Chapter 19
Pregnant Possibilities
“Hi, how are you?” A warm smile covered the face of a Motherhood Maternity store employee as I walked in with a smile that easily challenged hers. I had taken half the day off so I could beat the regular mall traffic at Arundel Mills Mall in Hanover, Maryland. “What can I help you with today?”
“I found out that my husband and I are expecting our first child or children, I hope.” I looked around the store like a kid in a candy shop. Tears welled up in my eyes.
“Are you okay?” She came from behind the counter and walked over to me. She started to rub my back. The tears really began to flow then. I was hunched over a bit. She then cradled me in her arms.
I sobbed and sobbed and then lifted my head. “We have been trying for so, so long. I . . . I didn’t think it was going to happen you know.” I looked at her and a smile began to resurface on my face.
“I’m so glad that you are expecting.” She continued to rub my back. It was a motherly type of rub, too. It made me think of my mother and her drama. I cringed at the thought.
“I’m okay now,” I snapped and then walked away. She looked at me, and confusion covered her face. “So what do you have for beginning mothers?”
“How far along are you?” she asked as her smile resurfaced on her face as well.
“About a week,” I lied and smiled proudly. It had only been two full days since I let Alex explode his seed into my womb.
“Oh.” She looked at me strangely.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Nothing, it’s . . .” Her voice trailed off and then she walked away. I followed.
“It’s what?” She was in a corner of the store as I approached her. She was pretending to be folding some clothes but I didn’t care. “What were you going to say?” I moved in closer to her. My voice was filled with attitude and curiosity. I wanted to know what she was going to say. I demanded it actually.
“I . . . I wasn’t going to say anything,” she nervously fumbled, looking past me in hopes of a rescue. It was only she and I in the store.
“Bitch, say it,” I growled as I leaned into her direction. I was damn near kissing her.
“I was going to say isn’t it a little early for maternity shopping?” She spoke in a low tone. She was afraid. She was a thin black woman, probably in her thirties. I wasn’t huge but I could easily take her. She knew it.
“What does that mean?” I huffed. “You are all up in my business. You are supposed to be a saleswoman. Now sell me something before I lose it and beat your ass in here. If I wanted counsel I would have asked for it. Acting like you are a walking pregnancy test and shit,” I said as I backed up off of her. She looked a little relieved as I moved out of her vicinity and browsed through a few racks. She made her way back toward the register area. I watched her out of the corner of my eyes, in case she was calling security or something.
I picked out a few pieces of clothing, mainly T-shirts with catchy phrases like “Eating for two,” “Bun in the oven,” and a few others. I walked up to the register with my selections and put them on the counter.
“Will that be all?” she asked as she hurriedly rang my things up and stuffed them in the bag.
I looked at her with an evil glare. “I think you might want handle my shit with a little more care. Tossing my clothes in the bag won’t get me out of here faster, but it will get you tossed up in here faster. Fold my shit right,” I said looking her dead in the eyes. Today wasn’t the day to try me.
She did as she was told and took each piece out and folded it like it was supposed to be folded. I handed her my credit card and she processed my payment and handed me my card back. She didn’t even look at me while she did it. I knew her ass wanted me out of the store but I was leaving when I wanted to not hastily like she was trying to make me leave.
She handed me my purchase and turned to do something behind her. “What? No ‘Have a nice day?’”
“Have a nice day,” she said over her shoulder. It took everything in me not to snatch her but I didn’t want to risk hurting the baby growing inside of me.
I walked around the mall for a little bit, grabbed myself something to eat, and caught a movie. As soon as I exited the movie theater my phone began to ring. I fumbled through my purse to find it and when I did I immediately pressed ANSWER.
“Hey, girlie, wassup?” I greeted Ashley.
“Girl, it’s some serious stuff going down. Can you come over to my parents’ house ASAP?” she asked.
“Sure, Ash. I’m on my way. What’s wrong?” I asked with concern.
“I can’t explain right now. I need you here.”
“All right, see you shortly.” I hung up the phone, threw it back in my purse, and left the mall. It didn’t take me long to get to my car because I was walking at a quick pace. Ashley sounded stressed. I had to go and see what was going on.
Chapter 20
Good stuff
Blood was everywhere.
The piercing screams that I could still hear.
The revenge in his voice.
The pleading in hers.
The fear that filled my body as I stood there helpless and paralyzed.
What could I do?
I was a child.
What could I do?
I lay naked in my bed, sweat covering my body. I was deep in the past. This was an occurrence that happened a few times a week since that day. It left me weak and drained. The thoughts of that night drained my life. But I rolled over, sat up, and placed my feet firmly onto my wood floor. I stood up and stretched my body. I walked over to the full-length mirror that was on the back of my door and admired my body. I was in shape. I had an exercise regimen that kept me fit. I had an athlete’s body.
It was four o’clock in the morning: the time I got up daily. I turned back around and walked back toward my bed. I immediately removed the damp linen. I placed it in the hamper on the other side of the room and quickly made a trip to my linen closest for a replacement. After I was finished with that I made my way out of my room and toward my in-home gym. I spent a half hour in this room this morning before making my way to the bathroom to shower, shave, and brush my teeth. I dressed and made my way toward my basement. I lived in a ranch-type house that was perfect for me.
My basement consisted of three rooms: a recreation room, bathroom, and my task force room. I headed right toward my task force room. In it was my whole life’s work. It was padlocked for my protection. I unlocked it and opened the door. I inhaled as I entered the room. It was my sanctuary. I had all my research posted up on all of the walls. I had social site pictures up of Ashley, Alex, Diana, and their father, James Parks. Autopsy documents, birth certificates, obituaries, and more. Being a police officer I had access to many things. I had phone records. I had so much on them. They were going down. I spent about fifteen minutes in the room before I made my way back up to the kitchen for a quick breakfast.
I quickly fixed a bowl of oatmeal, wheat toast, and a glass of orange juice. I cleaned up my dishes and made my way out of my house. I drove my regular route to work, which only took me about thirty minutes.
I walked into the precinct with a lot on my mind, mainly the case of these murdered girls. The new one that I was waiting for the results on was at the forefront of my mind the most. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. This one was a little different from the other girls. It looked desperate and unplanned. If this was the same person doing these killings, they were definitely getting sloppy.
I walked into my office and promptly turned my laptop on. There was a knock on the door that unnerved me instantly. I hated to be disturbed most of the time, but mornings were the most irritating to me. I didn’t like to be disturbed before I prepped myself for work. The first few minutes of my workday in the office were dedicated to reading over my notes from the day before. Now here someone was interrupting the flow.
“Come in,” I yelled. Irritation was mixed in on purpose. My so-called partner walked in through the door.
“Hey, good morning.” The officer who helped me interrogate Alex the first time came in with a jubilant smile on his face. Not only did he play the good cop in our times together in the interrogation room, he was a happy person all of the time. Now I didn’t hate that. I wasn’t feeling it this early in the morning. The pressure was on about this case and I was trying to prove myself and handle my personal life as well. I was focused and happy didn’t fit at the moment.
“Good morning,” I spoke low and with little enthusiasm. “What can I help you with?”
“Wow, dude, what got your goat this morning?” He looked at me with the same smile.
My countenance didn’t change either. I wanted to be alone. “Nelson, what can I do for you?” I looked at him straight in the eye. It was one of the first times I actually did. He was different. I rose from my seat, walked around my desk, closed my door, and made sure it was locked. I was glad that this moment had happened. I had been pent up for so long. I needed a release. I needed one bad.
“I was here to check in on you with the case. Since we are supposed to be working together.” He was still facing my desk as he talked. I walked up behind him.
“Nelson, there is something about you. Something different.” I put my hand on his shoulder as I stood in close proximity to him. I felt his uneasiness as his shoulders tensed up.
“Wh . . . why you say that?” He turned his head toward me as his voice quivered out the words he spoke.
“Well, I have heard some disturbing things about you and paid them no mind most of the time, but today I am very interested in seeing if they are true.”
“Wh . . . what have you heard?” His voice continued to resound in nervousness.
I unlatched my belt, with one hand still on his shoulder, unzipped my pants, reached in for my already-rock hard manhood and pulled it out.
“I heard that the warm of your mouth is divine.” I walked around the side of him so he could get a good view at my throbbing piece of meat.
The look on his face and the gulp of his hard swallow let me know that the rumor was true. He was a meat eater. Truth was I didn’t hear anything about him around here because I stayed to myself but as the saying goes, “It takes one to know one.” I knew he was one. He was a good-looking one, too. I was able to control myself most of the time but today my flesh was calling the shots and this opportunity presented itself. I was answering the call.
“What do you want me to do with that?” He suddenly turned back around and faced my desk as if I was lying and the saliva that had involuntarily slid out of the side of his mouth didn’t give him away.
“I want you to take your time and put it in your mouth. We both know you want it,” I said as I took it and waved it from side to side with my hips. He looked out of the side of his eye.
“You have me mixed up with someone else.” He hopped up out the chair and made his way toward the door.
“No, you are him. Come and get it. I know you want this load in your mouth and oozing slowly down your throat. You know it.” I walked up on him and put my hand on his shoulder once again. This time he was face to face with me. He was looking down toward the floor, at my dick most likely. I placed my other hand on his other shoulder and applied light pressure. He buckled and on his knees he went.
He took all of me in his mouth. The feeling that went through me was euphoric and pleasurable. My head fell backward as I palmed his curly haired head.
“Yes, suck it!” I moaned very low and sensuous. It had been a long and laboring time since I felt a mouth this good or at all for that matter. He took slow, long strides up and down my dick. I was glad that he was taking his time. He knew what he was doing. He never gagged or seemed stressed as I plunged the back of his throat a few good times in between his slow pace.
“You feel so good. You are doing well.” I spoke low as his eyes looked up at me as most meat eaters did when they asked how they were doing with their eyes. He continued to wet my dick with his mouth like I liked it. But today I wanted more. I wanted to fuck. Fuck out some of my frustrations.
I reached down and pulled him up by one of his armpits. He had a look of disappointment on his face. No words needed to be spoken as I reached around him and palmed his firm behind. I pointed to the plush and sturdy chair that sat on the left side of my office wall. He walked over to it and then reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a condom, which I figured his tramp ass would have, and placed it on the side arm of the chair. He pulled down his pants and positioned himself with his knees in the chair and hands holding the back of the chair.
I smiled as I walked up behind him, because it had been a long time since I fucked a dude or had one fuck me. I was on a self-imposed sexual hiatus until now. I remembered how it felt and I was looking forward to working out a good nut. I had to be careful not to make too much noise because I didn’t want to attract any unwanted attention but I didn’t want to take too long with fucking him. I had other things to do.
I placed the condom on my dick and proceeded to push myself inside of him. An “ahhh” escaped my mouth as my pelvis reached his butt. He didn’t whimper or moan, he wiggled his behind in pleasure. I slowly ground into him for the first few thrusts, but it didn’t take long for me to work up a good pace without slamming into him and making noise. He was good at being quiet as well. He took the dick well. I wasn’t long in length but wide in girth. I had fucked a few dudes in the past who had no problems being vocal. In the back of my mind I was thinking that I would want to fuck Nelson again. Simply because of his obedience and cautiousness.
It didn’t take long for me to cum in the condom and pull myself out. It was a great release and relief for me.
I walked over to my desk with my dick still out and opened the drawer to my desk that had some Wet Ones inside. I pulled out a few for myself before I took the container out and tossed it his way. I cleaned myself off as he did the same. He had a smile on his face. My facial expression changed back to the one I had on earlier. I sat down at my desk and began to get some work done. There was no more discussion needed between us. What else could be said? He got his need and want met and so did I. He exited the office and I smiled after he shut my door.
“Damn, that was some good ass,” I said and then laughed. I reached down and massaged my hard-on that arrived back so quickly. I ignored it for the rest of the day.
After I left work, I made a short stop past the hospice to see Ma Dear and then went to check on Diana. I fed her, and bathed her almost every other day. Kidnapping was a task in itself. But my plans were coming together. I was glad about that.