Twisted Sisters (The Orion Circle Book 2)

Read Twisted Sisters (The Orion Circle Book 2) Online

Authors: Kimber Leigh Wheaton

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Twisted Sisters (The Orion Circle Book 2)
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Published by Sea Dragon Press
Visit Kimber Leigh Wheaton’s official website at
for the latest news, book details, and other information
Copyright © Kimber Leigh Wheaton, 2015
ISBN: 978-0-9904026-5-7
Cover design: AM Design Studios
eBook formatting:
Guido Henkel
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to real persons, either living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means, with the exception of small excerpts for review purposes.
The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the products, characters, and services mentioned in this book. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference: Keurig, Apple iPhone & Mac, Octane,
Anything Goes
, Ford Mustang, Jeep, Hyatt,
Indiana Jones, Richie Rich, Scooby Doo,
Diet Coke, Frisbee,
Spongebob Squarepants,
Avenged Sevenfold,
Ghostbusters, Supernatural,
Disney World, Cadillac Escalade, Motrin, Blu-Ray, Nintendo, Mario Kart,
X-Men, Star Trek,
Sony PlayStation,
American Horror Story, The Simpsons

To everyone who has felt lost, misunderstood, or forgotten.
And to everyone who has helped them find their way home.
To my parents and my parents-in-law, especially Joan.
I can always count on your support, and that means the world to me.

Prologue — A Child’s Toy


A Child’s Toy

Sunlight filtered through the sliding glass door, shining on the brown spirit board spread out on the antique oak table. A bright blue box emblazoned with the words
Fun for all Ages
sat beside it, along with an instruction sheet. One girl twirled the planchette with her fingers while watching her friend read the instructions aloud. A child’s game bought at a toy store. What harm could it do? These two girls were about to find out that sometimes evil existed in the most innocent of packages.

“Okay, so it says to rest your fingers on that piece,” Melissa said as she tossed the instruction sheet aside.

“If we put our fingers on it, then how do we know that we didn’t move the thing?” Kendra asked, placing the planchette in the middle of the board.

“I don’t know,” Melissa said, rolling her dark eyes. “Did you want to try it or not?”

“Sure, why not.” Kendra released a bored sigh that turned into a yawn. “Why are we up so damn early?”

“I wanted to get an early start.” Melissa’s shoulders scrunched up into a sheepish shrug. “Lots of time until dark, you know, in case…”

“It’s a toy, Melissa,” Kendra said with a snort of laughter.

“Maybe, maybe not.”

“You’re totally kidding, right?” Kendra stared at her friend from the corner of her eye.

Melissa kept a straight face for a few more seconds, then burst into laughter. “Fooled you!”

“Childish much?”

“Okay, just put your fingertips on this thingy.” Melissa placed her fingers on the planchette before giving a pointed look to her friend.

“I feel kinda stupid,” Kendra said as she placed her fingers on the opposite side of the planchette. “So, ah, if there are any spirits who want to communicate, we’re here.”

“Wow, that was dull.” Melissa took a deep breath. “Spirits across the hazy veil. We call to you from beyond the pale.”

“What was that?” Kendra asked, raising her brow.

“Just a little drama.” Both girls stared at their hands which stayed unmoving. “I call to thee spirits for we are here. Any spirit nearby is welcome to appear.”

The planchette began to vibrate and wiggle.

“Are you doing that?” Kendra asked in a shaky voice.

“No,” Melissa whispered back. “Shh! It’s starting to move.”

“Is a spirit here with us?” Kendra called out to the empty room.

The planchette jumped a bit before sliding to the word,
. But it didn’t stop there. Before either girl could think to ask another question, it shot across the board, flying from letter to letter. Both Kendra and Melissa snatched their hands away from the shuddering, plastic pointer.

Kill, kill, kill.
Over and over again.

“Who are you?” Melissa shrieked the question as an invisible wind blew her long hair around her body.


“Amy?” The whipping air died with Kendra’s question. Both girls trembled as the planchette moved to


“There are two of you?” Melissa’s face paled. Cabinet doors opened and slammed closed in rapid succession.

Renee, kill…

The planchette paused. Kendra took a breath to ask another question, but before the words reached her lips, the planchette spelled out a new word.



Goosebumps spread up Kendra’s arms after she spoke. She hugged her arms around her body, trying to chase away the bitter chill. Dishes flew from the cabinets, smashing to the floor one after the other. Kendra pushed her chair from the table and fled the room. Drinking glasses from the cupboards flew across the room, hitting the wall where Kendra’s head had been just moments before.


“You were murdered?” Melissa asked through a gasped breath. She clutched the edge of the table with white knuckles, too scared to move. Pieces of shattered pottery lifted from the floor on an invisible whirlwind, blowing around the terrified girl.

Yes, murder. Free, free, free.

Chapter One — The Kiss

Chapter One

The Kiss


Restless, endless pacing. Nerves firing out of control. I wanted this, asked… no begged for this role, and now I’m regretting that choice. Why didn’t the director mention that the lead characters had to kiss on stage? And not some chaste, sweet kiss. No, it has to be a long, passionate kiss. I stop and lean my head against the cool glass of the window overlooking the courtyard below. Students go on with their lives, oblivious to my turmoil. Little lemmings I wish I could stomp on to stop their stupid betting pool.

I was fine this morning. Daniel psyched me up last night, convinced me I‌—‌we could do this. But the moment I arrived at drama this morning, the entire class was abuzz with the news. We’d be rehearsing the kiss scene this afternoon. I can’t even begin to imagine the crowd this rehearsal will attract. But I was still managing to hold it together until fourth period. That’s when I caught wind of the betting pool.

Option number one: Kacie will throw herself at Daniel and dump Logan after one kiss.

Option number two: Kacie will run off the stage in a panic, unable to face Daniel.

Option number three: Logan will beat the crap out of Daniel or at least knock his teeth out.

Option number four: Kacie will be killed by the groupies before she can lay a lip on Daniel.

How can one kiss attract so much attention in the drama that is high school?

What about option five? Daniel and I act like professional actors and life continues on as normal. It’s only been two months since I was almost possessed by a homicidal ghost. This is nothing compared to that. Yet even as I repeat that over and over in my head, my stomach rolls and I bite my lip hard enough to taste blood. Finally I give in to nerves and text Daniel.

Need help. Falling apart. Club room. Now.

Within moments my phone chimes with his answer.
On my way.

Pushing away from the window, I glance around the dim club room. The Orion Circle is still new to me, though I’ve been a member for two months. Before the Circle, I was a scared physical medium who didn’t know how to deal with the ghosts haunting her. The Orion Circle took me in, showed me I wasn’t alone. They taught me how to use and control my abilities. Now I’m a paranormal hunter, a member of a group.

A wisp of memory floats through my mind, and I squash it down… but not quickly enough. The Foxblood Demon almost possessed me, almost stole my body and soul two months ago. It’s not something easily forgotten. Before his spirit, I never realized there were ghosts that powerful out there. While it scared me, it also firmed my resolve. That night we saved thirteen child spirits from a monstrous ghost. I watched them move on to… well with any luck a better place, smiles lighting their ghostly faces. Without the Orion Circle, I never would’ve succeeded. We are a team. I need them. They need me. It feels good to be needed, to be a part of something bigger than myself.

I wander over to the bookshelves lining the far wall. Nervous energy makes my hand shake as I run my finger along the spines. The Orion Circle’s collection of paranormal books is a treasure trove. My finger stops on
American Urban Legends: Decoding the Paranormal,
and I yank it from the shelf. I’ll need something tonight to occupy my mind no matter the outcome of rehearsal. As I’m shoving the book into my backpack, Daniel enters the club room.

“Hey, Cici,” Daniel says with a tired smile. “How long have you been hiding up here?”

“Since I walked out of my chemistry class.” My head falls back, and I stare at the ceiling like those boring tiles can provide insight into my foolish overreaction. “I overheard some girls whispering about the betting pool. When she noticed my interest, Karen handed over the paper outlining the options. I gathered my things and fled.”

“Ouch.” Daniel crosses the room to lean against the leather sofa. “So much for acting disinterested.”

“Yeah, I panicked.”

“It’s just a kiss,” Daniel says in a soft voice. “It’s not the end of the world.”

“Then why is everyone acting like it is?”

“Boredom, jealousy, who knows.” He shrugs. “Does it matter? We’ll create an option five where two professional actors kiss onstage without incident. It will make them all look foolish.”

“I’m overreacting, huh?” I say with a sheepish grin. Daniel always manages to make me feel better.

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