Broken Memphis (28 page)

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Authors: Bijou Hunter

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Sabrina is a good baby like her big sister. She hates books though and is more interested in sports. Sabrina never aces tests like Tallulah, but she wins trophies in more than one sport. Pax and Ford never miss her games.

Arriving two years after Sabrina, Vanessa is nothing like her sisters. She looks like a mini-Pax with her blue eyes and blonde hair. The little girl never knows where anything is and often seems lost in her own house. Shay declares Vanessa our pretty, dumb child. I kick her when she says that, but my sister-in-law isn't wrong.

What Vanessa lacks in brains and physical coordination, she makes up in art. Our girl is always sketching, especially Pax on his Harley. Fixing cars is her second passion, and she plans to open a shop when she's old enough. Pax loves this idea, telling Ford that he doesn't need a son when Vanessa shares his love of bikes.

Not long after Vanessa joins the family, Shay and Ford have their first child. Clint is a big boy, but easy-going. I tell Shay she got lucky like me. Our mellow firstborns allowed us to get the hang of being moms.

After Clint is born, Shay spends most days at my house while her brothers are at school. Though already close friends, we become sisters during this period. We even plan our last babies' births to fall months apart.

Pax and I have a boy for our last child. Roy proves to be the oddest kid anyone's ever known. Even smart as hell, he hates school. Roy only listens to big band music, something we blame on Darby. He wears sleeveless shirts and faux hawks. One day, Roy paints his nails like his sisters. The next day, he takes a bat to a local boy picking on Vanessa. The kid is secretly my favorite because he's like no one I've ever met. Pax is the same kind of original. They both surprise and amuse me. Neither one cares about the world's rules, so they write their own.

Eventually, our tri-level house proves too small, so we move into a newly renovated two-story a few blocks from Darby's place. Ford and Shay choose an identical house to ours down the street from us. The brothers never stop competing.

The first few months after Perri's death, Darby seems overwhelmed. The legal issues are ironed out. Jenn's health improves. The city settles down. Even with the pressure off, Darby still cries whenever she thinks of Perri. Even loving being a mom, she never wanted a second chance paid in someone's blood.

Time heals many wounds. Since Perri's kids need a new mom, Darby learns to live with the guilt. She gives them all the love she naturally shares with those in her life. They're too young to know what they've truly lost and soon adjust to the stability of their new lives. I watch them grow up with my kids. Sleepovers, sports teams, classmates, they're part of my family too. Hell, if Shay is my sister, Darby is my no-nonsense aunt.

After Roy's birth, I'm tired of being fat and decide we're done at four. Barely noticing, Pax's too busy chasing around the kids or listening to their stories. He wears them out each day and keeps me busy every night.

As sexy and wild as Pax is, I love the quiet moments the best. Those afternoons when we sit on the back porch and watch the kids play their different games. Leaning my head against his chest, I hear his strong heart beating just like the first time he held me. His lips on mine feel as electric as the first time we kissed. Even after so many years together, Pax still makes me laugh like a kid and moan like a virgin coming for the first time.



Bebe always smiles for me. Over the years, through ups and downs with the club or the kids or life in general, she never fails to give me a beautiful smile. Seeing it, I know everything will work out.

Joker proves to be a strong club president. Little Memphis is never an easy town, but he knows how work with both the local officials and the lowly scumbags. Killing Trigger also impresses many factions that never respected the old leadership. Joker as the head of the club leads to many solid decades.

Planning for a holiday baby, I dream of more kids just like Tallulah. Instead, we get three who are nothing like her. Yet as long as I live, I'll never stop being amazed by what Bebe and I've created.

Sabrina is named after her dead aunt. No French names, Bebe insists, so we come up with something close. The first time I hold Sabrina, I can't stop staring at her. She's too little and wrinkled. Her tiny nose fascinates me, and I love how she has mommy's dark hair.

Unlike Ford, who remains creeped out by little girls until he has Elle, I've had plenty of practice with the patient Tallulah. By Sabrina, I'm already grooving the dad role. Once Vanessa is born, I'm skilled enough to hold a baby on my hip, feel up Bebe with my free hand, and threaten a guy with my eyes. By Roy, I could teach fucking parenting classes.
Ford only wishes he could multitask like me.

Much like I'm a sucker for my woman, I can't get enough of my kids. Tallulah teaches me to care about learning. Her love of animals leads to us fostering shelter animals. Unlike her sick sperm donor dad, Tallulah grows up to respect every furball she meets. She even loves all those fish swimming around in our big tank in the living room.

Sabrina and I share a love of baseball. Even as a toddler, she sits patiently through long innings whether we watch at home or in the stadium. Sabrina doesn't only enjoy baseball. She excels at any sport she tries and I love watching her crush her opponents.

Sweet and dumb as shit, Vanessa wraps me the most tightly around her finger. I remember how difficult the world felt when I was young and stupid like her. Vanessa hates reading while math makes her snore, but give her a car to work on, and she'll tell you every part's purpose.

Then there's my boy Roy. The kid's stare can make a grown man squirm. He loves riding my Harley, but doesn't care how it works. On summer nights when he's a kid, Roy teaches me about astronomy. On summer nights when he's a teenager, I teach him about girls. Roy's my only son and shares my winning smile, but he never takes my side in an argument against his mom.
He's a good boy that way.

As happy as I am as a father, I worry about Bebe losing interest in me.
What if she only has babies on the brain and no room for Daddy?

Pregnant or not, Bebe loves sex. The moment the doctor says she can fuck again, she gets an insecure look on her gorgeous face. Do I still want her? Is her body still sexy? I can barely keep from tearing off her clothes and going perv when I see that look.

Our friends give lots of helpful advice about keeping spice in the marriage. Lucky and Jenn tell us to have date nights. Darby warns if we don't get away from the kids from time to time, we'll end up dull like Joker and Amanda. Lupe announces she found Bull boring after their first baby. Once they went away for the weekend, she rekindled her love affair with his cock.

"Don't forget he's a man," Lupe tells Bebe, who sizes me up.

When I fuck Bebe extra hard that night, she refuses to let me stop until she can't stand right.

"Make me believe you need me," she says, daring me to prove myself.

During the day, Bebe is a sweet and soft mommy. At night, she still knows how to work me into a wildman frenzy.

With our women and kids, Ford and I finally have the family we lacked growing up. The club isn't our job but our family too. We embrace the men as our brothers and no longer think of ourselves as outsiders.

With new families, we make new traditions, like spring breaks with the kids to amusement parks. Roy, Sabrina, and Clint love roller coasters. Tallulah, Vanessa, and Elle want to chill. Ford and I take the first group while Bebe and Shay take the second. I always laugh when I think of how damn perfect our lives worked out.

About Bijou

Living in Indiana with my three sweet sons, three wacky cats, one super mom (and her ugly dog), I love writing, cats, Denny's, 1970's rock, Beanie Boos, and sitcoms cancelled before their time.







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Bijou's Books

Little Memphis MC Series

Little Memphis


Damaged Series

Damaged and the Beast

Damaged and the Knight

Damaged and the Cobra

Damaged and the Outlaw

Damaged and the Dragon

Damaged and the Bulldog

Damaged and the Saint


Standalone Books



Rebound Biker

Table of Contents


About Bijou

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