Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02 (24 page)

BOOK: Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02
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After a full meal complete with a brace of hares, thanks to Tugger, the group relaxed with their favorite drinks of choice.

Her eyes slipping to the steps every so often, Lecie listened to stories of Castell Maen with interest.

“He will be all right, you know.” Bronwyn interrupted her troubled thoughts. “All he needs now is rest.”

“How can you be so sure?” Keeping her voice low, Lecie searched Bronwyn’s silver eyes. “Are you a wicce?” 

“What would make you think that?” Bronwyn’s gaze briefly flashed to Euric. “Do I act like one?”

“Please forgive me, I did not mean offense.” Lecie hesitated. “Only at times you speak strangely and I have yet to see a woman so sure of herself.”

“No offense is taken on my part.” Leaning close, Bronwyn whispered, “In truth, I do practice the old ways. I hope that is not something you take offense to.”

“If it saves the life of Albin, I care very little how it is done,” Lecie admitted.

“I am pleased to hear it, as I already consider you my friend.”

“Lady Lecie,” Anne spoke as she rushed down the last remaining steps. “Sir Albin is asking for you and ale.”

“Hopefully in that order,” Fulke called with a chuckle. “If he is asking for his two favorite things, he will surely pull through.”

Tears sprang to Lecie’s eyes as she stood with a grateful smile towards the group. “If you will you excuse me, I shall see to my husband.”

“I shall follow directly with the ale,” Anne called to her back.

The tears pooling in Lecie’s eyes slipped free as she entered the master chamber to find Albin calmly looking at her. “Greetings, wife.”

His voice weak and hoarse, they were still the best two words Lecie had ever heard. “You gave me quite a scare, husband,” she scolded perching on the edge of the bed nearest him. “I suggest you not do that again for as long as I live.”

Reaching out to cup her cheek, Albin smiled. “I shall do my best not to.”

The first light touch of their lips had them straining against each other for more. He captured Lecie’s tongue, and she moaned as her hands slid through the curls at the nape of his neck to hold him close.

“Is this a private audience or can anyone take part?” Holding a cup of ale, Fulke grinned from the doorway.

Albin groaned as Lecie broke away. “Come in, your lordship.”

“Your timing leaves a lot to be desired, my liege,” Albin responded with narrowed eyes. “You would not happen to be paying me back for times past, would you?”

“Mayhap.” Fulke grinned. “I warrant your timing always happened to be off in such moments.”

“Exactly what I figured,” Albin grumbled.

“If you would rather I take my leave to enjoy the ale meant for you, just say the word, my friend.”

“Never you mind. I will lighten your burden and quench my thirst, since you have already ruined the moment.”

After passing over the cup, Fulke crossed his arms to lean against the wall. “You gave us all quite a scare, my friend.”

“So I have heard.” Draining the cup, Albin glanced at Lecie. “Not as much of a scare as I had upon waking. Is it true you slayed Hamon?”

Lecie studied her hands as she replied, “It is, and I would gladly do it again under the same circumstances.”

“What mean you?” Confused, Albin looked between the pair. “Did he harm you in some way before you managed to slay him?”

Seeing Albin’s eyes narrow in anger, Lecie shook her head. “Had he succeeded in what he was attempting, it would have killed me.”

“By all that is holy, wife, are you trying to confound me?”

“Shall I?” Fulke addressed the question to Lecie. “I have experience with Albin’s temperament and feel I can do justice to the tale.”

“By all means, please do, your lordship.”

“Blast it all, just tell me already,” Albin grumbled. “I despise being held in suspense.”

“That flaw would not have anything to do with the business of your lady’s assumed prior marital status, would it?” Fulke teased.

“Fulke,” Albin barked. “Spill it.”

“Hamon may as well be dead from his own hand, as are the tavern wenches Gunilda and Harsent.”

“Did Hamon kill the wenches? Is that why Lecie killed him?”

“Oh no,” Fulke replied thoroughly enjoying himself. “Your lady wife sent Hamon to the devil after he tried to hasten along
passing. Gunilda and Harsent were hung for bearing false witness against her after the fact.”

“Hamon tried to kill me a second time?” Attempting to make sense of it all, Albin struggled to sit up. “When did he try to harm you, lass?”

“When he tried to kill you,” Lecie replied softly.

“You saved my life.”

“I did, although Tugger is owed a debt of gratitude as well. He warned me that something was amiss.”

“Aye, and he shall receive it.” Pulling Lecie into the protective circle of his arms, Albin looked at Fulke. “I am in your debt for saving my Lecie. I cannot bear to think what would have happened had you been delayed further.”

“You owe me nothing. Reynold has a powerful ally in Henry’s itinerant justice. It was he who was bound to do everything in his power to see your lady swing.”

“I am no husband,” Albin declared. “I cannot even protect my wife.”

“Nonsense, you shall not say such again.” Lecie gripped his chin between her thumb and finger to stare intently into his eyes. “Promise me.”

“Aye, lass,” Albin conceded softly. “I vow it.”

Fulke cleared his throat to dispel the intimate moment. “As I was saying, we were successful this day, yet I fear we have not heard the last from de Glanville.”

Albin’s eyes shot to Fulke’s at the foreboding words. “You think he will bring the matter to Henry’s attention?” 

“Not this matter.  On that account the score is settled.”

“You speak of Talan and Mylla?”

“I do. It appears that de Glanville has set his heart on Mylla.” Fulke straightened to drop his arms. “The future does not bode well for young Talan.”

“Talan will not willingly let her go, Fulke.” Albin frowned at the implications. “He loves her.”

“And she him,” Lecie added. “Even if it were not so, I could not see Mylla with such a vile man as the justice.”

They looked up at a knock to find Reina, Bronwyn, Euric and Talan crowded in the doorway.

“Can anyone come in, or is this a private gathering?” Euric was the first to speak.

“Aye, come in,” Fulke called. “We are in need of a change of subject.”

Bronwyn examined Albin’s wound with an approving nod. “I am pleased to see you have your color back, Sir Albin.”

“You have my deepest thanks, my lady.” Holding Lecie close against him, he swallowed hard. “I owe you and her ladyship a boon.”

Encircled in her husband’s arms, Reina observed Albin and Lecie with a beaming smile.

Albin took note and returned the smile. “Care to tell what amuses you so, your ladyship?”

“Lecie is worthy of you, Albin.”
Reina mouthed the words slowly.
“I could not have chosen a finer lady for you to make your wife.”

“I beg to differ, your ladyship.” Albin gazed at Lecie for a moment with all the love he felt for her shining in his eyes. “I shall have to work my entire life to be worthy of her.”

“Albin, no,” Lecie pressed a hand against his shoulder when he struggled to rise from the bed.

“Talan, lend assist if you will,” Albin called as he swung his weakened legs over the bed. “There is something I must do.”

Exchanging puzzled looks, Bronwyn whispered something into Euric’s ear.

“Albin,” Euric spoke. “If you need a moment to yourself we will depart.”

“Lad, if I felt the need to relieve myself, I would have already cleared the room.”

Assisted by Talan, Albin stood a moment to allow the dizziness to pass. To the puzzlement of all, he stepped up to Fulke, only to slowly drop to his knees.

Fulke nodded with a pleased grin, waiting for Albin to speak, as the remainder of the group looked on.

“My liege, my friend,” Albin’s voice was hoarse as he looked up with shining eyes. “I thank you for the gift that is my Lecie.”

Gripping Albin’s shoulders, Fulke assisted Albin to stand. “I would not have rested until you were as happy as I.”

“Aye,” Albin chuckled. “You are stubborn in that way.”

“Get some rest.” Guiding Albin back to the bed, Fulke waited until he settled himself. “There is time enough to gloat later.”

“That is what I am afraid of,” Albin grumbled.

Ushering everyone out, Reina paused in the doorway. Her eyes briefly resting on Lecie once again snuggled in Albin’s embrace, she closed the door with a smile.

“Her ladyship approves of you,” Albin observed once they were alone.

“She is everything I believed her to be,” Lecie replied gazing up at him.

are my everything,” Albin whispered bending his head to capture her lips. “My Lecie, My Lady, My Life.”




Spring 1128


“Did I not tell you to wait for my assist before descending?”

Slowing her pace on the last few steps, Lecie ran her hand over the slight swell of her abdomen. With a beaming smile, she reached up to plant a kiss on Albin’s cheek. “It is sweet that you worry so for me.”

“Do not ply your sweet words on me, I am vexed with you.”

“Albin, I have been treading these steps since I could stand on my own. In fact,” she teased. “I vow I could find my way down them in my sleep.”

“That may very well be, however, prior to now you were not carrying my child.”

“Your child?” Pulling away from him, Lecie planted her hands on her hips. “Would you care to rephrase that statement?”

“It is true, is it not?” Clearly puzzled, Albin sought to pull her back as she stepped further out of his reach.

“It is true well enough,” Lecie agreed in a deceptively sweet tone. “However, I do not believe you are the one carrying
child for months on end. Nor do I believe it is you who will endure the pain of childbirth when the time comes.”

Snatching her into his arms, Albin grinned. “You are a feisty one, my love.”

“Do not even think about it.” Lecie presented her cheek when he tried to capture her lips. “It is I who am now vexed with you.”

“It is the pregnancy that makes you talk so.” Lowering his voice, he spoke the words that never failed to send a shiver down her spine. “I love you.”

Snaking her arms around his waist, Lecie lifted her face for his kiss. “You do not play fair.”

“Not when it comes to you.” Seizing her lips, Albin lifted her up against him. He groaned against her lips when Tugger’s loud barks carried to them from outside. “It appears the children are not the only ones anxious to set off.” Releasing her, he captured her hand. “When we arrive at Castell Maen, I will expect you to mind me about the step rule.”

“I would not think of being a disobedient wife, my love.” Concealing her mischievous smile with her free hand, she burst out laughing when he bent a sarcastic look upon her. “Oh all right, I promise to try and be more obedient.”

“Well, that is a start.” Holding the door open for her, they stepped into the crowded yard.

The sun was just rising as the staff circled around the packed wagon saying their farewells to the children.

Spotting Mylla standing beside Talan, Lecie rushed over. “I was hoping to see you again before we left.”

“I shall miss you ever so much.” Briefly embracing her, Mylla stepped back with a warm smile. “The babe is growing by the day.”

Tears burned Lecie’s eyes as she noted the sadness her friend was struggling so hard to conceal. “This is not goodbye. After the baby is born, we shall return for a visit to see how things are faring. The men have proved themselves able of running things in our absence.”

“If I am still in Rochester, I shall look forward to your visit.” Mylla smoothed a stray tear from her cheek with the back of her hand.

Her heart breaking for her friend, Lecie kept the topic light. “In the meantime, my husband has vowed to keep me busy going over building plans for a manor house of our own. When it is completed, you shall have to come for a lengthy visit. Promise?”

“I promise to try,” Mylla replied softly her eyes on Talan. “Safe travels.”

Embracing Mylla again, Lecie held on extra tight. “You must have faith in him,” Lecie whispered for her ears alone. “What is meant to be will always find a way.”

Releasing her, Mylla glanced over at Talan. “I shall not waver.” 

Walking over to Talan, Lecie smiled. “Now that the tower is finished, will we be seeing you at Castell Maen soon?”

“Soon enough.”

Following his gaze to Mylla as she bid farewell to Albin, Lecie searched for something to say.

Talan chuckled sadly sensing her discomfort. “No words are needed. Justice de Glanville is expected soon to offer for Mylla’s hand.”

“There must be something that can be done.”

“Short of dishonoring Mylla’s entire family and incurring the wrath of the crown by running away together the answer is no.”

“I am so sorry, Talan.” Lecie reached out to touch his forearm. “I shall pray that everything will work out for you both.”

“Are you ready, Lecie?” Securing his horse to the back of the wagon, Albin strode over.  “If we delay any longer, the children will set off without us.”

“I was just bidding her a safe journey,” Talan replied. Clasping Albin’s extended hand Talan forced a smile. “See you soon, my friend.”

“If there is anything…”

“Short of a miracle, there does not appear to be,” Talan cut him off. “I intend to spend what little time I have left with her.”

“Do you have a message for Castell Maen?”

“No.” Talan shook his head. “I shall tell them all when I return.”

Feeling helpless, Lecie embraced Talan as tears slipped down her cheeks.

Uncomfortably easing out of her arms, Talan stepped back. “Safe travels, my lady.”

Briefly pausing to say farewell to the women she had grown so fond of, she promised to see them soon.

“Do not even think about it,” Albin called sternly as she hiked up her skirts to climb onto the bench seat of the wagon.

“Whatever pleases you, husband.” Releasing her skirts, she flashed him a smile.

Sweeping her up into his arms, Albin planted a kiss on her lips. “I shall tell you in private what pleases me most.”

“I think I know well enough already.” Running a hand along her belly, she smiled.

Albin situated himself beside her as Tugger barked and the children began to talk excitedly.

Picking up the reins, he clucked the mules into motion as Mary burst into tears and walked alongside the wagon as it began to move.

“We shall see you soon, Mary,” Clayton called to soothe her.

Casting a last glance back at Talan and Mylla, Lecie leaned into Albin. “It breaks my heart to see them so in love and so unhappy.”

Albin clutched the reins in one hand to wrap his free arm around her. “If loving you has taught me anything it is that where there is love, there is a way.”

“Do you really believe that?” Gazing into his eyes, the love she felt for him nearly overwhelmed her.

“I do,” he whispered, capturing her lips.


BOOK: Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02
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