Bree's Sister: Cuff the Wolves A BBW Supernatural Adult Romance (3 page)

Read Bree's Sister: Cuff the Wolves A BBW Supernatural Adult Romance Online

Authors: Skye Eagleday

Tags: #bdsm, #humiliation, #cbt, #shapeshifter erotica, #werewolf erotica, #pegging, #bbw romance, #werewolf sex, #bbw erotica, #bbw sex, #shapeshifter sex, #paranormal bdsm

BOOK: Bree's Sister: Cuff the Wolves A BBW Supernatural Adult Romance
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circled around his ass with
he tip of it,
then gently pushed it in about an inch until I started meeting
resistance. I pulled it out and added more lube. I was making sure
it was spreading. I kept repeating this, going in deeper each time.
I could barely hear Huey and Dewey breath
. "Ok,
Wolfboy--roll over because we're about to do this doggy


looked confused, but followed my instructions. I had him spread his
legs more and lean forward. His cock was big enough in this
position where the tip was touching the bed. I had him just where I
wanted him. His cock was hard, but got even harder when I rubbed
the lube on to the tip. "This isn't a hand job, Wolfboy. I'm just
getting you ready." I pushed him back into the position. I started
to fuck him and as I thrust, it forced the tip of his cock to rub
against the bed. I could feel his body tense, although he wasn't
tightening up around the Share. "Oh, Dutch," I whispered, "you're a
real bottom boy, aren't you? You really like the feel of this, huh?
Can't get enough?" I thrust harder, figuring if what Bree had told
me about their healing speed
was even
halfway true,
I didn't
even need for any of them to have a safe word. I really liked that
idea and speeded up. The pressure was giving me bonus points in my
own clit.



slowed down a little, but pushed further, which increased the
amount of his cock that was sliding across the sheet. Dutch was
breathing heavy now. "I wonder which one of you is the biggest
bottom? Will it be H
ey, Dew
y, or Dutch?" I
sped up again and Dutch gave a little yelp and exploded across the
sheet. I pushed him over roughly. "Did I tell you
you could come, Wolfboy? Did I?" I loved the look of
on his face. I took a finger full of the
ge and
used it to
mark an X across his



been a bad boy, Wolfy. Don't they teach you discipline in your
Pack? From what I've been reading up on wolves, you need to know
you aren't the Dom. That would be me." I turned to Dewey and yelled
at him. "You! Get up on your knees and start stroking that limp
dick of yours. I want it getting hard." I squeezed some more lube
into the palm of my hand and slathered it on Dewey's dick. He
smiled and started to rub one out. "Enough!" I yelled.
"You--Wolfboy who doesn't follow instructions--move closer to Dewey
and give him a blow job. I want to watch. I bet
ey does too. Get that mouth busy!" I knew the lube was
organic and could be used for oral, but I figured if
could chow down on a deer they had brought down, the
lube wasn't an issue.


y's head rolled back and he was doing a sort of choking
laugh. Dutch looked as if he had some experience, or he just had
natural talent. I didn't figure Dewey's bar was set very high.
"Lick his balls," I instructed Dutch. "Lick them really, really,
slowly. And Dewey--if you come before I give you permission, I'll
make sure you're going to be extremely sorry." Doing three guys at
once is a lot like the old act of spinning plates on
. You had to keep giving attention to everything. Dutch
and Dewey seemed to be properly occupied.


"Huey!" I yelled,
and I got a satisfying jump from him as an award. "Good to see
you're awake. Lay flat!" I started again, doing the lube and
fingers up his ass. I suppose he had been paying enough attention
where I didn't need to tell him to relax. I pushed the lube in a
bit deeper, and spread my fingers. What the hell--as long as I
wasn't wearing silver rings I wasn't supposed to be able to really
hurt them. I grabbed more lube and pushed in a third finger, and
then a fourth. He started making little squeeky sounds. Dewey and
Dutch looked over and I told them to do what they were ordered to
do. Dutch made a slurping sound and I went back to Huey.



pushed him
flat on his back, then put a couple of
pillows underneath hi
to get
to the height I
wanted. Reaching back into my black leather bag, I took out some
bondage tape and secured his hands to his ankles. I noticed the
other two slowing down, apparently trying to figure out what I was
doing. "It ain't gonna suc
itself!" I yelled at Dutch.
"How much punishment do you want?"



I needed him
vulnerable and this helped. I started pushing in the Share and he
took it more quickly and easily than Dutch had. "Guess I know who's
in the running for the biggest bottom, Huey." I reached down and
tried to grab his balls, but they were just a little too far away.
In my attempt, my breast swept against his cock and he made the
squeeky sound again. I wondered if there was such a thing as a
butch werewolf. "You--Dewey--switch places and start sucking on
Dutch. Pay extra attention to his balls. You're not allowed to come
yet!" I figured that would help delay his orgasm. God knows I was
in no hurry.


I pulled out of
Huey and the Share made a satisfying "pop." I leaned over to feel
around in my bag and pulled out a black leather strap, about a
quarter of an inch wide--three feet long. I quickly started
wrapping it around his balls, creating what I thought of as a
proper werewolf leash. I gave it a tug and was gratified to watch
Huey react. Yeah, that would work. Now for some decent cock and
ball torture. And the best part--anything I did would heal. These
guys were the best toys I've ever had. I wondered if they healed as
well when it wasn't the full moon. I'd get around to asking



I lubed
up the Share again, enjoying my own reactions as every time I
pushed against his ass I pushed against my clit. If I angled just
right, I also hit my G-spot and it was such a win/win. While I was
fucking him, I used the loose end of the leather strap and whipped
his cock, then yanked on his balls. He let out a sharp breath. "You
think you're special? Just because you're the biggest bottom here
doesn't make you special! You don't get to come until I tell you
to, either!" I looked over at the other two, who were trying to
watch everything I was doing while keeping up their assignment.
Maybe there was some hope for them



I went back to
Huey, using the strap as a leash, pulling his balls closer to me as
he let out a low moan. "No coming!" I screamed at him. I was having
the best time. I slapped his cock with the end of the leather strap
even harder while I continued to peg him with stronger thrusts.
When I thought he was right at the edge, I pulled out of him and he
kept doing shallow breaths.



Dewey! Legs on top of my shoulders." Good thing I was a strong
woman. The fucker's legs were heavy. I pushed lube in with my
fingers, getting him ready. I felt Dutch's golden eyes on me and I
could barely resist laughing. I slammed the Share into Dewey
without any warning or additional preparation. I wanted to see what
these wolves could take. He jerked forward as if I had punched him
in the stomach. I figured by this time the Share had so much lube
on it it was a wonder it didn't slide out of its harness. I thrust
him hard again, then sped up, pushing in deeper until the pressure
on my side started making me hurt instead of turning me on. I eased
up a bit, using a slightly different angle. Dewey started doing
shallow breaths the
Huey had done a moment



I yanked the Share
out and then undid the bondage tape from Huey. "Ok, boys. It's
time. You now have my permission to come!" God--they acted as if it
were Christmas and their birthday rolled into one. They got so
excited. I quickly released them from the cuffs. There was a flurry
of activity as they started meeting their own needs. I stood back
just as Huey started to explode from masturbating himself. His
thick jism spat out and he sneezed at the same time and suddenly he
was a wolf sitting on my bed, looking confused. Dewey and Dutch
laughed and they both came and as the jism struck my breasts, they
both sneezed and turned back into wolves.



The three of them
rolled over like puppies. The leather strap I had tied around
Huey's balls had slipped off when he went wolfy. The size
difference was too great. His dick and balls were much more
impressive as a human. Made me wonder if there were



long as you're back to being furry you might as well make
yourselves useful. I'm going to lie down and I want you to
cum off this perfect rack." I spread myself out. "But
you damn well better be back into human form before you start
licking this pussy. It would be too kinky for me to have you
looking like a pack of German
eating me out. I also don't trust your teeth." They crowded around
and started cleaning me off. Their tongues felt strange, but I
wasn't complaining.


at each other, their tongues hanging out,
looking comical. Then all at once they went smoky-swirly again and
were back in their human shapes. "About damn time," I said. "Come
make Mama proud!"




"Wow--best damn Run




I am a Native American
Storyteller. Some of our stories are best told by day. Other
stories are best told by night. Please visit me at my


If you enjoyed
Wolf My Ass
, you should
also check out the first in this series,
Bree: Wolf Run
. Meanwhile, here’s an
excerpt from another werewolf couple--Jax and Dallas:
Eye of Wolf




…Seattle had been the
first time I had tricked with a guy who wasn't another wolf, where
we were “doing it for Pack solidarity.” Talk about PC bullshit. His
name had been Brian. He had strawberry blonde hair and a goofy
smile. We met at Rplace, on the night they offered a contest for
amateur strippers. He got up on the platform that served as a stage
and really got into it. He might not have had the best body ripping
his clothes off that night, but he knew how to rock an


He proved as enthusiastic in bed as he
had been on the stage. I was so self-conscious. One of the problems
with being pretty much raised in an all-Wolf environment (which
included being home-schooled) was not having a lot of practice
being in bed with someone who didn't immediately heal if things got
a little rough. And since as a werewolf you're supernaturally
strong anyway, it was always having to slow down and monitor how
much you have to pull back. And when you're in the grip of passion,
holding back is the last thing you want to do.


That's why it made sense to just limit
yourself to other Supes. Being with a human meant a lot of time
with the lights off so your partner didn't notice your eyes going
golden. As a potential alpha, I had enough control to keep the gold
out of my eyes most of the time, but that didn't mean it was easy.
Being with another Supe felt like unbuttoning too tight jeans—just
a sense of relief. At that point I had never “come out” as a Supe
to a human before. Brian had been a lot of fun, but definitely not
boyfriend material. And I sure wasn't ready for a relationship at
the age of nineteen.


A couple of months later, Jacob had
shown up at my door. His excuse was that our father was getting
worse—but I knew he just wanted to see what life was like away from
the Pack. Not that he'd ever leave it. He had that disturbing
mixture of envy and contempt he wore like a bad piece of clothing.
I showed him around. I treated him nice, but the second evening had
ended with him slashing my sofa with his claws. I broke his arm
(which healed in a few minutes while it took me a lot longer to buy
a new sofa). I didn't see him again until I came back to Run with
the Pack three months later.


Father did look a little worse after
not seeing him for awhile. Werewolves can heal from almost any
injury (other than weapons made of silver or beheadings)--but he
had a genetic disorder. There's no cure for that. He seemed as
strong as ever. When we Ran, he was at the head of the Pack—from
his own strength—not by sliding by on his status. But we had known
for years the calendar wasn't his friend.


The time I spent in Seattle away from
the Pack increased. I was always able to find one excuse or
another. I joined a couple of sports teams. Found out I was a
natural at soccer, although I had to always hold back with my
strength. The gay swim-team was a perfect match for me, where there
was no way I might seriously injure another player the way I might
in soccer. The water resistance was a constant reminder for me not
to break any world records for speed. When I turned twenty-one I
took a job at the gay bar I had been at most weekends with my fake

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