| 7. When the negotiations started, the Soviets seemed unwilling to accommodate all the Chinese demands. One great difficulty for Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai was to obtain a clear commitment from the Soviet Union to assist China if it was invaded, an objective he regarded as the key to an alliance treaty. The first Soviet-drafted version of the treaty stated that if one side was invaded by a third party, the other side "is supposed to [ de yi, in Chinese] offer assistance." To Zhou this was not sufficient because it did not make clear the binding liability of a military alliance. He exerted all his efforts to get a clarified version out of the Soviets: "is supposed to" was to become ''must devote all its efforts" [ jiejin quanli, in Chinese]. It took quite a while for Zhou and his aides to bargain over this with the Soviets. The Chinese were happy with the final text, however, which provided that "if one side is attacked by a third party, the other side must devote all its efforts to provide military and other assistance." Wu Xiuquan, Zai Waijiaobu banian [My eight years in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 1950-October 1958] (Beijing: Shijie Zhishi, 1983), 8-9.
| 8. Mao Zedong's speech at the sixth meeting of the Central People's Government Council, April 11, 1950, Mao wengao, vol. 1,291.
| 9. CCP CC, Instruction on Diplomatic Affairs, August 18, 1944, Zhonggong zhongyang wenjian xuanji [Selected documents of the CCP CC], vol. 14, 314-18.
| 10. Dangdai Zhongguo jiben jianshe [China today: Capital construction] (Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue, 1989), vol. 1, 4-5.
| 11. Mao Zedong, "Address to the Preparatory Meeting of the New Political Consultative Council," Selected Works, vol. 4, 469; Chen Yun, "To Overcome Serious Financial and Economic Difficulties," Chen Yun wengao xuanbian, 1949-1956 [Selected works and manuscripts of Chen Yun] (Beijing: Renmin, 1984), 2.
| 12. Speech, Mao Zedong, at the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee, September 8, 1948, Dang de wenxian, no. 5 (1989): 15.
| 13. Mao, "Report to the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the CCP" and "On the People' s Democratic Dictatorship," Mao Zedong xuanji [Selected works of Mao Zedong] (Beijing: Renmin, 1960), 1432-4, 1479-80.
| 14. Ibid., 1434, 1436.
| 15. Zhou, "The Present Financial and Economic Situation and Relations between the