Both Sides of the Fence 4: Bad Blood (5 page)

BOOK: Both Sides of the Fence 4: Bad Blood
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Chapter 8
Dear Boy
A few days had gone by and I was now sitting in a small and quaint room where my mother was lying in the bed, high off of medication. She was on her way out. Death was knocking every day but like the soldier she was she continued to fight to live. I knew this, but that didn’t stop me from coming to see her as often as I could. Others had given up but I continued to come by and sit with her. It was the least that I could do. With the murder case going on and the plotting I was doing in my head, I barely had enough time to breathe, but I made time to be here. I had to be here.
Her eyes were closed and I was sitting in a chair beside the bed watching her eyes flutter underneath her thin, closed eyelids. I wondered what she was dreaming about. The beeping monitors that were beside her bed were helping keep her “comfortable” as the nurses said to me. This was a hospice and I was told that she didn’t have long. But that was many weeks ago. She said she was holding on until I completed the mission I was destined to complete.
“Is that you my dear boy? Is that you, Troy?” her low and groggy voice muttered out.
“Yes, Ma Dear. It is me, dear boy.” She had called me that since I could remember and that was what I answered to when she called me. “How did you know I was here?”
She slowly turned her head toward me and then spoke; her eyes were still closed. “I heard you breathing, dear boy. You have always breathed hard. Plus, I know my dear boy. It was your time to come and see me. You are always on time to see Ma Dear.” Her chest heaved upward and then back down again. A tear slid out of her left eye and cascaded down the side of her wrinkled cheek. “You loved this old woman so much. You were so faithful to me. I love you, dear boy.”
“I love you too, Ma Dear.” I reached over and gently grabbed her frail hand. She gripped my hand as tight as she could.
“So how are the plans going? You doing what I asked of you?”
“They are coming along quite smoothly, Ma Dear.”
“I hope so. I want what is owed to me. I want . . .” She was trying to catch her fading breath.
“Calm down, Ma Dear, calm down,” I said as I patted her hand. “You will see the compensation you seek. They will pay. I promise.”
“Yes, make . . . them . . . pay.” A few beeps of one of the machines around her started to beep louder than normal.
A nurse swiftly came to her bedside to check on her. “Is everything all right, Mrs. Martha?” She looked at her and then me. Ma Dear slowly nodded her head, but the look in the nurse’s eyes said she didn’t believe her.
“She needs to get some rest, sir. I need you to come back tomorrow.” She looked at me sternly. I didn’t object. They knew what was best for her so I rose from the chair I was sitting in, kissed Ma Dear on the cheek and then exited the room.
It was later this evening and I was pulling up to the Black’s family residence where I was invited over for a family dinner by Ashley. It was one of a handful of times that I had been on the inside of this house. It was always warm and inviting. It was a strange feeling for me. My home wasn’t quite like this one. It was . . . different.
I looked in the rearview mirror to make sure that I didn’t have anything on my face. I then exited my car and walked up the well-manicured walkway. Envy enveloped me as I stood at the door getting ready to knock. The door swung open as I raised my hand to knock.
“I was wondering when you were going to come in the house. You sat in the car for a long time. I was wondering if you were having second thoughts. It’s not like this is your first time here,” Mona said as a warm and jovial smile covered her face. You could see where Ashley got her good looks.
“Sorry,” I said as I frowned. “I had a few things on my mind.”
I walked in the house and took off the blazer that I had on. She immediately took it out of my hand and hung it on the wooden coat rack by the door.
“I know the feeling. I sat in my car in front of this house a few times myself in deep thought. But don’t worry; it’s only temporary, whatever it is that’s on your mind. Now give me a hug and join the others in the living room while I finish up this wonderful dinner we’re having tonight.”
“Okay,” I said as I pulled away from her calming hug. I didn’t want to let go. But I did, and then I made my way into living room that was a few feet away.
I quickly surveyed the room. It was filled with the entire family: Shawn, Ashley, Alex, Li’l Shawn, Diana, Ashley’s youngest sister, Brittany, and Ashley’s best friend, Jasmine.
Shawn, Alex, and Li’l Shawn were watching some sports on the television, while Ashley, Jasmine, Diana were engaged in conversation. Brittany was glued to an electronic gadget in her hands.
“Hey, baby.” Ashley stood up and greeted me with a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. The hug was equal to the one her mother gave me moments ago. You could tell that this family loved each other and that they were a unit. I was somewhat jealous. My family was totally dysfunctional. Ashley went back to the conversation she was in when I first arrived. I looked on in pure hate at all of them. I was a wolf among sheep.
Chapter 9
We Are Family
Why in the hell is he looking like that, again?
I thought as my younger sister, Diana, droned on and on about a guy she was dating. Troy was acting really strange lately. The look on his face hurled me back into my past like the movie of your life that flashes before your eyes in a near-death experience. It brought back so much hurt and pain that I dispersed out on so many people. He had that look of pain on his face. I heard his story, and he being in this house, full of my family, couldn’t help him and the loneliness I knew he was feeling in a room filled with such love. He didn’t know that this family was not always like this. This family was still a work in progress. He didn’t know about us and all that we had been through. I had to do something to make him feel like he was at home. Like he could call this place home. Like he was family.
“Hold on, Diana.” I put my finger up to silence her for a second. “I need to talk to Troy for a minute. I’ll be right back.” She gave me an agitated look but my man was more important than her puppy love at the moment. I got up and walked over to him.
“Baby, come with me for a second,” I said as I grabbed his hand, not giving him a chance to say no. I pulled him upstairs and into my old room, which was now Diana’s room, and then closed and locked the door. I wanted privacy like anyone else wanted.
“Baby, what’s going on?” I said as we both sat down on Diana’s bed. Her room was a mess. My younger siblings got away with murder, if you asked me. But that was another story for another time.
“Nothing. I am great,” he said and let a smile cover his face. It was not genuine. He was hiding something.
“You sure?” I said as I gently put my hand on his cheek and turned his face toward my own. I was amazed with how affectionate I had become. I never thought I would be in this space at this time.
“Yes, I am positive.” He chuckled a little. It eased my worry but I was not 100 percent confident he was being honest.
I grabbed his hand into my own. “Troy, I know that this is not something you are used to, being around my family and all, since you have so little family. I want you to know that my family is in love with you. They think the world of you. I do as well. I am so glad you came into my life when you did, because I was so unsure of myself and life in general. You mean the world to me.” I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. I was getting soft and I wasn’t sure that I liked it. I was genuine in my words to him though it was new to me.
“Wow,” he said with a shocked look on his face. There was some silence before he spoke again. “I don’t know what to say,” he said and paused again.
I was hoping that he would reciprocate the feelings toward me, but I knew that I was asking for a lot at this moment. I hoped I didn’t pressure him into having to say something back. I wanted genuine feelings back as well.
“It’s all right,” I said as I patted his leg. “Take your time and get used to this family. We are not perfect but we love hard.”
“I can see that.” He smiled. This time I could feel his sincerity. “Truthfully, I was feeling a little overwhelmed from this case at work. You know this is my first case as a detective.”
I nodded my head with understanding. “I believe in you. You are going to get this solved and move up the ranks yet again. You are a superior thinker and a diligent man. You got this.”
“You know it is so nice to have a lady on my side. Especially a beautiful lady as yourself.”
I blushed and then said, “You are trying really hard to get in my pants with all of this sweet talk.” I reached over and touched his face once again. It was warm to the touch. My hand then made its way down toward his manhood. He then reached over and fondled my breast in his hand. It didn’t take long for us to be in a lustful lip lock in my sister’s bed. It wouldn’t be the first time I did something naughty on this bed since it was the same one I slept and masturbated on in my youth.
“You are so soft and beautiful,” Troy cooed as he stopped kissing me momentarily. We hadn’t gone all the way but I knew that I wanted him to be my first. I was nervous because this was my first time with a man. I’d watched porn, but I still didn’t know what to expect when it came to sex with a man. A dildo or a woman with a strap-on wasn’t the same I’d heard.
“Thank you,” I said as my breath was beginning to become shallow. He hadn’t even touch me down below and I was already moist. “It’s yours for the taking.”
All of a sudden he pulled away.
“What’s wrong?” I instantly sat up and looked at him in disappointment.
“This is not the place for this. This is your parents’ house. This is not where I want to be intimate with you at.” He had a serious look on his face that threw me. It was like bursting an air-filled balloon.
I felt a little bit of rage building up in me. It felt familiar. I wanted to be in control. I was used to being in control. I didn’t do rejection well. It was a negative trait that I was working hard on suppressing.
“Look . . .” He placed his hand on my thigh. I wanted to push it off in anger, but I hesitated and waited to see what he was going to say. “I don’t want you to think that I don’t want you. I want so much from you. You don’t know what you mean to me as well. I want the setting to be right.”
“I understand,” I said, still a little pissed. I knew that it would go away with time. “You caught me off guard.”
There was a knock on the door that interrupted our moment.
“Yes,” I called out.
“Mommy said for you all to come downstairs for dinner,” my little sister, Brittany, said from the other side of the door. I got up, straightened my slightly disheveled clothes, and then opened the door. The look on her face was one of curiosity.
“Tell her we will be down there shortly.” I gave her a “go back downstairs” look. She interpreted the look very well and turned on her heel to make her way back downstairs.
I turned and faced Troy. “Maybe you are right because I would have been really pissed with my ten-year-old sister disturbing us as we got busy.” I laughed and so did he.
We both made sure we went to the bathroom and checked to make sure that we looked like we weren’t making out upstairs.
As soon as we got downstairs and into the dining room, all eyes were on us.
“What?” I said as I looked around the room at everyone sitting at the table waiting for us.
“I’m glad we sent Brittany up stairs when we did. Who knows what we would have interrupted,” my father said as he looked at me and then Troy. I was instantly embarrassed.
“Yes, please don’t make me a grandmother yet. I still got a few good years left in me. I am not trying to sport a rocking chair yet.” My mother laughed and then my father joined in on the laughter. Pretty soon everyone was laughing. Troy was laughing harder than anyone else who was in the room. I knew that he was beginning to feel like family and it made me feel good on the inside.
The rest of the night went on without a hitch and we all enjoyed ourselves as we played a few family games and then left to go to our respective homes. On the drive home I couldn’t help but think about what my father and mother said about being made grandparents earlier than they wanted to be. I was not trying to be a mother before I was ready so they better know that I was going to have Troy strap up when the time came.
Chapter 10
Person of Interest
I had been home from work for about an hour and a half now. I took a small nap and now it was around five o’clock in the evening. I was lying in bed, with the television on, thinking about sex. Yes, I was addicted to it. Since I had that work done on my little soldier I was banging broads like there was no tomorrow. I was surprised I didn’t have any kids yet. I always strapped up but you never know, as condoms are only 99 percent effective. Shit, my mom told us that was how Ashley and I were here today. She was on birth control when we were conceived. We were that 1 percent proof when it came to most contraception. There is always a chance to get pregnant. Always.
I was glad I didn’t have any children anyway. I wasn’t ready for all of that. I still had a few years of wildness in me. I turned over and reached onto the nightstand where my phone was charging. I pulled up my contact list and scrolled through looking for my next hit. I usually didn’t like to hit the same broad twice but tonight I needed a quick set of warm lips, pussy, mouth, or both wrapped around my prick to bring it on home and then they went home. I didn’t do overnight stays. That was a no-no.
Chicks be thinking you’re in a relationship if you roll over and go to sleep and let them go to sleep. Nah, get that ass up off the floor, bed, or wherever I fucked you, get dressed, and get it moving.
I knew it seemed callous but I wasn’t. I was a gentleman most of the time. I treated a woman right while they were in my company or before getting here, with maybe dinner or a movie. Most chicks knew the deal anyway. At least the ones I dealt with. Most of them wanted to get laid with no commitment as much as I did. I had a few who wanted to hang on to the dick like a monkey on a tree branch and it was understandable. I was working with a good piece of equipment.
I was flipping through my phone when something on the television screen caught my eye. It was the news. Actually the reporter. I rarely watched it and I don’t know how it was even on the channel. I searched through my disheveled sheets to find the remote. I was a wild sleeper and I must have slept on the remote, which inadvertently turned it to this channel. I turned up the volume to hear what the bombshell reporter had to say:
“As of late there has been a string of unsolved female murders in Baltimore City that has police baffled. A series of young women have been found in various parts of the city in some way mutilated and unrecognizable without dental records being sought out. Police are left with little evidence to go on as the person or persons committing these heinous crimes are cleaning up their tracks very well. Names haven’t been released on any of the victims at this time. Here I stand today next to the scene where a few days ago a vehicle was set ablaze with a women inside on this almost-desolate block of a lower-class neighborhood. As usual there are no witnesses in this incident. Police are urging anyone who has any information on this case to give them a call at the number that is located on the bottom of your screen. This is Jennifer Fletcher for Channel Two News.”
I shook my head and flipped the channel to something that wasn’t so depressing. After that I turned my attention back toward my phone and the chick I wanted to call over for a quick romp in the sheets.
It wasn’t long before I had a chick over and I was blowing her back out while playing me some old-school R&B music. There was nothing like some Keith Sweat to get a chick to let you fuck her on the floor with legs wrapped around your neck as your try to send her ass to the emergency room. I got my nut and sent the chick on her way like the last one. I showered, fixed me a Marie Callender’s pot pie, and climbed into bed to get some rest for the next day.
I felt good as I got up the next morning. There was nothing like a good nut, a meal, and a restful night of sleep. I put on one of my favorite suits and walked out of my apartment feeling like a million bucks.
I hopped in my car and as I was about to back my car out of its parking spot a police car pulled in back of me blocking me in.
“Ah shit, not today,” I grumbled as I placed my car back in park and put on the emergency break. “What the hell do they want?” I didn’t mean to have an attitude but I hoped that this was not about any petty shit like one of my neighbors reporting me for my loud music or some foolishness. This was a condo community and these pricks gave me grief about everything. I rolled down the window on my side of the car and waited to be addressed by whomever.
“Good morning, sir. Are you Alex Black?” A slender African American female cop asked after she approached my car window. I almost hit her with, “Depends on who wants to know,” but I knew that may have escalated the situation to somewhere I didn’t want to go.
“Yes, ma’am. I am he,” I said as I smiled at her. I didn’t want to give off any type or sign of tension. Tasting cement was not how I wanted to start my day.
“Mr. Black, you are needed down at the police station for some questioning.” She looked at me in the eyes.
I didn’t flinch. “On what matter?” I countered.
“That is not up for discussion at this present locale. The sensitivity of this matter needs to be handled behind doors.” This time she smiled after she talked. I was confused.
“I can say no to this can’t I?” I asked already knowing the answer.
“Yes, you can.” She nodded her head. “But I don’t think you want us to show up again at your place of work and bring on you a reputation that is misleading, do you?”
This mofo was good. “Okay, I do know my rights but I am going in on a voluntary basis.”
“We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. We will allow you to follow us to the precinct. Don’t make us regret it.”
“No problem,” I said and then rolled up my window and prepared to follow them to the station.
Fifteen minutes later I was sitting in an interrogation room with one of those double mirrors on one side of the room. I was at ease because I knew that I wasn’t guilty of anything. I wasn’t a delinquent in any form of the word. Everything in me was screaming to call my father and have him come down here to sit in this questioning with me, but I didn’t want to seem like a spoiled brat who needed to call his father at the slightest problem. He had taught me enough about law that I could handle myself in this type of situation. If it got too big for me then I knew I would call, but only if need be.
It wasn’t long before two officers walked into the room and greeted me. One was a regular cop type of guy; the other happened to be my sister’s boyfriend, Troy. He was cool peoples to me and I knew that I was in good hands now. I played it cool and acted as if I didn’t know him so that things would go smoothly.
“Good morning, Mr. Black. I’m pretty sure you don’t know why you are down here this morning, but I want you to know that you have nothing to worry about. This is all routine questioning.” The officer I didn’t know spoke to me with a glint of doubt in his eyes. I knew the look all too well. I was a master at it as a kid and now that I was an adult I could spot it dead on. He had already convicted me in his head.
“Good morning,” I spoke back, solemnly.
“Well, let’s cut to the chase and get right down to business. There has been a string of murdered females in the last couple of months in Baltimore City. Have you heard about them?”
“In passing, yes,” I answered.
“Well, there have been some gorgeous women being murdered and mutilated over the last month,” he repeated himself. “Some pretty gruesome stuff I might add. Ferocious and very little evidence. Here are some pictures.”
He slid a few pictures of some very beautiful girls over in front of me. On one side was a picture of them alive and the other side was of them deceased. I almost cringed but I held it in. I had slept with at least three of these chicks. Now I was thinking it was time to call my father.
“Mr. Black, how do you feel when you look at those pictures of those women and their mutilated bodies?” Troy finally came over and asked. He had a very serious look on his face. He was standing in the corner of the room paying attention to me before he came over to ask this question.
“How am I supposed to feel?” I countered with another question. I know it wasn’t the thing to do, add tension, but hey I was not going to be forced into my feelings.
“This is not a game, Mr. Black. This is some serious shit here. Stop playing with us.” Troy’s voice escalated after every sentence and then he banged on the table with one of his fists at the end of the rant. It caused me to jump a little. It was definitely time to call my father.
“I know all about games. I want to call my lawyer. He’ll answer all the questions about my feelings when he gets here.” I looked at both of them and smiled. I had never seen Troy in this light. He was so aggressive and firm. A total opposite of what he was in a personal setting. I guessed he was doing his job.
“Look, we don’t need to call any lawyers down here. These are just questions. Everybody calm down,” the other officer interjected as he looked at me and then at Troy.
“I don’t have a problem with questions,” I said. “I have a problem with forced questioning and wordplay. You know what I mean: beating around the bush.”
“Mr. Black, you are here today because three of these women had your phone number in their call logs on the night of their murders and in two you were the last call to or from. Do you have an alibi for these nights in question?” the “nice” officer asked me as he slid a piece of paper over toward me.
“These were a few girls I met through mutual friends. They were ‘hit it and quit its.’”
“Excuse me, what does that mean?” the nice officer asked.
“We had sex and then they left.” I broke it down to him in plain English.
“Oh, okay.” He nodded his head. “So these weren’t long-term relationships?”
“No.” I shook my head. I was a little embarrassed because Troy didn’t know that I was a ho.
“So you had no emotional ties to these women?” He asked another question.
“None, because both parties knew what the rules were. We both wanted sex and that was it. They left my house after we finished and that was the last I saw of them.”
“Okay, we are going to need some alibis for these nights in question. Can you provide them?” the nice officer asked. Troy stood and looked at me with his arms folded. I wasn’t sure if he was believing anything I said. I didn’t care really. I was innocent and I knew it.
“Mr. Black, we are going to release you today, but we will need those alibis as soon as possible so that we can clear you as a person of interest. Okay?”
“Sure, no problem.” I nodded my head.
“You are free to go,” he said as he got up out of his chair and so did I.
I was out of the precinct in no time and on my way to work. During the drive I texted Troy to ask him why he treated me with such hostility in the precinct. He said that it was protocol and not to take it personal. I had assumed that but I had to text and make sure. I also would have to make up a good lie to tell my boss for my reason for being late. Confirming my alibi was going to be a task. But I knew the first person I was going to ask.

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