Both Sides of the Fence 4: Bad Blood (13 page)

BOOK: Both Sides of the Fence 4: Bad Blood
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Chapter 27
Here I was sitting in my doctor’s office waiting for her to come back to tell me that I was pregnant. I had goose bumps up and down my legs and arms, from both nerves and the chilliness of the room. It was a little over a week from the day that I had sex with Alex. I was glad to be sitting here, ready to receive some good news. I looked around the room at all of the advertisements and things that hung on the wall. One had a picture of a man and woman with who I would assume was their baby and loving smiles on their faces. I thought about my mother and then my father’s face popped into my mind. I smiled because I thought of the possibilities of my family-to-be; then a heavy feeling came over me all of a sudden. The room grew colder by the second and I rubbed my hands over the sides of my arms to warm them but it was to no avail. I doubled over and rocked back and forth with my arms clutched across my chest. I was having a panic attack. Everywhere I looked I saw my mother’s head as I looked around the room to find a safe place to hide.
“Stay away from me. Stay away from me,” I moaned in terror. I couldn’t believe that this was happening to me now.
“Is everything okay?” The door to the room I was in swung open quickly. The look on the nurse’s face was one of panic. “I heard yelling.”
“Yelling?” I looked at her like she was crazy.
“Yes, yelling.” She looked at me with even more bewilderment. “Like someone was being hurt in here.”
“You must have heard wrong.” I gave her attitude with my statement. “Where is my doctor with my test?”
“She will be with you shortly,” she said as she looked at me a few more seconds and then she closed the door and left.
“Shit.” I banged my hand into the side of head. “Got to hold this shit together. I can’t lose it now. I’m too close to my goal. Please, God, give me some more time. All I need is a few more years. Please, God.” I pleaded with God to be merciful. I wanted to have a family.
“Is everything okay, Jasmine?” My doctor came back into the office with a piece of paper in her hand. My eyes followed it and not her around the room as she took a seat in her chair.
“Yes.” A smile of hope was covering my face. The look on hers was hard to read. I wanted to tell her to get on with all of the questions and give me my damn results. This whole situation was pressing my patience to an all-time low.
Come on with it, bitch!
“I am happy to tell you that you are with child.” She smiled as she spoke.
“Really?” I was asking to be sure. I knew she wasn’t lying but I wanted to make sure this shit wasn’t a crazy hallucination or something. I had my moments. I wasn’t oblivious to my situation just not focused on that shit right now.
“Yes, really. You are having a baby.”
“I . . . I can’t believe it.” Tears welled up in my eyes and began to fall down my cheeks. I brushed them away but they continued to fall.
“Well, believe it. In nine short months you will be having a nice bundle of joy. Was this something that you wanted or was this an accident?” she inquired.
Did this bitch call me a whore on the sly? I know she didn’t. She couldn’t have.
Maybe I was overreacting. Yes, I was overreacting. She didn’t want to be a victim. I was sure of it.
I almost said that I killed a few bitches to get this baby, but I didn’t. That probably would have freaked the shit out of her. She was this petite white woman probably in her early fifties.
“It was planned. We have been trying for a few months now and finally today it is all coming true.” I sniffed back tears as I spoke.
“So the father knows you are here?” she asked.
Okay, this bitch is really pushing it with these questions.
I kept my cool and answered, in case I was wrong. “Yes, he had to work. But he really wanted to be here with me. He is going to be so happy to find out about our baby. This is the start of a great life for us. We got married a few months ago, bought a new house and car, and now this. Life is good for us right now. I can’t wait to tell him. This the first of many.”
“I’m so happy for you. Being a mother is so rewarding. I look forward to walking with you during this process. I am going to need you to follow up with me in a few weeks to check out the progress. Here is a prescription for some prenatal vitamins and few other things that you will have to take to keep you and the unborn child healthy,” she said as she handed me a few slips of paper.
“Thank you so much. I am going to enjoy this process as well,” I said as I hopped off of the table I was sitting on. I was ready to go and spread the good news. My first stop was my daddy’s grave. I had to tell him the good news.
“Daddy,” I said as I kneeled down in front of his headstone, “I miss you, Daddy.” My voice trembled a little. I smoothed my hand over the embossed picture of him on the headstone. My daddy was so handsome. Just like Alex.
“Your little girl is going to be a mommy. You’re going to be a grandpa. Can you believe it?” The silence drove me wild. I knew that there would never be a reply but I still hoped for one.
“Daddy, I wish that you were here and that she was in there instead of you. Why did you stay with her, Daddy? Why didn’t you leave her? Why did you let her take you away? You were supposed to be here. You let her kill him! You let her kill him!” I cried out toward the heavens.
I stayed at the gravesite for a few more minutes as I got out the tears that I hadn’t shed since my mother killed him all those years ago. They were long overdue. I drove home in gloomy quietness. I entered my home alone for the last time yesterday. Today I was officially not home alone.
Chapter 28
I sat in my office, at my desk, deep in thought. I was going over the events of the day before yesterday. Alex and Jasmine had made another trip down to the precinct where I worked for some investigative questioning. I have to be honest and say that I was totally perplexed with the fact of this last girl’s murder at the club and these two being in the same club on the same night and the fact that his number was found in the victim’s phone once again. My chief was pressing me once again with the progress of resolution and I was sure he was being pressed by the district attorney’s office. Seven murdered females over the period of a year wasn’t a high priority on the list of importance in Baltimore but it was getting close. I was under the microscope and now the guy who was supposedly working with me on this case was smitten with me because I wet my dick in his hole the other day. I didn’t include Ashley in this last inquiry because I didn’t know how she would respond or act. I, for a fact, knew that Alex wanted this to go away, and quietly I might add. After sitting down with these two I had some very promising suspicions on the brain. This was how the meeting went down two days ago:
There was a knock on my office door. I was on the phone with one of Ma Dear’s doctors being filled in on the progress since I hadn’t been down to see her in a few days. I had a lot on my plate and she wasn’t a priority at the moment.
“Come in,” I called out, while still having the phone pressed to my ear. I was intently listening to the latest prognosis while I signaled the two to come in and have a seat. They both sat down; Alex had a concerned look on his face and Jasmine had a smile plastered on her face. I noticed she always has a smile plastered on her face when Alex was around. All other times she was simply straight faced. Not mean, but unemotional. I didn’t get to be around her much but I did notice that one irregularity.
Anyway, I was on the phone for but a minute more before I ended my call and focused my attention toward them alone. “Nice to see you guys today,” I said as I shifted some papers around on my desk and retrieved the file I was going to need for questioning. I was being cordial because I was in a strangely fair mood today. I really didn’t openly and honestly care about them per se. They were filling a space for the moment. “I want to let you know that this inquiry is being recorded for the purpose of this case. Would you like to have a lawyer present and postpone this so that they can be here with you or shall we continue as is?” They looked at each other for a moment before Alex spoke.
“I’m good. I know that I am innocent,” Alex said with confidence. It was a macho type of confidence. I looked over at Jasmine for her response.
“I’m glad we could make it to see you today too; and no, I’m sure of my baby’s innocence,” Jasmine said almost like she was overcome with joy. Not a typical emotion displayed here in a police station and under these circumstances.
“Well, as I was telling you guys the other day, there has been another murder, but this time it was in a public place and you two were in the same establishment.” I filled them on some specifics.
“Really?” Jasmine gasped and put her hand over her mouth in shock. Alex had no reaction. I guessed he was shocked. Or holding in his reaction for fear of incrimination. I didn’t know yet.
“Yes, this is a female who had Alex’s name in her phone and he was the last person she contacted that night.” I looked at both of them simultaneously and then at Alex to see if he was going to give any type of response.
“Alex, he talking about that girl you came with. She was your cousin right?” she looked at him and asked. She looked like a pot brewing to a boil.
“Yes, that is who he is talking about,” he said as he shifted in his chair. He looked nervous. I would be too if I were in his situation right now.
“Alex,” I said and then paused as I pulled out a transcript of a few of the texts that had transpired between the deceased and him. I handed them to him. “These are a few of the text messages that were sent between the two of you in the hours before her demise. Can you explain them to me?” A part of me was laughing at him on the inside. I was a little concerned how Jasmine was going to take this news, since she was his girlfriend and she didn’t respond too well to this type of information the last time he was in the office with her. But something was off about their last time in this office. These two were a mismatched couple. They say opposites attract but I wasn’t sure in this case. They didn’t fit together in my eyes.
“Explain?” He looked at me. I could tell he wasn’t sure how to answer me.
Before he could answer Jasmine snatched the paper and got an eyeful for herself. “I want to be the mother of your children,” she read out loud. You could see the anger rising up on her face. “I am going to enjoy blowing your back out trying to conceive them,” she continued to read. “I can’t
. . .
I can’t
. . .
believe you would do this to me, to us.” She rubbed her belly and trembled as tears fell from her eyes. “How could you?”
I looked at her in shock, not knowing that she was carrying his baby. It threw my suspicions out of the window. She rose from the chair she was sitting in and made her way into the corner of my office as she did the last time. Her low sobs could be heard in the silence of Alex and my silence.
“Shit,” he exclaimed. He got up from the chair and walked over to where she was standing. “Jazz, I’m sorry. I know I said that the last time was the last time, but I need help. I need your help for us. I can’t do this without you.” He hesitantly touched her shoulders after he spoke. “I didn’t mean what I texted her. I was trying to get laid. I have an addiction. I have a problem. Please forgive me. You mean the world to me, baby.”
She said nothing as she continued to cry. He stood there waiting for her response. I was waiting as well. Not for the same reasons. I wanted to get on with this inquiry and exclude him as a suspect again.
“You promise that you are going to get help?” she asked as she finally turned around. Her eyes were bloodshot. It crumbled my suspicions about them being fake lovers.
“I promise. For us and the baby.” He pulled her into an embrace and again they shared a long, smoldering kiss that even made me jealous. I wondered what his lips tasted like. I shook the thought from head as they finally finished.
It didn’t take long for them to become chummy again and even clasp their hands together when they sat back down in front of my desk once more.
“So can you two explain your whereabouts during the time at the establishment?” I asked.
“She was with me the whole time at the club except when she had to go to the bathroom. I’m not the type to follow a chick to the bathroom so that is where I assumed she went.” Alex answered with conviction in his words. “In fact, Jazz saw her go into the bathroom with her own eyes.”
“Is that true, Jasmine?” I asked and waited for an answer.
“Yes, I saw that trick go into the ladies’ room as I was coming from the bar. She looked sloppy drunk,” she said with a smile back on her face.
“Did you see her come out of the bathroom?” I asked Alex.
“No, she was in there for a minute. I gave up on waiting. She wasn’t my girlfriend. She was an easy lay. I went home alone. I mean Jasmine drove me home. I was intoxicated.” He looked over at her and smiled. “My baby always has my back.” It made her smile even harder.
I bypassed the sentiments of love with, “So now that we have this on file, I can officially remove you from the list of suspects once again. And my advice to you, Alex, is to stick to one girl so you won’t end up in here again. At least not for this.”
“I will.” He looked at me and then at Jasmine. “For my baby I will.”
“Since we have that out of the way, you two are free to leave. And I appreciate your cooperation. Have a great day.” I got up to shake their hands. They did the same.
“I hope you find this heathen who is doing these hideous crimes so us girls can feel safe walking the streets again,” Jasmine said before she closed the door to my office.
Not long after they left there was another knock on the door. “Come in,” I called out.
The door opened and Nelson walked into my office and closed the door. “Who were those people who left your office?” he asked without even saying hello.
My head was lowered, looking at a document. “They were people I was interviewing for the case I’m working on,” I answered, not caring to look up at him. Professionally I had no respect for him, especially after he let me fuck him the other day. Personally he was a good fuck and I would do it again for sure. Thinking about his tight little hole made my dick throb in my pants.
“I thought that you were supposed have me in here when you did interviews?”
I looked up at him, finally. He had on an angered look. Like he wanted to fuck me up. I didn’t care. He was a peon to me. “I was, but I didn’t.” I looked at him in the eyes. He was a handsome guy. It made my dick harder.
“I’m tired of you not taking me serious. I’m supposed to be working with you.”
“You are working with me.” I looked at him up and down, with only one thing on my mind. “You remember the last time you were in my office?”
“Yes.” He nodded his head.
“That was work.” I stood up from my chair with a very noticeable hard on. I rubbed it and then squeezed it. “And I need you to work again.”
“But that’s not why I came in here.” He sounded frustrated, but his focus was on the imprint of my dick. He was a slut and he knew it.
“It is. Now go and lock my door so we can get some work done,” I commanded.
He followed the instructions like I knew that he would.
“Now come over here and work on my erection.” He did as he was told. I pulled out my erection and waved from side to side as he made his way to his knees.
His mouth felt really good as he took all of me in it.
“Mmmm,” I moaned as low as I could. He was damn good at this work. “I’m gonna have to tell the boss to give you a raise for putting in such good work.”
He was supreme in his sucking skills. It was like he was trying to ease my woes through the head of my dick and into his mouth. I was going to let him, too.
“Damn, boy, who taught you how to suck like this?” I asked, rhetorically. He continued to take me all the way in his mouth with his face slamming into my pelvis. I was getting weak in the knees as he crammed all of me in him time after time. It didn’t take long for that one good thrust to send my woes and seed down his throat.
He pulled away and looked up at me. His face was a mixture or satisfaction and disappointment. Maybe he wanted me to plow his ass but there was only time enough for a face fuck.
“Don’t worry. I’ll fuck you next time.” I zipped up, walked back around my desk, and sat down. He was still on his knees in front of my desk. I began to shuffle some paper, ignoring his presence.
“What about the case?” he finally got up off of the floor and asked me. “What if the captain asks me about the case?”
“I’ll e
mail you all of my findings so you can be caught up. Other than that, the only time I need to see you is when I need some wet mouth or ass. Got it?”
“Yes. I got you.” He still looked disappointed. If he was looking for love he needed to move on. I wasn’t the one. He was a good lay.
I laughed to myself as I came back to the present. “That was a good day for me.” I was mainly talking about the fuck and crossing Alex off my list as a suspect. That still put me back at square one for suspects. I still had my suspicions about Alex and Jasmine’s relationship. I mean it looked and seemed legitimate. But I for one knew how to fake a good relationship, because I was doing it now. Something wasn’t right but I still couldn’t put my finger on it. I would be paying closer attention from now on for sure.

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