Bold Seduction (13 page)

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Authors: Karyn Gerrard

BOOK: Bold Seduction
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He handed her a silver flask. “Brandy. Take a deep gulp. It will warm you.” Since her hand trembled, he clasped his over hers, raising the flask to her lips. “Drink, go on.”

The liquid burned a fiery trail down her throat. It helped dissipate the chill. Spence tipped the flask to his lips and drank. He handed it back to her, reached for the towel, and laid it across Theodora.

“She came into my study barking quite furiously and led me straight to you. I shudder to think how long you could have lain there exposed to the elements. My damned pride kept me from seeking you out to apologize for my abhorrent behavior.” She started to speak, but Spence raised his hand to silence her. “It is hard to explain one’s demons. I have these--episodes since childhood. Back then, they would manifest themselves as crying jags, enough to worry my parents and prompt them to call in a medical professional. Later as I grew older, the crying turned to rages. It does not happen often and I apologize you were exposed to my weakness of character.” Spence continued to stroke the warm cloth on Theodora who sighed and curled up closer. The dog closed her eyes and fell asleep.

“Don’t call it a weakness. You simply do not like anyone touching your things.”

“Not as a general rule, yet I permitted you to enter my room and allowed you to shave me. I did not vent my spleen at you then. There is no rhyme or reason for my reaction. Perhaps my father should have placed me in the asylum at the doctor’s suggestion. Perhaps shock treatments might have helped.”

Phil snuggled next to Spence, laying her head on his shoulder. “Your father was quite right not to allow such a barbaric treatment. You are
mad. I should have realized and not reacted with such fury. I should have understood and helped you. We are not perfect, Spence. No one is. We all have demons of one sort or another.”

“I do not deserve your compassion. What were you doing outside?”

Phil took another small sip of brandy and handed the flask to Spence. “When I am angry, I clean. The door was open because I dragged crates of rubbish outside. Theodora came into the kitchen and bolted out the door. You did say she is old and not entirely well. I didn’t think. I ran after her and lost my bearings.” She sighed, and burrowed in closer to Spence, reveling in his scent and warmth. “Something might have happened to her and you would have been devastated. I had to find her. I slipped and fell, then hit my head and wrenched my ankle for good measure.”

Spence sat the flask on the floor, then tunneled his hands through her wet hair. “There is a small bump. Do you feel dizzy or faint?”

The concern in his voice touched her. “No, but I do feel foolish. Leave it to me to fall off a cliff.”

Spence laughed softly. “Thank God a ledge hampered you from falling farther. If something had happened to you….” He tilted her chin upward and gave her a tender kiss, then a brilliant smile. “Once in a while, Theodora has a burst of energy and goes for a sprint. She always returns.”

“I did not know that. I thought she ran away. Now I feel even more stupid.” She sighed.

“I lit the fire in my room. I’ll take you up and tuck you into bed.”

“Can we stay here a bit longer? I am growing quite warm surrounded by you and the dogs.”

“If you wish. I haven’t eaten today,” Spence said.

“Nor have I. Quite the New Year’s Day.”

They held each other close and Phil started to drift off to sleep. The last thing she remembered was being carried upstairs.

* * * *

For two hours Spence sat by the bed and watched Phil sleep. The sun had set and the only light came from the illumination from the fire and a lit candelabrum on the mantel. A warm amber glow filled the room with shadow and light, dancing as if in an ethereal waltz. How innocent and sweet she looked in this radiance. When they were downstairs he’d nearly declared his deep and abiding love for her, but it was not the right time.

May he never experience such a crushing sense of loss ever again. But wouldn’t he relive it when she departed in two days? Short of locking her in a room he could not keep her here against her will. He would have to convince her by other means. The accident drove the salient point home that staying in this remote place was foolhardy. His grandfather only used the manor a few weeks a year, not for months on end. Perhaps the time had arrived to stop hiding away and embrace life at least as much as he was capable.

Spence gave up hope of finding anyone to love him long ago. His many eccentric ways would send any sane woman running in the opposite direction--or man for that matter. At university, a young man did show an interest in him and for the briefest of moments Spence considered exploring the attraction. In his desperation to experience anything he tried to talk himself into feeling a pull toward the youth, but he did not. The friendship ended awkwardly with Spence all the more convinced he would not be able to handle amorous relationships of

Here lay the one person who touched his heart. With her gentle guidance and tender touch she brought out everything he desperately tried to hide. He had the capacity to love and to feel desire, Phil proved he could. She cared for him or why else would she tear outside into the fog and blowing snow to find his dog? The fact she did this so he wouldn’t be devastated if anything happened to Theodora spoke more than mere words could describe. But in these last few days he learned Phil could be stubborn and resolute. How to convince her to accept him, flaws, demons, and all?

Phil stirred and moaned. He sat on the edge of the bed and laid his hand on her forehead. A little warm. He would have to monitor her for the next several hours.

“What is the time?” she asked.

“The hour is near seven. I will bring us up food. We shall have a picnic here on the bed. Not quite sure I can manage tea, but I will endeavor to try.” He trailed the back of his fingers across her pale cheeks. “Rest, Phil. You do not want to catch a chill nor develop a fever. I suggest you stay abed for the rest of the night and most of tomorrow. And I will stay here with you.”

“What of your research?” she asked.

“You are more important to me. I will see you well. We have much to discuss, but not tonight. Stay under the covers.” He tucked the hem of his bedspread under her chin, kissed her forehead and cheeks, then gave her a gentle but lingering kiss on her trembling lips.

As he descended the stairs he wondered how on earth he could convince her of his love and devotion.


Chapter 16

The night did not pass without incident. Phil was mortified to use a chamber pot, but Spence refused to carry her outside to the necessary, claiming she could catch a further chill. She battled a slight fever through the night, one moment cold and shivering and the next kicking off the blankets and perspiring. Spence stayed and held her close when she needed warmth and comfort and gave her cold water when her parched lips asked for it. Thought it took a good deal of effort, she even managed to catch a few hours of sleep here and there, but nothing of any substance.

With the rise of the morning sun came fresh worries. Spence and what he wished to talk about remained at the forefront of her mind. She loved him and because of that she should leave him in peace and not allow sentiment to enter the discussion. Hell, they had known each other for only a matter of days, the situation preposterous. She would only bring him down. The fleeting idea of becoming his mistress
be off the table as well. Phil wanted to spare her battered heart. Loving him as she did and entering into a carnal agreement would prolong the agony. No, best to cut it clean in two days time. People recovered and mended from broken hearts, did they not? In the meantime she would gather all the memories she could as this week with Spence would have to sustain her well into her dotage.

She sat upright, stuck her leg out from under the blankets, and flexed her ankle. Though badly bruised, she was able to move it. Not sprained then. All the better.

Spence entered the room carrying a tray. “I believe I managed to light the stove properly this time. The water boiled and I managed to prepare hot tea. Unfortunately, I did not have as much luck with the toast. There is fruit and cheese…again.”

She smiled. “I am feeling much better thanks to your ministrations. I think by suppertime I will be able to go to the kitchen and cook us a meal. As for toast, I’ll make us some tonight in front of the fire. I do a very fine fireplace toast and cheese.”

Spence sat next to her and laid the tray between them. She picked up the mug of tea and sipped.

“Is it all right?” he asked.

“Well, it’s better than last night’s, I’ll say that much.”

Spence laughed, a low sensual rumble that sparked her arousal. Of course, Spence did not have to do much to heighten her desire. “The dogs will be grateful you will be seeing to dinner. They are tired of bread and cheese as well. I did give them the last of the chicken this morning, which should hold them over.” He lifted his mug and sipped, then grimaced. “I imagine this tastes very similar to warm dishwater. It will have to do.”

“What have you planned for today?” she inquired.

“After this rather pitiable breakfast I thought I would read to you for awhile. Then I will pour you a hot bath. Take the rest of the afternoon to relax until dinner if you wish. Or am I being presumptive in arranging your day?”

Read? That glorious voice? How will she be able to bear being whipped into such a lustful state? She shook her head to clear away the sensual images. “Not at all. I am basking in your attention. I will confess I’m not used to such consideration from a man.”

“Let me say this, Phil. I have deep feelings for you, and did from the very first. I would have never agreed to physical relations unless there were potent emotions at the core. It is why I remained a virgin all this time. It would never be a casual dalliance for me. I have not reached the age of thirty without knowing my own mind and am quite capable of discerning the difference between sex and lovemaking. I did not develop these feelings for you because you are my first lover. They were there before I joined with you.” He glanced down into his tea and sighed. “I wanted you to know it is not a green lad’s infatuation. Nor have I found a new object to obsess over. It is real and deep and very poignantly felt.”

Oh, bloody hell.
How to answer such a declaration? He all but said that he loved her, though seemed to be approaching this cautiously, revealing his feelings by degrees. Every instinct in her wished to hold him tight, sob into his chest that she loved him more than her own life such as it was. To be honest, she
believe his feelings for her existed because she’d been his first. Apparently not. A cold stab of fright clutched her. If he loved her as much as she loved him, then this parting would be devastating for them both.

“I am not sure what to say…”

“Say nothing. Think over my words. We will discuss this at a later time.” He placed the mug on the table. “I will wash up, take the dogs for a stroll, and return to read to you. Enjoy the dishwater tea.” He gave her a brief smile and disappeared into his dressing room.

A dull ache throbbed between her eyes. This was all too much. More happened in the last few days than in the previous fifteen years. She did need time to sort through it all. Oh, why couldn’t this have been a simple, meaningless fuck? A job and nothing more? Instead--it meant

* * * *

“Like souls that balance joy and pain, with tears and smiles from heaven again. The maiden spring upon the plain. Cause in a sunlit fall of rain.”

His deep, dulcet tone rolled seductively over Tennyson’s
Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere.
Spence sat by the bed. He leaned forward. His elegant fingers spread as they gripped the tome. Every roll of syllables caused her heart to beat faster.

“A man has given all other bliss and all his worldly worth for this. To waste his whole heart in one kiss. Upon her perfect lips.”

He set the book on the bed. Framing her face, he gave her such a heartrending look she hovered close to tears. The gentle kiss contained a fiery heat, though it was all too brief.

“You read very well,” Phil said, her voice quivering with emotion.

“I deliberately chose this poem. I meant every word.” Spence threw back the covers and lifted her into his arms causing her to squeal. “Your bath awaits, my queen. It must be at a decent temperature now.”

“You don’t have to carry me.” She laughed.

“I like you in my arms.” Spence descended the stairs in a smooth manner as if carrying her was no hardship at all.

Once inside the kitchen he lowered her slowly, her body rubbing against his as she tried to find the floor with her bare toes.
He meant every word of the poem.
Her heart swelled with love. He kissed her again. In a swift motion, he pulled off the nightshirt.

“You are entirely beautiful. A veritable Venus.” He laid a hot kiss on her shoulder. Lifting her once again, he gently set her in the tub. The temperature of the water held a rolling warmth that soothed as well as comforted.

He pulled over a chair and sat next to the tub. “I found your soap. Whenever I smell lavender I will think of you.” He moved the warm cloth across her body in long, sensual strokes. “If only this tub were bigger I would join you,” he whispered hotly in her ear.

She closed her eyes and a moan slipped from her parted lips. He seduced not only with his voice, but his words and touch. For a man with no experience, he seemed inherently to understand what he needed to do to tantalize her. The cloth moved across her breasts, hardening the nipples under his touch.

After rinsing her hair, he assisted her out of the tub, taking his time drying her, lingering at her breasts and between her legs. He passed her a dressing gown. No doubt his as the hem scraped the floor as she tied it about her waist.

“You are spoiling me.”

“Yes, I am. I quite enjoy it. What’s next? A nap? Another cup of tepid tea?”

“I think a nap. I feel very relaxed. And you do not have to carry me. See?” She walked across the floor. “As long as I don’t place much weight on it, it’s fine. Wake me around half past four.” She stepped closer. “And Spence?” She stood before him brushing her breasts across his chest until he moaned. “Tonight I will have a surprise for you.”

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