Breathless Promises (Alluring Promises Series Book 3) (11 page)

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She closed her eyes and pressed her lips together as if she were trying to calm down. “No. I…well, I admit it’s a little odd, but…”

“Odd? Walking around with your shirt on backwards is odd. This? This is fucking nuts. Explain it to me. Because I feel like it’s nuts.”

“Wait a minute,” Matt chimed in. He pulled in his brows and questioned her sanity. “She used to watch you? Has she watched

“Oh God,” she exclaimed as she rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “Would you two just calm down. It’s not that big of a deal. And no, she never watched us. She used to come in and watch me, or lay down next to me. It just helps calm her. I don’t know why. She’s never opened up to me, but something happened to her and she gets nightmares. Really bad ones. For some reason, seeing someone peacefully sleep helps her after she’s had a nightmare.”

“She’s a vampire. I’m convinced of it,” I blurted out. Both looked at me like I was crazy, but that was the only real explanation. “People who have nightmares do not go around staring at people while they sleep. Vampires do.” I looked at both of them knowing I had to be right. “Think about it. She barely eats. She works out all the time. She’s sexy as hell.” I turned to Matt, knowing he’d support me on this one. “I mean, vampires are hot, right?” He was smiling, nodding his head in agreement. How can you not?

“You’re an idiot. A serious idiot. That’s what you come up with? A vampire?” Vanessa was staring at me. It was that same hateful look she always gives me.
She’s the one who’d been living with a vampire all these years.

“Wait a minute. Go back. Did you say that she used to lay down with you? Like in bed?” Matt was smiling huge now. I know he wants to see Vanessa and Aub together. What guy wouldn’t?

“No. It’s not at all what you think. I actually used to fall back asleep. She just…stares.”

“How the hell do you go back to sleep when someone is staring at you? I’ve been restless since she moved in and no wonder why!”

“Can we talk about Aubrey maybe sleeping with us? I mean, if it helps her sleep, I’m all about helping out a friend,” Matt insisted.

Vanessa rolled her eyes and smacked Matt on the arm. Walking toward the kitchen she yelled back, “You’re both ridiculous!”

I leaned in knowing Vanessa couldn’t see us from the kitchen. “I’m really serious, Matt. I think she might be a vampire. She’s gotta be.” Raising my hand to my chin I scratched my scruff. “There’s gotta be a way to find out what she’s really up to. What if her boyfriend is really some Vampire lord or something?”

Matt started laughing and flopped down onto the couch. He picked up the remote and began flicking through channels. “Go visit Alex. She’s in the same city. See if you can follow her around or something. While you’re there, find out more about this guy she’s seeing. Vanessa’s worried about her.” 

I nodded. “That fits in with her being a vampire.” The fantasies started rolling in. Aub in a sexy tight dress, strolling through a dark club with the bass thumping loud; her hips swaying as she walked through tons of hot vampires dry humping each other on the dance floor. Man, she would be perfect for that.

“Clark!” Vanessa yelled snapping my mind from that fantasy.
Dammit. It was good too.


“Don’t let her know you’re following her, but I do want to know who she’s seeing.” I nodded, noting the worry on Vanessa’s face about her friend. My intent was to prove I wasn’t crazy for thinking Aub is a vampire.

A sexy fucking vampire.

Yeah, I’d tuck that little fantasy away for later.


I left their apartment and shot a text to Alex to see if he’d mind me coming down for the weekend. He replied that it’d be great to hang out together again. I didn’t mention my real reason. I had enough people thinking I’m crazy. I would just go down and hang out for the weekend and say I was visiting a friend when I wanted to search for her.

I was a little excited about this. It would be like detective work. I always wanted to be a private investigator when I was little—clearly that desire was me wanting to find out where my mom ran off to. I dismissed that thought and refocused. Sneaking around and finding out stuff about other people would be really cool. I couldn’t wait to find out what Aub is really up to.
Maybe she really is a vampire.

I went to work and started asking my co-workers if they think vampires exist, hoping someone would have studied them since all those vampire movies came out. Unfortunately, no one researched vampires or believed they existed. Chelsea was convinced Aub just has insomnia.
A womanly excuse. They all stick together.

How was I going to figure out where her boyfriend lives? She never gave me any hints.

After work, I went into her room and started snooping just like a PI would. There were bank statements on her desk with her name and some other guy’s name on it. Gregory DuBois of DuBois Acquisitions. That name struck a bell and I tried to remember where I’ve seen it before. I’d Google it later.

I stared at the bank account’s balance. Wow.
She’s going straight for a rich one
, I thought to myself. Close to five hundred G’s. I whistled out loud and then quickly looked around to make sure no one was here. Ever since I caught Aub staring at me sleeping, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m being watched.

I grabbed the statement and started to walk over to Matt and Vanessa’s apartment, but stopped short. For some reason, Aub didn’t want to tell Vanessa anything about her new guy. I wasn’t sure why she didn’t want her to know, so for now I’d continue to keep her little secret.

I walked back into our apartment and put the bank statement back where I found it, taking a picture of the address for Gregory DuBois. It was probably his business address, but at least it was somewhere to start.

Chapter 8



I arrived at Gregory’s apartment filled with anxiety. Not only did my fight with Clark remind me how crazy I am, but Gregory was going to see my new “look” and I wasn’t sure if he would approve. With my nightmares returning in full force and an entire weekend with Gregory looming over me, I was on edge. Add in meeting his parents on Sunday, and I was a complete basket case. 

I looked down at my hand and realized I forgot to put my ring back on. I reached into my clutch and pulled out the gorgeous ring. The beautiful emerald cut, with large baguettes on each side, was not really something I would have chosen for myself; however, the fact that Gregory had picked it out for me meant the world to me. As I slipped it onto my finger, I watched the rays of light glitter through the room. I tilted my hand back and forth like a little girl would to see the light reflect onto the walls. I pressed my finger over the emerald cut diamond and rubbed the smooth surface, which caused a surge of happiness within me.
I’m engaged.
I’m engaged to one of the most eligible bachelors in this city.
So what if it wasn’t out of love?
It could still happen. Gregory could fall in love with me at any time.

And then what?

My mind drifted back to Clark yelling at me about being a freak. What if Gregory and I start sleeping together and he caught me watching him?  I guess if we were in bed together, it wouldn’t be so weird. Or noticeable. I’d have to advance our relationship to the next level just to be able to watch him sleep. If I slept with him, it wouldn’t be so apparent, right?

I laughed at how odd that sounded—being engaged but not sleeping together.

“Hello!” I called out, unsure if Gregory was home or not. I startled when his office door flew open and a very attractive man came stalking out. The man seemed to be on a warpath and my heart beat fast as he continued toward me. My eyes flicked passed the man when Gregory appeared in the door frame, obviously upset with whatever their discussion was. The man brushed passed me, his expensive cologne filled my nostrils before he walked into the open elevator. I turned just as the doors closed and noticed the man’s eyes burned with anger.

Snapping my head back to Gregory, the look of disappointment and frustration was obvious on his face. I couldn’t help but wonder who that man was as his overpowering scent lingered in the air. Gregory’s expression changed as his eyes took me in from head to toe. A small smile formed in approval making my heart soar instead of beating out of fear.

“Wow,” he said as he walked toward me. “You looked amazing before, but…” In the wake of the man and all my questions, I completely forgot about my new hairstyle. Gregory seemed to be at a loss for words, which made me blush and smile at the same time.

“Thank you.” I placed a lock of hair behind my ear. “I was hoping you’d approve.”

“Approve?” He stood in front of me as he ran his hands under my new long locks. “I wish you had done this before our engagement pictures.” My smile fell.
I’d picked the wrong time to do this. “No, it’s okay. You look great. I’m thinking we should have our pictures done over again, if I can get the photographer over here soon. Maybe we’ll have them redone with my parents or something.”

The nervousness returned just as quick as it had left. The mention of meeting his parents made my heart drop and the anxiety I had on the drive over returned. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his office. The feel of his large hand clutching mine gave me comfort. His scent followed him and quickly replaced the obnoxious one the stranger had left just moments ago.

Standing in this luxurious room made me feel like a little girl because it was so overwhelming. Wood was everywhere. Beautiful dark, rich wood bookcases lined the walls with leather bound books. A huge desk took up most of the space with an equally impressive high-back leather chair. I glanced over to the Merlot colored leather couch where we had our pictures done after he proposed. Well, he hadn’t really proposed, he actually just handed me the ring.

“Here. This is the one that will be submitted to the papers with our engagement announcement.” He handed me the eight by ten photo. He was right about that dress. The lace floor length black gown he had talked me into wearing was even more beautiful from this angle. The lace fabric was open, showcasing my bare back with me looking toward the photographer. My leg showed just the right amount to look tastefully sexy. The smile that stared back at me in the photo showed exactly how I felt that day. I studied the photo and noticed Gregory didn’t hold the same happiness. Maybe it was just in my mind. I mean, he is supposed to look very business-like. Perhaps that was the look he was going for.

“Where are the other ones?” I felt the need to see if his eyes told the same story in all the photos. He reached for a file and handed it to me. I placed it on his desk and began to sift through them. In every one of the photos, he held the same stern expression. His eyes stared back at me, lifeless and unhappy.

“They’re good, aren’t they?” He asked while smiling at me. I nodded in agreement and dismissed my thoughts. Taking them from my hand, he placed them back on his desk. Then he did something he never does. He placed his hands on my arms and began rubbing them up and down while looking me in the eye. Such a simple movement, but it seemed so intimate. Just the same as Clark had done outside of Allure the night I was cold. This time it was Gregory who gave me the chills.

I swallowed as I looked up to meet his eyes. His affection stopped and then his hands gently squeezed. His thumb strummed my arm and I licked my lips in anticipation, hoping that this little bit of intimacy was enough for him to kiss me.

“Ready for tonight?” His cocoa eyes were lit up with excitement and all my senses burned with a tingling sensation.

“More than ready,” I teased. He shook his head and chuckled.

He dropped his hands from my arms only to feel bereft in my hopes of being kissed. He turned back to his desk as he glanced at the picture again before sliding it in between the manila folder. His fingers pressed against the cream color before looking up at me. “I’m excited about us. I think it’s really going to work out nicely.”

“I’ll give you my all,” I said, meaning more than he realized. I bit my lip in the process to keep from smiling like a lovesick idiot.

“Good. Go get dressed. Remember, it’s a charity function we’re hosting. I definitely want us to be seen together as a couple. Not too sexy, but enough to really show off your new hair style.” 

My heart strummed with excitement as I smiled back at him in response to his suggestion. “Aww. I guess my hooker outfit isn’t what I should wear tonight, huh?” I teased.

Gregory shook his head with a smirk. “I’ve always loved your sense of humor.”

As I closed the door behind me, I fist pumped into the air as I jumped up and down.

This was going to be the best night ever.




And…fast forward through the most boring night I’ve ever had. Lying in my bed, I stared at the white ceiling as I went over last night’s chain of events. Or lack thereof really. There was a tasteless dinner, even more mundane speeches and a lot of fake smiling from me. Gregory held his arm around me most of the night, I assumed to keep up the appearance, but that was about as far as he went. I spent most of the first half of the night leaning into him, trying to see if he would give me any sort of PDA. None. At least I put on a show trying to seem like we were in love. The only thing he gave me was a small smile every now and then.

During the limo ride home, he said, “Well, I think that went well, don’t you?”

And that’s when it hit me.


This was it. This was as much as I would get for the rest of our marriage. However long that might be. I pressed my lips attempting to form a smile to appease him. “And you. You were great.” He swung his arm around my shoulder and squeezed. “You were like a sexy kitten sinking into me. I bet that looked great for everyone. I’m sure there’ll be picture in the paper for that one.”

I continued thinking about last night and how excited he was thinking how good we looked to everyone. This marriage was only for appearance and I needed to get it through my head.
A business arrangement and nothing more.

But…I’m also a little bit stubborn. I’ve had my heart set on this turning into something more between us, a relationship that I’ve always wanted with someone.

I slipped on my blush colored silk robe and went out to the kitchen. Mrs. Stavel gave me a smile and greeted me. “Mr. DuBois is out on the patio having breakfast if you would like to join him. I’ll bring you some scrambled egg whites and whole wheat toast. Coffee is already out there,” she informed me.

I nodded, thanking her, and then walked toward the patio. I straightened my posture. I was still disappointed with my realization, but I wouldn’t let Gregory know this. I inhaled deeply as I pulled the patio door open. The heavy French door also pulled a rush of air to me, blowing my robe open slightly. I stuck my leg out, hoping he might notice and stir something within him. He didn’t look up. Strike one.

Sitting at the small table, he was already dressed for work in dress pants, shirt, and tie. Clean-shaven and his cologne wafted toward me in the breeze as I took the closest seat to him. After I greeted him, I sat down and let my robe fall open again as I crossed my legs. His eyes darted to my silky skin and I watched him swallow.
Well, good.
There’s some sort of interest in me. I’ll take that initial strike one back.

I leaned forward to pick up the carafe of coffee, making sure my lapel gaped. I had nothing on underneath. Would this be a strike or would he be tempted at all? Disheartened is what I felt when he chuckled and shook his head lightly. “Something funny? What are you reading?” I held his gaze, my heart beat faster every second we stared.

“The cameras aren’t around. You don’t have to be so seductive.”

“I was reaching for coffee. I wasn’t trying to do anything.” His smirk let me know he wasn’t buying it. I sighed and slumped into my chair. “Do you not want me to try at all?” I added a pout to make sure he might be a little sympathetic to my question.

“I’m asking enough from you. I don’t want to risk you getting hurt. If we keep it as business-like as possible, when you decide to leave, it’ll make it easier on both of us. Don’t you think?”

He was right. I should try to keep my heart out of it considering this is nothing more than a friend helping out another. He needs a wife to keep his parents happy and I need something different in my life. The money he already paid me, coupled with my monthly “paychecks” from him was more than enough to set me up for life. Learning his business and his thought process would help me if I decided to open my own business one day,

I put my coffee down and felt his gaze still on me. Our eyes met and immediately I felt the electricity between us. Knowing there’s s
there, I took a chance. I spread my legs slightly and leaned forward. My elbows rested on my knees. I let my hair fall into my cleavage. The cleavage that was draped open slightly which allowed him to see his business partner in a different light. “I think we’re grown adults. We’re getting married soon.” I paused as I placed my hand on his thigh and glided my fingers back and forth. “Not to mention, we could make it work out for both of us.” I bit my lower lip seductively, as I laid all my cards out on the table for him to see.

He placed his hand on top of mine and held it for a moment. My breathing was fast as I realized I put myself out there and I’m about to get turned down. Fire swept through me as his thumb began to run back and forth and his hand caressed mine. The quiet between us felt like it lasted forever. My eyes flicked to his crotch, his reaction to me was completely noticeable. My gaze returned to his eyes and I swallowed awaiting some sort of answer.

He leaned forward and took both my hands causing my heart to beat faster than I thought possible. “I don’t know what will happen between us, but I can’t risk losing the friendship I have with you. You and Vanessa were always there for me in college. You know I suck at friendships. I don’t have many. I can’t trust anyone.
I know I can trust you.” His eyes glanced down to my chest. My nipples were already tight buds and I took a deep breath to make sure he noticed that too. His smile returned as he tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth. He closed his eyes and I wondered what else he was going to say. Anticipation mixed with hope rushed through me.

Until he let go of my hands.

The moment he stood up my hopes were dashed. My heart clenched as I waited for his words to sink in. “I’m late for work. We’ll talk more later.”

Stubborn as I am, I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. My body tight against his, feeling his arousal pressed against my stomach, I reached up on my tiptoes and placed a tender kiss on his neck. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me tight making my breath hitch. I love this—the electricity that flows between two people in the beginning, connecting them. Both of us filled with heated desire.

“God, no woman has ever turned me on like this.”
Whoa. Stop everything and let me just enjoy this moment.
I held my breath hoping for more. My body pressed against his, hoping for some sort of act to propel this into something more.

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