Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine (18 page)

BOOK: Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine
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The training room reminded Emily of a dance studio. The
only thing it lacked was a bar stretching across the mirrored
walls all the way around. There were mats on the floor and what
looked like punching bags hung in various points on the ceiling.
It wasn’t very well lit. Thanks to the time that had passed by
then, her eyes had completely adjusted to the dimness. You
would think they would want good lighting so they could see
what they were doing.

As they watched, Tyler went through motions of instruction
from Alexander. Tyler weaved around the punching bags like a
car around Drivers Ed cones. Amazingly though, before passing
one he would make a move of attack on it quickly before moving
to the next. Even though his actions were violent, it was
unbelievably graceful. Emily wondered how much prior fighting
if any Tyler had before falling into the slayer life. He looked like
an expert out there. Judging by the look onAlexander’s face, he

Behind them the door opened with an audible click.
Someone was coming in. Emily knew it wouldn’t be a vampire.
They supposedly couldn’t get down there. She couldn’t help but
be a little scared at the thought of the newcomer. Sebastian said
there were other hunters living there. That’s probably all it was.
She hoped anyway.

“Hey Bass, is this the fresh meat?” E
mily looked toward the
new male voice just in time to see him nod toward Tyler.
“Yeah, that’s Tyler.” Sebastian gestured towards Alexander
and Tyler, returning his gaze to Emily. “And this is Emily. She
will be staying with us for a while. She'll be in Max’s old room.”
The guy shot Sebastiana deeply reproachful look. “How
could you put her in there? There areother rooms.”
“Kyle,don’t be unreasonable. I thought she would be more
comfortable in the room next to Tyler’s. Casey is on the other
side so Max’s vacated room was the next logical option.”
Sebastian sounded like he was explaining something difficult to
a small child.
“Damn it Bass! Don’t get all high and mighty on me. You
could have a little soul. He was one of your brothers. Or are we
that easy for you to forget and replace like baseball cards?”
“Chill out Kyle. I don’t want to get into this with you right
now. You know how I felt about Max.” Sebastian seemed weary
of Kyle for some reason. His fists were clenched tightly at his
sides, like he was trying not to come unglued.
Sebastian’s tone only made the other guy more annoyed. He
looked like he was chomping at the bit. “Don’t patronize me,I’m
not a kid.” Kyle’s jaw tightened, starting to speak through his
teeth in a growl.“Where did you put his stuff?”
“I put it where we store all the hunters’ stuff that no longer
liveshere. It’s boxed and in the storage room,” said Sebastian
“Look, if it’s a problem I don’t mind switching rooms. I
didn’t pick that one.” Emily tried to interject, hoping to diffuse
the situation that was becoming more and more heated.
“No." Sebastian responded firmly. “That’s not necessary.
You’re fine where you are.” He made a noticeable attempt at
softening his tone,but his icy stare never left Kyle’s. “Kyle
needs to let go of his sentimentalities.”
This seemed to infuriate Kyle, though he didn’t say
anything else. His face grew red and his jaw kept twitching as
he repeatedly clenched and unclenched his teeth. Apparently
giving up the argument Kyle just stalked off slamming the door
to the training room behind him. The noise echoed off the
mirrored walls like a fire cracker. Emily jumped.
“I’m sorry about that,Kyle’s overlysensitive sometimes.”
Emily swallowed before saying, “I really don’t mind
switching. Did something happen to Max?”
“Yeah, he died. Kyle needs to learn to let go of the past. No
you’re not switching,” Sebastian replied with a tone of such
finality Emily gave up.
“Hey Em,” Tyler called from across theroom. “What do
you think?” Tyler was beaming.
Emily wasn’t completely sure how to respond. Did he mean
about her room. Maybe he was talking about the little exchange
between Sebastian and Kyle. If so, she really didn’t know what
to think about that. Finally she decided that was stupid because
he wouldn’t have been able to hear them talking. “You look
great out there,” she called back hoping it was the answer he was
looking for.
It must have been what he was looking for because his eyes
practically disappeared with the approving smile that grew as she
watched. “Alex is a good teacher I’ve already learned a lot.” He
wiped sweat off his forehead then turned back to the punching
bags. Tyler pummeled it to the point of no return and seemed to
love every minute of it. It should have deflated under the assault
and battery he was putting it through.
“Hand to hand won’t kill the leeches,” Sebastian explained.
”Even if it won’t take them out, it’s needed to weaken their
strength. They are unfortunately gifted with brute strength,
probably the equivalent of at least ten men. Plus, it’s fun,”
Sebastian admitted with a cocky grin. “They look like they’re
about done in here for now. If you want I’ll take you to get
something to eat and then we can meet them back in the office.
Alexander wants to further explain exactly what you guys are up
against. He doesn’t like surprises and so he needs you to be
prepared. This isn’t a tea party you know.”
Emily copied Kyle and clenched her jaw. I’m not a little girl
asshole is what she thought. What she actually said was, “fine
whatever.” He made her so unbelievably crazy she could just
scream. How someone could make you feel so warm and good
one second and so very ticked off the next was beyond Emily.
The room Sebastian took her too was bigger than her
kitchen at home. The center had two large round tables with
chairs. The entire outer perimeter of the room was counters,
refrigerators and freezers. There were four fridges all together
and four freezers. There were five microwaves in various spots
along the counters. Emily was a little shocked. She had never
seen this many of the same appliances in the same room before.
Well, unless you count Sears or something like that.
“What’s with all the fridges?” Emily asked motioning
vaguely around the space. When she did she discovered they
were not alone in the room.
A girl stood with her back to them in the corner under a
burnt out light. Her medium blonde hair was short. It didn’t even
touch the back of her neck. She was dressed in dark washed
Capri’s and a black tank top with flip flops. She looked like she
was doing something, but Emily couldn’t tell what that was.
“Oh that’s just Ivy.
The girl apparently called Ivy spun around at the sound of
his voice. “And you’re just a dick,” she shot back. She was
holding a sandwich and some kind of soda. It looked like a coke.
The can was red anyway.
Emily hoped they had Pepsi she has never really been a
Coke fan. It’s too syrupy. Ivy walked over and plunked the load
onto one of the tables. She had one of the most self-assured
confident walks Emily had ever seen. Immediately Emily was
jealous, which she hated but couldn’t help. She had always
wanted to be able to carry herself like that. Emily was a
confident person most of the time. It would be nice if she could
at least send that vibe out into the Universe. No matter how hard
she tried to exude self-assurance, it tended to just appear clumsy
and awkward.
“Who’s the girl?” Ivy asked sounding indifferent either
“Ivy this is Emily. Emily,meet Ivy.” Sebastian motioned
back and forth as if to make sure they didn’t get confused.
Come on,we’re the only ones in the stinking room. Give us
some credit, Emily thought giving Sebastian a smug look. “Hey
Ivy nice to meet you.” Emily stretched out a hand to the other
Instead of returning the gesture, her face turned to one of
disbelief and distaste. “Yeah um, like wise I’m sure.” She turned
her head to Sebastian. “She a slayer?”
“No not exactly,” replied Sebastian.
Feeling hurt at Ivy’s obvious snub, Emily decided to
elaborate. “Actually, they don’t know for sure if I’m supposed to
be a hunter but I have gifts like one.” Emily smiled satisfied for
reasons she wasn’t really sure of.
Ivy looked utterly disgusted at the idea of having something
in common with Emily. “Well,isn’t that just peachy,” she said
with mock excitement and clapped her hands together. A fake
grin was plastered across her face.
What a beach, Emily thought scornfully. Beach is the word
Emily liked to say instead of the curse word it sounded like. It
might seem silly but she really tried to not cuss very much, even
if the situation called for it.
She really wasn’t going to like Ivy. Not even a little bit, she
could tell that right away. It was crystal clear that she was one of
“those girls”. The ones who thought they were better than
everyone and that other girls were the scum beneath their feet.
Sebastiansighed and rolled his eyes. “Ivy lay off her,
alright?We’re just here to get something to eat before we have
to meet with Alexander.” Sebastian moved over to one of the
fridges and pulled it open.
“What does Alex want with her if she’s not even a true
hunter? And you know it’s not safe to share our secrets with,
humans.” Ivy spoke with enough acid to melt the entire room
down to nothing.
Emily clenched her teeth, other than that though, avoided
saying anything. It was really difficult. That girl wasn’t worth
the energy. If any energy was expended, it would have been to
jump over that table and smack that rude look right off her too
cute face. Yeah that would feel way too good. Girls like Ivy
drove her so nuts. Ivy didn’t even know her. Who did she think
she was making snap judgments on her like that? Emily
crammed her hands in her pockets to hide her fidgeting. This
trait wasn’t something she was proud of. Unfortunately, it
manifested whenever she was nervous or angry. Ivy would
probably have seen it as a sign of weakness and pounce for sure.
“She very well might be a hunter. It’s just that she wasn’t
summoned,and doesn’t seem to be showing the other tell-tale
signs. Either way Ivy just lay off. Just eat your sandwich and
we’ll be out of here in a minute. Emily what do you want?”
Sebastian said turning his attention back to Emily.
Emily attempted to sound undisturbed by Ivy’s repulsion
towards her. “I’m not really hungry, but I will take a Pepsi if
you’ve got it.”
“Coming right up.” When he stood upright again he was
holding two bottles with blue labels.
Yay for Pepsi! Emily’s mouth was starting to water.
Everything seems better after a little caffeine rush. She could
almost taste the carbonated goodness. Sebastian handed her the
bottle and they left Ivy sitting by herself. Emily risked a glance
back over her shoulder at the other girl. She was slightly
surprised that Ivy was glowering at her while she chewed her
food. Emily turned back hopingIvy’s room was nowhere near
her own. The less she had to see this girl the better. This
situation was bad enough without adding a newly found enemy
in the mix.
When they returned to the office Tyler and Alexander were
already there. Tyler was making himself right at home stretched
out across the entire length of the leather sofa. He looked totally
exhausted. The vision of him lying there with his shoes kicked
off was kind of cute. One of his socks was starting to come off.
She could see the flopped over material folded over on his big
Alexander was sitting at his desk writing something. He
was completely transfixed in whatever he was doing. Tyler was
the first one to notice their arrival.
“Hey where’s mine?” Tyler asked eyeing their sodas
“Sorry,” Emily replied sheepishly.
“I figured you would have gotten something in the training
room,” Sebastian said apologetically.
Tyler smiled, “I did.” He held up a Gatorade like he was
going to make a toast. “Just thought I’d make you feel bad.”
“Well it didn’t work,” Emily retorted teasingly.
Tyler gave her a cheesy smile and promptly stuck his
tongue out at her.
Emily giggled but quickly squelched it when she saw
Alexander’s unhappy expression. She cleared her throat and
shifted uncomfortably as though she had been caught stealing.
Alexander sighed and pushed aside his pen. Casey just
reported in. There might be some activitytonight.”
Sebastianlooked taken aback. “Already, they never feed
this close together. How many?”
“Three,” Alexander answered. “It might be nothing. Casey
said they are just acting suspicious. They tried to get someone in
the house. Thankfullyshe started to scream. They didn’t want a
scene so they let her run.”
“Good if that’s all then me, Kyle and Casey should be able
to handle it,” Sebastian said relieved.
Alexander shook his head. No, that won’t work. Casey is on
surveillance and Kyle is combing the woods. Ivy is going to be
meeting him after she eats.”
Sebastian’s brow furrowed as he crossed his arms. “Why
isn’t she with Casey?”
“They got ina fight,” replied Alexander shaking his head.
“You know how Ivy can be with him.” He gave Sebastian a
knowing look.
Sebastian noddedtightly and moved on. “Alexander, I
don’t know if I can take them all by myself, but I will do my
best.” He puffed out his chest as if to show his power. His eyes
seemed to burn at the possibility of the fight.
“No son that isn’t possible. I can’t afford to risk you in that
way. You willhave to take Tyler as well.”
At the sound of his name Tyler’s head snapped up and his
eyes bulged from their sockets. “Take Tyler? Tyler isn’t ready,”
he blurted. All the color had drained from his face.
Alexander gave him a reassuring look. He looked like a
concerned dad. “Tyler, you are a natural. I have never seen any
other hunter retain and utilize our strategies as you have
displayed today.” Alexander stood and went to a small
rectangular table against the wall. “They’re definitely on the
move. Casey says they appear to be careful in their selection
process. Ifthey’re not c
hoosing at random, they must be after
more than just feeding.”
“Tyler’s right,” Sebastian pleaded. “Even if he has grasped
the strategies,he hasn’t been trained in what to expect from the
leeches. Fighting them is a bit different from fighting an
unresponsive punching bag.”
The fear was suddenly washed off Tyler’s face and was
replaced with indignation. “I kicked that bags ass thanks. And
besides, I’m all you’ve got
. Maybe it’s true that I’m
not ready. That doesn’t seem to really make a difference. I’m
going to have to get ready right? There’s no other choice.”
The two stared it out for a very long minute. Sebastian was
the first to break the silence. “Fine. It’s your funeral. Just don’t
get in my way and we do this my way, or you stay.
“Sure Princess, but what aboutEmily?” Tyler looked smug
It just figured. One second Tyler’s all afraid and then the
next he bristled at the first sign that his manhood might be
questioned. Just like guys to turn a life threatening fight into a
chance to toss around their macho-ness like a bunch of
immature idiots.
“What about Emily? She stays,” Sebastian replied firmly.
Since when does Sebastian get to be her parent? She already
had a dad and she didn’t like him making decisions for her
without her consent either. “No… Emily goes too. I can take
care of myself.”
Sebastianlaughed humorlessly. “Sure you can, have you
ever even been in a fight with a regular person?” He swiped at
his eye removing a fake tear. “That would be great. I got little
miss naive on one side and Robin Hood’s fairy man on the other.
What a great team I have to work with. Thank you Alexander.”

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