Bold Seduction (16 page)

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Authors: Karyn Gerrard

BOOK: Bold Seduction
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Phil shook her head to dismiss the recollection and reached for the nightshirt. Before putting it on, she instead raised it to her nose and inhaled. His faint scent was still present. The odor of sandalwood soap and a spicy mix that could be his cologne filled her nostrils. Or perhaps the aroma could be his own sensual scent. Poking her arms through the holes of the garment, she strode toward the door. No sound. She slipped into the hall and as quiet as a mouse, padded down the stairs.

* * * *

Spence managed to keep busy with a number of mundane tasks, after the shock of Phil’s rejection had somewhat worn off.

He brought wood in from outside. Walked the dogs and fed them. Pack up more of his books and research. Even washed out a few clothes and packed part of his trunk. No chance he would stay here now. How could he ever sit at that desk again and try to work without thinking of Phil spread across it thrashing about in passion?

He lay on his bed in the darkness, trying to make sense of what happened. What more could he possibly say to convince her to stay? He said all he could with his body. In a week he moved from a green lad coming in his trousers to a man of seduction he did not even recognize. Perhaps the passionate nature lay deeply hidden all this time, the trait common with his family members. His brothers certainly enjoyed carnal activity. He knew his parents loved each other. The assumption could be applied there, though he did not want to think about his mother and father engaging in sex.

Even if such a nature existed in him, Phil was the one who set it free. Her experience with men, though lengthy in years, did not have much depth to it. He allowed himself the vain thought that he was the only man who brought out her most ardent feelings.

They did not have to be alone anymore or hide their emotions. They were given an extraordinary gift of a passionate love and respectful companionability he knew to be rare.

But then he also acknowledged his “other” nature, which spoke of a peculiar man with eccentric habits and strange ways of doing things. Who barely had control over the emotions that lay under his atypical way of dealing with life? The internal struggle would remain with him until the end of his days. Did he want to subject the woman he loved more than anything to such a life state? Perhaps he should let her go. Protect her from him and his outlandish habits and reactions.

A slight noise outside his door pulled him from his thoughts. One of the dogs perhaps? He listened but heard no more. After several minutes he rose and walked to the door. Opening it, he gazed out into the darkened hall and listened for any kind of movement. Nothing, perhaps he imagined it. About to close the door, the toe of his boot hit something solid. A tray lay on the floor.

He reached down for it. Phil had brought him a dinner of ham, potatoes, and green beans with a couple slices of bread and grapes. After taking two steps into the hall, he stopped. A decided warmth curled about his heart. Perhaps he would have one last chance to make his case for their mutual happiness. He would have to try.

* * * *

For Phil sleep did not come easy the previous night. In fact, she watched the sun rise. After packing her few meager belongings, she changed into the green striped gown she had arrived in. Except now it was a torn and greasy mess. Cleaning a filthy kitchen and falling off a cliff would do that to a dress. Thankfully, her wool coat covered most of the damage. It would have to suffice.

Should she stay hidden in this room until the old man and his cart arrived? Bloody hell, what if the old bugger didn’t come? She could not bear another day here with Spence. Her resolve crumbled quite a bit during the long night hours; it would not take much for the rest of the wall of denial to tumble down.

She reached for both carpet bags and stepped toward the door. Halting, Phil found it hard to catch her breath. Her booted feet would not move forward. A large sob escaped her mouth as she let go of the bags. They hit the floor with a dull thud. Scanning her surroundings, she realized she no longer stood in a musty and dusty room in a long neglected manor. It transformed into an enchanted castle, and its magical aura broke down the last of her stubborn defenses. Inside the castle lived a prince with a noble and passionate heart. One that beyond all reason loved her and wished to share his life with her. Love, in all its complicated but potent splendor.

Damn it all what a fool she’d been. How could she run off? She loved Spence too much to leave him. The realization hit her with all the velocity of a gale-force wind. For all her supposed brave talk of leaving and sparing him future heartbreak, the truth of the situation could not be denied. She could not bear to smash his heart to bits. Nor hers. Another ragged cry left her throat as tears spilled down her cheeks. In the face of love, that she desperately tried to deny, her last, lingering doubts dissipated into nothingness. Instead, she embraced love fully.

A knock sounded at the door. She covered her mouth to hold back any further weeping.

“It’s Spence. May I come in?”

She cleared her throat and wiped the moisture from her face.
Get control.

He looked entirely handsome in his black trousers and white shirt. It lay open at the neck to show an enticing peek at the light brown hair on his chest.

“Ready to leave I see. Even have your coat on. Are you that anxious to be shunt of me?”

She tried to speak but could not. More tears threatened and her hands shook. If she answered him, she would fall to pieces and lose all control. Instead she shook her head.

Spence clutched his hands behind his back. “I am aware I am not a woman’s dream mate. I am hardly an adventurer or a taker of risks. Nor am I a rake with vast sexual and seductive experience. I’d rather research those attributes in others. I’ve been called dull, boring, and strange. Perhaps I am. But I ask you not to leave. You have become such a part of my life in such a short span of time. How can I go on without you? Who will see that I eat regularly? Make me toast and cheese by the fire? See that I shave? Who will--love me?” Spence took a step closer.

Phil choked back a sob.

“Be my Theodora, darling. Work and live at my side until the end of our days. I love you beyond all description. Beyond all knowing. You are my first and my last. My only love. Marry me and give me life. Give me love.”

Tears streamed down her cheeks. She ran to his arms. “Bloody hell, yes!” she cried. “I give you everything I am. I love you more than I ever imagined possible, Spence. I am yours my dearest Justinian.”

He laughed and spun her around. The dogs--which she hadn’t noticed followed Spence in--danced and barked happily.

The road ahead held an uncertainty that both thrilled and frightened her, but the professor and the prostitute would meet the challenges head on. Love can give you courage. Give you hope. Together they would make their own path.


Meet the Author


Karyn Gerrard
lives in a small town in the western corner of Ontario, Canada. She whiles away her spare time writing and reading romance while drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. A multi-published author with a few bestsellers under her belt, Karyn loves to write historical and contemporary romances. As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden.
She has
been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement keeps her moving forward.
Find out more at


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