BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6) (84 page)

BOOK: BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6)
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Chapter Five



The men surrounded her and started to touch her. She flinched as their long fingers traced her skin, and she noticed how pale and muscular they all were. It was as if they were human but super-size versions. They were all nearly identical in appearance, tall and buff with the shock of white hair that made their eyes look all the more intense.

“We need to get you ready,” one of them finally said.

She barely dared to breathe as he reached down between her legs and began to remove her underwear.

“What are you doing?” she panted.

“Do not speak,” another one of the men told her.

They ran their slippery hands all up and down her legs, massaging her skin and working their way up to her navel. She suddenly found herself relaxed and calm. Their touch felt soothing and necessary and she was no longer afraid.

“Mmm,” she murmured, and she found herself moving her body closer to their fingers so that she could grind up against them.

“Do you know why you are here, Victoria?” one of them said as he reached under her t-shirt and pulled at her nipples. “Do you know what we want with you?”

“No,” Victoria panted, her heart racing and her skin feeling like it was on fire. “What do you want with me?”

“You are a perfect vessel,” he said. “Our Lord wants you to give him a child.”

As he said the words one of the men at the end of the table slipped his long fingers between her legs and touched her sex. She gasped as he flicked her clit with one finger and slipped another inside her.

“The Lord will like you,” he smiled as he felt how juicy she was. “You are exactly right.”

The sensation that rolled over her body was the most intense she had ever felt. It had been such a long, long time since a man had touched her and now there she was with at least seven men… if they were actually men… running their hands all over her and touching her in the most erotic of places. They slowly began to remove her clothes and left them in a pile next to the table.

“Who are you?” she managed to gasp out between the waves of pleasure rolling through her.

“We are a far superior race,” one of them said as he traced his moist fingers over her lips. “We are here to join yours and ours.”

“Where am I?” she asked, trying not to howl out as one of the men continued to work his fingers in and out of her, hitting her spot in all the right ways.

“You are on our ship,” one said as he tweaked her nipples and licked up the side of her ear.

“Ship?” She was so confused.

“Shh,” the one between her legs said. “That is enough.” He withdrew his hand just as she was about to climax and Victoria gasped and moaned as he pulled away.

“Don’t stop!” she panted, “Please!”

“The Lord wants you,” he said with a smile. “I have to leave you for him.”

The slippery hands all slowly pulled away from her and she writhed on the table in a fit of ecstasy and heat. It rolled around inside her, her orgasm subdued, although she knew it would not be for long. She looked up at the men with a need in her eyes that she could tell they were desperate to fulfill, but duty forbid it. They all stood around her with huge, stiff erections and she begged them to give one to her.

“Please,” she pleaded, “Don’t leave me here like this.”

“The Lord,” one of them said as they all turned to walk away, “He’s coming for you.”

Chapter Six



They disappeared into the bright light and Victoria lay there, motionless on the table. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and her skin prickled. She knew she was in a room, but it was so white and so bright, there was no definition as to where it began and where it ended. The silence came back and she knew she was alone. She listened intently and heard the soft sound of footsteps which gradually got louder. She craned her neck to see in front of her and he slowly came into view.

The Lord.

He was huge, powerful and absolutely gorgeous.

Victoria shuddered and felt her sex pulse. He wanted her to carry his child… This was all so crazy, but at the same time she felt like it was also so completely right.

He didn’t speak, but he moved closer to her and touched her softly on the chin. Victoria opened her mouth and let him trail his huge fingers across her lips and then he worked his way slowly down to her breasts. Her nipples were rock solid and erect, and they twinged as he ran the tip of his index finger across them. She was submitting to him. She wanted him to take her. He leaned forward and with a quick snap, the shackles that bound her hands and ankles came free and evaporated into thin air. He reached out and took her hand before pulling her up so she was sitting on the table with her legs outstretched. She was naked and looking up into his eyes. They were as dark and colorless as the others, but there was something about his that seemed more alive. There was a power inside of him, and she could feel it reverberating into her through each touch. He ran his hands over her soft, juicy curves and grunted. Victoria gasped and sat back and he pulled her to her feet.

She stood in front of him and watched as his clothes evaporated before her very eyes. What they revealed was the most amazing body on his seven foot frame, complete with rippling abs and thick, muscular arms.

“Wow,” she gasped as she took hold of one of his arms and squeezed it to make sure he was real. A little smile flitted across his face for a moment before it disappeared and she finally got the nerve to look down…

Down to where she really wanted to see.

What waited for her, standing big, thick and proud between his legs was the most perfect, huge, engorged cock she had ever seen. Her eyes were almost as wide as his as she took it all in and bit her bottom lip.

“Oh my God,” she whispered.

He moved closer to her and wrapped a long arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. He slid his hand between her legs to separate them before slipping his huge length between them and rubbing himself on her. She could feel him, big and hard, and the feeling of him pressed against her was exquisite. She gasped as a wave of pleasure pulsed through her, making her gush onto his alien wang.

He flicked her clit slowly and slipped a huge wet finger inside of her as she writhed against him and began moaning again with pleasure. The group had been a shock in the most amazing way, but this was something else entirely. An energy bounced off him that was hard to take in. She knew he was not only different from her and anyone else she had ever met, but that he was one of the most powerful creatures she had ever encountered. When she couldn’t take the suspense anymore, she let her hand wander down and groped for him. When she first managed to wrap her hand around it, she couldn’t believe how big he was. She had never been with a man who was that size before and she was suddenly scared… How was she going to take this huge extra-terrestrial cock? After not being with a man for so long, suddenly she was going to be penetrated by something inhuman and he was going to impregnate her. She shuddered as he laid her back onto the white table she had woken up on. The Lord groaned as he climbed on top of her and moved between her legs so his massive length was positioned at her opening. He looked her deep in the eyes and pushed himself into her slowly, penetrating her inch by inch, opening her wider than she had ever been. She gasped, the pain and the pleasure rippling through her as he thrust himself in and out, his intense heat filling her up, making them one. She felt weightless as he gripped onto her soft, plump, juicy thighs and pounded her. She opened herself up to him like a flower, his hot hard dick pumping in and out of her and bringing her to the edge of the most intense release. She gripped onto him and her whole body tensed up as he fucked her, hitting her spot so hard and good, she knew she could not hold on much longer.

Just when she thought it couldn’t get any more intense, a set of long tentacles rose out of his back and pinned her in place. She gasped as he became more rigid and she knew she was about to collect his seed. The idea of him cumming inside her was too much to bear and she threw her head back in an explosive rush of pleasure. As she started to climax, The Lord’s body also began to tense and jerk and he pumped his hot seed right up inside her. He emptied himself into her pussy, gripping onto her with the heat and ice rising from him. Her whole body spasmed as she came, and she bit onto his shoulder, sinking her teeth into his slippery white flesh until a huge roar came from him. The power that came along with it was so impressive that she knew that something in her had been changed forever. In an instant she knew she was his… The Lord had claimed her.

Chapter Seven



When she awoke, she was alone. She was draped in a shining silver sheet and when she got to her feet, it clung to her like a dress. It molded itself around her body perfectly and she had never felt more comfortable. She looked around the big white room for signs of life. Of any of the alien men or of her Lord, but there was none. She walked forward and tried to find a wall or an edge to the room, but it just seemed to carry on. It was if she was trapped in dead space. Eventually she gave up and found her way back to the white table. She sat on the edge and let her legs swing free. In between them, her pussy was still throbbing and was dripping with cum. She lay back and sighed. It had been the most intense and amazing experience of her entire life…but what would he want to do with her now? Was he going to keep her there and imprison her on the ship? Would she be trapped in that white room while her body changed and she grew an alien-human hybrid baby? Or would they take her home and let her live her life until the day when she gave birth?

Maybe I’m not even pregnant
, she thought.

“You are.” The voice came out of nowhere. Victoria spun around to see the alien man from the bar standing behind her.

“How did you…?” she asked, confused. It was like he had read her mind.

“We are telepathic,” he nodded. “So be careful what you’re thinking.”

Victoria couldn’t help it, but a little smile crept across her face and she found herself looking down at his package. She could tell he too had a huge member and after her experience with The Lord and knowing what these aliens could do, she would happily go again. He read her mind and raised an eyebrow.

“You’re not mine to take,” he told her.

“Of course,” she said, lowering her head with embarrassment. “How do you know that I am…you know…pregnant?”

His gaze hovered over her stomach and then back up to meet her eyes.

“It’s not the same as it is for your kind… A Lord always impregnates.”

“And what will happen to me now?”

“We will send you home,” he said as the bright light started to fade around her.

“But then what?” she said with panic as she looked around. Slowly fragments of the white room were disappearing and giving way to black.

“We will be back for you, when the time comes,” he said.

“But when will that be?” she shouted. He was becoming fainter and travelling further into the distance. He was almost invisible and the bright white of the room was now completely pitch black.

“When?” she screamed.

“You’ll know.” He didn’t speak the words, but she heard them inside her head.

With a gentle thud, she felt as if she had been dropped on her back and then her world went dizzy and blank. In the back of her mind, she kept hearing the same words over and over…

You’ll know




The sunlight blazed through the blinds and the birds were chirping incessantly in the tree outside of her bedroom window. Victoria jumped up and looked around her. She got out of bed and ran to the wall and pounded her fists against it. Nothing changed and her hands hurt from the force of them against the plasterboard.

“Where are you?” she shouted. But the room was silent.

She looked back to her bed and then outside onto the busy street below. Had she dreamt it all? She went into her bathroom and ran the tap before splashing water on her face. She looked exactly the same as she had yesterday and there were no physical signs that what she thought happened had actually happened. She ran the shower, removed her nightgown and jumped underneath the hot jets. She washed her entire body and felt between her legs. Nothing was different. The sensation she had felt after her encounter with the Lord was not there… She still felt like a born-again virgin. She sighed and laughed before turning off the shower and stepping out onto the bathmat and wrapping herself in a towel.

It was only 9 AM but she had a pot full of hot coffee brewing and her apartment felt warm for the first time in forever. She curled up on the couch and opened her laptop. She searched for “alien abduction” and a whole list of results flashed up in front of her. She hovered the cursor above alternative news articles and websites with experiences of women and men who had been taken and some of them described similar places and people that she had seen. She shifted uneasily on the couch. She had just about convinced herself that she had made the whole thing up. It was the late after-effect of too much booze and not enough sleep. She scratched her head and sipped her coffee… and then like a head-on collision, the feeling came back.

She was being watched.

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