Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance) (36 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance)
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“More beautiful than I imagined.” His sweet words brought a flush of pleasure to her cheeks.

When he grabbed her bottom and lifted her against the door, she went willingly, her legs wrapping around his tight waist. She had only a moment’s hesitation. Should she tell him?

But then his tongue was working in and out of her mouth again and the hard round tip of him was sliding along her sex. Their moans filled the room as the scent of sex and sweat coated their skin.

Cock wet with her cream he slid the tip to her entrance and pushed in the barest of inches. Jackie’s eyes flew wide and she wrapped her arms tight around him. He took that as an invitation and buried his head in her neck, giving her sharp bites meant to show her his dominance. It only made her wetter.

He drove inside her a little more and she felt her channel spreading in a good but strange way. She’d only ever done it with her own fingers, but he was much thicker and hotter. The sensation was erotic and delicious as he pulled back out then worked back in again until he hit a barrier.

Startled, he pulled back to stare. “Jackie?”

She blushed crimson. He saw it and smiled softly. The kiss he gave her was sweet and gentle. When he pulled away the vice she held around him loosened some around his shaft.

“I’ll never forget this gift, Jackie.”

Then his soft expression transformed into a mask of erotic pain. He closed his eyes hard, gripped her hips in his hands and said, “Hold on baby. I hope this doesn’t hurt much.”

Then he thrust inside.

Jackie felt like she was torn apart. Her channel, even slick with need, stretched to a nearly unbearable level, burning and stinging at the intrusion.

“Thane, Thane, Thane,” she whispered, her head shaking side to side.

“I’m so sorry, honey.” His hand reached between them to caress her swollen bud in tight, quick circles.

Jackie gasped as her body tightened with an onslaught that would surely kill her. The burning sensation lessened until it was only a minor ache and so she relaxed her leg’s death grip around his hips. His shoulders sagged with relief and then he was pulling out of her so slowly, dragging through her wet, soft channel.

He groaned then couldn’t stop kissing her and tasting her as he slowly worked his way back in. And he never stopped working his magic on her clitoris, moving faster and faster. Jackie’s heart raced in her ears, blood pumping so hard. She wanted him to move faster but couldn’t speak as her throat was dry and tight.

Her fingers curled hard into his back, nails piercing. As if unable to contain himself, he groaned and thrust in a little bit harder. Jackie let out a cry as that thrust curled her toes and hardened her nipples into hard, painful peaks.

His eyes took everything in and then he was moving harder between her thighs. His thrusts were slow, measured but landed against her with a slapping of flesh.

Jackie lasted only a few more of those delicious thrusts because then she was blinded by piercing, wonderful pleasure. She shouted, her body tightening everywhere, eyes going blind, and she shuddered around him. Milking, shaking, and crying out as her body burst with hot pleasure.

Somehow she managed to stay with him and for that she was grateful, because she got to see him lose control. His hands left her sex to grip her ass in a hard grip, then he was thrusting inside her in fast, hard strokes.

He slid even easier inside her as her fresh cream coated him. Breathing heavy and erratic, he leaned back over her neck and bit her once.

Skin broke, blood poured out, and then he was mating with her. Jackie never knew, never expected...the incredible amount of pleasure that came with his bite. The heat inside her came back in full force as if this was all leading to one big build up and her previous release was just a tiny scratch on the surface. For a moment, her heart pounded with fear. Could she even survive this?

But she had no time to think about that question because he pulled back with a husky grunt and said, “Your turn.”

In the true ritual of shapeshifters mating, Jackie kissed his neck then used the beast’s strength inside her to break his skin. He tasted like he smelled—earthy and rich. She took all that she needed and pulled away as her body tore apart.

Screams pulled from her throat, deep within her chest as she came and came. He drove into her with a shout, and somehow he rode her through the waves crashing inside her body. He landed deep and jetted hot and thick inside her.

They were one.

Jackie had never felt better than she did in that moment. She let him carry her to bed because she couldn’t move. She settled across his bare chest with a sigh and fell asleep in her mate’s arms.



Chapter 35


When the world reappeared, they were back in her room at Tyrian’s castle. She spun around taking in her antique chests, canopy bed, and lace draperies hanging from the window.

She turned to him. “What are you doing?”

Draven disappeared and returned a minute later with her luggage.

“Master—I mean, Draven, my lord, please tell me what’s going on. Why am I back here? I never said I’d go with you,” she rushed to add.

He cut her a sharp look. A look passed over his face like a shield and guilt nagged at her. Had she just hurt his feelings?

“You are my
. You will do what I say.” He looked away. When he looked back at her, his eyes were dark with something she didn’t recognize but it made her heart flutter like a pack of trapped birds in a net.

“You left me.”

She retreated before she was aware of what she was doing. Her legs hit the mattress of her bed. She held her hands out before her, pleading.

“Please, Draven. I truly did not want to leave you. I—”

He laughed, the sound hard. “But that’s exactly what you did, Lucinda.” Her name was a silken caress from his lips. He took a step toward her, backing her against the bed.

“I care for you, truly. You must know that after so many years.”

He gave her a hard look that silenced her. Another step forward and his body brushed along hers.

“You left me,” he said darkly.

Helpless she shook her head. “I merely wanted some freedom. I care for you but I need—”

He silenced her with his mouth.

Hot hands, passionate mouth touched her, tasted her everywhere.

He didn’t let her up for air until dawn crept in. Only when her body was a languid mesh. She attempted to talk but the only thing that came out was a yawn. He rolled against her, cradling her back to his front...and she fell asleep.

When she woke, he was gone.


* * *


 “I refuse to be treated like this,” Lucinda said softly.

She sat in a high-back, antique chair facing the fireplace. Even without seeing her eyes, he knew she was sad, angry even.

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Rarely in his life did he not know what to do. He didn’t always make the right choices, but at least he’d made one. But now? He had no idea what to do. He’d stolen her from her escape and kept her locked in her room ever since. It didn’t sit right in his gut at all, but damn if he couldn’t think of anything else he could do.

If he let her go, she’d run. He knew with absolute certainty that that wasn’t a possibility for him. In a short period of time, she’d managed to get under his skin and take up a permanent living there. If he let her go now...he might never be able to deal.

She was so unlike his previous
. When Charlotte betrayed him, he hadn’t known what to do. A dark part of him had wanted to kill her but had been unable to go through with the deed. So he’d sent her to Tyrian to be disposed of. He hadn’t wanted to know where she’d gone, but he couldn’t deny his curiosity. It was only three weeks before he’d gone to Tyrian to ask about her. He’d said he sent her to a remote vampire clan in the far east of Europe to live. He’d warned them of her knack for attempted murder.

Draven hadn’t felt better about it. A sick, twisted part of him had still missed her. After all, just because the crazy woman had tried to end his life didn’t stop him from caring about her.

Because you are a fool!

But now he understood that Lucinda wasn’t anything like Charlotte. Charlotte had been full of coy smiles, lies, and incredible anger. He could still remember the sound of her voice screaming at him.

For the life of him he couldn’t fathom why she was upset. He’d taken her in as his
and even she admitted he’d been very good to her, allowing her spoken privileges that not all

Yet she ran from me.

Still that knowledge put a dark anger inside him. She could have been hurt, lost, abused. She didn’t know how to fight. He didn’t even think she had any money. Where had she planned on going? A fresh wave of anger tightened inside him. It hadn’t even mattered. So long as she was away from him she’d be happy.

After she gave me her body!

How could she make him feel so...different then leave him. It felt like another betrayal.

Finally he came to her and took the chair next to her. “Treat you like what?”

She looked at him with soft eyes, eyes filled with confusion and anger. A blush crept over her cheeks and her lips moved but no sound came out. Draven had a feeling he didn’t want to hear her answer but he asked anyways.

“Treat you like what, Lucinda?”

She swallowed hard then said so softly he barely heard it, “A whore.”

He sat there stunned, mouth open. She saw his expression and looked even more embarrassed before she looked away to stare at the floor.

Draven’s mind raced a mile a minute. A whore? She thought herself a whore? His gut churned painfully, his chest pulling uncomfortably tight. Stark cold came over him. He’d made her feel like that. He never should have taken her body. Should have been stronger or taken her advice and gotten rid of her. But how could he? She made him feel good. He could have laughed. She actually made him feel younger and not like the jaded ass he was.

He thought over the last few days he’d kept her here and hated himself even more. He’d done nothing but work himself between her thighs. Shame had him turning away from her. God, he was an animal. He kidnapped her, brought her to a place she didn’t want to be then took her body.

“Fuck,” he muttered and stalked across the room.

That strange tightness in his chest constricted even more until he wasn’t sure if he was breathing anymore. Quit being a selfish asshole, he thought.

“You’re right, of course. I accept your relinquishing. If you ever need anything, please let me know.”

He heard her gasp but couldn’t bear to turn to her. What would he see on her face if he did? Surprise, happiness? He didn’t think he could handle seeing her happy to be rid of him.

“I can leave you here or take you to wherever you want to go before I leave.”

So preoccupied was he in his busy thoughts, he never heard her step up behind him. The soft hand curling around his arm had him stiffening. Slowly, he turned to look at her. Whoosh. The air in his lungs left him in a rush. She was so beautiful it hurt to look at her. Flawless skin and innocent eyes all looking right at him. He felt humbled and sickened all at the same time. Whore. The word echoed inside his mind as a nasty reminder. God how could she think that? She was the loveliest of creatures.

“You mean that,” she asked softly.

He gave a tight smile and nodded. “Do you,” he paused to clear the dryness in his throat. “Do you know where you want to go?”

Her mouth turned up into a tumultuous smile. “It’s not a matter of where I want to go, Draven, so much as who I want to be with.”

His first instinct was violent anger. “Who?”

Her eyes widened at his tone and she took an instinctual step back. “Why with you of course.” Now she looked at him as if he was daft.

Never a man of great patience, Draven felt his slipping quickly away.

“What are you talking about? You said you want to be rid of me.”

“No,” she said sternly. “I said I don’t wish to be your whore or your
.” She blushed before going on. “I want more. And I want it with you.”

Frowning, Draven pulled his arm away from her touch. “Never use that word with me again, Lucinda. You were never nor could you ever be a whore. Then what the hell is it you want from me?”

If she was shocked at his language, she didn’t show it. She actually smiled at him, smiled!

“I want you to be with me for me. Because you care for me as I do you.” She held that hopeful, happy smile for a full minute before it started to dim at his silence.

“Be with me,” he said slowly as if he didn’t understand the words. “How?” he said, genuinely puzzled.

She flushed darker and stood straighter. “Well, I don’t know. Like Chloe and Commander Tyrian. They are...together.”

Draven finally understood, and his brain felt like it fell through the floor. She wanted to be with him as in...a marriage. For a moment, he couldn’t breathe. Then he was breathing too fast too hard. The room spun around him in circles.

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