Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02 (16 page)

BOOK: Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02
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“It is indeed.” Guiding him back into the trees parallel to the river, Lecie smiled up at him.

After walking for some time, they began to ascend a steep incline. Hiking up her skirts, she accepted Albin’s assistance as they picked their way through the trees. “We are almost there, I hear the water.”

“Glad to hear it.” Albin chuckled behind her. “At this rate we shall be fortunate to make it back to the inn by nightfall.”

“It will be well worth it,” Lecie assured him. “My family has been coming to this place for as long as I can remember.” Stepping from the trees, Lecie waited for him to join her. “What do you think?”

High above them a waterfall flowed down weathered rock to flow into a deep clear pool at its base before streaming along to join the distant river.

“I think it is well worth the walk it took to get here.” He unclasped his cloak to spread it on the earth at their feet. Drawing her down beside him on the browning grass, Albin eased her back against his chest.

“Do not you think it beautiful?”

“Peaceful perhaps.” Inhaling the fresh scent of her hair, he closed his eyes. “To me, you are beautiful and I shall compare it to naught else.”

“On occasion, you do have such a way with words.” A flutter in the pit of her stomach had Lecie nestling further against him. 

“About that,” Albin rested his chin on the top of her head. “I never properly apologized to you for what happened that night.”

“It is in the past, there is no need to mention it further.”

“I would not have it come between us. Would you at least discuss it?”

“Very well,” she replied with a sigh. “Then it shall be put in the past and well forgotten.”


“I admit I was more hurt that night than vexed with you, after finding out your misconception about me. Especially after making such a fool of myself each time you visited Rochester with his lordship.”

“I did not see it that way at all.” Gently kissing her on the forehead, Albin gazed toward the falls.

“Oh? How did you see it?”

“Well.” He shrugged. “With Edric being so ill, I thought mayhap he could not perform his husbandly dut…” He trailed off when Lecie stiffened. “I almost did it again, did I not?”

“Did what exactly?”

“Put my foot in my mouth.”

“It seems to be a habit of yours.” Relaxing back against him, Lecie surprised herself by laughing. “Perhaps in the future we should not speak of the past overly much.”

“I have no doubt you shall keep me in line should I forget,” he replied softly tipping her chin up for his kiss.

Lecie sighed against his lips as a warm glow weakened her limbs. Adjusting to wrap her arms around Albin, she gave herself to the kiss.

After a long breathless moment, he ended it by placing a series of kisses on her cheek and brow. “If we do not stop now, I fear there will be no stopping.”

Not wanting it to end, she stood with a mischievous smile. “Did I mention this was a private place? Few people wander here.”

“Aye, you did happen to make mention of it.” Cupping her face, his searching gaze filled her with hope. “Are you saying what I think you are saying?”

In response, Lecie’s hands slid down the length of his chest to the hem of his tunic. “What more invitation do you need?”

“That is good enough for me.” Albin seized her lips as he lifted her above him to straddle his legs.  

Without breaking their kiss, Lecie began to stroke Albin’s manhood through his breeches. Reveling in the feel of his hardness, her breath came in quick shallow pants.

Thrusting himself against her touch, he groaned against her lips as he fumbled with the ties.

As he broke away gasping for breath to shove his breeches down, Lecie hiked up her skirts. “I want you inside of me, husband.”

Albin gazed down at her as he rolled her to settle himself between her legs. Entering her slick warmth in one smooth stroke, his eyes reflected his desire for her. “I have never before wanted anything as much as I want you.”

Wrapping her legs around him to grip his thrusting buttocks, she moaned as he seized her lips. Their tongues kept rhythm with Albin’s even strokes as the falls roared above them and the wind rustled through the towering trees.

Oblivious to everything but the other, their simultaneous cries of ecstasy joined with the cacophony of sound around them.




Relaxing on his back with his hands tucked behind his head, Albin felt more at peace than he had ever before. It finally dawned on him why Reina had such a profound effect on Fulke.

“What are you thinking about?” Nestled against his side, Lecie traced the line of his jaw with her fingertip.

“How content I am.”

“I am pleased to hear it.”

Tilting his head to gaze at her, he smiled. “The proper response would be that you are as content as I.”

“Is that what you wish to hear?” Rising up, she perched on an elbow to gaze down at him.

“Men need to have their egos boosted on occasion by a woman, so aye, it is.”

“You dear husband, are not like most men and I am no mere woman.” Gaining her feet, she held her hand out to him.

“Where are we going?” Accepting her hand, he reluctantly stood. “I had other things in mind before we returned home.”

“As did I.” Slipping out of her chemise, she picked her way barefoot to the water’s edge.

She cast an inviting smile over her shoulder even as the cold of the water crept up her legs as she waded into the glistening pool.

“Lass, there is something you should know about cold water and a man’s private bits…”

“If you would rather not,” she interrupted. “I shall swim alone.” Diving beneath the surface, she popped up, shivering, to face him.

The tempting picture she presented was too much for Albin to bear. He slipped into the water after her.

Capturing her in his arms, he discovered the cold did not affect him nearly as much as he thought it would.


* * *


The sun began to slant towards the west by the time they reluctantly started back to the inn. Her hair still damp from their water tryst, Lecie stopped to pick wildflowers along the way.

Content to watch her, Albin tucked a purple bloom behind her ear. “It does me good to see you smile.”

“It is good to have something to smile about.” Bringing the colorful bouquet to her nose, she inhaled its fragrant scent.

“Just what a man likes to hear from his wife.” Albin grinned, sticking out his broad chest.

“Are you boasting about your manly prowess yet again?” Lecie responded with a teasing smile.

Reaching down, he swept her up into his arms as they reached the road leading to the inn. “Do you boast of any complaints?”

“Albin, we shall be seen.” Wrapping her arm around his neck, she scanned the modest wood and stone buildings on the outskirts of the village.

“So what if we are.” He bent his head to kiss her. “We are properly wed, are we not?”

“Aye, husband.” She agreed with a smile. “We are indeed.”

Nodding to the villagers they passed, Albin carried her to the door of the inn. He kissed her before setting her on her feet. “I shall look forward to this evening when I shall have you all to myself again.”

“Will you tell me more about your boyhood and family?” Pulling a leaf from his tangled dark locks, she let it flutter to the ground. “There is so much I do not know about you.”

“We have the rest of our lives for such talk,” he replied opening the door to inn. Stepping back for her to precede him, he whispered in her ear over the sudden din, “I would rather do other things this night.”

A becoming blush stained Lecie’s cheeks as she cast him a winsome smile on her way inside. “In that case, I shall see you at supper, husband.”

Casually eyeing the tables on her way to the kitchen, she passed Anne, laden with a full tray of pottage in fresh bread bowls. “You appear to have adjusted quite nicely to your new duties. Is all going well?”

Dressed in her new kirtle, Anne bobbed her head with a pleased smile. “Aye, it certainly is.”

“I am glad to hear it.”

Entering the kitchen, Lecie eyed the full prep table with approval. “Everything looks and smells delicious, Winifred.”

“Thank you.” Winifred beamed as she ladled more pottage into bread bowls. “The children are fed and Mary took charge of them to see to their baths.” Passing Lecie a cup of cider, she continued, “As you requested, the feather tick in the master’s chamber has been replaced and your belongings have been moved in alongside Sir Albin’s.”             

“Oh.” Unused to someone else taking charge of things, Lecie was slow to respond. “I had planned on seeing to that after making the rounds.”

“Did we overstep our bounds, Lecie?” Her hand paused above the cookpot, Winifred’s brow creased with worry. “You were not here to direct us so we took it upon ourselves to see to things.”

“And I could not be more pleased that you did,” Lecie responded with a fond smile. “Feel free to do so at any time.”

Returning her smile, Winifred dipped her head. “I have come to learn you did not have a proper wedding feast so when you are ready, I also took it upon myself to fix something special for you and Sir Albin.”

“You did?” Touched by her thoughtfulness, Lecie felt tears burn the back of her eyes. “That was very kind.”

“It is my job to take care of you, and I look forward to doing so.”

“Thank you,” Lecie responded softly. “If you will excuse me, I shall inform my husband of your thoughtfulness.”

Despite the crowd and noise in the common room, Lecie went up to where Albin was standing and wrapped her arms around his waist. Burying her face into his tunic, she began sobbing.

Alarmed Albin wrapped his arm around her shoulders to guide her up the steps away from the crowd.

In the silence of the passageway, he eased her away to tip her chin up. “What has upset you so, lass?”              

“It is nothing, really.” Lecie absently brushed away the tears with the back of her hands. “I am just so unused to being taken care of and am so very grateful for all you have done.”

“You are my wife. I would do anything for you, Lecie.” Cupping her face, he lightly caressed her cheekbones with his thumbs. “Anything.”

Covering his hands with her own, tears sparkled in her eyes. “Would you love me, Albin?”

“I have loved you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.” He tilted his head with a slight smile. “I even look forward to taking a knee before my liege to thank him.”

“You love me?” Disbelief had her searching his eyes.

“Of course I love you, silly girl.” Seizing her lips, he kissed her until they were both gasping for breath.

Cupping his cheek, she shook her head in amazement. “I never thought I would hear you say that to me.”

“I never believed this moment to be possible.” Drawing her up against him they kissed until a guest returning to his chamber interrupted them.

Linking hands, they shared a smile as the man hurried past.

Once they were alone again, she wrapped her arms around his waist. “What did you mean by you look forward to taking a knee before his lordship?”

“Never you mind about that,” he whispered. “It is an inside jest between Fulke and me.”

“Oh,” she breathed against his lips as he again captured her lips.

Mary departing the children’s chamber had them once again breaking apart.

Abruptly clearing his throat, Albin dipped his head to acknowledge Mary. “My wife is in need of a leisurely bath before we sup together this eve.”

“I shall see you soon, my wife.” Casting Lecie a wink, he strode down the passageway whistling a merry tune.

Lightly touching her fingertips to her lips, Lecie watched him go. “Have you ever had your fondest wish granted, Mary?”

“Aye, my…Lecie. I have indeed,” Mary replied softly. “I have always wished for a small place for me and Merek to call our own, and you and Sir Albin have given that to us.”

“Indeed.” Sobered by Mary’s humble wish, Lecie turned to clasp her forearm. “Now that it has been granted you must wish for something else.”

“I suppose I shall,” Mary replied thoughtfully. “If it is not too bold to ask, now that your wish has been granted, what else would you wish for?”

“Truth be told, I am still amazed my first wish has been granted.” Gently squeezing Mary’s arm, Lecie smiled. “We shall both have to think of something else.”

“Aye,” Mary agreed. “We shall.”


* * *


Dressed in a cream linen chemise, Lecie donned the finest dark green woolen kirtle she kept for special occasions. Sliding in the silver comb Albin gifted her with near her temple, she left the rest of her hair unbound to flow loose down her back. Pinching her cheeks for added color, she glanced in the water jug to discern her reflection.

“You look beautiful, lass.” Albin’s deep voice startled her from her vain observation.

Dressed in his finest charcoal tunic and black breeches, his knee-high boots gleamed in the light of the tallow candles. His hair wet and slicked back from a recent bath, it had yet to curl into its usual disarray. Noting his smooth cheeks and recent beard trim, Lecie’s heart began to pound. “As do you, my husband.”

“There was a time when I would have taken offense to being called beautiful,” he teased, stepping forward. “Yet coming from you, I accept it as the highest compliment.”

“It is how I meant it,” she replied, suddenly nervous. Gesturing to the room, she clasped her hands to keep them from shaking. “Is not the chamber beautiful? You could not have chosen a finer staff for the inn.”

Skimming over the scrubbed and polished chamber with new garnet brocade coverlet and flower filled jugs, he returned his gaze to her. “It is nothing in comparison to you, Lecie.”

“Winifred has a special supper planned for us.” Swallowing hard her smile faltered. “Shall we go below?”

In response, Albin closed the short distance between them to take her into his arms. “After all I have put you through, you now have the nervousness of a chaste bride?”

Laughing softly, she tipped her face up to his. “Silly, is it not?”

“Aye, yet very appealing at that.” Kissing her soundly on the lips, he drew back. “I shall ever regret the way we began.” 

“No, Albin.” She searched his eyes with a slight frown. “Please do not. I would have nothing mar the joy we have found together.”

“You truly are an amazing woman.” Capturing her lips, he deepened the kiss when her arms snaked around his back.

Albin captured her hand with a frustrated exhalation. “Come, I would not disappoint the new cook.”

“Her name is Winifred and she is ever so nice,” Lecie responded with a smile. “I have already grown quite fond of Mary as well. I am sure Anne is just as pleasant, yet I have not had dealings with her to the extent of the others.” Seeing Albin’s smirk, she tugged on his hand. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You are a veritable chatterbox when you are nervous.” He chuckled. “I find I like that quite a bit.”

“And you are truly exasperating at times.” Preceding him down the steps, she glanced back at him. “Are you aware of that?”

Reaching the ground floor, he leaned close to whisper over the din of the crowd. “I like to keep you on your toes.”

Pleased to see everything running so smoothly, Lecie led the way through the tables to the kitchen.

Winifred glanced up from her task with a smile as they entered. “I have everything ready for you in the garden.” Sliding a tray of rolls above the fire to bake, she brushed the dried flour from her hands. “I shall be out to serve you both in just a moment.”

“We are eating in the garden?” Unused to eating outside, Lecie could not conceal her surprise.

“What a wonderful idea.” Lightly clasping Lecie’s upper arm to lead her out, Albin dipped his head to Winifred. “After the noise and smoke of the common room I look most forward to a peaceful supper with my bride.”

“I wonder why I never thought of dining out.” Lecie spoke as they stepped into the cool evening air. Inhaling a deep breath, she reveled in the silence.

Leading her to the table set for two in the center of a moonlit garden, Albin held out a chair for her. “Knowing what I do of your dining habits, it is no wonder to me.”

Lecie laughed softly as Albin took the seat across from her. “I suppose I have been too busy of late to enjoy dining at all.” Lightly touching the cup of wildflowers in the center of the table, she lifted the cup beside it filled with honeyed mead. “Winifred has thought of everything. She even managed to provide the wedding drink.”

“The wedding drink?” Lifting his cup, Albin smelled the amber liquid before taking a swallow. “It is sweet.”

“It is the honey added to the wine that makes it so.” Taking a sip from her cup Lecie set it back on the table. “Would you like to hear the tradition behind it?”

“I would.”

“It is customary for the newly-wed couple to drink mead each night for a full cycle of the moon. Some call it the honeymoon. It is said to promote healing, fertility and prosperity throughout the first year.”   

“Although I prefer ale, I shall gladly follow the tradition for you.”

“Knowing your fondness for the brew, I believe a simple toast each day with mead would suffice in keeping with the tradition.”

BOOK: Candace C. Bowen - A Knight Series 02
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