Briannas Prophecy (35 page)

Read Briannas Prophecy Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Briannas Prophecy
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The pool was filled with steaming water. It was the first time she had ever seen it full. Niklas led a busy life and usually didn’t take the time for such simple pleasures.

He carefully placed her on her feet in front of the pool and began to undress her, careful not to frighten or alarm her.

When she was completely nude, he lifted her once more and placed her into the warm water. The hot water must have stung her injuries as hot water will, and her breath hissed out between her teeth.

She sighed softly as he began to bathe her as gently as he could.

Niklas was careful to keep his emotions hidden. His mate was already frightened. If she saw the intensity of his desire, he would frighten her more, and he didn’t want to make matters worse. Whenever Brianna turned from him, or cast her gaze in another direction, Niklas found it hard, nearly impossible, to keep his thoughts under control. She was the epitome of everything he had ever hoped to find in a woman. Tall, elegant, graceful, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He watched her closely, noticed when she relaxed as he bathed her, her body floating gently on the surface of the pool.


* * * *


Brianna, finally able to relax, lay back in the warm water as Niklas’s gentle hands massaged her scalp thoroughly. She leaned back onto the edge of the pool, and her lower body bobbed to the surface. The air was cool on her warmed skin, causing gooseflesh to rise and her nipples pebbled at the contact. She took a deep breath, and, leaving the world behind, reveled in her mate’s touch. If only for a moment, everything was perfect here in this time and this place.

Niklas rinsed her long hair with the warm water, careful not to get any soap in her eyes, making her feel cherished. Brianna was so relaxed, she didn’t even feel Niklas release her. Comfortable and calm, her body floated freely through the water. She sat up, the water splashing around her. Droplets ran down her torso, and she looked over her shoulder at Niklas.

He was watching her with an intensity she’d already become accustomed to. She stood and waded to the edge where he knelt. She took a moment to watch his reaction and eyed the bulge she knew was there for her alone. It was intoxicating to know she could have such an effect on him. Niklas was total male perfection. She’d never, in her wildest dreams, believed she would be able to hold the interest of such an incredible man like him. He devoured her with his gaze. Brianna could tell he was trying to hide his desire. She felt a surge in her heart. How could she mistrust a man who behaved so selflessly?

Brianna let her gaze drop to his arms, as they were bare to the elbow. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his tawny skin. She wanted nothing more than to reach out, to feel the soft down on his forearm, to take his strong hand in hers. She looked into his eyes and knew he’d been tortured by her disappearance.

Brianna could feel the strength of his self-loathing at being unable to protect her within his own home. She knew she had no other choice than to comfort him. She needed his comfort as well to wash the feel of the evil touch she’d been subjected to from her body and mind. The strange man who took her away from here may not have violated her physically, but mentally, she wondered if she would ever be the same.








Chapter Twenty-four



Brianna slowly opened her arms to Niklas. If she’d ever had any doubts at all, they were forgotten the moment she saw the despair in Niklas’s eyes turn to hope. He quickly stripped and lowered himself into the water. He reached out, obviously needing to touch her. He took her hand in his much larger one, lacing their fingers together.

“Can you forgive me,
?” he asked, pressing his forehead against hers.

Brianna reached up with her free hand, threading her fingers through his silky hair. “There is nothing to forgive you for,
. We are both victims of circumstance, forced into situations beyond our control.” She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, finally coming to terms with what had happened to her. Niklas had told her the truth. She knew that now. If she still wanted to return home, he would take her. The knowledge was freeing. It let her look at Niklas in a new light. Her love blossomed with the knowledge that he, also, had been acting in a manner alien to his nature.

Niklas released her hand, rested his on her hips, drawing her closer into his embrace. “Just let me hold you for a moment,
. I need to know that you are truly well.”

Brianna knew what he was feeling. As before, when his emotions were strong, he couldn’t keep her from reading them, just as she couldn’t keep him from reading her emotions. They were overflowing from his mind to hers. It was incredible to know that he cared so deeply for her. “I’m fine, Niklas.” She drew his hand to the soft swell of her stomach. “The babies are fine.” She reached for him, taking his swollen member in her hand. “There’s no reason why we can’t—”

Niklas stopped her from fondling him. He gritted his teeth. It was quite possibly the most difficult thing he’d ever had to do. Brianna heard the echo of his thoughts before he said, “No,
, I want Sarcha to examine you first. I am afraid for you and for the children, so let’s be sure.”

Brianna stepped back, ashamed that she hadn’t thought to have a doctor check her to see if the children were fine. “Yes, of course, Niklas. I should have thought of that myself.”

He put his finger under her chin. Tipping her face up, he kissed her lightly. “Don’t worry yourself over it. You have been through much these past days. I would have you rest now until Sarcha can arrive.” Niklas lifted her from the water and carried her into the bedroom where he toweled her dry.

“Past days, Niklas?” She turned a perplexed gaze on him. “I have been gone for days?”

He stilled, as his hands holding the towel, rested over her bottom. “Yes,
, you have been missing for three days.” His eyes searched hers, unreadable.

Brianna brought her hand to her mouth. “Three days? I was really gone that long?” She turned to Niklas with horror-filled eyes. “I don’t remember, Niklas. I only remember today!” She collapsed in a faint.


* * * *


Niklas caught her in his arms and carried her limp form to the bed. He pushed the button for the communication link and called urgently for Sarcha. “Get your butt down here.” He growled. “Now!” Niklas took the time to dress Brianna in a white nightgown, wanting her covered for the doctor’s examination. He tried not to notice how it flowed over her curves like gossamer lace.

He also tried to ignore the urges stirring in the lower regions of his body. After so many years of forced abstinence, his libido was making one hell of a comeback. He held Brianna for a moment before he placed her on the bed, covering her with his
quilt. Niklas paced the room, anxious for Sarcha to proclaim her hale and hardy. The last three days had been hell. It was no wonder he found it hard to believe he’d gotten her back.

There was a knock on the door and Niklas rushed to answer. Sarcha stood on the other side, holding his bag with a worried look on his face. Like the rest of Niklas’s people, he had thought his king had lost his life-mate. It was written on his face.

Sarcha waited for Niklas to move aside before entering the room. “How is she?”

“She is bruised nearly everywhere, she has cuts on her hands, arms, and legs. I have not asked her how she obtained them. I didn’t want to tire her before your visit.” He gestured to the bed. “As you can see, I have helped her bathe the filth from her body to help stem the onslaught of infection.” He paused, waited for the older man’s attention. “She did not realize she had been gone for days, Sarcha. She must have been rendered unconscious.” Niklas cast a worried look in Brianna’s direction and was surprised to see her awake.


* * * *


Brianna glared at them. “I
awake, you know. You don’t have to talk about me as if I’m comatose or something.” Brianna hated it when Niklas acted like this. She fought the urge to stick her tongue out at him. Such gestures in the past only made him smile and lift his eyebrow as if the action alone supported his theory that she couldn’t run her own life.
! Brianna crossed her arms over her chest and scowled.

Niklas crossed the room, walking to the side of the bed furthest from the door. Sitting on the edge, he took her hand in his. “You were unconscious,
.” He put his palm to her forehead. “Do you not remember?”

Brianna squeezed her eyes shut. If everyone here didn’t stop treating her like she’d break, she was going to scream really, really loud. Feeling just a little frustrated, she wondered how in the world she was ever going to be able to assert herself in this world where she was given a Goddess status. She was barely able to go to the bathroom without someone wanting to help.

Still, she let Niklas take her hand in his without putting up too much of a fight. Airing their dirty laundry in the presence of others wasn’t a wise choice. She knew it undermined his authority with his people. Though technically, she wasn’t one of his people, on this world she belonged to him, and that rankled.

Brianna watched as Sarcha took some things from his bag. It was amazing how much more advanced these people were, yet their doctors still made house calls, and they carried the equivalent to a little black bag. It was enough to cause Brianna to snort as she suppressed a giggle.

Niklas frowned at her suspiciously.

How could a man be so beautiful even when he was frowning? “What?” Brianna asked. They both glanced at her expectantly.

Sarcha gave her a watchful look. “Do you feel any pain anywhere, Highness?” He seemed uncomfortable with the look Brianna gave him.

“Do you see these?” She lifted her arms and showed them to the doctor. Indicating her bruises, she couldn’t help but be something of a smartass. “I have them all over. Sooo…I hurt pretty much everywhere I have them, which, as I said before, is all over.” Brianna closed her eyes for a moment, instantly sorry for her outburst. “Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but I have been through a lot over the last few months.” She gazed at Sarcha, her look repentant.

The two men looked at each other and came to some silent agreement. Sarcha finished his examination quickly and began to pack his instruments back into his bag.

“Go on to my office, Sarcha, we will speak there in a moment.” Niklas leaned forward to plump the pillows behind Brianna’s head and back. “I will leave you now, so that you may be alone. I do not want to distress you further.” He paused at her panicked look. “What is it?” he asked, looking around.

Brianna didn’t want to be left alone. She didn’t really remember how she came to be in the possession of that strange cruel man, but she somehow knew that she had been alone when it happened. She reached out and grasped his hand. “Don’t leave me alone. Please don’t. He’ll come again if you do.”


* * * *


The frightened intensity in Brianna’s eyes gave Niklas pause. He would not leave her alone. If it made her feel better to be by his side, then that was where she would be. He uncovered her and picked her up in his arms.

Settling her on a chair, he fashioned a robe for her to wear using the replicator. He returned to her side and helped her to dress. It would serve a dual purpose. It would cover her well enough so that everyone seeing her would not be able to see through the nearly transparent gown he had fashioned for her, and it would help to keep her warm.

Niklas shook his head. When had he become such a prude? Not too long ago he would have
a woman to parade around wearing nothing but a transparent gown. Now he wanted to be sure that every inch of his
was covered from prying eyes.

He lifted her against him, relieved that he was able to bear her weight in his arms once again. Taller and heavier than the women on this world, she still was no match for the strength he possessed, and he was glad of it. His
was so self-conscious of her weight, had he made any sound of struggle, she would never give him the honor of carrying her again. Walking down the hall surrounded by her sweet scent was almost intoxicating. He was in heaven and knew he would never wish to be anywhere else. Ever.


* * * *


Brianna relaxed into his embrace, knowing she would rather be here than anywhere else. Even on her own world with her own life. What she had on Earth wasn’t a life. Brianna realized that now. She’d existed, but never really lived. There was a life here with Niklas. Now, having tasted what had been missing, she refused to give it up without a fight.

She snuggled closer. Burying her face in his neck, she inhaled deeply, loving his unique scent. She could live very happily in his arms for the rest of her life. Brianna wrapped her arms around his neck, burrowing her face into the crook of his shoulder, her fingers tunneled in his silky hair. “I love you, Niklas.”

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