Broken Memphis (25 page)

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Authors: Bijou Hunter

BOOK: Broken Memphis
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"I love that little girl, but I'm gonna kill her real dad."

"You're gonna kill the sperm donor she's lucky not to know."

"I'm afraid she'll grow up and hate me."

Ford snorts. "She'll be a teenager one day, so yeah, she'll hate you. We hated Marcy, and she let us run the streets."

"This is fucking beautiful," Zombie mumbles through broken teeth, "but I suspect your little princess will be raped and killed by a guy like me before she hits twelve."

His words send me into a rage, and I nearly crack his skull. Just before the bat reaches his head, I stop myself.

"Fuck," I growl. "You aren't dying that quick, asshole."

Zombie laughs even though his body is a mess of broken bones.

"How long before the rats get him?" I ask Ford as we drag him deeper into the dark tunnel.

"I'd say an hour, but the rats don't fuck around. Hell, they'd eat us if we stayed in here for too long."

"I won't beg," Zombie mumbles.

"Wouldn't mean shit if you did."

"I was aiming for your cunt woman, but she ran into a fucking car and went airborne. After that, I couldn't find her. You got lucky, but someone will put a bullet in her face one day."

Swallowing my rage, I walk farther into the tunnel where the rats rule.

"Your name is what gave me the idea of having you eaten alive. That and my cunt woman wanted you to suffer before you died."

"She sounds lovely."

Loud squeaking in the darkness convinces Ford and me to stop. We drop Zombie on the ground then step back. The only light is from our flashlight, and the darkness feels oppressive. If I were the fucker waiting to die, I'd honestly piss myself. Rats are nasty.

"Why Maggie?" Ford asks Zombie.

"Sharpie hid his sister, and Maggie looked close enough."

I roll my eyes. "The world is gonna miss you, Zombie. They'll weep at your passing and speak of you for years. Well, that, or they'll forget you existed by next week."

Swinging the bat, I get one last shot and hear his balls crunch. Ford shudders. Ball violence always turns him into a wuss.

We walk out of the tunnel, hearing sounds from Zombie. He cusses, and I think maybe tries to move. When he can't, he cusses more. By the time we're at the entrance, Zombie is yelling for the rats to get off him.

"Maybe we should wait to make sure he's dead," I suggest.

Ford balks. "Are you going back in to check?"

"No, I guess not."

"Are you feeling okay?"


"The kid will be okay."

"Didn't you think they might be dead?"

Saying nothing, Ford nods. In the darkness, I see him remembering the fear when we left Maggie's house and raced to the mall.

"If they died, I don't think I'd want to live," I say. "I'm not being a drama queen. I just wouldn't see the point of living without them."

"Yeah, you're not finding another woman like Bebe or kid like Tallulah. They see you the way I do and no one else does. You'd probably be right to kill yourself if they died."


Ford smirks. "Hey, I was being profound."

"What does that mean?"

Laughing, Ford doesn't explain. We walk up the embankment to where the car and Harley wait.

"Let's burn this," Ford says about the car. "Then you can ride bitch back to your Harley."

I don't say anything about riding bitch until the little car is on fire. Only when Ford climbs on his Harley do I speak.

"Wait, didn't Shay fall in love with you while riding on your hog? Shit, I hope that doesn't happen to me."

"Shut up, turd."

I climb on behind him. "What if I swoon and fall off?"

Ford elbows me. "Don't try feeling me up."

"I promise nothing, asshole."

Revving the engine, Ford glances back. "Be a grown-up for the ride."

"So you don't want me using your pretty hair to wipe my nose? I mean, it's right here at nose level, and I do have allergies."

"Turd, we're still working."

"You're so nervous," I murmur, loving his irritation. "What do you think I'm going to do?"

Ford frowns, full of suspicion, remaining tense the entire ride. I don't have to say or do a thing to make him miserable.
A little brother's dream comes true.



Sleepwalking until Daddy Returns

Tallulah keeps watching the door, hoping Pax will return. I don't blame her. I've gnawed my lower lip raw from worrying. Shay plays cool in the chair near the door. On her lap rests a gun hidden under her jacket. She checks her phone every few minutes, yet says nothing.

"Who took the boys?" I finally ask when the silence bugs me for too long.

Shay glances up at me. "A lady I met at school. Her kid plays with Donnie, and they live a few blocks over. All I need is a short haircut and I'll officially be a soccer mom."

We share a smile. I consider pressing the subject, just so we can keep talking. Yet sensing Shay is nervous about her brothers, I let the conversation drop.

Around eight, another nurse enters the room to check on Tallulah. She's the chatty sort who wants gossip about the shooting.

"Some people are saying it was a terrorist attack," Ashley babbles while checking Tallulah's blood pressure.

A stony-faced Shay glances at me then at the nurse. "We'll tell you what we told the cops. We didn't see anything."

Hearing Shay's bitchy tone, the nurse decides gossip isn't on the menu. She finishes her checklist then leaves us alone. Tallulah watches her go and stares at the closing door as if Pax might appear at that very moment. When he doesn't, she sighs.

The TV is on, and we all pretend to watch cartoons. Seeing Tallulah's eyelids are heavy, I know she needs to sleep. She even tries to sleep, but every noise from outside the room startles her.

"Mom," she finally whimpers.

"Does your arm hurt?" I ask, caressing her cheek. "Or your head?"

"No. When is Daddy coming back?"

"He has to punish the bad men. He'll be back in the morning."

Holding my hand, Tallulah yawns super wide. For the next few minutes, I watch her while she watches me. My heart aches with guilt, always feeling I should have protected her better. Despite my regrets, Tallulah smiles at me as she dozes off.

Shay gets a text at nine thirty. Waiting while she reads it, I start to wonder if she's illiterate since she's taking so damn long.

"They're fine," she finally says.

I glare at her, so Shay glares back at me. We have a short contest. I'm fairly sure I win, but I'm too tired to care.

"Go to sleep, and I'll keep watch," Shay says, adjusting in her chair. "I promise to shoot anyone who messes with us. If I get sleepy enough, I might shoot someone who isn't messing with us."

I smile at her attempt at humor. Finally giving into my fatigue, I rest on the pullout bed next to Tallulah. The hospital is quiet, yet not like at home. I hear people talking outside in the hall and machines beeping in the room next door. Even without the real noises, my head is full of the chaos from earlier.

The more I relax, the louder the gunshots and screaming echo in my memories. Worse is how I hear my baby crying. Even telling myself she's sleeping and safe now, I can't stop replaying the bloodshed of the afternoon.

An hour passes while I struggle to sleep. My hip hurts, and I can't get comfortable. Nearly in tears, I cover myself with a second blanket and pretend the weight on my body is Pax.

Closing my eyes, I'm at home. My body doesn't throb with pain, but from Pax making love to me for hours. I'm warm and relaxed as we cuddle in bed. I imagine him pressed against my back while Tallulah rests in front of me. In my fantasy, Folgers snores in the corner. We're all together in our house, and nothing can harm us.

Only when the dream becomes real enough can I let go of today's horrors and finally embrace sleep.



Finger on the Trigger

Helicopters fly overhead, and I hear sirens blocks over. The night is alive with activity, so no one notices us arrive at the school. Ford and I only know Joker is inside. Based on the number of Harleys and cars parked behind the school, he isn't alone.

Joker texts to say he's on the second floor. Guns drawn, Ford and I enter the dark school. Even seeing no one until reaching the stairwell, I feel eyes on us.

A limping Taco meets us at the stairs. "Ginger's people have all the entries guarded. No one is getting in or out without us knowing."

We follow him upstairs where our people wait. Joker stands with his arms crossed. Across the hall is Madden. Not far away by the window, Ginger is texting on her phone. She gives me the once over when we approach then loses interest.

Joker takes us aside to talk. "After the mall shootings, Madden grabbed Ryder and brought him here. We used them as bait to get Trigger to the school. He came with a few of his loyal guys along with Sharpie who helped us ambush them. Now the old man is tied up in one of the classrooms."

"Where's Ryder?" Ford asks.

"Tied up in a different room. Madden still wants to let him live as long as Ryder leaves town. I don't know if it'll be that easy."

"If Madden can't pull the trigger on his brother, we will," I mutter.

Joker gives us his trademark grin. "Get in line. Ginger already volunteered."

Hearing her name, the blonde glances at us. Her expression is unreadable before she refocuses on her phone.

I glance around, wondering what the hell we're all waiting for. Joker must be a damn mind reader because he answers my question.

"I'm waiting for a call from Sharpie. He's supposed to take out Breaker, who is holed up in his house."

"Tell him to burn him out," I say.

"Breaker has his wife and kids in the house. I'm ready to kill anyone standing in our way, but those kids didn't do shit except have a dad who made the wrong call."

"Clears throat loudly," Ginger says, joining us. "Let me send my sniper to kill him. At this point, his kids aren't getting out of the situation without nightmares. We can help them get out with their lives."

Ginger looks at me and forces a smile. "See, I'm nice."

"Never had a doubt," I mumble, giving her a grin.

We all look to Joker. "You're the president now," Ford points out. "You need to make the call."

"If your guy can kill Breaker without hurting Kym and the kids, take the shot."

Nodding, Ginger says, "My
will get him and end this shit before the cops show up and go hostage negotiation on the situation."

As Ginger walks away, Joker grins at Ford and me. "I always forget about the girl power stuff she's selling."

Ford shares Joker's grin. I think I do too, but they both frown at me. My brother grabs me by the jacket and leads me into an empty classroom. Once the door shuts, he loses his steely mask.

"Are you okay?"


"You look like you're about to freak out."

Stepping back, I let myself feel the crap just below the surface.

"I should have made sure Zombie was dead. What if he gets out of the tunnel and goes after Bebe and Tallulah?"

Ford gives me a tired smile. "His legs and arms are broken. I wouldn't be surprised if he was bleeding inside, and his back is fucked. He ain't going nowhere. If he somehow survived, no way can he go after anyone. He'd be taken to the hospital and laid up in a body cast."

"He could rat us out."

"Yeah, he could. We'd say he was lying then point out how he was the shooter at the mall. While the cops sorted it out, we'd finish off Zombie." Pausing, Ford pats my cheek hard. "Zombie isn't going to tell anyone anything. He's dead or will be. How long can he survive hundreds of rats eating at him? Naw, he's probably long past dead."

Even nodding, I feel fucking old. Ford reads me too well.

"Hold on a little longer. Then we'll get back to our women and Tallulah. We'll take your little girl home tomorrow. Soon it'll be Christmas, and life will settle down. For tonight though, you need to be a killer. Not a brother, a husband, or a dad. Just be a cold fucker who doesn't give a shit so we can get through this."

"Killing Trigger ain't gonna be that hard."

"No, but I won't believe this shit is done until he's a corpse. I also want proof of death on his guys.'

Nodding, I take a deep breath and forget Bebe's smile. I push aside thoughts of Tallulah waiting for me. No memories of home. Forgotten are my worries over those I love. I'm cold again.

"Let's finish what the old man started," I say.

Ford gives me a nod then opens the door. In the hallway, Joker stands with Madden now. The pretty boy is watching Ginger even though she's ignoring him.

"Breaker is a done deal. Sharpie is heading to the hospital to back up Bull."

"What about Jenn?" I ask, not allowing myself to think about Bebe at the same hospital.

Joker runs a hand through his red hair. "She's out of surgery, but it's touch and go. The bullet missed her heart but tore an artery. I didn't really understand what Lucky was saying. He's pretty freaked out."

We stand silently for a few minutes. The quiet allows me to think of Bebe limping. She said the doctor checked her hip, but I worry. Before I can think of Tallulah's banged-up body, Ford pats me hard on the back.

I frown at him until realizing he wants me to stay in the present. I'll thank him later. For now, I just want to end this shit.

"Did we lose anyone?"

"Taco took a bullet to the thigh. He'll be bitching about that for a few years. Otherwise, we got the jump on them. Zombie fucked their plans when he went off the reservation today."

Joker glances at Madden. "You ready?"

The pretty boy nods before strolling into the room where his dad is held. Under normal circumstances, I might laugh at the sight of Trigger strapped to a kid-sized chair.
Today hasn't left me in a laughing mood.

"Where's Ryder?" Trigger demands of his oldest son.

"Downstairs making your funeral arrangements."

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