Bree's Sister: Cuff the Wolves A BBW Supernatural Adult Romance (2 page)

Read Bree's Sister: Cuff the Wolves A BBW Supernatural Adult Romance Online

Authors: Skye Eagleday

Tags: #bdsm, #humiliation, #cbt, #shapeshifter erotica, #werewolf erotica, #pegging, #bbw romance, #werewolf sex, #bbw erotica, #bbw sex, #shapeshifter sex, #paranormal bdsm

BOOK: Bree's Sister: Cuff the Wolves A BBW Supernatural Adult Romance
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say one thing for Davis
he's really
good at timing. We finished off our drinks while he did his usual
opening speech reminding us we're the proud members of the
Clan. I was starting to feel the Ecstasy
when he fi
and then dramatically pointed up to the Moon
Rise. The combination of the
the X was mind-blowing. I looked around and almost everyone else
was also looking around at each other because it was
so fascinating. Whoa. Wolves. Cool.



Before we could
spend the night doing this, Davis let out a howl and several
answered him, although even stoned, I noticed few were in the same
key. I thought that was funny. Then I laughed again because I
thought how funny my laughter sounded when I was furred. It was
more like a cough.



The Pack members
started off in different directions, with no obvious purpose or
concern. But that's a lot of what a Run is all about. You just let
go of anything you've been holding in all month and just embrace
everything. And if you bring down a deer, that's a major bonus. If
you mistook a cow for a deer, well, you had to deal with that the
next day.



didn't really feel much like running. I sat there and licked my
paw, which was so interesting, I continued to do it. I considered
licking my other paw. Then a light breeze brought in another scent.
This one I recognized right away. Pussy alert! I swung my heavy
head around, like the needle of a compass seeking North. I was
seeking nookie. There! Now that was a motivation for running. I
wondered if this was Mikah's woman
but why the
hell would he bring her out here again? I ran faster.





there went the howls. I glanced at the
the exact time Google had let me know moon rise would
be. Now I just had to spread my legs and wait. Bree had finally
confided in me
a lot of
werewolves were apprehensive
about doing it with most human women because they were so skinny
they looked like they would snap like a toothpick. I often felt the
same way. But Bree explained women of size were valued because we
were obviously strong enough to take whatever we were given. Hell,
I learned long ago not to wait for what I was given. I had learned
to start taking. I wondered how long it would take for somebody
like Mikah to show up.





I could
smell the mixture of fresh pussy min
with the weird
combination of floral scents that obviously didn't belong in a
rainforest. I shot forward and skidded to a stop when I saw the
largest RV I had ever seen. I panted for a moment, cooling off, but
also catching on my tongue that puzzling something that wasn't
shampoo or cologne that
the fragrance
of pussy.





I kept
looking out the window, waiting for what Bree called a


I just hoped after her description they
didn't stay in wolf form. That would be beyond kinky even for me.
PETA would probably hear about it and hunt me down. I heard
something near the door and left the driver's seat. I had kept the
main door open with the screen door shut. Sure enough, a big gray
wolf had his tongue hanging out, looking expectantly at the

Looking for something, Big Boy?

I opened the
screen door, showing off my assets. I don't know if a beautiful
sexy woman wasn't what a werewolf saw every full moon and he was in
shock, but his eye
grew wide and I swear his tongue hung out
even more. As I watched, his amber eyes took on a more golden


turned and called over my shoulder,

So are you
coming in?

Just like a man, his ear
perked up and
he jumped up on the step and followed me. I had gone ahead and
rented the RV that featured a King-Sized bed because I liked to be

Turn around and let me see you from all

He spun like a puppy chasing his tail and for a moment
it looked as if he would tip over. I wondered if he was just drunk
on excitement. It's not as if a wolf gets drunk, right?



looked exactly like the wolves Google and the websites on wolf
preservation had shown me. I guess


just showed up in the movies. Fine by
that would probably be like doing it with Chewie the
Wookie from Star Wars. That wouldn't make it on my bucket

I don't want your muddy feet on my bed. Do the
thing and let me see what you look like
most of the month.






big and beautiful, just like the ones
who had seen her
described Mikah's woman. I was very aware there was no
scent of Mikah
or any other wolf in here, or on her. I
and looked down on her. Most humans look
tall when you're wolf height. Now that I was back at 6 foot 2, she
was probably around 5 foot 8 or so. And nice and soft looking. All
I wanted to do right now was to cuddle her, but I realized that was
a major effect from Ecstasy. It made you real touchy-feely. The
horniness would kick in a little later. But this babe looked like
she was the no-nonsense type. The fact she was naked and giving
orders to a werewolf was a big hint. A part of me wondered how she
knew where to park her RV, but I figured Mikah or his woman had
told her. Jesus! We got ourselves some groupies now!





he was worth the cost of the RV and the outrageous cost
of Bree's lube. Mikah looked like a fitness model, but mine looked
like he could push most NFL quarterbacks over and run off with
their football. Big and Beefy with hair the color of
He was a lot more hairy than the picture of Mikah in
his bathing suit. Extra points for that. I loved to rub my fingers
through a hairy chest. And I did. Sweet.

what's your name?






I smiled. I loved the way her fingers felt combing
my chest. Her palm hit my right nipple and that got my interest.
Normally my nipples aren't sensitive, but I guess the X had changed
that. I slid my hands over her shoulders and arms because I wanted
to know what she felt like. She felt so good, I wanted to keep





on, Dutch. I'm in no hurry, and believe me, I like to be in

I led him over and with my hips, bumped him onto the
bed. I ran my tongue over his lips. As he sighed in pleasure I
clicked the handcuffs on him with the ease of long practice. He
looked surprised and then started laughing. Ok, not the usual
response, but I could work with that. I straddled him, bringing my
sweet sex spot closer to his mouth. His eyes shut and he breathed
deeply. I bent down to nibble on his lip when suddenly I heard
another howl from outside.

Don't go

I told him, putting my finger on his full



opened the door and there were two more wolves looking up at me.
One was solid black and the other was a little bigger and was
almost cinnamon colored.

Party was about
to start without you,

I told them.

and get your asses up

I moved toward the bed when I heard one jump inside. I
turned around and he did that wavering thing Bree had described,
rearing up on his hind legs and it seemed as if he were made of
smoke and just kept going. He looked like the Black guy who had
been doing the Old Spice commercials. It made me wonder if there
were any ugly werewolves. No wonder they keep themselves a secret.
Otherwise they'd have women (and men
you just know
there have to be gay werewolves) all over them all the time. Number
Three was close behind and when he stopped swirling, he looked like
a professional swimmer. I suddenly wondered if anyone had ever seen
Michael Phelps or Ryan Lochte on a full moon. His reddish-brown
hair was buzzed short.



Frankly, they all looked stoned out of their minds, and I
wondered how easy it was for Bree to carry on a conversation with
Mikah. Just as well
I didn't rent a RV to interview

For now I'll just call you Huey, Dewey, and

Get over on the bed with Dutch. If someone else gets
here he'll just have to wait. You snooze, you

I didn't have enough cuffs for more than five guys. I
should have just bought in bulk. Too bad Walmart doesn't carry
them. Believe me, I checked. Speaking of checking, I put my hands
at the bottom of the new guys' ballsack
and slowly
pulled upwards. I was rewarded with feeling them get hard and their
cocks growing to follow my hand
upward. They felt feverish,
but Bree had mentioned werewolves tend to run hot. I had thought
she was talking about sex. I should have known.



When I looked up,
both of their eyes had gone an almost molten gold color. I looked
back over at Dutch and his were now the same shade. I must be doing
something right. I ordered them to take their dicks and get next to
Dutch the way I had just told them to do. In another minute they
were all cuffed. They looked at each other and started laughing.
Again, not the response I was used to, but given the state of their
erections, everything seemed to be working. I put my foot on the
bed and leaned forward, giving them a better look (and sniff) at
the goods. That changed their schoolgirl giggles into a hungry
silence. Good.



"I don't know
about you," I said, turning and pulling out a black leather bag,
"but a full moon makes me horny." I pulled out my favorite strap on
dildo that the Funfactory calls "Share." I let them watch me insert
the silicone Share inside myself so I could stimulate my G-spot and
clit while I was using the other end to get all close and personal
with my first Wolfboy. "Ever hear of pegging?" I asked, adding a
little rasp to my voice.


Three heads shook
"no" as if they were all connected. Sigh--virgins are extra work.
"It's real simple. While I'm wearing this, one of you is about to
get your prostate massaged. You do know where the other end is
going to go, right?"


eyes widen
, and seemed a little more golden. "That's awfully
big," he said in a small voice. "I don't know if I could fit
. Maybe you have something smaller?"



I bent
over, letting my heavy breasts brush against his cheeks. That
brought his cock to full attention. "I was told you guys can heal
from almost anything as long as it doesn't involve silver. This
happens to be silicone, so you're safe. I think you're a big boy,
and once you get used to being filled, you'll have no

I took a pair of latex gloves out of the black (magic)
bag and made an extra loud slapping sound with them. Dewey actually
flinched. I took Bree's lube and squeezed some on my index finger.
The stuff started out as brown, but once I started rubbing it
together it went clear. I stuck my finger in Dutch's ass, first
, pushing as much lube in as I could. I began
to make small circles to get him to relax. When I felt that happen,
I added some more lube to my middle finger and continued, making
sure I got the lube in as far as possible.


glanced over at Huey and Dewey. Their eyes were practically
glowing. I wondered if I got them to the point of orgasm,
would I be able to read a newspaper by their eye
glow? I would save on my battery.



Dutch tightened
again, and I went back to pushing and spreading my fingers in to
get him to widen. "Relax, Wolfboy. At this rate you couldn't
survive a pencil dick, let alone what I've got planned for you." I
spread my fingers a little more and felt him respond. When I
thought he was ready I pulled my fingers out and added more lube to
the end of the Share.

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