Briannas Prophecy (16 page)

Read Briannas Prophecy Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Briannas Prophecy
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“When we first met, you wore a costume. I didn’t know it was a costume. I thought it was the way you always looked.”

“Oh, gods! I knew it!” Brianna felt her face heat as she remembered that horrible wart and the paint on her teeth.

Niklas smiled, but continued, “I was attracted to you then, yet I thought you couldn’t be The One because you didn’t fit the description given me.”

Eyes wide, and with no small amount of fear and anticipation, Brianna asked, “What description were you given?” She licked her lips nervously, asking, even though she already knew the answer.

Niklas looked into her eyes, hoping she wouldn’t run again. “My
would have hair of gold and eyes the color of indigo.”

She stood. Nervous, she began to pace the room. “Are you saying I’m your soul mate?” She bit her lip and watched him, waiting for his answer.

He nodded. “I know it is hard to believe. We have known each other for such a short time, and one knows nearly nothing of the other.”



Brianna’s mind raced. Was he saying that he loved her? He said he was attracted. Hell, so was she. He was so hot she nearly had to fan herself every time she looked in his direction. But it didn’t mean she was in love with him. In lust with him, yes. But love? She licked her suddenly dry lips. How could anyone know they were in love in such a short time?

a bit hard to swallow.” She took a deep breath. She might as well get it over with now before she got too attached to him. “I’ve got something to tell you that’s bound to send you running from me like I’m an axe murderer anyway.”

Niklas just sat staring at her, waiting. If the look on his face was any indication, there wasn’t anything she could say that could make him walk away from her now, but she had no know.

“I’m a witch, Niklas. A Goddess loving, spell casting, cauldron stirring…witch.” Brianna watched him, sure that he was going to run screaming this time. She hadn’t expected to see the biggest smile she’d ever seen on his handsome face.

“The Goddess hasn’t been totally forgotten here after all. I was afraid everyone here had forgotten about her.”

“What do you mean you thought everyone here had forgotten about the Goddess? You’re not going to run from me screaming? Or tell me I’m going to rot in hell?”
Or call me a heathen slut on the fast track to perdition?

Niklas smiled and shook his head. “Sweetheart, I’m definitely here to stay.”








Chapter Nine



This is too good to be true!
Was Niklas really telling her he was a witch or did she misunderstand? Brianna turned to him, the confusion showing plainly on her face. “I’m not sure I understood you correctly. Are you saying you’re a Wiccan, too?” What were the odds of

Niklas tilted his head to the side and blinked. “I am not familiar with this term, but if you are asking if I worship as you do, the answer is yes.” He hedged a bit. “I come from a different country, so our terms may be different, but I believe the meaning is still the same. We don’t believe in the One God as so many of your people do. My people believe in many Goddesses and Gods.”

Brianna was in shock. Never had anyone she’d ever been attracted to before ever agreed with her beliefs. Her dates usually ran from her screaming or stood toe to toe, arguing with her, trying to convert her on the premise that she was going to rot in hell if she didn’t change her heathen ways. “So, you believe in the Goddess? Which one?” she tested. If he was really what he claimed, he would name one or he would name them all.

He smiled and winked. “Why, all of them, of course. We may know them by different names, or the names may be the same. What does it matter? I will not try to change you just as I know that you will respect my beliefs.”

“How could you know that, Niklas?”

“That is the way of the Goddess. She would have you believe what you will as she would have me believe what I will as long as we harm none. Is free will not the way of your religion?”

She nodded. “Yes, that is the way.”

He held out his hand, waiting for her to take it. “Are you going to fear me now as you thought you would be feared?” he asked when she hesitated.

Brianna shook her head, let him take her hand and bring it to his mouth. She closed her eyes and her knees turned to butter. What was it about this man that he could do this to her? It was if he had put some kind of spell on her. Her eyes snapped open. “You haven’t…” Brianna cleared her throat. “You haven’t put a spell on me, have you?” Was that squeaky frightened voice really her own?

Niklas straightened, looking offended. “I would never do such a thing. And
should know such things rarely work. When they do, they usually backfire, and the person ends up hating the spellcaster. I would not have that between us.” He led her across the room, sat on the bed then pulled her down onto his lap.

“Neither would I.” She leaned over and put her head on his shoulder, wondering how she could feel so comfortable with him when they’d just met. She hadn’t been this comfortable with her own father.


* * * *


“Would you like to go to the beach with me tomorrow? I hear it is going to be a beautiful day.” He looked down at her, hoping she would agree. He wanted to see the sea breeze ruffling her hair. He needed to see her laughing in the sunshine. To know that he could make her happy when she wasn’t inside her own home surrounded by the things she loved and had become comfortable with. Besides, they needed to spend more time together if she were going to grow to trust him enough to leave her world willingly.

He hoped she could come to love him enough that it wouldn’t matter where they spent the rest of their lives. At the very least, he needed to earn her trust. In the end, she would come to his planet whether she wanted to or not.

“I would love to, Niklas, but I have to work.” Her disappointment showed on her crestfallen face.

His queen looked so beautiful even when disappointed that Niklas wanted to kiss her, but knew it was too soon. What could he say to convince her to go? He’d noticed over the last week that she let her dog out around two in the afternoon, every afternoon. Perhaps that was when she returned home from work.

“After work then. You get home early, do you not?” Smiling softly, he squeezed her hand. If he had his way, Brianna would never need work again.

Brianna smiled with a sigh. “I just love the way you talk. You always sound so old-world or something.” She blushed at her admission, drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. “I should be home around two-thirty. We could go then.” She looked at him with wide eyes. “Don’t
have to work?”

Niklas shook his head. “I do not have employment as yet, so my days are free.” What was he supposed to say? I don’t work because I am an alien king come to steal you from your world? Conscience pricking him, so he looked away and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Tomorrow afternoon it is.” He turned back to her and forced a smile, feeling treacherous. “You bring your beautiful self, and I’ll bring the food.”

Blushing, she smiled. “It’s a date.”


* * * *


Brianna looked at her alarm clock and noticed the time. She didn’t want him to leave. In fact, if she were to be honest with herself, she wanted him in her bed. Neither of them was ready for that step, but she knew if he asked to stay, she would consent. When had she become such a slut?

She squeezed his hand, then let go. “It’s getting late, Niklas. I don’t want to be rude, but there are things that I need to get done before I can go anywhere tomorrow.” She lowered her feet to the floor, and her toes curled in the short pile of the cream carpeting.

“Of course.” He stood and headed for the door.

Brianna nearly ran after him, but stopped before she made a fool of herself.

He turned at the door. “One last thing before I go.” Niklas strode back to her, pulled her into his arms and lowered his head slowly…giving Brianna ample opportunity to pull away, if that was what she wanted.

Not on your life, sister!
Her libido was taking charge, and retreat was
in its vocabulary.

The kiss they shared was nothing like any other she’d ever had. It was electric, if there had been any doubt in her mind before about whether or not he was her soul mate, or life-mate as he put it, it was washed away in that one exquisite moment as his lips pressed so gently against hers.

Niklas pulled away. He held Brianna until she gathered her wits. It was a good thing since they had gone missing as soon as his lips touched hers. He left her after pressing a small kiss on her forehead.

She watched him go, holding her trembling fingers to her kiss-swollen lips. She waited a moment, then followed him from the room. Giving Amber a glare, she headed for the kitchen, needing a cup of chamomile tea to calm her nerves. Glancing back, she noticed that Amber was following her. The little troublemaker didn’t look the least bit guilty over what she’d done. When did she ever? If anything, she looked smug. The little meddler knew her matchmaking was legendary among the Pagan crowd. Brianna had often wondered why Amber had never tried matching her with anyone. Apparently she’d been waiting for the right person to come trotting along.

“This one isn’t running, Bri.”

Amber bounced up behind her. Her gleeful tone left nothing for the imagination. How anyone could have that much energy was a mystery. She turned and made a face at her friend. “How astute, Amber. Am I finally on your list for matchmaking?” Taking the chamomile tea from the cabinet, Brianna gave her an inquiring look.

Amber nodded and grinned. “I told you that one day the right guy would come along. He didn’t even get scared off when your date curse kicked in.” She filled the teakettle and set it on the stove.

Brianna grinned. “I can do even better than that. I told him about my being a witch.”

Amber inhaled sharply, her hands still poised above the teakettle. “You did what? Were you
to get rid of him?” She turned around, resting her hip on the counter, disbelief clearly written on her face.

Brianna crossed her arms and leaned against the pantry door and glanced through the window to the backyard and watched Killer sniff under the shed for the umpteenth time. “Well, you can’t blame me. I wanted to know how he would react. You know, before I got attached.” Pushing away from the door, she walked across the room, opened the refrigerator and snatched up a baby carrot.


Bent over, her arm draped over the door, she looked at Amber from under her arm. “He’s a witch, too! He told me that he believes in the Goddess. I couldn’t believe it. You could have knocked me over with a feather when he said that.” Brianna stuck the carrot in her mouth and chewed.

“Hmm…I’ll bet I could have. After all of those guys running from you like some storybook hag, it seems rather refreshing that he would take it so well. Does he have a brother?” Amber pulled herself up onto the counter and swung her legs.

“I don’t think so, he only mentioned a sister. Maybe he has a friend or two… Oh! Now listen to me. I’m sounding like you and trying to set you up.”

“I wouldn’t mind, believe me.” Amber hopped back down off the counter when Brianna gave her a dirty look and eyed her meat fork meaningfully. “Okay, okay. I’m off the precious counter. You don’t have to threaten me with bodily harm.”

Amber took the coffee cups Brianna pulled from a nearby cabinet and set them on the table with spoons and sugar.

“I couldn’t remember if you liked cream or not. You know I like my chamomile with just a touch of sugar. But we’ve been drinking a lot of Earl Grey lately…”

Amber wrinkled her nose at the cream. “I won’t be using it.” She poured herself a cup of tea.

“How about some shortbread? Are you in the mood?”

Amber rolled her eyes. “When am I not in the mood for shortbread? You know it’s my only weakness.” She tilted her head, thinking. “Well, that and cute guys. Let me rephrase that. Cute Pagan guys.”

“Food is your only weakness, Amber, not just shortbread.” Brianna gave a very unladylike snort. “
you have cute guys on the brain.”

“Well, at least I have a healthy interest. It could be worse. I could have given up on the male persuasion all together.” Amber took a sip of her tea and grinned.

Brianna sighed. “Yes, I suppose you could have. I know I did for a while. I swore to never be attracted to another man as long as I lived. Now look at me.” She looked at her cup. “I hope this tea helps me sleep tonight. Sometimes it just sits in my stomach like a lead ball waiting to be hurled back up.”

“Think positively, hon. Just keep telling yourself that is not going to happen this time.”

Brianna smiled. “You’re right. Things have been going too well for me over the past few days for it to stop now. The tea will relax me.” It had to.

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