Breathless Promises (Alluring Promises Series Book 3) (28 page)

BOOK: Breathless Promises (Alluring Promises Series Book 3)
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“Ohh, she’s moaning,” Vanessa chirped in.

“Shut up, Vanessa,” I snapped.

“Hey, don’t tell her to shut up,” Matt snapped back at me in full protective mode. I knew I went too far on that one.

“Sorry, Vanessa,” I apologized. “I didn’t mean it. I’m just…ugh,” I groaned with frustration, letting my head fall back on the wall.

“Jealous?” Vanessa added in, her smug smile was in full glory. She loves this. She turned her gaze back down the hallway. “They went inside if that helps. Do you want to come to our place and give them some time to go into her bedroom?”

I rested my head against the wall and looked up at the ceiling. “I don’t think she goes into her bedroom,” I surmised.

“Really? She never did that when she lived with me.”

“That’s probably because she wanted to respect you or some bullshit.”

“Oh.” Vanessa glanced over to Matt. Matt’s eyes were wide when he looked back at Vanessa. They had some weird communication going on between the two of them and it pissed me off.

“Can you two stop with the stupid eye exchange?”

Matt turned back to me. “Well, do you want to go in there? I’ll come over pretending to need something,” he suggested.

Vanessa snickered. “You just want to go over and see if Aubrey is naked yet.”

“Well, that would be a major bonus,” Matt teased while giving Vanessa a smirk.

She leaned in and whispered, but I could still hear her, “You’re so bad.”

“You love it when I’m bad,” he told her and kissed her.

“Hey, idiots. I’m still here. Can we get back to the situation?” I asked, purely frustrated that this issue was still out of my hands.

Vanessa’s mouth held a small smile. “Is there a situation?”

“Yes. No. Shit.” I had no idea why I was feeling like this. Why did I care if she was going to have sex with that guy?

“You like her as more than a friend, don’t you?” Vanessa asked. She wasn’t smug that time, which surprised me. Especially since I probably deserved it.

“No. I just…want to make sure she’s okay.” Which was actually the truth. I wanted to make sure that guy wasn’t going to hurt her, like the other guys have.

“You never gave a shit if I had a chick over. In fact, I swear you used to burst in on purpose,” Matt quipped; almost daring me to admit any type of feelings I might have for Aub. Or admit that I used to do that to him.
I did.

“Look. It’s because I have a female roommate now and I’m just concerned. I’m not sure how to act around her after what happened before she…tried. I just don’t want her to get upset. You chicks always get upset over the little things. I just don’t want her to go off the deep end after this guy breaks her heart.”

“You’ve had other girl roommates. Mel told me. In fact, you slept with one and then screwed her over. I’m glad Aubrey won’t sleep with you again.”

My heart caught in my throat. “Did she tell you that?”

“No, she just...” Her eyes widened. Vanessa’s mouth formed a perfect “O” as she inhaled deeply. “You
want her for something more!” I swear she was almost laughing at the thought.

“No,” I spat out. “I don’t.” I attempted to convince Vanessa and myself. I hoped at least one of us believed it.

“Guys, you’re bickering like kids,” Matt said while chuckling. Vanessa gave him a small pout and he kissed her lips. “A cute kid.” She smacked his ass, causing me to roll my eyes. Do they only care about themselves? Fuck, this whole situation is annoying.

“Come on. I’ll go in there with you,” Matt suggested. “I’ll pretend I have to borrow something.”

I nodded, hoping I could stop them from having sex. “What are you going to borrow?”

“Condoms,” Matt said flatly and with a straight face.

Vanessa laughed while she patted my wallet in my back pocket. “Don’t you always carry one with you? Aub would definitely see through that one. Not to mention, she knows we don’t need them.”

“Shit, that won’t work,” I noted.

Matt shrugged. “Screw it. We don’t need a reason to go in there. We’ll just pretend it’s guys night and I’m coming over to watch a game because Vanessa has a headache.”

“Hey, don’t bring me into this just because you want to see if she’s naked yet,” Vanessa admonished Matt.

He cringed slightly as he kissed her. “Sorry.”

Arriving at my door, I put my key in quickly and turned the knob. 

“Holy fuck,” Matt whispered behind me as I opened the door. Aubrey was topless against the back of the couch and her hand down the guy’s pants. They didn’t hear us come in and were continuing their exploration. Aub’s eyes were closed in pure ecstasy as he started to make his way down her amazing body, grabbing her incredible breast in one hand and kissing the other one. “Wow,” Matt whispered behind me.

Hell fucking no.
Seething, I saw nothing but red. Vanessa was right. I’ve seen this with a ton of couples before and it never bothered me before. I’d usually make a smart-ass remark just to fuck with them and be on my way.

…pissed me off.

The force of a thousand cave men surged through my veins as I ran over to the guy, grabbed his collar and threw him across the room. Okay, so he didn’t land all the way across the room, but he was definitely away from Aub.

“Hey!” I heard Aub screech somewhere in the distance just as I pulled my arm back to beat the fucking piss out of the guy. I felt an arm grab my forearm and pulled me back. I swung around face-to-face with Matt. The red vision began to clear as I stood there, breathing heavy. I probably went too far. Okay, so I did go too far, but I couldn’t let go of the anger I had.

“What the fuck is going on?” The guy asked as he reached down to zip up his pants.

I glanced back to see Aub pulling her shirt back over her head. Her firm, round breasts were perfectly outlined by her thin shirt with no bra. Her hard nipples could be clearly seen and I couldn’t stop staring as I tried to control my breathing. Thoughts of wrapping my lips over each perfect hard peak made my mouth water.

“Clark, what the hell are you doing?” Aub asked, making me snap my eyes away from her phenomenal rack up to hers.

I swallowed and tried to think my way out of this one. “I thought he was hurting you,” I lied as I tried to keep my eyes focused on hers, which I found nearly impossible. Her breasts were like beacons calling out to me and my eyes wanted to remain fixed on them.

She crossed her arms over her chest blocking my line of vision. My eyes flicked back up to her face. She definitely wasn’t happy with me. “Really?” She yelled making me snap back to the situation. “Did I look like I was being hurt?”

“Who the hell knows? His hands were all over you. He had you pinned up against the wall!”

“The wall? So you saw me in the hallway, but waited until now to come barging in?”

“I’m not barging in. I live here too!”

“That doesn’t give you the right to interrupt us…”

“The hell it doesn’t!”

Right at that moment, the asshole walked over to Aub and pulled her into him by her waist. All I saw was red.

“Get the fuck off her, dammit.” I grabbed him by the collar and yanked him away from her again.

“Clark, stop it,” Aub yelled as she stepped in front of me.

“Um, look, I’m gonna get going…”

“Good!” I snapped at the asshole. “Let me know if you need help finding the door.” I caught a dirty look from Aub just as I was about to help show him out.

The guy shook his head as he walked over to the door with Aub following him. She turned quickly to glare at me again before turning back to him. I strained to hear what she said as he pulled the door open.

“You don’t really need to go. I can talk to him.”

“No, really. Obviously, there’s something going on with him. Is he your boyfriend or something?”

Aub took a deep breath. “He’s my roommate.”

“I can’t get involved in one of these weird love triangles. I told you I’m just getting out of a relationship.”

“I know. It’s nothing like that. He’s just a bit over protective, that’s all and…”

“Overprotective? That’s what you’re going with?” I yelled out. Matt placed his hand on my chest to silence me. Aub’s lucky he did that or I’d have started into the whole way she let’s guys use her, like he was just about to do. 

Aub huffed as the guy walked through the door and she went with him. I was just about to go check to make sure she didn’t leave with him, when she opened the door and came back in.

The moment the door shut, Aub spun around. “What is with you? Why’d you just do that to my date?”

“Date? He wasn’t a date. You were going to have sex,” I countered.

The glare in her eyes coupled with the spark of her anger gave me a rise. Again, I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander to her tight shirt. No bra. My trance was cut off the moment Aub crossed her arms again. “Yes…and?”

“And you told me you weren’t going to have sex with your dates.” I reminded her, hopeful that would make her realize her mistake. I decided to throw in another important factor. “And he was just going to use you!”

“What are you talking about?”

“That’s the oldest line in the book. The ‘Just broke up and fragile’ shit is what I use with chicks all the time!”

I watched her face change and she yelled, “Oh whatever! And you didn’t hear about that until after you broke us up!”

“And it’s a damn good thing I did that too! You were going to bang him and then feel shitty. See! I did you a favor, Aub. You should be thanking me!” And…I realized I probably shouldn’t have said that. Her face changed from upset to fury and I knew I pushed her over the edge. But dammit, I was right.

you? Thanking you? Because you stopped me from having sex?” She stepped forward and got in my face. “You can’t interrupt me every time I’m about to have sex. If you hear me moaning, I don’t want you in my bedroom. If you hear me squealing with ecstasy, I don’t want to see you. If I’m screaming as he smacks my ass, you better not come in my room! Got it?” She yelled and then turned to stomp to her room and then slammed the door hard. Although I had to admit, the thought of smacking her ass made my dick throb. Especially as I watched her ass sway when she stomped back to her room.

I glanced over at Matt, who was completely amused by the whole thing.

“Did you see her tits jiggle as she waved her arms around?” Matt asked, smiling huge.

I nodded because I caught the sight of those before I watched her ass. “Yeah, that was hot, right? Her ass, too.”

We both chuckled and then Matt started for the door. He stopped right before turning the doorknob. “Look it’s none of my business, but if seeing her with another dude sets you off, there might be something more you’re feeling for her. You don’t give a shit when you see other chicks getting kissed…this shouldn’t be any different.” He shrugged and walked out the door, not even letting me respond. Which was probably a good thing. I didn’t have a response to that. And he had a good point.

Chapter 17



Dear Clark,

I’m furious with you. I’m so fucking pissed right now. You had no right to do that! I hear you across the apartment, or rather I hear the women you’re with, and I don’t walk in on you. Although you’d probably like that, wouldn’t you?

Of course, you’d like that. You’d love it if I walked in on you with another woman.


I stopped writing. Why was I so ticked at him? He was probably right. The guy was going to use me and I wanted that. Sarah said I wasn’t really ready to date yet and here I was ready and willing. I’m still craving what my friends have—love.

I flipped to the next page and started over. Maybe I’d rip out that other page. Or maybe I should keep it to remind myself not to pick guys that would just use me.


Dear Clark,

As much as I’m cringing to write this, you’re probably right. I knew he was lying to me. Or maybe he wasn’t lying, but he was definitely trying to use his ex as a way to make me feel sorry for him. He told me he felt sparks fly between us. I wasn’t sure if I felt those or not, but…to be honest, I really do want that with someone. Maybe I was willing to see if I’d eventually feel that way with him.

I shouldn’t date yet, but I just want what everyone else in our group has.

This is going to sound so stupid, but there are times where I feel like Uncle Chad put a curse on me. All the things he told me - that I would never be loved for me. He told me that I’d only be loved for my body and used like it should be. And I’m afraid that he’s right. I see it with you. The way your eyes linger all over my body. That’s all you want too. Just to use me for one night. Hell, with you, I’m sure you’d enjoy trying to take more than that.

I want more. I need more.

And I’m terrified I’ll never get…more.


It was a week after the “date” incident. The worst part about that night was that Clark was right. I couldn’t even date without starting to slip into my old ways. Who was I kidding? I wasn’t ready to date, but I wanted to so badly. Just to
with someone. And not for the sex either. It was just to have a conversation with a guy that wasn’t a boyfriend of one of my friends, or my roommate, or my boss. I wanted that connection with someone. To know what it feels like when you meet your soul mate, the talking and getting close with someone. All the things I never had.

That feeling of emptiness only intensified when we were having our monthly girl spa time on a cold winter Saturday. We all sighed as our feet hit the warm, almost hot, water for our pedicures. The discussion of dating and “connecting” with someone kept reoccurring each time we went out. This time, though, I felt even more left out of something.

“You know, when the two of you just
—that perfect slow sex that just makes you feel completely united with him.” I stared at Izzy describe yet another romp with Z that was heart-stopping, slow. Heartfelt.

“Mmm,” Mel moaned as she sat back closing her eyes and nodded in agreement.

Vanessa also nodded when I glanced around noticing everyone reminiscing. “My favorite is after. You know when you’re both coming down from the most intense release you’ve ever had together. It’s as if you’re both realizing how powerful it was and how close you feel with each other.” Vanessa sighed as she said that.

All three were in their own little dream world reminiscing about their “moment” with their guy. I sat there feeling completely left out. I had no idea what they were talking about. This was odd, because usually when we discussed sex, I was the one giving out pointers—different positions, which vibrators were best. Those were the topics I could advise on. This feelings thing was way over my head.

I felt Izzy’s eyes on me. “You’ve had that with someone, right Aubrey?” I looked down at Myra who seemed like she was trying not to pay attention. Who am I kidding? I’d listen to everyone’s conversations if I were a nail tech.

I shook my head in response to Izzy and glanced back at her. “I don’t think so,” I said slowly.

“Oh, you’d know,” Mel told me emphatically. She sat up to take a drink from her glass of wine.

Izzy’s head quirked to the side. “Not even once? Maybe with a guy you really felt like you loved.”

I shook my head again remembering Gregory. Even after he told me he loved me, thinking back, it seemed he said it because he just came. Okay, looking back, he said it because he just came, but I was too foolish to see the difference and assumed he really meant those three little words. “No. I’ve never had that with someone. And.” I paused and admitted, “I never have sex slow. It’s always hard and heavy. I need the slamming for an orgasm.” I added the last part as a reason to try to explain why I’d never have it slow. And so it wouldn’t look so silly that I’ve never had that with a guy.

“No, you don’t,” Vanessa quipped. “When you’re with that person, feeling everything about them, you can get the most intense release without hard and heavy. It’s incredible.” For the first time, Vanessa was giving me advice on sex. That’s never happened.
I stared at my best friend who was still in her little dream world of intimacy with Matt.

“Well, one day you will. That should probably be the person you marry,” Izzy teased and smiled as if to make sure I wasn’t hurt by what she said. I wasn’t. I was just really sad that I’ve never experienced what they were talking about.


It was probably a week later that I ran into Gerard. I first met him sometime last year in Houston when I set up one of our new hotels there. I was training the front desk staff on the computer system and helped check him in. I had given him my business card and we emailed a couple of times, but nothing ever came of it.

One of our local hotels was having another glitch with their computer system and I ran over to help facilitate the new system being put in. That night, I’d run into Gerard again as he was checking in. We both recognized each other immediately and grabbed lunch together in the hotel restaurant. The attraction was there—I felt it. His deep green eyes reminded me of Gregory’s. I suppose that should have made me feel uneasy, but it didn’t. It actually reminded me of the good times Gregory and I had.

Our conversation was light and flirtatious. He asked me to go out with him that night since he had to leave town the next day. I immediately said yes.


“Whoa. You look…wow. Different.” Clark complimented me as he looked over the couch at me. He quickly stood up and walked over to me.

I gave Clark a small smile as I let him in on a secret. “Makeup,” I whispered. He was used to me wearing a ton of eyeliner and mascara around my eyes. Tonight, I’d decided to tone it down a little, but still look dramatic.

“But, you look like…I don’t know. Older.” He immediately threw his hands up in defense when I gave him my bitchiest look.
“No,” he immediately started to back-peddle. “I don’t mean ‘old’ as in old lady. I just meant, sophisticated. Or something like that. You look…rich.” I was already nervous enough about making a nice impression tonight and then had to hear this from Clark. I was also apprehensive because ever since I told Clark I had a date, he questioned me relentlessly about making sure I keep to my no-sex rule.

I scrunched up my face, completely disgusted with him. “Rich?”

“Well, yeah.” He shrugged. “You look like you come from money.”

I shook my head and grabbed my purse, unsure if my date tonight would like this “rich” look that seemed to throw Clark off so much. Just then, there was a knock at the door and Clark raced to get there first, much to my annoyance. He opened the door, crossed his arms over his chest and took some sort of alpha stance. I pushed past him, knocking him slightly off balance.

My date was exactly what any woman would dream of—tall, dark and handsome. I have no idea where they made him, but he was definitely worth the extra time I’d spent putting on my makeup. I gave my sexiest smile when my date stretched out his hand for mine. I, ever so gently, extended mine and watched him bring my hand up to his lips. He kissed my hand in a way that made my heart skip a beat and my breath hitched.
. I finally found a guy that was going to turn my world upside-down and hopefully bring me that “close” feeling the girls were gabbing about.

“Where are you taking her?” Clark asked breaking my thoughts and forcing me to remember he was standing next to me. I scowled at him, praying he wouldn’t try to chase away my date. I realized I hadn’t introduced them and it probably looked odd to Gerard that a man opened the door. I should tell him Clark’s my brother. The way he’s acting so over protective it would be believable.

“Clark is my roommate, Gerard,” I explained quickly and slightly exasperated. Gerard nodded, but ignored looking at Clark.

“The Magenta, of course. It’s the best,” he said softly, dripping with sexiness. His gaze never left mine with a sensual smile as he slightly squeezed the tips of my fingers creating another surge of excitement through me.

“Actually, it’s not the best restaurant,” Clark started in. His stance was still in full bravado mode and he tried to make his voice even more deep and protective. “Everyone thinks so, but if you head down toward First Street, there’s this little Italian place with better ambiance.”

Gerard turned to Clark and gave a slight smile. “Thank you. I guess that will be the restaurant I’ll take Aubrey to for our second date.”
Second date.
I might even let him have a second date the way he was sweeping me off my feet. “I don’t believe I’ve told you how exquisite you look tonight.” His beautiful emerald eyes sparkled as he complimented me. I swallowed, but gave him a small smile, unsure of how to respond.

Clark scoffed, making my smile fade slightly as I turned to him and gave him my best “shut-up” glare. He shrugged, stepped off to the side and then scratched his temple. “You’re taking her in a limo, I suppose.”

Gerard’s deep gaze bore into mine, again making my heart speed up. I have no idea how he can do that with just his eyes, but…wow. “Actually, it’s a beautiful night. I thought we could walk the few blocks. It might make it a little more romantic.” I think my panties just dropped to the floor as his eyes grazed my body slowly. “Unless you would prefer I drive us there, considering your beautiful heels.”

I swallowed, barely choking out, “No that would be fine. Lovely to walk. There.” Gerard guided me out the door, leaving Clark standing at the door as if he really were an over protective brother. I was glad he didn’t add anything else to embarrass me further.

I was wrong as I heard him mutter before closing the door, “Actually, only an asshole would make their date walk four blocks in heels.


Gerard and I walked toward the restaurant and with each step my heart sank. It was quite obvious that Gerard was out to impress me. The facts and figures he recited were too similar to what I knew of Gregory’s competitors. Questions kept popping into my thoughts about each piece of information he was providing. Nothing made sense. Every moment he opened his mouth, I wondered who the man accompanying me really was.

By the time we arrived at the Magenta, I was unsure if he would even be able to pay the bill based on all his lies.
Me and my lousy judge of character. And wouldn’t Clark be happy right now? Wouldn’t he just love to help poke holes in everything Gerard had said? And why is it that every date, he feels the need to make sure I see any fault in the guy?

“Did you want to check your coat, Aubrey?” Gerard asked bringing me out of my argument with Clark in my head.

“Hmm? Oh, yes, please,” I said and removed my wrap. I watched the guy at coat check eye my attire with approving eyes. The power my body has over men always turns them into puddles. Too bad I can’t find the right man to appreciate
along with my body.

Gerard held out his arm for me. I took it and decided that maybe I should give him a second chance or at least just try to enjoy my evening. If I had to pay for dinner, I was going to be a little more than pissed. I’d never been too fond of this place. Everyone boasts about it and yet, it really wasn’t that great. My mind wandered to the restaurant Clark mentioned and suddenly I craved Italian food.

We sat down at our table. Gerard stretched his hand across the table. My first reaction was that he was going to grab my purse, but then I quickly realized he was reaching for my hand. I debated at first but then realized I didn’t want to be rude so I let him caress my hand. It felt good. It was nice to be appreciated instead of just heading out on a “date” for sex. Maybe I should ignore his lies and just try to enjoy my evening.

The vibration of my phone tickled my arm. I shrugged, pretending to be embarrassed so that I could check my phone. A text lit up my phone. I chuckled and acknowledged I was actually happy it was from Clark.

Bored yet?

A little.
I looked back up to Gerard, if that’s really his name, and he smiled.

“Where do you see yourself in five years?” he asked as he took a drink from his glass. It seemed like an odd question for a first date. Was he trying to see if I would tell him I’d like him to be there in five years? I decided to make it more fun for both of us and go for gold.

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