Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine (14 page)

BOOK: Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine
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Suddenly, the night was more menacing and she didn’t want
to be alone, even if for only one block. It felt like there were
creatures lurking in the shadows. The darkness seemed to be
closing in on them with every step they took. It felt thick, as
though there was a heavy pressure building. It pressed on Emily
making her lungs feel constricted. She considered hiding Tyler in
her closet to avoid ever have to be alone again. That was
obviously crazy though.
Or was it? As they rounded the corner to Elm Street where
she lived she wrestled with the idea. She hoped something like
that wasn’t necessary, but Tyler was the only one she knew of
that was in on Lakeview’s secret.
They were at the front walk to her door now. “Tyler”
Emily started, but she couldn't seem to bring herself to finish the
question. She played with her fingers fidgeting nervously.
“Yeah?” Tyler seemed casual, but not fully present.
He must have been lost back in their earlier conversation
too. Emily squared her shoulders, took a deep breath and
prepared for looking like a total coward. “I,um, don’t want to be
alone.” Emily said the words under her breath. It took a lot for
her to admit vulnerability. Swallowing her pride she spoke again.
“Will you come in for a
while? You probably shouldn’t walk out
here alone anyway right?” Her concern was genuine, but
definitely more self-serving than anything else. She hoped he
didn’t think she was a tramp looking for a reason to get him in
her bed.
Tyler’s expression though was relieved. “That’s a good
idea. I know it’s not the guy thing to say, but I don’t really want
to be alone either.” Tyler sort of bounced back on his heels.
Was he nervous too? That was kind of cute. “Okay except I
have to warn you, if you are still here when my dad gets home,
I’ll have to hide you. He’s difficult. Actually, he’s kind of a
belligerent drunkto be more exact.” The last sentence burst out
of Emily’s mouth with embarrassment. Her cheeks grew hot and
she was sure they were as red as an apple or pitcher of Kool-Aid.
Sam was one of the prime reasons she never brought any one
home, not even girls for crap’s sake. She hated explaining to
people what to expect once dear old dad got home.
Tyler sucked in his bottom lip for a second. “Or, we could
go to my place. Before you say anything, I’m only suggesting it
because we’d be able to talk more freely. It’s not a line or
anything, no funny business I swear.” Tyler held up his hands in
surrender like he had before.
Emily gave his suggestion honest consideration before
answering. It would be nice to not have to talk in whispers and
worry about Sam. She couldwrite him a note and say she’s
sleeping over at a friend's. They were just having leftovers for
dinner anyway so that was taken care of. It would be for
educational purposes only. She wasn’t a tramp, she reminded
herself firmly. There really wasn’t any need to feel like she was,
that was just stupid. This wasn’t about romance. It was about
figuring out what was going on, and how to stop it.
She spoke slowly as if regretting her words. “Yeah. That’s a
good idea.” Emily realized what an idiot she must sound like and
forced herself to get a grip. “Just let me write my dad a note.”
She turned away from him to unlock the door. She used the key,
she had fished out of her backpack, while they were talking.
“Not to sound like a jerk or anything, but you might want to
get clothes too.”
Emily whirled around and gave him a quizzical look. She
couldn’t believe he had implied that she would stay the night
with him. So much for the “not a line” thing.
The shock on his face was obvious. “Wow. Simmer down,
nothing like thatI swore remember? It’s just probably not a good
idea to come back out once it gets late. That’s all, I promise.” He
gave her an adorable crooked grin. His hands shot back up in
their surrender position again.
Emily softened and smiled trying to assure Tyler that she
believed him. “Sorry. It just seemed odd that’s all.” Realistically,
it was kind of stupid to react like that. Hadn’t she just thought
she would write a note to Sam saying she was sleeping over at a
friend’s? Granted she figured she would still be coming home
later. The note was just precautionary.
“Hey, don’t say sorry. If I were a girl going through the
same drama,I’d be skeptical too. Nothing surprises me anymore
and I’m sure it’s getting the same for you.” Tyler dropped his
hands. His eyes though seemed to be pleading with her.
It was almost, as if he were trying to subliminally
communicate to her, that he was one of the good guys. Emily
knew that already. She could tell that she could trust him
completely. What other choice did she have anyway?
Everything was settled in the house in record time and they
were out the door again. She hoped that Sam didn’t go looking
for her shot guns blazing or something. He would more than
likely be late, she was sure of that. Hopefullyhe’d just come in
and pass out.
Emily wished she had a car so she could do the driving for
him. She did have a license, just no car. Sam was weird about his
truck and wouldn’t let her drive it. The truck was decent looking,
surprisingly so considering the driver’s condition most of the
time these days. It wasn’t brand new or anything by far, it just
wasn’t too battered.
She tried turning her father in once anonymously, but Sam
was friends with all the cops in town and they let him off with
just a warning. He was her father, of course she didn’t want him
to go to jail. He deserved it, by putting everyone life in danger,
each time he got behind the wheel. It sickened Emily that her
father might someday be responsible for inflicting harm on an
innocent person.
“Tyler? Why don’t you drive?”
“I’ve got a license. I had to sell my car to pay for the move
here. I’ll get one though it’ll be hot too.” His voice grew
immature by the second.
What is it with guys and cars? Emily envisioned Tyler’s
bachelor pad with hot rod magazines with half naked women
scattered on his coffee table for decoration. With the thought, she
gave a mental eye roll and laughed to herself. Maybe he would
even have hubcaps hung on the walls as art.
The majority of the rest of their walk was done in silence.
They made idle chit chat once and awhile, but both of them
stayed alert ready for anything. After Emily’s encounter with
Andre in the computer lab, she was jumpy and more than a little
All of the shadows looked like strangers were crawling
through them. Stupidly she even squealed at the sound of bushes
rustling beside them in the wind. The bush was only knee high,
so the prospect of a dangerous predator waiting to spring was
slightly insane. Sure enough, after she froze like a coward, Tyler
bent down and discovered that it was just a cat trying to get
comfy for the night.
“See,” Emily said to Tyler after he stood back up. “I knew I
was hanging out with you for a reason. My bodyguard.” Her
sarcasm was a weak attempt at recovering herself. It was fairly
inevitable that she had seriously just lost like ten cool points.
“That’s me, no feline to big or too small for these cannons.”
Tyler flexed his arm dramatically sighing with the effort. “It’s
hard to be this bad ass, but someone’s gotta do it.”
A car passed momentarily shedding light on them. Emily
was able to see Tyler’s flexed bicep more clearly. Outwardly he
didn’t look all that big. The contracted muscle that bulged under
his shirt made him seem massive. The muscles wrapped around
his upper arm like bands of steel. Emily found herself, leering
like those silly girls, she hated. They rippled as he moved
promising strength. She’d be lying if she said,it wasn’t hot.
What was with her lately? First, she drooled over Sebastian
and now Tyler? She really needed to get her hormones in check
since apparently, they were raging.
The next turn brought them onto Main Street. Emily
shuddered at the sudden pitch black sight in front of her. Not
realizing what she was doing,she reached out for Tyler’s hand.
When everything was over she planned to write a letter to the
Mayor. Main Street needed real lights for when the lanterns were
turned down atnight. Weren’t town officials supposed to care
about the safety and well-being of their residents?
Sensing her discomfort, Tyler laced his fingers through hers
and they kept walking. Emily didn’t look in any direction except
straight ahead. She refused to look down the alley or anywhere
else something might be hiding. There didn’t appear to be
anyone on the road, so that was comforting at least.
Tyler stood rigid and tense. His eyes darted from side to
side and even behind them a few times. There seemed to be a
bounce in his step as if springs were under his feet. Emily half
expected him to break into a dead run and leave her behind. Not
wanting to take any chances, she clutched his hand even tighter,
just in case. The squeeze he gave hers back made her heart
squeeze in return.
He nudged her across the street. “That’s it, right over there.”
He led her across quickly even though no cars were approaching.
Emily eyed the narrow stairwell questioningly. It had a faint
glow from a dim light overhead. It didn't do any good though,
seeing anything was next to impossible. Honestly, a nightlight
probably gave off more illumination. Emily worried about the
steep stairs. It would have been mortifying to do a tumbling act
down onto the sidewalk. Sad, but true since Emily was more
than a little clumsy.
Absently, she wondered why there wasn’t a door in the
bottom entryway. Most of the other apartment entrances had
them and locked for additional security. It figured that Tyler
would live in one of the only places without added security
Emily didn’t ask about it. For one thing it wasn’t the right
time. For another, Tyler probably had no clue anyway. Luckily
the stairwell was just wide enough for both of them to walk side
by side. She didn’t want to have to go first,but she didn’t want
to have to go last either. No door behind them would mean her
back was exposed. When they got half way up the stairs they
both froze at the exact same moment.
At the top of the stairs was a dark shadow. No, not just a
shadow, it was a person. There was someone sitting at the top of
the stairs, which of course led to Tyler’s door. Before they even
had a chance to react, the stranger stood and revealed his above
average height.
Emily stopped breathing as Tyler pushed her down on the
step below him, trying to shield her from the unexpected and
unwanted guest. She thought for sure the sound of her rapidly
increasing heart rate was echoing in the small space between
them and Tyler’s visitor. You could have heard a pin drop with
no difficulty. The tension and fear in the air was palpable. Emily
envisioned green eyes with glowing red borders. Whoever it
was, she prayed they weren’t hungry.


“Emily, go back down the stairs.” Tyler spoke slow and
quiet as if the person about to kill them couldn’t hear.
Obediently Emily started backing down the steps carefully.
Realizing the possible vampire wasn’t going to lunge at Tyler to
eat him, she began to turn so she could move quicker. Tyler
apparently had the same idea. She could hear his shoes scuffing
on the wooden steps. Emily thought her heart was going to leap
out of her throat it was thudding so hard in her chest.
“WAIT!” a voice from the top of the stairs called. “You
don’t have anything to be afraid of. I’m here to help you.” The
voice was reassuring and cautious all at the same time.
Emily instantly recognized the voice and stopped. She
would have known that voice anywhere. That voice kept her up
at night. That fact wasn’t by choice, she just couldn’t help it.
“What are you doing? Move.” Tyler sounded frantic behind
Emily’s back. Even still, she didn’t move forward.
Instead, she started to turn back around. Tyler grabbed her
arm stopping her. “It’s okay. It’s just Sebastian.”
Tyler didn’t let go of her arm. “What?” He asked
incredulous. His body didn’t relax at all with the news.
“It’s Sebastian.” Emily repeated.
“She’s right Tyler remember? I met you the other day.”
Sebastian’s voice sounded as if he were talking a small child off
the top of a teetering ladder.
Emily thought for sure Tyler would turn all guy and get
irate. It was the reaction a lot of guys displayed when they
thought someone was talking down to them. Surprisingly, Tyler
didn’t. He took the comforting tone for what it was worth and
released her arm. The two of them turned simultaneously to face
Sebastian. Emily feeling small, rejoined Tyler on his step.
“What are you doing here,” asked Tyler.
“I needed to talk to you. I’ve been meaning to, but I didn’t
think you were ready for it yet. What is she doing here?”
Sebastian’s words were full of distaste when he acknowledged
Emily’s presence.
Instantly crushed by Sebastian’s rejection, she responded
before Tyler had a chance to chime in. “Unlike you, I was
invited.” There was enough venom in Emily’s voice to kill an
elephant. Her eyes narrowed up at him full of reproach. It was
possible that he probablydidn’t mean it like it sounded.
Regardless, it was still rude. Especially since he talked about her
like she wasn’t even there.
“Emily I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that. Look, can we go
inside and talk?” Sebastian took a few steps down the stairs
getting closer to them and paused.
“Whatever, yeah. I guess.” Tyler replied, sounding unsure.
Besides the uneasiness Tyler was curious and that part of him
one out over the other. He walked up the steps moving around
Sebastian to unlock his door. Once it was open he turned and
motioned Emily forward.
She barely saw the gesture. Thanks to the light that poured
into the stairwell from Tyler’s apartment, Emily was
momentarily blinded. “You always leave the lights on.” Emily
didn’t make it a question, just a fact. It was nice to see she
wasn’t the only one who had this habit. It made her feel safer.
The two of them seemed to have a growing list of similarities.
Emily moved easily around Sebastian and through the door.
“Well yeah. That way I feel like I’m not here alone,” Tyler
replied sheepishly. “Stupid right?” He sat down getting more
comfortable on a plush red couch. There was a big ottoman that
matched pushed off to the side against the wall. “Well I’d ask
what your sign was,but I’d rather get to the point,” Tyler said
bluntly looking at Sebastian.
Sebastian chose to perch on the ottoman, so Emily opted
for the other end of the couch. He had such a presence in the
cozy living room. Without any effort he commanded it. Even the
act of sitting down looked graceful when he did it. Every
movement seemed controlled and precise like it had been
planned. Emily imagined that even in a crowded room, it would
be impossible not to take notice of Sebastian.
“I’m here about the strange feelings you have been getting.
I know why you are here in Lakeview. You’ve pieced it together
enough now that I can teach you the rest.” Sebastian’s hands
rested casually on his knees.
Tyler started and looked at Sebastian with astonishment.
Emily just sat there staring at him stupidly. She hadn’t told
Sebastian anything, she just found out about Tyler herself.
“How would you know what I have pieced together?” Tyler
looked stunned and more than a little irritated.
“I went through the same process you are going through a
time ago,” said Sebastian.
“Process?” Tyler’s face grew puzzled.
Emilycouldn’t move during the exchange. Something really
weird was going to happen, she could feel it. She just sat with
her hands folded in her lap, twisting them into different
contorted positions. Her head moved back and forth between the
two of them as though they were in the middle of a heated tennis
“Yes process. We all go through it in the beginning. I’ve
told my mentor it seems cruel to allow our own to go through
such confusion in the beginning. He says it’s a necessary part of
it all.” Sebastian laughed to himself as if sharing a joke with
them, only they didn’t understand it at all.
“Could you get to the point?” Tyler was impatient now. His
movements were like he had rubber bands around his limbs that
were pulled tight ready to snap.
“Alright alright, don’t be hasty we still have time.”
Sebastian leaned back casually resting his hands on the ottoman
and continued. “I’m glad you have finally figured out the truth
about the vampire situation in Lakeview. It didn’t take you
nearly as long to put it together as it has in the past with others.
Part of the reason I couldn’t come to you right away is because it
helps build your instincts even if you don’t realize they’re
building. Did you read the book?”
Tyler looked stunned. “You mean the one I got from the
book store?” Tyler asked shooting a startled glance at Emily then
back to Sebastian. “You mean Supernatural
“Yes,that’s the one. I wanted you to read it. It’s not up to
date completely, but it still gives some information on hunting
vampires.” Sebastian seemed pleased that Tyler read it, and not
really all that surprised.
“Are you trying to tell me I’m a…” Tyler’s voice trailed off.
His right hand mimed a weird stabbing motion.
Sebastian sat back up putting his hands on his knees. “Yes
Tyler, you are a vampire slayer. There are of course other names
for it, though that is the most common.” Sebastian waited a
moment so Tyler could take it all in. “You will have to undergo
training of course.Don’t worry, you’ll be surprised how much of
it is instinctual, sort of like the feelings you’ve been getting. Like
a vampire we live a very discrete life. We don’t tell humans if
we don’t have to.”
This grabbed onto Emily’s attention and held it. She
couldn’t keep quiet anymore. “What do you mean humans?
Aren’t you a human? I don’t believe“
Sebastian cut her off with a hand he held up like a stop sign.
“I know this is a lot to take in, but no we are not humans, at least
not technically.” Sebastian motioned to himself and Tyler. “It
starts when we’re babies and once the process truly takes form
so does our abilities. Some might say we’re immortal. That’s not
true, we can be killed. Granted it takes a lot to do one of us in
and we heal very fast.” His face took on a very serious
Tyler sat for a long time not speaking, consternation clear in
his posture. His elbows were on his knees his face buried in his
hands. He wasn’t crying but his hands were shaking. Emily was
actually starting to worry he was in shock. It would be
understandable if he was, she felt numb by this information.
Even though Sebastian was only confirming their suspicions it
didn’t make it any less frightening.
It was Tyler who finally broke the silence surrounding them
like a cage. “I don’t get it,why me. I don’t want to be a…
vampire hunter. I don’t even like to hunt.” Tyler looked at
nothing as he spoke.
Poor Tyler, Emily thought with sympathy for her new
friend. This must be very confusing for him. It wasn’t happening
directly to her and she was baffled. Having a theory was one
thing. What they had was a nightmare thrown right in their faces.
The only problem was they couldn’t just pinch themselves
“I know you’re confused. Remember like I said, I’ve been
there.” Sebastian put a hand on Tyler’s shoulder briefly. “Look,
I’m not going to bombard you with everything tonight. I will tell
you that you were not picked at random. A lot goes into it. We
don’t choose you. We’re more informed of your upcoming
arrival beforehand so we can prepare for it. The selection process
comes from somewhere else. A senior hunter was gifted with the
power to find you and spark the process. Believe it or not it is
something you are born with. There is a good possibility
someone in your family was a hunter and you just don’t know
it.” Sebastian rose to his feet,his eyes still on Tyler. “I will be
back tomorrow to bring you to the compound. You have got to
start your training immediately. There’s no time to waste with all
the recent activity happening in Lakeview.” He gave Tyler a
quick guy nod and started toward the door.
“Wait,” Tyler called. “What if I said I didn’t want any part
in this?”
Sebastian spun back aroundto face Tyler. “Don’t even talk
like that. There isn’t a choice and besides,it’s your duty.” He
pointed a finger accusingly at Tyler as he spoke. “No matter
what you say I will be back to retrieve you tomorrow. Don’t try
and bail even if you’re not home I can find you. It’s all part of
the power you’ll see.”
“I don’t wanna see,” Tyler muttered to himself as Sebastian
started for the door again.
Tyler’s reaction was a little odd. He had said out on the road
he felt he was destined for this. Now he acted as though it were a
death sentence. Maybe it was. Unfortunately, only time would
Sebastian didn’t respond, but Emily did notice him shake
his head slightly. He had to understand Tyler’s dismay as he said
he had been there once. It bothered Emily that Sebastian had
hardly acknowledged her presence during his visit. She still had
a lot of questions, more now than ever. It seemed like now was
the perfect time to explain everything. Secrets apparently were
surfacing so why not rescue all of them from his depths.
Emily jumped up and headed for the door behind Sebastian.
Tyler only watched, he didn’t have time to say anything before
she was closing the door behind her. She had half expected
Sebastian to already be gone like all those other times.
Surprisingly, he was still there just standing on the stairs just a
few steps down.
His back was to her. For a moment she just stood there
watching him. He had to know she was there. Even if he did, he
didn’t make a move to face her. Finally she said, “what about me
“What about you?” He didn’t turn back to face her. Despite
the obvious snub, he at leastdidn’t advance down the stairs.
“Well, how do I fit into all this? I’m clearly involved
somehow. I’m a human and you told me your secret, that has to
mean something.”
He slowly turned to face her. “Yes Emily, you do have a
part in this. I’m not even sure exactly what that is. I can tell that
even though you are one of us, you’re different. You’re not a full
hunter. You have powers thatwe aren’t even aware of yet. I
don’t know what that means and I’m sorry for that” He took one
step backward down the stairs. When he stopped he stood there
tapping his fingers casually on the banister looking bored.
Emily’s eyes widened with fear. “What do you mean I’m
one of you exceptI’m different? If Tyler can see better in the
dark, sense the vamps and make things magically appear why
can’t I? I’ve never been in a fight in my life and have no instincts
towards it at all.”
Sebastianignored most of her questions. “You have
instincts. For some reason they are not within your reach as of
yet. Neither I nor my mentor understand it because you are so
clearly gifted.” He sounded utterly confused.
“Thanks, but thatreally doesn’t tell me anything.” Her
voice dripped with sarcasm. “Why is it one day you act like we
are friends and another you can’t wait to get away from me?”
Emily glowered down at him.
“I’ve tried to tell you it’s not safe for us to be friends. I lead
a dangerous life and you don’t need to be tangled up in it,
especially when we don’t clearly know your role in all of this.”
He continued walking down the stairs ending their conversation.
“Damn it Sebastian don’t walk away from me. Didn’t your
mentorteach you manners?” Emily fumed with intense anger
and disgust for the situation.
Sebastian didn’t stop moving. He did slow down, just a
little. “I don’t mean to be rude,it’s just that this conversation
isn’t going anywhere. I can’t give you answers I don’t have yet
myself. I’m trying to get to the bottom of it, believe me. I have
never seen anything like you in all my existence.” Sebastian
didn’t wait for Emily’s response before rounding the corner at
the bottom of the stairs.
For a minute Emily just stood there staring after him. Then
common sense reined in and she realized that she was out there
alone. She went back inside and locked the door behind her.
When she got in the house, Tyler had already turned down
the couch. Hide-abeds typically weren’t very comfortable.
Surprisingly, this one looked okay. The blanket he had waiting
for her was a lighter brown than the couch. It looked very warm
and soft. Emily couldn’t help smiling at the effort.
“Oh you’re back in. I figure you can take the bed and I’ll
take the couch.” Tyler tossed a pillow onto the couch and sat
Emily watched him curiously, “bedroom?” She couldn’t
help the shock in her voice. “I thought this was a studio? Did you
make a bed out ofthe tub or something?” She crossed her arms
still watching him.
Tyler looked offended. “Give me some credit. This is not a
small cramped studio. It’s a very spacious one bedroom. So
there,” he said with a sharp nod and crossed his arms.

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