Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance) (35 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance)
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He struck again and her eyes rolled back. It was never like this with Master Tyrian. Only him. Only Draven.

Suddenly warm air brushed along her bare legs. Strong hands traced the contours of her bare thighs before cupping her bare bottom in a predatory grip.


Frantically she looked around but no one was in the car with them. No one dared to peer into the windows at them.

He pulled away from her neck with one final lick to seal the wounds. Before she could say another word, his mouth was back on hers. One hand moved around to the front to cup her sex. He groaned against her lips, the sound producing one of her own.

“I need you now,” he said against her lips.

Lucinda darted glances up and down the passenger car. Still no one. But that didn’t mean someone might not come in or peer into the window.

“No, Draven. Not here.”

His fingers slid into her wet lips finding her hot and wet. He thrust his tongue inside her mouth and she had the distinct feeling he was showing her what he wanted to do to her down there.

“Yes, here,” he growled.

And that was all warning she had before he pulled his hard cock out and pressed it between her legs. Lucinda’s eyes threatened to shut permanently. Her head wobbled side to side before finally falling back against the wall as he rubbed his cock along her wet sex.

He gripped her thigh in a hand, cupped a cheek in another, then lifted her as he fit himself to her and thrust inside.

She choked on a moan as he started filling her. She’d never been with a man before Draven. Even that had only been twice and her body still felt too tight to keep him in. He didn’t look like he minded though, in fact, his eyes nearly simmered with heat.

He pulled back to watch her face as he held himself as deep as he could. She was hot and tight around him. It was only a matter of seconds before she was squirming in his grasp for something more.

“Draven,” she whispered raggedly.

He closed his eyes and started to thrust. He hit her deep and hard, unrelenting. His pace quickened fast like he had no control over himself.

Lucinda had only one choice—to hold on as he took her. It was rough and wild. Skin slapping together, harsh noises mixing as he plummeted her depths with a passion that tightened her sex into an impossible point.

She opened her mouth to scream but he caught it in a kiss, leaving her shuddering and moaning into his mouth as her body fiercely exploded around him. He followed her.

Hands bruising her flesh, he held her hard to him as he hammered into her, spurred on by her wet release. His face became a pained expression, his neck tightening with veins and tendons flexing.

On a harsh groan he landed deep, slammed his mouth down on hers and jetted his hot seed inside her.

The passenger car door slid open.

“What the heck is going on here?” yelled a man wearing a train attendant’s uniform.

Lucinda’s cheeks blushed with mortification as she pushed away from Draven and righted her dress.

Draven wasn’t nearly so fazed. He casually pulled his pants up as if the attendant had just walked in on them sharing tea

“I said what the hell is going on here?”

Draven sent the man an arrogant look. Then he grabbed Lucinda’s hand and the world dissolved around them.



Chapter 34


“I said hold on a sec!”

Jackie tossed back the covers and pulled a robe on as she half-weaved/half-stumbled to the front door. The pounding still didn’t stop. Ready to kill whoever dared to interrupt her sleep, she threw open the door and bared her teeth at her newest victim.

Thane Vanner did not look impressed with her anger.

“I need to talk to you,” he said curtly.

She looked at her wall clock and saw that it was almost three in the morning. “Now?” she said in disbelief.

He nodded and stepped past her.

“Um, excuse me. You can’t just saunter in here like you own the place.”

Ignoring her, he took a seat at her couch. “You said you’d always talk to me if I ever needed it. I’m calling you on that right now.”

Jackie’s mind struggled to think of when she’d said something so stupid, but then her mind flashed back to the drunken night at the club when he came and got her. And changed her life.

“Dammit,” she muttered and closed the door. This must be her punishment for trying to get hammered. It wasn’t even something she usually partook in. But of course he’d use that against her. The bastard.

Instead of taking a seat she stood a good fifteen feet away from him. She’d prefer more distance but her place wasn’t that big.

“What do you want?”

He sighed and ran a hand over the back of his neck. He really did look like hell. Dark circles formed shadows under his eyes and he looked haggard from his messy hair to his wrinkled clothes.

“I can’t sleep. Hell, I feel like I can’t even think straight anymore.”

With a sigh, Jackie took a seat on the sofa furthest from him. “Why’s that?”

He pinned her with a glare. His eyes were dark but vibrant. “Because of you.”

“I can’t fall asleep,” she heard him saying. “And when I do I just dream. Dream, dream, dream. They’re so vivid, so acute that I don’t know if I want to stay asleep or wake up.” He sounded so pained; Jackie had to resist the urge to go to him.

“Are you having nightmares?”

He threw back his head and laughed. Frowning, she didn’t think any of this was funny at all. He looked back at her with a sad smile.

“I dream of you, Jackie.”

Now it was her turn to laugh though hers held an edge of hysteria to it. She blinked at him, words failing her. She’d never had a man lose sleep over her in her entire life. She’d laugh at the thought that Thane lost sleep over her but deep down she knew...and he knew. The word mate bounced around in her head.

“Of course, why didn’t I think of that,” she said dryly.

He ignored her barb. “I’ve dreamt of you for years.”

Jackie’s eyes shot wide. Her heart fluttered in her chest, started pounding wildly.

“I used to have these dreams on occasion. Maybe a few times a month. About a redheaded woman coming to me, making love to me. I never really saw her face but it didn’t matter.”

Jackie snorted and he leveled his piercing gaze on her. It cut her snort short. Jackie wouldn’t know until later that when she lashed out it wasn’t because she was mad, but afraid to see the truth.

“You only never saw her face because it was unnecessary, Thane. Just another woman in your bed.”

Anger flared in his eyes, his jaw tightened and it was enough that she looked away from him. In a flash of movement, he was in front of her. He snagged the front of her robe and pulled her up against him. She didn’t struggle, too surprised by his actions.

“It wasn’t just another woman and you know it. It was you. It’s always been you.”

She met his hard stare with one of her own. “Liar.”

His eyes narrowed dangerously, the brown irises darkening to near black. “Don’t push me tonight, Jacquelyn. Don’t make me break my promise.”

Her stomach tightened with delight—the opposite reaction she wanted to have around him.

“I didn’t come to you, Thane,” she whispered.

His hands slid down over her robe, reaching around her back to arch her into him.

He leaned down and she jerked her head away, her heart racing with fear that he’d kiss her. If he kissed her and then she wouldn’t be able to let him stop. Her resistance had been steadily falling every day. Each touch, each kiss tore at that resistance with the power of a sledgehammer wielded by a giant.

He didn’t kiss her. His lips touched her ear and said in a voice that brought shivers over her body, “You did in my dream tonight.”

The heat of his hands warmed her through her thick cotton robe. His caresses were subtle, massaging circles that aroused her better than her own nighttime fantasies.

“Give us a chance,” he said in that haunting voice that beckoned her to follow him. That said everything would be okay.

She didn’t try to stop it as her hands ran up the hard expanse of his chest to curl around his hard shoulders. She had to touch him. Had to feel him before she lost all train of thought.

“I will take care of you. I will love you,” he whispered. He kissed her neck in soft, teasing bites that made her breasts feel heavy and full.

“It’s not fair.”

His hands tightened around her, sweeping up and down her back in long comforting motions.

“I know, baby. I wish I could take things back. I wish I would have been strong enough to chase after you a long, long time ago.”

Jackie blinked slowly as her mind cleared just a tad from the hazy fog around them.

“What are you talking about?”

He nuzzled her shoulder before answering. She hadn’t even realized he’d swept the robe off one shoulder until he did it. He placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss there.

“You always scared the hell out of me,” he said with a soft chuckle.

She tried to think. She knew what he was saying was important but his touch kept making her eyes close and her body go lax. Thinking fast, she wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling her in closer to the amazing warmth of his body. She clenched tight to keep her mind focused.

“What do you mean?”

Sighing, he trailed his lips across her collarbone to the other side of her neck to give her more of those soft kisses.

“Strong, confident Jackie. She’d laugh at me if I asked her out. She’d shun me with her eyes before the ‘no’ ever formed from her pretty little lips.”

Jackie’s heart took a staggering step in her chest. He’d been interested in her this whole time? Her stubbornness was the reason he never...? She quickly tried to deny it, but she couldn’t form the words. They stopped in her throat and a horrible feeling came over her like a dark cloud.

He was right.

She wouldn’t have said yes. She’d been too scared...just like she was now.

Hands tightening in his long, shaggy hair she whispered her fear to him. He squeezed her tight against him with a bone-deep sigh.

“I know, baby. I know.”

Then he kissed her, and she didn’t plan on stopping him ever again.

His mouth took hers with a passion that swept her up and warmed her body down to her toes. Any lingering doubts and fears evaporated like hot water in a snowstorm. She kissed him back just as fiercely. With tongue and lips, they met each other match for match, stroke for stroke. Years of passionate glances, nighttime dreams, and yearning all collided together until they were frantically pulling at each other’s clothes.

Jackie laughed. They were like two lovers in a race to see who could take off the other’s clothes first. He won. Though, not fair, considering she only wore a robe.

His hands touched her everywhere, leaving no inch untouched as he molded her to him with husky, satisfied groans.

“I accept you,” she said.

His roaming hands stilled against her. His mouth lifted from her breast; he watched her with a mask of disbelief.

“You do?” he said in disbelief.

She nodded and rushed on before she lost all her courage. “You were right. I was always so scared but...I don’t want to be that person anymore, running, hiding from what she wants.”

Unease flashed across his face. “Even if that means seeing faces of women I...” He stopped, unable to finish the sentence.

Jackie’s heart seized up at the reminder, but then she relaxed. He was in her home; she was in his arms, and he was her mate. No one could break that bond.

“Even if,” she said with a small smile. “For someone who prides herself on being strong, I’ve been such a coward.”

As if unable to help himself, his hands reached down to cup her bare bottom and arch her against him. She had trouble opening her eyes as she grew wet between her legs.

“Thane, take me. As a mate,” she said huskily.

He didn’t need any more words.

Their mouths came together in a passionate mating. Wet lips fused together then swept open for dueling tongues. She pulled down the zipper of his pants and the soft rustling of fabric as they fell was music to her ears.

She grasped hold of his cock and moaned at the feel of him. He was thick, hot, and so hard in her hand. She couldn’t keep herself from stroking him up and down the rigid staff, just as she’d seen him do in the shower.

His lips tore away from hers to suck her breast into his mouth. When her back hit the front door, she sighed, her hands eagerly running over the strong bunch of muscles in his back and shoulders.

“Thane.” Her whisper was like a silken caress to his ears.

He grunted against her breast then released it. He gave her one last searing look before his eyes traced over her naked body, lingering on her high, full breasts, stomach, and firm thighs before landing on the thin line of hair leading to her sex. His eyes took on a darker light then; his cock bobbed, eager for her.

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