human slaved kept by a vampire for the use of feeding. This practice is outlawed, though it remains in use within the Outcast Society.

Death Curse:
A spell cast by the Shaman upon any vampire that becomes ruler of a Clan. This curse was created to limit the power and reign of the monarchs. It begins by attacking what remains of the vampire’s conscious (often times the king reports seeing the faces of those he has slain, thereby attacking their mind), hallucinations set in and the vampire begins to descend into madness. Next, the curse singles out the vampire’s emotions (they become over come by grief, shame, loneliness, despair, ect.). While the curse twists their minds and emotions, an illness consumes the body. Death is always welcome in the end. The average reigning term of a monarch is 200 years. This has helped cut the numbers of the older, stronger, vampires.

Cassius, Uro, and Imbrasus. These three of the four purebloods shared their blood with humans, thereby creating fledglings. They also formed the vampire clans. Fathers can also be addressed as Sire. (Dimitri is a leader of a clan, though he has never created fledglings and is addressed as Sire.) Began to change humans to vampires when civilizations became strong.

Humans that have been changed into vampires.

A vampire’s strength is determined by four (4) factors.

How hard the victim fought to hold on to their mortal life. The stronger the will to live the stronger the demon will be within them upon transformation.

How strong the vampire is that is attempting to turn the human. The Purebloods posses the most strength, while their direct fledglings are the second strongest and so on and so forth. As the blood continues to be shared with humans, the vampire curse becomes more and more diluted. Example: the vampires that are made by the 16
generation will not be nearly as strong as those made by the 2
, no matter what.

The more blood a vampire shares with their victim, the more poison (the curse) the human consumes. With more poison in the system, the transition is easier, though there is still no guarantee that the human will survive the transition.

The passage of time. As years turn into decades and decades into centuries, the demon within (the vampire) grows stronger and some develop extra senses: mind reading, mind control, teleportation, and visions of the future.

A vampire monarch’s lover. The Shaman, with his ability to see far into the future, knew that one day a ruler would come into power (one for each vampire clan) that would want to bring peace into the world of darkness. In order to save these rulers of the Death Curse, the Shaman created their mates. If the vampire finds their mate, they will never fall victim to the Death Curse. Though, there is no guarantee that the vampire will find their mate and if they do not, they will parish.

Mylonas Clan:
The very first vampire Clan to be formed. Created by Cassius, their territory consists of Southern Europe, every country that lines the coast of the Mediterranean.
Reigning monarch: Dorian Vlakhos

Outcast Society:
Made up of vampires who have been banished from their Clans or were changed into vampires illegally (without the blessing or the approval of the King). Generally they are the weaker of the vampire race, with few exceptions. Their territory consists of the Untied States, with some small factions scattered about Canada and South America. To protect themselves from the Red Order, they form groups, banding together.
The two largest groups within the Outcast Society are lead by Gabriel Erhard and Boras Werner (competitive factions).
Also known as bastards, blood-bastards, or filthy-blood.

The original vampires cursed by the Shaw: Cassius
and Dimitri. The proper way to address a Pureblood is Sire.

Rightful Ruler:
The intended monarch chosen by Fate to rule a vampire clan. They will bring about peace and be granted a mate through the spell created by the Shaman.

Also known as heirs. They are chosen by the current reigning vampire ruler to be their successor.

Leader of the Shaw. He is all-knowing and his magical abilities are limitless. He is continuously reincarnated; this helps his powers grow and insures that his knowledge of the past continues on. The Shaman can choose to retire, meaning he selects a fellow member of the tribe, generally from his direct bloodline, to pass on his strength and knowledge. Once he relinquishes his power and memories, he is free of the reincarnation cycle and will live out his life to finally pass on to the next realm.

A species that appear human but can take the form of an animal. Also known as Weres. They separate themselves by animal type and live in packs/tribes. Africa, Asia South America, and some parts of North America are split up amongst the different factions. Generally live in small groups and amongst people. They share much of their territory with the Outcast Society. War is popular within their communities and peace is always short lived. One cannot be changed into a Shape-shifter. They can breed with humans, producing Half-Breeds.

Shaw Priestess:
Gifted witches who show great promise for strength. They are trained by Shaman and are highly respected within their otherworldly community. They are Seers, able to look into the future. They are assistance to Shaman and are members of his bloodline. Priestesses are pure of blood, meaning their blood, if given to a human, can grant immortality.

Shaw Witches:
A peaceful tribe of witches possessing great magical power.

Soul Shattering:
When a human is on the verge of death and receives vampire blood, the transition from human to vampire begins. The blood is poisonous to a human; it eats away at the soul and conscious until the next full moon. Once the full moon rises, the transition begins; excruciating pain claims the victim as their body begins to morph into that of a vampire. At this point, the soul is weak and splinters under the pressure. In most cases, the soul dies and the human does not survive the transition. If the soul does not die, it is forever shattered – in pieces.  The human will awake a vampire possessing little humanity. They retain their memories and some of their emotions, though their conscious is almost nonexistent. However, there is a way around Soul Shattering. When the human is being given the vampire’s blood, the vampire can press their hand over the human’s heart, there by creating a shield around the soul, protecting it from the poison. A vampire is stronger if they possess their whole soul.

The Red Order:
Witches, who have very little magical power but possess great physical strength, they are the hunters of vampires. Also known as the Red Order Hunters.

The process by which a human is transformed into a vampire. The human must be near death from blood loss and receive a vampire’s blood. Upon the next full moon, the change from human to vampire takes place. It is an agonizing event and most do not survive. Males dominate the vampire race because, for one reason or another, female’s bodies do not absorb the vampire’s poisonous blood well and often die when the blood first enters their system.

Validus Clan:
Created by Imbrasus. They claim Eastern Europe, beginning with the Czech Republic and advancing East, with the exception of Russia.
Reigning monarch: Hadrian Lucretius.

Voidukas Clan:
The smallest of the vampire clans, created by Uro. Their territory consists of: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, and Switzerland.
Reigning monarch: Sonya Rebane.

Volkov Clan
: Formed by the pureblood Dimitri. Territory belonging to this clan is Northern Europe and Russia. He created this Clan to give refuge to vampires over the years trying to escape persecution, slavery, and tyrannical rulers of their own Clans.
Reigning monarch: Dimitri Arsov.






London, England




“They must be destroyed.
Every last

“Samuel is right.”

The voices echoed in the dimly lit tunnels.

“Death is not always the answer. We could have peace.”

Outraged rumbled the cavern. Fists pounded on the table as men continued to debate.

“Peace with those bloodsuckers? Never!” Samuel declared.

“Murderers. They are all murderers,” Oliver added.

A slender young man came to his feet. “Look around you. We have been forced to live like rats beneath the city streets, scurrying from tunnel to tunnel and cave to cave. Our numbers are small. Our children suffer while our women are treated like broodmares. This has gone too far and has lasted too long. It is ruining us.”

“Sit down, Carter.”

“No, Lewis, I will not. This council needs to open their eyes and realize what this war is doing to our people.”

“The vampires began this war. The king of the Mylonas Clan—”

“You seem to forget your history lessons, Samuel,” Carter snapped. “Mark Wright, your ancestor, and the vampire,
Kal Gracchus, devised this war. Kal desired to overthrow King Dorian Vlakhos and enlisted Wright’s help. The council of 1814 never approved of this war, they never gave military or financial backing.”

“The council could have stopped Wright. They could have taken his army and stripped him of his title. They chose to let this fake war progress.” Richard said.

“Because vampires were dying,” Samuel growled.

“Wright slaughtered indiscriminately, killing humans, torching entire villages. He turned his back on our vows, never are we to take a human life,” Carter argued. “And it was Vlakhos who drew his military back when he learned that this war was not sanctioned. He had been willing to end the feud.”

Richard nodded. “But instead, the Red Order launched a full scale attack.”

Lewis shook his head. “Mark Wright was a general. We had to avenge his death. Vlakhos killed him. And it was your great, great, great grandfather that helped the king, Carter.”

Carter knew his ancestor Jacque had helped Vlakhos. He was proud of grandfather Jacque for doing what was right, even if it meant helping the enemy.

“Wright was a traitor to our Covenant,” Carter said. “Peace with the Mylonas could have been ours now, if choose it.”

Samuel scowled. “Peace? Boy, you are young and naïve. Peace will only come when the last vampire meets the sun.”

“We can’t continue to live like this,” Carter protested. “The Red Order will cease to exist. We have been losing this war.”

Richard spoke up, “The Shaw live peacefully with the vampires. Queen Sonya—”

“The Shaw are a disgrace,” Oliver snapped.

Samuel came to his feet so quick his chair toppled. Slamming a fist on the table, silencing the bickering that ensued. “This meeting is over. Until someone can devise a plan that will bring the vampires to their knees, the council will remain closed.”

Wooden chair legs scraped against the unrelenting stone floor as grumbles and curses filled the cavern.

Carter stood alone in the council chambers. His shoulders slumped and he fervently prayed for strength.

Destitute. His people, the magnificent Red Order Hunters, the group that struck fear into the dead hearts of the vampires, now teetered on the brink of oblivion.

Two centuries. The war with the Mylonas had raged for nearly two centuries. The vampires only grew stronger while the Red Order had weakened and crumbled. It was only a matter of time before Dorian Vlakhos found their dilapidated, underground haven.

Carter shuddered as he thought of the children. With their population loss, boys became soldiers at thirteen. They were barely able to shoot straight and were dead if ever they came face to face with a vampire. Sadly, their life expectancy was twenty-two. He, at twenty-nine, was considered an elder, hence his being elected to the council.

The fighting had to end. The fake war, built upon the greed of two men, would be the demise of the Reds. How could Samuel and Oliver not see the wisdom in his words? Lewis was on the fence, while Richard supported him.

“You are too progressive, councilman.”

Carter spun about. A short, slim figure stood before him. She was draped in a crimson cloak, the hood casting shadows upon her face, distorting her delicate features.

“Peace is the answer,” she said.

“Priestess, I—”

“Silence. I haven’t much time.” She held a small dark purple envelope. “As you know, there are those within the Shaw gifted with the ability of foresight. The Order’s future is grave. Literally. Death will fall to all.”

“Even the young? Please, spare them.”

“I’m not the collector of souls. Save your bartering for
. I speak of what I have seen.”

“Then it is hopeless.”

“Nothing is ever hopeless.” She extended her arm, offering him the envelope.

“This is an official summons from the Shaman of the Shaw Tribe. The Red Order Council must attend. The five of you will travel to Tallinn, Estonia. The date and specific information is provided. You will come unarmed.”

Carter shook his head. “They will never agree.”

“Yes, they will.” Her voice grew deeper as the air in the chamber turned frigid. “To deny the Shaw is to invite death.”

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