BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6) (86 page)

BOOK: BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6)
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Chapter Two


It was nice not having to hear the screeching of an alarm when I woke up. Instead, I heard the sweet sounds of nature greeting me as I slowly surfaced back into full consciousness. After stretching and turning on the coffeepot, I turned on the TV. It was still covering the bear escaping intermittently, and as usual, there were no updates. I saw a missed call on my phone from work, and from Josh, but I decided to leave both unanswered for the moment. Nothing was going to screw up my day off.

Being my first Saturday off in a good while, I decided to dress for the occasion. I slipped on a cute little pink skirt, put on a pink tank top to match, shaved myself in all the socially mandated correct places, put my hair down, and even put on a little makeup. Looking at myself in the mirror I was definitely going to get a few heads turning today.

I left my apartment, not sure about how I was going to go about my day. I could go to the mall, maybe hit up a bar, or go see a movie. I didn’t exactly have a ton of choices in this town. Maybe I’d splurge on my mileage and visit the city, but it was still up in the air. I didn’t like to schedule my one unscheduled day.

I got in my car and began driving off. As I was leaving the complex, a man right of front of my car. I slowed down almost to a halt, and honked my horn before he moved aside. The man was startled, almost jumping out of his jeans.

I put the window down, boiling in anger. “Watch it,” I told him.

“I’m sorry. I’m new here, so I still don’t know where you cross,” he replied.

“These apartments are a bit confusing I’ll admit but you gotta watch it stepping in front of cars buddy. If you need any help, just let me know,” I said. Despite the fact that people pissed me off, I was pretty good at letting stuff go. Plus, the guy was kind of cute. I usually am not into the lumberjack type, but his thick, dark beard below his shaggy hair was working for me. He also had brown eyes, which I was a sucker for. Granted, his jeans were ripped and his shirt was a bit dirty, but I could overlook that. Must be the next phase in the hipster evolution I figured.  

“I don’t think that I need any help really,” the man replied. “But being new around here, I’d love to make some new friends. I’m-“… there was a brief moment of hesitation, and then he finished. “I’m Eric.”

“Stacy,” I replied. I was curious to know why he hesitated when giving out his name, but hey, I had brain farts all the time, so I couldn’t judge. Plus he was just about hit by a car.

“I’m actually leaving right now,” I told him. “Going to have some fun this afternoon after a rough week. I need it after so much stress.”

“What happened?” he asked.

I explained the story about the bear escaping and how no one could find it. “It’s a shame, because that bear was my pal. Hell, what he gave me was more reliable than my boyfriend.”

Eric looked at me with a bit of shock present on his face. “Oh, you have a boyfriend. I didn’t know, I mean, you don’t look like you’re in a relationship.”

I didn’t know? It could be another brain fart, but he almost acted like he knew me.
I thought.

“I don’t? Well I guess that makes sense…I am kind of over it I think…Why am I telling you this anyhow? I was just running my mouth. There seemed to be something familiar about this guy that made it easy or even natural to just tell him whatever was on my mind.

“So why are you with him then? I mean, life’s too short, seems to me.”

“Yeah, I think I kind of new from the beginning that we weren’t quite right.” We met at a frat party. Strike number one, right? But he’s actually a nice guy, but he just doesn’t seem that into me. Maybe I’m not that into him. I don’t know, I was really into him at first.  I mean, this has been my first real relationship. I guess that’s why I’m so caught up with it.”

“You never had a boyfriend before him? How is that possible?” he asked, seemingly sincere.

I felt my cheeks reddening. “I was the outcast in high school. I always liked animals more than people. That’s why I want to be a vet.  I thought that going to the gym and taking care of animals would be amazing,” I explained. Why was I telling my life story to this man? Normally, it took me a bit to open up, but this guy had me spilling my guts, and I didn’t even know why. All I knew was that it just felt totally natural, so I decided was just not going to worry about it.

“I love animals too. I mean, I’m an outdoorsman myself. I feel closest to the world when I’m in nature, and I love to explore the land around me,” explained. “I am trying to find the best trails out here, where would you suggest?”

“There are a few out here. Miller’s Peak Valley is amazing, but it’s filled with snot-nosed brats most of the time when it’s nice outside.”

He let out a hearty laugh. “I know all too well what it’s like dealing with kids.”

“Say, you want to join me today?” I asked. “You seem kind of cool, and I wouldn’t mind someone to talk to and hang out with. Of course, if you’re busy or don’t want to go with someone you’ve just met, I understand.” What the hell was I doing? This guy could be some total psycho!

The man shook his head. “I’m free. So where do you want to go?”

“This town isn’t exactly massive. A few weeks ago, I might have said the zoo, but I’m sick of that place.”

“Yeah, let’s go somewhere else.” he replied, a look of concern passing over his face. “What was your plan?”

“I was originally going to go to the mall, or to the movies, but there really aren’t any good movies out, and the mall is packed on Saturdays.”

“Not my thing either. Why not introduce me to the nature trails around here?” he asked.

“Now you’re talking. After what happened, I need a break from people. Except for you of course, I mean, you seem all right,” I said. As I drove off in the direction of the nature trail I gave Eric a glance. Once again, I didn’t know why I felt so comfortable around this stranger. I was acting totally out of character. Normally I would never let some random guy into my car. But like I said, I just felt like he was ok. It was hard to explain.

“So, what do you do?” I asked him.

“I’m new to these parts, so I still need to get a job,” he told me. “But I used to work at a pretty big state park. Ever heard of Pine Peaks?”

I nodded. “You used to work there! That’s amazing! I’ve always wanted to go there,” I replied.

“It is amazing,” he nodded, smiling, “The rivers are phenomenal and they have beautiful hiking trails. I used to love to watch the sunset from the ridges too. I worked as a tour guide for a few years before I finally left. So, I just moved here, and was actually thinking about looking into if there are any jobs at this park.”

“Probably not, sorry. It’s pretty small, so I doubt they would need a tour guide,” I told him.

“A shame,” he replied. “Anyway, I think that I’ll probably get a job at some park when I get a bit more settled.”

We arrived at the park. “Green Tops,” the sign in front of us read. Sure enough, the parking lot was packed with soccer mom vans. I had to do a few laps around the lot before finding a spot, and I only found it when someone else backed out.

We got out, ignoring all the kids roaming around. “Is there a remote part of the park? You know, any part without so many people?” Eric asked.

“I feel that. Well, I do know that if you veer off the trail, there’s a nice hilltop in the woods, where no one’s ever around. If you feel like exploring, it’s a cool spot.”

“Why not?” he replied. “As a tour guide, I’m a natural trailblazer.”

We began walking down the nature trail, avoiding the runners and children, and taking care to give the occasional senior citizen some space too. Finally, we arrived at the point where we had to turn off the well beaten path. Making sure that a nosy person wasn’t about to follow us, we began going up the hill. When we made it to the top, we began walking through the trees. Nature was singing its tune through the birdsong as well as the wind in the trees. The growth itself wasn’t too bad, and we soon found a log where we could park our butts and enjoy the surroundings.

As we sat, Eric looked at me. “So, do you come here often?” he joked.

“Every now and then.” I laughed. “Actually, I like to take my morning jogs here, but I don’t normally go so deep into the woods. It’s nice here, though. Kind of like your own little private world.”

“I agree. So, what kinds of animals do they have here anyhow?” he asked.

“Nothing huge. Just some rabbits, squirrels, and the like. Chipmunks, mice, shrews, rabbits, possums, woodchucks, raccoons…” I continued, playing off the joking light mood we had established.  Nothing too major. Deer I suppose. You’re not going to find any bears roaming around though, unless we find the one the disappeared from the zoo.”

“Isn’t the zoo like twenty miles from here?” Eric asked. “He would have to have a reason to come this far.”

“I suppose,” I replied. I liked this guy. A bit on the oddball side, but my calling him that was like a fish calling another one scaly. Of course, some fish didn’t have scales, but you know what I’m talking about. I turned on my phone, because you can get service almost anywhere these days, and there was Josh, whining at me again.

“Why haven’t you answered?” read his text.

“Because you stopped talking to me once I called out your bullshit. And don’t tell me your phone dropped the call, because you and me both know that it’s simply not true,” I texted back. Message sent. I let out a drawn out sigh.

“What’s wrong?” Eric asked.

“You know, just my boyfriend.” I began explaining the situation.

“Why not forget him? It sounds like you guys aren’t the best match” he replied, a quizzical look in those deep, dark eyes.

“I want to dump him, but like I said, things were good before, and plus, he’s my first, so I guess I have some nostalgia attached to him. Even though he doesn’t really care about all that stuff. Hell, he wasn’t even that into sex last time I saw him. And that is weird.”

“And that’s why you should dump him. Don’t think that he’s going to get any better,” Eric replied.

“I know,” I replied, sighing.

Eric gave me a glance, stroking that lumberjack beard of his. “You’re a cute, caring woman. You don’t need him. You could do much better.”

My cheeks began reddening even more. “You know how to make a girl blush. But caring, me? Not at all. I hate people.”  We both laughed.

“But I know you care about animals, so that means you’re a good person,” Eric told me.

With that he turned to me, and we ended up looking at each other eye-to-eye. “So let’s forget him. I can help you with that you know.”

“How can you do th-“ I began to ask. But before I could do anything, he kissed me straight on the mouth.


Chapter Three


With his face pressed against mine, his soft beard made the perfect pillow. As our lips touched, I almost wanted to pull away. I wasn’t used to a man being so forward, or for that matter, so hairy. But despite his burly appearance, his lips were soft, and tempting, and I felt myself kissing back. My tongue slid between his lips and met his. They began to mingle. At first, they lashed against each other in quick strokes, but after I became accustomed to kissing him, mine wrapped around his in a sensual dance. When I finally removed my mouth from his, a film of spit connected us, and then broke.

I started panting. “Holy shit, you’re an amazing kisser. But I don’t even know if this is right,” I said. “We just met, and, you know, I still have a boyfriend.”

“Not anymore,” Eric joked. “I would not have done that if I believed you and he were meant to be together. And besides, it feels like we have known each other for a long time already.”

I began laughing. “It really does. But still, it’s no excuse for what we just…. Oh, fuck it!”

Before Eric could do anything, I scooted up next to him, the phone dropping from the log, and I began kissing him with passion. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in, giving his lips a gnaw as I did. He let out short breaths, and sounded so adorable I almost laughed.

“Sorry” I mock apologized, “I’m just so pent up. I didn’t realize how much I have had to hold back my sexual feelings. You’re right, it’s over with what’s-his name. Please take me now. I think I need this after a frustrating week,” I told him. “A frustrating year,” I corrected myself.”

“Gladly,” he told me. His fingers ghosted over my bare leg, leaving a sensation of electricity behind after his finger had passed. His rough hands arrived at my skirt, and I felt one of them glide right underneath and then move up against the crotch of my thong. I absently realized with some relief that I wore my hot pink one today. As I felt his fingers probing gently at my mound, an instant sensation of pleasure burst forth from between my spreading legs as my body readied itself for him. There was still cloth separating his fingers and my sex, but the tease only amplified the excitement. I grabbed his shirt and began unbuttoning it as he sought to remove my skirt. Almost in unison, we disrobed each other, in a feverish bid to satiate our growing passion. As his shirt came off I could see that his dark hair coated his chest and arms to just the right degree to maximize his rugged sexual appeal.  His well-defined muscles still shown through impressively.

“You’re stacked. How does a tour guide get so buff?” I asked him, breathlessly. 

“Hey, being a tour guide is no joke. You have to get jacked. You never know when you might have to save your group by fording a raging river or wrestling a bear,” he laughed.

I chuckled. “We have a comedian,” I said as I began rubbing his chest. The hair was so thick and beastly that it played right into what was quickly becoming my realized fantasy of being taken by a wild man. The thought of him inside me was driving me mad. Of course, I was not ready for that just yet. I knew that there was still plenty of delicious teasing foreplay to look forward to. I pushed him onto the ground and sat right on top of him, spreading my legs over his bulging pants clad crotch. I quickly removed my blouse and unclasped my bra in my rush to get to the main attraction. We were rapidly being surrounded by a growing clothes pile.

“Like what you see?” as I shook my ample tits for him, a blush coming on. I had never felt so confident about my breasts. It felt so good to put them on display for him and feel the light breeze on my bare breasts and rock hard nipples.

“They’re amazing,” he told me, as his hands reached to feel their weight as he caressed them each, thumbs and forefinger lightly pinching my nipples. At first, he gave them each a light tug, and then he began squeezing them more fervently. I panted harder, and increased the pressure of my hips as I rocked my pussy against the length of his still covered manhood. I knew I was already soaking my panties.

“My boyfriend, or should I say my ex-boyfriend, never got me so wet so fast,” I told Eric. With that, I moved up on my knees until I was straddling his face, rubbing my engorged lips up against his chin and jaw.  He quickly took the cue and pulling my thong to the side, lapped at my sopping pussy. It was almost more than I could take as he licked deeply at first and then delicately traced the outline of my lips before settling in to gently suck on my clit.

That was all I could take and I quickly pulled my panties down completely, revealing to him my well-manicured pussy in all its glory. I was glad that I had trimmed up down there, and had I given it a good, cleaning this morning. My juices were seeping out, and I knew that I couldn’t wait any longer.

“Can we get these off already?” I shouted to Eric, as I began pulling down his pants, revealing his dark, hairy legs. As I removed his boxers, his erection sprung out, a thick tuft of pubic hair above it. I took in the sight of his cock with mild incredulity. He was beastly all over, but even more so down there. I wasn’t sure how much of him I could take. My body was craving every inch I would be able to cram in, though.

Once again, I stood over him, only this time there was no barrier to prevent him from plunging into my ready hole. I lowered my womanhood onto his thick and waiting shaft. When his head touched my entrance, I began breathing heavily. Even that initial prod with his penis was enough to send me into a state of euphoria as my pussy stretched wide to accommodate his girth. I had to go slowly at first until the fat head popped past my tight wet gates.

His manhood began sliding inside me, my juices providing more than enough lubrication for him to enter me now. Not even halfway in there and I already felt stuffed. I stopped for a bit and began thrusting my body in a slow rhythm. As I looked at Eric, he grabbed my hips so he could plunge even deeper inside me. I could feel my inner walls tightening around this man, almost as if they had a mind of their own. I spread my legs even wider above him as I surrendered to allow him to drive even deeper inside of me.

As I picked up the pace, Eric slowly lowered me, and as he did, more of him entered me. I didn’t know I could fit so much down there. I was at my limit. My lips finally had come down to meet his legs, so that my clit was rubbing against him. I screamed in what was perhaps the greatest orgasm of my life. Something about being outside in nature, like an animal myself, allowed me to just totally let go as wave after wave of pleasure rocked my body. As I rode him at a faster pace, the explosions inside of me just kept coming, each one stronger than the last. Eric soon let out a moan of his own, and then I felt him explode inside of me. I could feel his hot cum filling my womb. Finally, with both of us exhausted, I crumpled on top of him as we stayed connected for a little while longer as we both recovered. Almost reluctantly I stood up, allowing his flaccid meat to pull out of me with a soft pop. Some of his cum dripped from my womanhood as well as I dislodged myself from his pole. When I stood, I felt dizzy, almost high.

“That was amazing, the best sex I ever had,” I told him. It probably wasn’t the most tactful to say, but I added, “My ex, he just couldn’t compare.” The experience cemented in my mind what I needed to do. Even if this was a one-time thing it made me realize Josh just wasn’t right for me. Yeah the sex was great with Eric, but even more I just liked him. He was fun and sweet. He made me feel wanted and appreciated. And of course, the sexual connection was awesome too. I walked over to my dropped phone. A missed call from Josh. Of course there was a missed call. Without hesitation I texted him. “Sorry, but I can’t be with you anymore. It’s just not working out. I need a little time and then we can talk. But for now I just need a little space. But it is definitely over.” Then, I blocked his number. I went to my Facebook and blocked his profile. Was it an immature move? Probably. But I just couldn’t deal with him anymore. When I was ready I would let him know why I had to leave, but for now I was happy to have met Eric.

As I looked over at him, I realized that he was still erect. When he stood up, I said, “You still have a hard on.”

He nodded. “I can recover pretty fast, and plus, it’s been a while.”

“Wanna go again?” I asked him, licking my lips in the most seductive manner possible. I know I probably failed at looking sexy, with pine needles all over my knees, and my hair a total mess, but it was enough to convince him. After all, I was butt naked. I put my hands on a tree, arching my back and sticking my butt out as much as I could.

“I don’t know what it is about you, but you have me so turned on.” I wiggled my ass at him, raising my hips so he could see my pussy, wet and waiting for round two.

He soon entered me from behind, pressing my body against the tree. I screamed in pleasure as his entire manhood filled me up. As we got going again, he held my hips firm as he pistoned into me. I lowered my shoulder into the tree so I could bend over even more and open up my core to receive his full cock. He was driving me into the tree as I struggled to stay on my feet. I felt like a dirty little slut, but this man could have his way with me however he wanted.

As he began to slam into me even harder, I could feel his big balls beating a rhythm against my clit. He pounded my sopping pussy until we both climax in unison. This time my pussy flooded just as he injected his cum, so that when he finally removed himself from me, our mixed juices spilled out as well. At this point, I was barely conscious, and the only thought I could conjure was gratitude for birth control. It felt so good to feel him inside me with no barrier between us. I didn’t know how I knew, but I knew I didn’t have to worry about anything else from him. There was something healthy and vibrant about him I just couldn’t put my finger on.

We soon cuddled up to each other, listening to the birds and watching the occasional squirrel or chipmunk as morning turned to afternoon. Cleaning myself up I asked him, “So, what are we? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Fuck buddies? I don’t mind either way. You were amazing.” Suddenly embarrassed at talking about definitions so soon I added, “I mean, not that it matters, it’s cool.”

A chuckle escaped his bearded face. “Whatever you want. You’re amazing as well, just as I’d always imagined you would be.”

Just as you always imagined?
Of course, I was too fatigued to process what he said at the time.

We spent a few more hours in the woods, and that’s when I saw that the sun was about to set. “Let’s get out of here. If you want we can go to my place and hang out, maybe watch some TV or just chill out. Or we could go to your place I guess.” I invited him.

He gave me a look of concern. “I can’t go back,” he told me.

I turned around. “What do you mean ‘can’t go back’?”.”

He shook his head. “Because tonight’s a full moon. And besides, I don’t actually have an apartment. I lied.”

I looked at him, unsure of what to say. I had had a feeling that he was lying, or maybe bending the truth about something. I still felt safe with him. Maybe this should have alarmed me, but it didn’t. He wasn’t making a lot of sense though.

“What does a full moon have to do with you not going home to me? And why’d you lie about your apartment? You can be honest with me.”

He stood there, unable to speak, sweat pouring down his face. “Are you a criminal on the run or something?” I half laughed.  For some reason at that moment all of his odd statements about me came to mind as well. “And what did you mean with all those comments you made earlier…like that you already know me?” I wasn’t accusing, I genuinely wanted to understand this man. I could see something was troubling him.

W-what do you mean?” Eric asked. The nervous stutter. It was obvious that he was hiding something.

“Earlier, you almost said that ‘you never heard that I was in a relationship’, or something like that. You also said that our sex was ‘amazing, just as you thought I’d be.’
Plus, you hesitated when you said my name,” I pressed.

“I don’t know what you mean … I mean, I just meant today…that I thought you looked single, and yeah I thought right away about sex with you … I mean … not in a bad way … I mean I really really like you … ,” he stammered, clearly trying to cover up.

“Really? I think that you’re hiding something. Tell me what it is, or I’m leaving right now. Look I like you. We just had amazing sex and a great connection. It’s ok.”

He looked at me, sweat soaking his beard. This burly, mountain man looked like he was about to burst into tears, and I almost felt badly for pressing him. “I’m… I’m…” he began. “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you.”

“I’m pretty open minded, trust me,” I told him.

“I’m a wearbear,” he said.

“A what?” I replied. “What the hell is that?”

“That’s my name for it. On a full moon, I turn into a bear,” he said, with a matter of fact toss of his head.

I cracked a smile. “Is that a metaphor for you being even wilder in bed? I mean are you saying you go nuts when the moon is out? Because I don’t know how much more I could take.”

He shook his head, a serious look still present on his face. “I’m telling you the truth. I didn’t lie about me being a ranger. I was walking a group of people around the park for a special night tour, when a bear came. I know as well as anyone how to handle bears, as far as standing your ground and everything, but this one charged me anyhow. It bit me right in the arm.” He raised his shirt up and pointed to a ragged scar that was still clearly visible, even through his thick arm hair.

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