Briannas Prophecy (38 page)

Read Briannas Prophecy Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Briannas Prophecy
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Brianna licked her suddenly dry lips. If she’d thought him a god before, what could possibly compare to him now? She looked into his eyes. They crinkled around the edges and Brianna realized he smiled at her. She closed her eyes for a moment, to thank the Gods who brought them together, and to mentally thank the Fae for helping her.

Larin gave her arm a light squeeze to let her know that they’d heard her heartfelt thanks.

“This is where you leave me and go to your husband-to-be, sweet Brianna. Larin leaned down, kissed her cheek softly and gave her a look that was almost tender.

Releasing Larin’s arm, she smiled up at him. “Thank you so much, Larin. You have no idea how much this means to me.” Turning, she walked toward Niklas, praying her legs wouldn’t give out. She looked into Niklas’s dark chocolate eyes and knew he was the best thing to ever happen to her. She smiled brightly and took his hand, gazed down at their joined hands and marveled that soon, they would be truly married, in a ceremony that was almost as old as time.








Chapter Twenty-six



Brianna snuggled closer to Niklas’s warmth and smiled. This was one of the things she liked the most. The lazy mornings, being able to wake slowly and cuddle with Niklas. She’d missed them since coming to the palace. Brianna understood Silera’s need to see her son wed. Though she wished they wouldn’t have had to be separated for so long. Having Niklas hold her in his arms made Brianna feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
Niklas snaked his arm around her and kissed her ear. “You
the most beautiful woman in the world. How are the babes today, Mrs. Voortag?” He placed his hand above her womb, cradling her and their children in his big hand.
“I didn’t know you were awake, you sneak.” Brianna sighed softly and smiled, sure the fluttering sensations she was feeling weren’t all because of the children growing within her. “They’re fine, Niklas. And you? How are you this morning?” She pushed her bottom into his growing erection—which said good morning very nicely on its own—and wiggled. “I’ve missed sleeping with you.” She reached behind her, raked her hand through his hair. “And waking up with you.”
Niklas chuckled, sending gooseflesh racing down her arms and legs. “I’ve missed you as well. I missed doing this.” He buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply. “You always smell so nice, sweet, like fruit or berries.” He licked her ear. “Good enough to eat.”
“It’s berry explosion shampoo, my favorite.” She frowned. “I’m almost out. I’m going to miss it.” She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations he awoke in her.
Niklas fondled her breast, kissing lower, nibbling and suckling on the sensitive spot just below her ear. “Give it to me, and I will program the replicator to make more for you, as you shouldn’t be without your favorite things.” His hand moved to her other breast, giving it equal attention.
She turned in his arms. “Thank you, I never thought of that.” She inhaled sharply when he took the tip of her breast in his mouth and suckled. He nipped it with his teeth, then soothed it with his warm velvet tongue.
“You always smell nice, too. I kept meaning to ask what soap you use.” Brianna fisted her hand in his hair, loving the very talented way Niklas’s mouth moved over her sensitized skin. Her body melted at his touch, as Niklas slid his warm hands down the length of her back.
“It’s not soap, it’s a scent generated by the sonic bath. I know you like to take tub baths. Perhaps we can take one together tonight. And use your berry explosion.” He was back to kissing her neck. “What do you think?”
Brianna shivered in anticipation. “Hmmm. I can’t wait. I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to… Well, you know.” She finished, blushing.
He squeezed her tighter. “Yes, I know.” He kissed her lightly. “But enough talking for now.” He gave her a wicked smile. His hand moved lower to caress her hip. “I seem to remember that you made an offer yesterday, which I had to refuse until you had been examined. I never did get to collect.”
His hand wandered down over her stomach to the thatch of curls between her legs, which opened nearly of their own accord. His fingers moved sensuously, testing her readiness. “Oh, by all means, Niklas, collect. I should never have made you wait.” She pulled his head down to hers, her fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck.
Niklas kissed her deeply, positioning himself between her legs. “I intend to.” He nibbled his way down her body, kissing her stomach, giving special attention to the indentation just above her pubic bone. He thrust a finger inside her, always wanting to give her as much satisfaction as he could.
Brianna moaned as his finger entered her, her inner muscles clenching and milking, her hips undulated on the bed wanting more. When Niklas slid a second finger into her, Brianna arched off the bed as a scream tore through her throat. Niklas used his fingers without mercy, pushing up against the secret spot inside her, causing Brianna to buck and jump, screaming another release.
Brianna whimpered when he removed his fingers. Niklas knelt between her spread thighs, lifting her legs. He placed them over his shoulders and lowered himself to taste her spicy core. She screamed again, her whole world nothing but the sensation of Niklas’s hands and mouth upon her skin.
He reached up with both hands and kneaded her breasts, pinching her sensitized nipples lightly, while suckling on her engorged nub.
Brianna covered his hands with her own, wanting him to stop, yet not wanting the sensations to cease. She wanted to bring him the same pleasure he brought her. She was torn between the two fires raging in her body. Soon the burning raged, an inferno of love and lust that she couldn’t control and wouldn’t manage to sustain much longer. The flames swirled and surged within her, a whirlpool of feeling and pleasure. Brianna screamed as she finally reached the pinnacle. She flew over the edge, drowning in the pleasure of his touch.
Niklas crawled up her body and chuckled. He eyed her appreciatively as she lay panting and breathless beneath him. He brushed the hair from her forehead, wiping away the fine sheen of moisture that covered her brow.
“I love you,
, never doubt that.” He gazed deeply into her eyes. “If I should ever forget to tell you, you have my permission to hit me.” He smiled. “As you have such a fondness for it.” Niklas reached down and tilted her hips up beneath him. “One day I may let you take charge like you want to, but for now, you are mine.” He entered her with one long smooth thrust that pushed her up on the bed slightly.
Brianna groaned. “That feels so good, Niklas.” She sighed, lifting her hips to meet his thrusts. “I think you’re tickling my brain.”
Niklas chuckled softly. “I doubt it,
.” He thrust deep again. “You must let me know if I hurt you.” He groaned. His thrusts became shorter and faster, harder, more intense.
Brianna climaxed, screaming his name. The waves of her orgasm washed over her, her sheath gripping and milking his shaft.
Niklas threw his head back and groaned, emptying his seed deep within her as she continued to climax around him.
Afterward, the two of them lay on the bed, replete, listening to the sound of their combined heartbeats. Brianna’s breathing slowed, returned to normal.
Niklas rolled onto his side. “I need to talk with you.” He was slowly drawing small circles on her skin, causing a trail of gooseflesh. “I know I brought you here to save my people, but I find that I am more selfish than I ever thought possible.”
Brianna rolled onto her side and leaned up on her elbow, facing him. “I don’t understand what you mean.” She gave him a worried frown.
Niklas shifted his hand to her hip. “I don’t want you to risk hurting yourself.” He looked into her eyes. “I will find a way to stop this evil without your help. I don’t want to put you in danger.”
Brianna pushed herself up into a sitting position, pulling the sheet up to her breasts. “I thought you said the ancient scroll said only I could stop the evil that threatens your world?” She raked her hand through her hair, tucking a few errant strands behind her ear. “If you didn’t need me, or, if you had no intention to have me participate, why did you force me to come with you?”
Niklas watched her warily. “I had every intention of allowing you to participate,
, until you became pregnant. I don’t want you to injure yourself or our children.”
“Allow? Allow? You were going to
me to participate!” Brianna jumped from the bed, dragging the sheet behind her. She wrapped it around herself, her eyes filled with contempt. “No one
me to do anything, Niklas!” she snapped. “I do it because I want to, or because I don’t want to. People stopped
me to do things when my father died.” She stomped into the bathing chamber, waited for Killer to follow her into the room, then slammed the door behind her.


* * * *


The click of the lock settling into place sounded loud in the silence of the room. Niklas ran his hands over his face. Could anything else possibly go wrong this day? A knock sounded on the door. “What next?” He rolled his eyes and climbed out of the bed. He cracked the door open and glared at his cousin. “What are you doing here in the middle of the night, Ethanos?” Some of Niklas’s anger dissipated when he saw the cuts and bruises on his cousin’s face. One eye was swollen shut, his lip was bleeding, a trail of blood seeped out from under his dark hair and it looked like he was missing a tooth.
Ethanos stepped closer to the door and whispered, “It’s Haron, Niklas.” He looked around as if expecting someone to be lurking around the corner, listening to him. He swallowed convulsively. “It was Haron who kidnapped our queen, it is Haron who had the leviathan, he wants to drive you from here.” He paced back and forth. “I wish I had known about it before. I was suspicious of his actions and have been following him for some time, but I just found out about this. He nearly killed me when I tried to stop him.”
Niklas looked back toward the door Brianna had disappeared through and shook his head. There was always something. Niklas opened the door wider, oblivious to his nudity, and indicated his cousin should enter, then closed the door behind him.
“He found an old document, a scroll left hidden by the dark forces of the uprising. It contained a spell to bring about the death of one of the sisters.” He followed Niklas to his office where he poured a large drink. Ethanos gulped it greedily and set the cup down. “Ugh. That stings,” he grimaced, holding a hand to his mouth. “Niklas, he wants to destroy the world, and he means to use Brianna to do it.”
“Where is he now?” Niklas walked to the replicator and programmed it to make a jumpsuit and boots, then dressed.
The other man shrugged, held his arms wide. “I don’t know. After he tried to kill me, he left.”
Niklas inhaled sharply. “Brianna!” He ran toward the bedroom. “I left her alone. I promised I wouldn’t leave her alone.” He threw open the bedroom door and rushed to the bathing chamber door where he tried the knob. “Brianna. Are you in there?” He waited a moment, then pounded on the door. “Brianna, I promised to not leave you alone, and while I did forget for a moment, your well being is uppermost in my mind. If you don’t answer me, I will break this door down.”
Silence greeted him and a feeling of dread settled itself in his stomach. Niklas stepped back from the door and kicked at it with a strength that was fed by fear and alarm. The door burst open to an empty room. Water still ran into the huge tub. The sheet she’d worn when she so scornfully abandoned him to lock herself behind the door lay on the floor in a heap.
Niklas’s shoulders slumped. Even her friendship with the Fae may not help her now. He bent and picked up the sheet, holding it against his face like a talisman. Niklas threw his head back and howled. “No!” He turned his anguished gaze on Ethanos. “Come, he has taken her, show me where he hides.” Niklas strode past his cousin and through the door.
Ethanos followed. “Niklas, I’m not sure I can find him. I don’t think he will return to the cave. That would be the first place we’d look. He knows I came to warn you.”
Niklas turned to Ethanos and smiled mirthlessly. “Then that is where he will take her. He has always been predictable. Heron will believe that we will not look there. He will be positive we will think he abandoned it and look elsewhere.” He entered a nearby express lift. “Transport station.” He looked to his cousin. “Where is he?”
Ethanos was wiping the blood from his lip with the hem of his shirt. “He was in the
caves near

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