Breathless Promises (Alluring Promises Series Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Breathless Promises (Alluring Promises Series Book 3)
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“No, I haven’t had sex with him yet. He…well, he’s basically tall, dark and handsome. And he’s our age.”
And you used to have a huge crush on him.
I’d have to avoid the rest of the information as much as possible. In an evasive move, my eyes shifted to Izzy’s. “Do you really think I should get extensions?”

Touching my pin straight hair, I tried to imagine how it would feel if it were longer. It’s currently soft and cut blunt just below my chin. It used to be long in high school, but after “the incident” happened, as my mom likes to refer to it, I cut it short with my own scissors in the bathroom. Mom immediately yelled at me and then took me to her hair stylist. He calmed her down by telling her that with my “great bone structure” I could carry it off. Never mind, the reason I did it. Or the fact that it continued to happen because she failed to stop it.

Vanessa’s head turned my way and her face lit up. Her auburn tresses bounced as she nodded in agreement with Izzy. My eyes flicked over to Mel, who was nodding slowly and studied me as if picturing me with long hair.

Vanessa’s manicurist looked up. Her eyes showed the same excitement as our little group. “Lyla has an opening soon. She had two clients cancel their appointments today. It takes awhile to get it done, but as long as we can match your color with what we have, we could do it.” She smiled eagerly after her statement.

Vanessa leaned over and whispered, “It would totally throw your guy for a loop. You could shock the shit out of him the next time you go down to Atlanta.” I stared at her for a moment, contemplating the decision. “He wouldn’t know what hit him.” She pressed her lips together as if that would help finalize the decision. I chewed on my bottom lip for a second before turning my gaze back to the woman giving Vanessa a pedicure.

“Okay. Let’s do it.” I decided they were all right. A change would be good, not to mention Vanessa might be right. Maybe a small jolt was what Gregory needed to make our relationship an actual one instead of a business one; not that she knew it wasn’t a real relationship.

I nodded to the manicurist. She quickly wiped her hands and jumped up. Vanessa’s excitement, along with the glow from her pregnancy seemed to make her overflow with joy.

“Why are you so excited?” I asked her, laughing that her eyes were lit up so bright.

“Because I think this new guy might just be it for you. I’ve never seen you so excited talking about a guy. Maybe we’ll be planning your wedding soon too.” She bit her lip and shrugged her shoulders.

I ignored the guilt sweeping over me and faked a chuckle. “Or I’ll elope like you wanted to do and should have.” I couldn’t resist my slight jab.

“I still might, you know.” She leaned over and whispered, “just to spite my mom.”

“That would definitely get to her.” I looked up as my hairdresser strolled toward me, smiling bright.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for so long with you!” She clapped her hands as she held up long strands next to my hair, turning her head slightly to compare the two. She sighed and smiled. “It’s a match. We’re doing this today!”

“This is going to be awesome,” I heard Izzy whisper to Mel. I looked over and laughed.

It’s just hair
, I told myself. And then I realized I had said that right after I cut it off when I was a teenager. This time that statement wasn’t meant to cover up tears. This time I’m changing my hair for me and for a happy reason.




Opening the door to the apartment, I saw the back of Clark’s head while he watched TV on the couch. He turned just as I closed the door behind me and threw my keys into the glass bowl by the door.

“Whoa,” he breathed out as he took in my new look. Touching one of the long strands I still wasn’t used to, I gave him a shy smile and avoided his eyes. He stood up as I put down the bags I had with me; new purchases to go with my new look. I swallowed as he approached me and I couldn’t understand why I desired his approval. “It …you look great,” he told me as he touched my hair. A frown appeared on his face as he asked what I knew he was thinking. “It’s for him, isn’t it?”

I pulled my tresses out of his hand. “No. It’s for me. The girls and I discussed how good it might look.”

His expression changed and then he gave me a small agreeable smile. “Well, it does look good. Just make sure you did it for yourself and not for this loser,” he said as he turned around and headed back to the couch.

“He’s not a loser,” I insisted.

He flopped back onto the couch and threw his arm over the back as I came around to the front of the couch. “Whatever.” He gestured to the bags sitting on the ground by the door. “New clothes, new hair. Just make sure he doesn’t change your scent too.” He turned his attention back to the TV.

?” I repeated. “What does that mean?” The couch was so inviting after a long day at the salon and then shopping all day. Baffled by what he actually meant, I sat next to him and curled my leg under me.

“Your smell. That perfume you wear.”

I wondered if it had to be my shampoo or something. “I don’t usually wear perfume.” I wear it for special occasions, so maybe that’s what he was referring to. He had to be remembering it from the wedding. I was touched that my scent lingered in his mind. Actually, it gave me goosebumps.

He stared at me for a moment. Then the corner of his mouth turned up just a little. “Oh well. Even better. He can’t change that about you then.” He winked at me as I wondered why he cared that much about me changing.

My eyes scanned his face before finally resting on his beautiful mouth. The visions of our night together swarmed my thoughts, not to mention memories of what that mouth could do to me.

Oddly enough, he might be the only guy I didn’t feel used by. Maybe it was because neither of us had any sort of expectations. The only expectation I had for Clark was pure carnal sex with him.

“Wow,” was the reaction I received from Blake when we arrived at Allure for our evening out. Not to mention another invite to go out with him. I politely declined and walked up to the bar. My heart pounded because everyone was staring at me. In a good way.

“Whoa,” Mel’s gorgeous mouth popped into a perfect O as she stood before me. She reached over and ran her fingers through my strands in disbelief. “It was so much shorter this morning. I can’t believe they had the same color and added it so quickly.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say it was quick,” I joked as I ran my hand over my bottom. Sitting in the chair for so long was tiring. Walking around shopping helped work some of the kinks out, when I got home, I was so exhausted and took a small nap after the “scent” discussion with Clark.

Vanessa stared at me with a small approving smile. “I. Love. It!” She emphasized each word. I watched Matt give me a double take before almost spilling his beer and Z seemed like he was about to introduce himself to me. I glanced around the bar wondering where Clark was. Not that I cared or anything. It was just one of those things that occupies me at the bar; seeing who he was picking up each night. 

Spotting my roommate several tables over, closer to the dance floor, our eyes met. His brown eyes stared into mine as he smiled. Why did my heartbeat pick up and why do I care to look for him all the time? The two women at his table followed his gaze to me. I returned his smile and turned back to the bar for my drink.

Engaging in the conversation with Mel about how late Flynn works every night, my heart went out to her. She and Flynn’s relationship seemed to be a bit rocky lately. She told me before how their relationship started out with some jealousy issues. Mel is quite the perfect blue eye, blonde hair bombshell and Flynn is just as handsome as Clark with his dark, disheveled hair. I’d go as far as to call them Ken and Barbie, without the perfectly placed hair for Ken.

I startled when a warm hand slipped around my waist, my breath hitched immediately. At that point, I couldn’t care less who was attached to those hands, just that it felt so good to feel that…alive. To feel that heart-stopping rush. I turned to see who gave me that and immediately let out my breath when I saw it was just Clark. His lips grazed my neck immediately sparking that same feeling, surprising me that it was so intense from him.

“Man, if your new boyfriend doesn’t get turned on by your new look, he’s an asshole and I’ll kick his ass for you. I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t though. More to pull when he finally gets to fuck you,” he whispered in my ear and then pulled back smiling.

I loved his teasing. I love the attention he gives me. “I did this for myself. Not for him. Remember?”

He stared into my eyes.
Was he checking to see if I was lying?
“Well, good. I’m glad to hear that.” He lowered his lips near my ear again, grazing it gently and I swear he gave me a small kiss. His voice sent shivers up my spine and his hot breath with that tiny kiss made me rethink my “no double dip rule.” Then I remembered Gregory. That’s why I wasn’t having sex with anyone else.

“By the way, it’s sexy as hell,” he interrupted my thoughts and pulled back. He gave me a charming smile before looking up and nodding toward another woman and walked off to join her. I swallowed attempting to catch my breath.
I was torn by how much I loved the excited feeling he gave me and knowing it came from him.

As I exhaled a deep breath, I glanced up to see Vanessa practically gaping at the interaction before following Clark with her eyes. Her hatred for him was back and was quite obvious by the look in her eyes. I reached out and touched her arm, smiling so she would ease up. She returned my smile, but then rolled her eyes.

“Oh shit,” Izzy said under her breath. Mel was the first to ask what she was referring to and Izzy nodded her head toward the door.

Tina stood there at the entrance. Her long blonde strands were perfectly curled in all the right places and she was wearing a dress that seemed fitted for her right off a runway.

There wasn’t anything about her that wasn’t beautiful—except for what she’s doing to Clark. The man standing next to her seemed to be the complete opposite, wearing a t-shirt and worn faded jeans. He was very good looking, but had an easy-going manner about him that she lacked. His buzz cut blonde hair was the complete opposite of Clark’s thick, wavy black hair. I watched him nod his head to an empty bar table and place his hand at the small of her back to guide her.

I felt like all of us turned our heads at the same time to see if Clark noticed her walking in. I leaned over and asked Mel, “Who’s the guy with her?”

She swallowed as she continued to watch Clark. “It must be Hank, her boyfriend.”

“Why would she bring him here? I mean the odds of them running into Clark…”

“That’s what she wants,” I interrupted Vanessa’s train of thought. Clark started toward Tina and Hank’s table with fury in his eyes. I scurried over to intersect him. The anger that contorted his face, coupled with the warpath he was making to her table, made me wonder if he really did want her all to himself. For some reason, I wanted to help him and made it my new mission to see where her feelings really die lie.

The moment my arm hooked through his, he stopped dead in his tracks. The line of his jaw tightened as his eyes flicked back to where Tina sat. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him angry like this. He’s usually so happy-go-lucky with his sarcasm and sexual comments. The look in his eyes was so distant; I’m not even sure he truly saw me.

“Hey.” I placed my hand on his chest as I stepped in front of him trying to gain his attention. He looked down at me briefly, but then his gaze returned to Tina’s table. “Hang out with me for a sec while you calm down a little.”

“I’m calm,” he gritted. I gave a soft chuckle and his eyes flicked to mine. I watched him swallow, realizing I was right. His jaw relaxed slightly.

“Dance with me,” I commanded as I grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor. I felt his hand tighten around mine as we passed Tina and her boyfriend’s table. The dance floor was packed and I made sure to tighten my hold on his hand in case he changed his mind to go back to Tina’s table.

We arrived at the middle of the floor surrounded by other couples and groups of women dancing with each other. I turned into him, pressing my body tight against his while I wrapped my arms around his neck. My fingers entwined through his thick hair and I twirled the ends. Okay, so maybe another part of me just wanted more closeness because of what he did to me earlier. I couldn’t help but still feel his lingering breath on my neck. Not to mention I hadn’t had the touch of a man in quite some time. Gregory’s fake touches didn’t count in my book. They just seemed to rev me up.

“I’m not in the mood to dance,” he growled through his teeth.

“Just hold me close and sway with me.” He glanced toward Tina’s table, so I guided his body to turn away from them. That garnered a smirk from him.
God, those lips.
I needed to get those thoughts out of my head. “What is it about her that you love?” I asked, curious to see what he would say.

“I…I don’t love her. It’s just that I’m so used to having her. I’m used to the arrangement we have. But I’ve never seen her with him before. I’ve never met him and I sure as hell don’t like seeing them together.”

“Do you get butterflies around her?” I asked hoping to keep his attention focused on me and possibly help him think things through with her. Oddly enough, I had a hint of jealousy creeping into my thoughts.

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