Sin (The Waite Family)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

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The Waite Family

Book 3

By Kathi S. Barton

World Castle Publishing

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

World Castle Publishing

Pensacola, Florida

Copyright ©
Kathi S. Barton 2012


First Edition World Castle Publishing
July 15, 2012

Licensing Notes

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

Karen Fuller

Photos: Shutterstock

Brieanna Robertson



David Patterson hopped from the chopper while it was still a good three feet from landing. Bending his considerable frame over to avoid losing his head, David made his way to the group of men who appeared to be sitting around a large table.
Saluting to men he passed as if his hand were a
rapier slicing
ough the air, David stopped in front of them. He could hear his bodyguards scrambling up the hill after him.

“You hear anything yet?

No one moved. No one at the table even acknowledged his presence. “Have you found my man yet
” he asked again.
Still not a word.
Then one of the men raised his hand up off the table slightly and pointed to just behind David.

The soldier standing there was huge. Probably six
he looked as if he lifted trees the size of the one he was leaning against for weight training.
The M-16 across his massive chest looked smaller than David knew the rifle to actually be.
His shirt was open and his pants, Army issued
looked dirty and stained.
David turned to him and took one step.

David never heard the person move, not a whisper of sound
a slight shift in the air surrounding them.
But he could feel him. His ha
d around David’s chest was hot even th
ough his shirt. But it was the sharp bite of the blade at David’s throat that had him hold all movement. When he swallowed the blade bit
his skin and soon he felt a small
trickle of w
hat he assumed was his blood make its way down his throat.
He slowly raised his hands, palms up and out.

The whispered “don’t” from the man in front of him had David stop. He wasn’t
sure if he had been talking to David or the man behind him. A slight scuffle behind him made him wish he had waited for his escort.

“I’m Lieutenant Colonel Pat—

“I know who you are.
Are you with those idiots or on your own?” The blade at his throat relaxed just a bit when the man with the rifle nodded. David didn’t relax
but he did
just a little deeper.

Waite called m
yesterday. She said her men…Shipley?” At the man’s nod, David continued.
“She said her men were in trouble. That something was…not right.” The man snorted.

If he knew his
then he probably realized she said a great deal more than things not being right.
She’d actually told him that things were “fucked up” and that she was going to have to “kill a few cock-suckers” before this was over.
had a way with words.

The blade disappeared suddenly and David found himself being shoved toward a hut. The man with the rifle,
Roger Shipley
just ahead of him
was leading the way.

In the hut were seven men, a map laid out in front of them
and several weapons lying about the floor and chairs.
David would bet th
ese were
the weapons the men at the table
outside the hut
had been armed with. He said nothing as the other men stood an
saluted and then went back to
the map.

“Captain Waite was supposed to check in every five

standard for this type of operation. She sometimes misses one, call of nature
but when she missed
we went on alert,” one of the men said to the room in general.

David moved two Glocks to the floor and sat down close to the table.
Shipley did the same. David looked over the map table and frowned.

“I talked to her at zero-six hundred yesterday. How long has she been out of contact?”

“Six hours, thirty
two minutes
,” Shipley said after consulting his watch

Those yahoos out there showed up an hour ago. Said they were here to debrief and replace.
Said Capt was dead and we were to…Barnhart? What they tell you?”

A man nearly as large as Shipley stood up and grinned.
“Said Capt was dead and we were to
‘cease and desist

We ceased their mother fucking asses and had no more need for their desistance.”

David smiled. He was sure that went over well.
“Did they tell you why or who sent them?”

“You did,”
said as he
looked at the man who just rushed in the door. Every man in the room drew their weapon too.
David was shoved to the floor.

“Found her.

Real bad.”

David followed the men. He had thought about asking for them to bring a medic along
but he could see that Shipley was ahead of him on that score too.
They were all running at full march across a forest and not making a sound.
When they came upon a soldier on his knees in the dirt they slowed.
Shipley and the medic stepped forward. When David started to follow he was stopped by a gun to his chest.
He looked around.
Bodies, not just the one they were going to
but others, several others.
At least four, maybe five

David wasn’t a stupid man. And he wasn’t a stupid leader. He could see that something had these men on full alert even if
didn’t take into consideration the phone call he’d gotten yesterday morning from S

“David, my team is being deployed again. What the fuck is the matter with you people? I told you cock suckers no more
Are you stupid down there in Washington?

Sydney was nothing if not direct.
David sat in his kitchen booth in his home and tried to understand why she was calling him and not her
She continued before he could ask.

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