| CCP CC (continued)
| 157 -8, 209;
| ethnocentrism of, 216-7;
| leadership fluctuations, 24, 26, 27, 177, 275, 365-6, 368;
| Mao and Wang rivalry, 27, 48-51, 75n2;
| Peng ousted, 213, 273, 274-5;
| Seventh Congress, 51-2, 76-77n12.
| See also other CCP headings; specific subjects
| CCP (Chinese Communist Party): CPSU as role model for, 5, 10, 48, 50, 211, 229, 248, 258, 261;
| isolation of, 5-6;
| Stalin's underestimation of, 8, 51, 142.
| See also Chinese Revolution; Marxism/Leninism; other CCP headings; specific subjects
| CCP economic affairs and policies: Eastern European aid, 202;