Briannas Prophecy (17 page)

Read Briannas Prophecy Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Briannas Prophecy
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Chapter Ten



Brianna was so excited she wanted to rush through her work. Never before had she contemplated not giving her people their money’s worth. She wanted to spend as much time with Niklas as possible. But she had a strong work ethic and took pride in a job well done.

The thought that Niklas and she could be soul mates was intriguing. She fervently hoped nothing went wrong on this outing and thought of the irony of this situation. This would be her first second date ever. Reaching for the phone, she dialed Amber’s number.

Amber answered on the second ring. “Hello, Amber’s house of ill repute and oyster bar. Eat ‘em raw.”

Brianna giggled. “What in the world?” She shook her head. Leave it to Amber to think up something as off the wall as that.

“Hey, hon, what are you doing home so early. I thought you had two houses today.” Something crunched in the background, Amber was eating again. So what else was new?

“I did, but one cancelled. They had some sort of family emergency out of town. They didn’t think it would need it this week and next since they wouldn’t be there and would rather have it freshly done before they get home. You know I’d normally be upset about losing the money. But—”

“But this time you’re excited because that gives you more time with lover boy? You do still have a date, don’t you?”

“Yes I do, I just needed to talk with you. I need some advice.”

“You actually want my advice?” she feigned shock.

“Come on. Don’t even try to make it sound like I don’t value your opinion.” Brianna scowled. “What should I wear? I haven’t been to the beach on a date since I was a teenager, and he’s going to be here any minute.”

“Oh, all right. How can I resist that whine?” Amber teased. “What have you got to wear?”

“I have my navy blue one piece, and I have the orange and black one piece.” Brianna held them both up to herself and looked in the mirror critically.

“The blue one piece, definitely. The only other color you look better in is emerald green.”

“Thanks, Amber. I know I don’t tell you this nearly enough. Hell, I’ve probably never said it. But I do love you like a sis.”

Amber sniffed. “Oh, shut up before you make me cry or something.”

She laughed. “
coming from the proprietor of Amber’s house of ill repute?”

“Don’t forget the oyster bar.” She laughed. “I’ll talk with you later, hon.”


Taking her friend’s advice, she wore the navy blue one-piece suit. She knew it complimented her eyes, and the high-cut made her legs look a mile long.

“You look wonderful.” He said, devouring her with his gaze, making her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

Brianna blushed. He had a way about him that made her feel as though she were the only woman he would ever want. Niklas took her breath away when he removed his shirt. She had known he had an exceptional physique, but she still hadn’t been prepared for such sheer masculinity. She was equally unprepared for the rush of desire she felt for him.

Whew! If every man in the world realized just how hot an abdominal six-pack looked, they would all have one. Brianna fanned herself, but not because of the heat. A fine layer of perspiration had already formed on his bronzed skin, beading in on his chest like tiny pearls. He looked like a Greek God returned to Earth. His body glistened in the sunlight. The darker brown of his flat nipples and the dusting of black down on his forearms and legs only magnified his appeal.

Brianna’s fingers itched to bury themselves in his luxurious hair and touch the soft hair on his chest. Her eyes lowered, followed the tapering vee to the waistband of his shorts. Brianna looked up startled when he dropped his towel at her feet. He grinned at her and winked, his dark chocolate eyes wreaking havoc on her overloaded senses.

“Are you going to swim?”

“Um…yes, just give me a minute.” She slipped out of her shorts and shirt and felt Niklas’s appraising stare. Good grief! Had he felt her looking at him, too? She felt the blush stealing up her neck to her face. Brianna kicked off her shoes and ran for the water. She needed to cool off in more ways than one.

Niklas followed close behind.

They both dove into the churning surf. The cool water swirled around her, cooling her off. She needed that after the look she’d gotten of Niklas’s nearly bare body before he dove beneath the waves. He stayed near Brianna as if protecting her. It was sweet the way he blocked the big waves, so she wouldn’t lose her footing. She did fall once and squealed as he picked her up and carried her from the water. “Put me down, put me down! I’m too heavy, you’ll hurt yourself,” she screeched.

He snorted. “I don’t think so,” he said, shaking his head. “You are not heavy. You may be tall, but you are still almost a foot shorter than me. Think you that I could not carry my woman to safety?”

His woman?
Gods, she loved the way he talked! There was no one on this Earth that could melt her with a word or a look like this man could. She didn’t know whether to be pleased or insulted. She supposed it would have been nice if he’d
her to be his woman. Brianna gave him a mock glare and crossed her arms over her chest. “Just who said that I’m your woman? I don’t remember anyone asking.” She pouted. “You know, a girl likes to be consulted about things like that.”

He smiled, showing his perfect teeth, a flash of white on his tanned face. For some reason, the sight gave her an odd feeling of déjà vu, and made her wonder if he was tanned all over.

Niklas lowered her to the ground slowly, deliberately allowing her body to slide down the hard length of his. The tips of her sensitized breasts brushed against his muscular frame, and she felt every bulge on his exceptional anatomy on that little trip down the front of his lean body.

It heightened her awareness of him, and she hadn’t thought that possible. She swayed a bit unsteadily when her feet touched the sand and held fast, wanting, needing to feel her body against his. She leaned into him. He was like a drug, just one taste and she needed more.

Niklas lowered his head, his lips barely skimming hers. Her lips parted in invitation. He breathed a soft kiss onto the corner of her mouth. “Will you be mine, sweet Brianna?”

His arms still held her tight. She was sure she would have fallen had he not been holding her. Brianna’s body reacted in a way she’d never expected. The cool breeze on her wet body, mixed with the warmth of Niklas against her heated skin, made her head spin.

Her hands, moving of their own volition, roamed lazily over his muscular arms, climbing upward. Moving up over his shoulders, her fingers lost themselves in his thick hair, and she gently pulled his head down to hers. Never in her life had she ever been so bold. What in the world was she thinking? She wanted this man. And yes, she wanted to be his woman. “Yes, Niklas,” she said breathlessly against his lips. “I want to be your woman.” She closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of his warm lips against hers.

He leaned forward, sucked her bottom lip between his teeth and bit down lightly. It was sensual, erotic. She wanted nothing more than to kiss the socks right off him. Brianna pulled away with a nervous giggle. He wasn’t even wearing any socks. The ridiculous thought danced through her head. She pushed against his chest.

He released her immediately, obviously confused. “Brianna, I must apologize. I thought we both wanted that kiss.”

“No, Niklas, I’m the one that should apologize. I’m so sorry.” She paced back and forth in front of him. “I don’t know what came over me. I don’t usually do this…sort of thing,” she said, waving her hand in the air. She really
know what came over her. She barely knew the man. But that didn’t stop her from playing tonsil hockey with him on the beach!


* * * *


Niklas took her hand, gently tugging when she would have pulled away. His fingers tangled with hers, holding her to him so she couldn’t run. She wanted to run. He could see it in her eyes and knew the fear she felt was groundless. She was afraid of her feelings, feelings she likely felt were too strong too soon. Perhaps he needed to explain the feelings, the needs of an
She may feel differently if she knew when the people on his world found their mates, they knew it instantly. Or, he thought miserably, perhaps it would only frighten her more.

Still, he needed to hold her, to feel his connection with her. This thing between them was unlike anything he had ever felt in his life, but it was just as his mother described. He wanted her with a desire that he had never experienced before, and he could tell she wanted him too. It was only a matter of time before he would get her to admit it.

She appeared shocked and dismayed. She most likely believed her behavior was inexcusable. Niklas knew it was normal for her to feel this way. He was a virtual stranger. They had met only four days ago. Still, it didn’t stop his heart from beating faster every time she looked at him or stop his breath from catching in his throat whenever she glanced his way. It didn’t stop his body from reacting, becoming hard with the urge to take her and make her his.


* * * *


Niklas became still. His eyes glittered and he suddenly seemed dangerous. The hair on Brianna’s neck stood on end. It wasn’t caused by the close proximity to Niklas. This was a totally different feeling.
was evil.

His stance changed. He was tense. Had she made him angry? Her neck began to tingle. She felt something in the pit of her stomach. The same feeling she’d had at the ball Friday night. Someone was watching her, someone evil. “Niklas, we have to…”

“Shh.” He bent his head, placed his lips against hers. His mouth trailed kisses along her jaw toward her ear, he whispered, “I feel him, too. He has been following me. I believe he doesn’t want me to complete my mission. Do not allow him to know we are aware of his presence.”

His mission? What mission?
She opened her mouth to ask just that when his hands roved slowly over her body, leaving a trail of burning awareness behind. The thumping of her heart drowned out the sound of the waves crashing on the beach as she stood in his embrace, his warm body pressed tightly against hers. Brianna wrapped her arms around him, reveling in his scent and the warmth of his embrace. She was glad for the excuse to hold him close and accept his kiss. No regrets, no excuses, just feeling. His lips left hers, nibbled along her jaw once more, then he placed a kiss behind her ear.

“We need to make it back to the car. He will not be able to get to us in my house or yours. We must find a way to get there without arousing his suspicion.” His hands wandered lower, his fingers splaying over the small of her back.

“What mission?” she finally remembered to ask. “You have a lot of explaining to do, Niklas,” she whispered, pulling his earlobe into her mouth. She ran the tip of her tongue around the outside of his ear. “Although I don’t think you are entirely correct. I think whoever it is, is after me. They were following me around at the Witches’ Ball on Samhain.”

Niklas groaned with obvious pleasure as he pressed his lower body tight against her. “Later, Brianna. I will answer your questions later.” His hands cupped her bottom, pressing her lower body tighter against his own. Brianna felt the ridge of his erection against her pubic bone like a steel rod. He squeezed her rear and let his hand wander slowly up her back.

Moaning, she pulled away with a scowl. She slapped him, then winked. “I think that’s just about enough! I’m not that kind of girl. Take me home now, please,” she said imperiously, her words loud enough to carry far along the beach. She glared at him for good measure before she stuck her nose into the air, then turned and began to walk from the beach. Kneeling, she picked up her towel, gave it a snap to shake the dirt off it, then stood and marched to the shower rooms to rinse the sand and saltwater off.


Niklas bent to retrieve the towel she’d brought for him to use, picked up the rest of their things and followed her from the beach, looking properly cowed.


* * * *


Silently, he watched from the bushes, following them with his dark malevolent gaze, his scarred face filled with biting hatred. His black, venomous eyes held nothing but contempt for the couple on the beach. Good! She was leaving him alone on the beach. Perhaps she wasn’t the one he searched for after all. He wanted to be sure. He disliked the idea of putting an innocent to death. Karma
a bitch. He knew if he killed an innocent, it would return upon him threefold, especially if he did the deed himself.

The whole concept of murder was distasteful. He didn’t like to get his hands dirty. In fact, he would rather pay someone else to do it. Either his people were all dead or they refused to report in because they feared his wrath at their incompetence. He shrugged carelessly. Still, if murder served his purpose and would buy the time he needed, it would have to be done. The more time that passed, the better. Each hour, each minute, each second brought them closer to the end, closer to the eventual rule of the rightful heir.

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