Breathless Promises (Alluring Promises Series Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Breathless Promises (Alluring Promises Series Book 3)
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“Are you ready to head over there?” I heard Aub’s voice somewhere in the distance. From the corner of my eye, I noticed her walk toward the couch and grab her purse from the end table.

Still in a daze, I stood up and snatched my glasses, phone and wallet from the same table and then looked her up and down. The gleam in her eyes and sweet smile that graced her face seemed to be bubbling over. Seeing Aub’s happiness annoyed the hell out of me. Especially since I had felt like shit since Tina left last night. I’d considered texting her, but knew that would be a stupid move on my part. We need to be over with. Once and for all. 

“You okay?” Aub asked me as I slipped my glasses on. It dawned on me I never really answered her about heading over to Mel and Flynn’s for our weekly Sunday night dinner, although my actions probably gave her a reply.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I snapped, my face showing her exactly how annoying her question was. She rolled her eyes and then turned to head for the door. The sway of her hair led my eyes to give her body a once over. Of course, they lingered a lot longer on her ass, especially when I noticed that her faded jeans had a rip right at her ass cheek. The sight of blue lace peeking through coupled with a glimpse at her soft skin shot a thrill through me.

Aub pulled the door open and she glanced back, eying me. Knowing I was checking out her ass, she smirked and shook her head. “After you,” she told me. The sexy huskiness in her voice made my cock stir. It always does with Aub. She’s got this sultry, sexy voice that just instantly makes you think of sex.

I smiled and grabbed the wood door. “Oh no. Really, ladies first,” I insisted as I waved my hand like a gentleman; A gentleman with caveman instincts to throw her down and take her hard. I visualized my hands grazing over her thumb-holes right before…

“Well, at least I got you to smile again,” she mused, interrupting my less than noble thoughts. Accepting my offer, she stepped through the door, swinging her purse over her shoulder. Her hips were swaying seductively and she tossed a smile at me while checking to see if I was following her.

Maybe I should focus on trying to get her back in the sack with me. Ignoring those stupid feelings I had for Tina would be better spent with a challenge like Aub. After all, she was amazing in bed. I got a chub just thinking about how wild she was. Not to mention the stamina the girl had.

I slipped my arm over her shoulder, her skin felt like satin. My fingers itched to pull her closer to me as we walked. “You know what would really make me smile, Aub?”

“It’s Aubrey,” she huffed and flung my hand off her shoulder. “And I know what you want, you’re not getting it again from me. Go call Tina back for another round.”

. I was trying to
all about Tina. Just hearing her name put me back into a sullen mood. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as we walked up to the elevator door. Aub gave me a once over with her eyes when she realized I wasn’t going to call the elevator.

“What’s your deal with her anyway?” She asked as her finger pressed the down arrow button.

I leaned against the frame and gave her a smirk. “Why? Are you jealous?” I asked just as the elevator doors popped open. We stepped into the container while Aub shook her head laughing.

“Believe me, I’m really not jealous. I’m just curious why you let her play you like that?”

“She’s not playing me. I control what happens and when,” I calmly told her as I shrugged.

Was she playing me?
No, I’m an ass to Tina all the time. I call the shots. I sleep around whenever I want. It’s not a relationship at all.

Finally arriving at Flynn and Mel’s townhouse after an unusually quiet walk, I pushed the red door open. Their large table was set with dishes and silverware, but no food yet. I usually try to get there a little late so I don’t have to sit around smelling Izzy’s amazing cooking.

Our little tradition started when Izzy first moved in with Mel and Flynn. I used to live here too back before Mel and Flynn hooked up. Izzy loves to cook and bring everyone together every Sunday night. When she first started cooking for us, I would sit there waiting forever while she and Z flirted with each other. I always made sure to break them up, so she’d go back to cooking. She makes the most amazing meals ever.

Seeing no one at the table, I followed Aub to the kitchen, watching her amazing ass sway the whole time. The only problem I could see with that incredible view was the chub I always get from staring at it. Basically, anytime I look at her ass I remember her thumb-holes, which throws me into a hard-on for the rest of the day.

Luckily, the smell of whatever Izzy was cooking brought me back to another basic need I have. My stomach grumbled as I continued to the kitchen. As always, Izzy was at the stove cooking and Z was nearby cutting something up. Mel and Flynn sat at the kitchen island drinking some beer.

Mel looked behind us, checking to see if anyone else was coming. It was then that I realized we never knocked on Matt and Vanessa’s door so they could walk over with us. Not that they’re ever ready to go since they fuck like rabbits all the time, but we still wind up all walking over together.

“Where’s Vanessa? I thought she was going to come over even though Matt’s out of town,” Mel asked, her blue eyes showing how concerned she was.

“She told me she wasn’t feeling well. She’s going to curl up and just watch a movie tonight,” Aub answered, setting her purse down and then she reached for a carrot. Her lips curled around the carrot, sucking it into her mouth. I let the fantasy carry on in my mind as if that carrot were my cock, except that mine was way larger than that. Her tongue would swirl around it before pulling my shaft further into her mouth. When she bit into the carrot, I managed to snap out of my fantasy.
Fuck, that would hurt.
My eyes met hers and I realized I was thinking all of that while staring at her. Her brows pulled together and she mouthed, “What?” I shook my head and looked away. Maybe one day I’ll get her to wrap that mouth around me again; hopefully she’d never bite like that.

Izzy turned around after stirring something and smiled. “Well, make sure you take something back with you for her to eat. I made a great dessert too.” Aub returned her smile and nodded. Izzy always cares about other people, which was odd considering her shitty childhood. Having a crack whore for a mom who OD’d, you’d think she’d have a different attitude.

I headed over to the couch and flipped the TV on to watch some sports. The more I thought about Aub’s question in the elevator, the more pissed off I became. I couldn’t stop thinking that maybe she was right.
Maybe Tina was playing me.

I felt something hit my head and bounce off. Looking at the wadded up paper towel, I glanced back to see everyone staring at me. “What?” I asked as I stood up.

“I called your name like three times, Clark,” Aub told me and then I noticed she had a bowl of something in each hand. Actually, it seemed like everyone was carrying something into the dining room.

“I was watching basketball. The tournament is on,” I stressed as if it were a huge deal to me as I took the seat next to her. It’s not. I couldn’t care less, but I had to make up something as to why I was in another world.

Why I was thinking about Tina? Tina, who was heading back to her boyfriend. At some point, the guy is going to ask her to marry him. He’d be an idiot not to. Why would he travel all the time, leaving her to want to be with some other guy? The
guy. That’s what I am. If I were a chick, would I feel like this? I mean, they’re not married or anything, but we do pretty much sneak around. Mistresses don’t sleep with a ton of others though, do they? Maybe that’s the difference between guys and girls?

“Clark?” I heard my name being called and looked up and around the table. I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced to see everyone was staring at me. Again.

“You doing all right, Clark?” Izzy asked. Her tone was calm as if she were talking to a crazy person about to bust loose from an insane asylum.

“Yeah, why?”

Mel piped up, “Oh, he’s probably upset because Tina went back to Hank.” Why did I cringe hearing his name?

“That’s his name? Hank?” Aub asked.

I turned to her, knowing why she repeated his name. “Yeah. What a stupid fucking name, right?” I asked.

Aub looked over to Mel and started laughing.

“What? What’s so funny?” I asked as my eyes darted between the two of them.
Were they agreeing with me? Or laughing at me?

“Well, you’re kind of mocking a guy named Hank, when your name is Clark,” Aub said while the corners of her mouth were turned up.

“What’s wrong with Clark? There’s nothing wrong with the name Clark. He’s fucking Superman.”

I heard laughter around the table as I continued to stare at Aub, wondering if she really was making fun of my name. If she only knew my real name, she’d really make fun of me.

“Sorry, you’re right. There’s nothing wrong with the name Clark.” The way she turned her voice to show how sincere she really was, coupled with her warm brown eyes sparkling from her laughter, gave me that same thrill I felt earlier when I checked out her ass. I swallowed and took a drink from my beer realizing how completely opposite Tina and Aub are.

Mel leaned forward, laughing while she looked at Aub. “Get ready, Aubrey. Clark does this every single time when Tina heads back to Hank. He’ll mope for a day or two and then
!” She clapped her hands. “He’ll have a string of women in and out of his room. It’s like he goes on a fucking spree!”

I looked around the room as everyone discussed my habits. Just about all of them were nodding their head in agreement. Izzy chimed in her two cents, “not only that, but sometimes it’s a couple of girls in the same night.”

Is that really how I react each time? I’m pretty sure that’s my usual MO regardless of Tina or not. I just need to keep my mind occupied instead of thinking about the whole Tina situation. What better way to occupy my thoughts than with another chick riding my cock? Or sucking on it. Which brought me back to the thought of Aub sucking on that carrot not too long ago. Well, minus her teeth digging into it.

I sensed Aub staring at me and turned to see my instincts were right. Those warm brown eyes were slightly closed as if she were analyzing me. Playing this whole scenario into my hands, she might just break her stupid rule with me. “Unless you want to help me feel better, Aub. We could go at it for a couple of nights, you know. I’ll take off work, too.”

I thought for sure I’d at least get her to roll her eyes. Nothing. Her serious gaze continued making me question if she really was analyzing me. “That’s all right, Clark. You go ahead like you normally do. I’ll be out of town for a little while anyway.”

My gut took a dive. I had my mind set on messing with Aub the next few days to keep my thoughts off Tina. “Why? Where are you going? Is it for your job again?” My questions blurted out before I could think them through. I felt better though when her cheeks flushed. I probably had a smirk on my face when I realized I’d never seen her blush before. But, damn, if it didn’t give me a thrill.

“Just heading to Atlanta to visit a friend this time,” Aub told me right before she looked down to her plate. The mashed potatoes on her plate became a new canvas for her fork. Considering how evasive she was, I felt the need to prod her some more. With an answer like that, it had to be a guy she was going to see.

Glad I wasn’t the only one that picked up on all of that. “Oh my God, Aubrey! Are you blushing?” Izzy asked and then leaned forward. “Is it anyone we know?” Izzy loves to be a matchmaker. For some reason, whenever friends hook up, she gets this excited look in her eye. It usually annoys me. It just means another chick is off the market. It’s not like that usually stops me. When the relationship inevitably fizzles out and the chick wants more, I’m always ready to help. Lend a hand. And other things too.

. She’s going to Atlanta.

“It’s not Alex is it?” I think I was even surprised that my voice was deeper than usual. I couldn’t hide how ticked off I was. I wasn’t sure why, but Aub better not be visiting Matt’s best friend. He lives in Atlanta and that’s the only guy I could really think of right then and there. I knew she has met him at least several times since living with Vanessa. Matt was over at their apartment all the time and when Alex came to visit, I was pretty sure Aub hooked up with him. I can’t imagine him not trying to hook up with Aub.

“No, it’s not Alex.” I exhaled and my shoulders relaxed. It was ridiculous that I even cared. “Just a friend from work, that’s all.”

“Really? What’s his name?” Izzy pressed, smiling so bright that her eyes were about to pop out of her head.
Why do they need to know all this kind of crap? I sat back and threw my arm over the back of Aub’s chair.

“Well, whoever he is, he can’t be that great if you’re not sharing the info with your girls.” Aub studied me, still smiling. For some reason, she wasn’t letting me get to her. That’s too bad. It’s more fun when I get her riled up.

She swallowed as if she were contemplating something. “Well…” she started off slowly and then smiled again.
She’s in love now too. What is it with everyone around here falling in love?
They’ll only leave you in the end.

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