Blush (Rockstar #2) (25 page)

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Authors: Anne Mercier

BOOK: Blush (Rockstar #2)
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“Well, they're going to be taking a lot of notes because look,“ I say, lifting my shirt, “My tummy is popping out and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.“

Her hand curves over the bump. “Three babies.“

“Yeah,“ I whisper.

She blows out a breath and I wrinkle my nose.

“You really should brush your teeth. You've got puke breath,“ I chide.

She laughs and pretends like she's going to blow out another breath in my face. “Don't even think it. I'll puke all over the place and it won't be pretty. I had bacon and eggs for breakfast,“ I tease.

“Eww. Nice visual, whore.“

“You're welcome,“ I tell her as she finishes brushing her teeth.

“Let's go see what everyone's up to. Maybe Xander'll start humping Ben's leg again.“

I laugh. “Oh, God, that was hilarious. Let's go see if we can coerce him into it.“

She snorts. “Coerce? All we have to do is ask. That man needs no coercion.“

“Truer words were never spoken.“

Xander's in the sitting area when we get out there and we just look at each other, then look at Xander who looks back at us and smirks.

“Don't even think about it,“ Jesse whispers in my ear.

I cross my arms over my chest. “I didn't do anything.“

He chuckles. “You didn't have to.“

I give Xander and Sera wide eyes.

“Did anyone bring you that water, Luce?“ Xander asks, and I have no idea what he's talking about. Then it clicks.

I pout. “No. I should go get one,“ I say, starting to get up.

“Just sit, Cupcake. I'll get it for you.“

“Thanks, babe,“ I tell him with a wide smile. When he leaves the room Xander rubs his hands together and heads straight for Ben.

Oh boy.

“I'M SURPRISED YOUR grandfather is letting us do this,“ Jesse tells me, holding my hand as we walk through the double doors.

“We're not exactly alone,“ I tell him, making note of the four security guards and Damian surrounding us.

“You know it's not even the security,“ Damian says as he walks beside me. “It's those angel eyes you flash at people when you want to get your way.“

“Whatever do you mean?“ I blink innocently.

“You know exactly what I mean,“ he chuckles. “I've seen you use them more than once. Hell, you used them on me and I fell for it. I'm trained not to fall for that shit.“

I can't help it, I giggle. “I'm just too good. Growing up with my grandpa, can you blame me for having to fight dirty?“

“Hell no,“ Jesse tells me.

“Dude,“ Damian begins, “she only has to look at you for you to fall at her feet.“

“Fucking A. That's my wife and she gives me rewards, isn't that right, baby?“ Jesse asks before leaning in for a kiss.

“Mhmm. Really amazing, toe-curling rewards,“ I agree and Damian scoffs.

We get to the airport checkpoint and I look at Jesse and pout. “I have to take my rings off.“

“Only for a second. They'll give them right back.“

“I know, it's just…“

“Aww, babe.“ He pulls me close.

I had Celeste contact Dave Richardson, my favorite reporter, the one who was pulling for me and Jesse at the press conference from hell. He and Margo Phelan will always be my go-to reporters.

“You two gonna be alright from here?“ Damian asks, looking us over and smirking.

“We'll be okay. Besides there are others inside. I'm not stupid,“ I tell him.

He shakes his head. “You're going to draw attention to yourselves. Hell, you already are,“ he says, nodding at mine and Jesse's matching jerseys.

I shrug. “Worth every second.“

“Be safe,“ Damian states then backs up, waiting until we get through the airport security checkpoint. When we're through, I give him a wave and a small smile and that's when I see him. Emilio. I look at Damian giving him the look, the one my grandpa taught me to give. Damian taps a button on his phone, pretending like nothing's going on, but Emilio isn't a novice. He knows, he sees the look. He smirks and in a blink he's gone.

“Go,“ Damian tells me and I nod. Do I tell Jesse about this? Yeah, yeah I will when we get on the plane.

“Babe,“ I begin as Jesse slips my wedding rings back on my finger, “these jerseys are awesome.“

Jesse smirks. “Thanks.“

Jesse's is black with pink letters and numbers and mine is pink with black letters and numbers. They look like professional football jerseys but they've got special names and numbers. Jesse's is number ninety-nine and the last name is “Problems“. My number is one and my last name is “Ain't“. I laughed so hard when he showed these to me, I ended up with a headache.

See, Jesse and I are making a statement. While we've got problems coming out our asses with the media, groupie whores, mafia, the Blush Baby nickname, and whatever else life deems to throw our way, neither one of us is one of them.

Take that world. It's a great big finger we're waving in the air letting them know that they can bring it. We got this. Together we've got anything they want to throw our way.

Yeah, I think with a nod. We got this.







ET TEAM who keep me sane, who keep me in line, and who bitchslap me when I'm in need: Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Meeting you all and becoming teammates as well as friends has made the publishing journey less scary and even more memorable. Your unwavering support is humbling and I love each one of you for it. July 2015 – The first ever Street Team Stalker Event – I'm sure it's going to be memorable!

To the Rockstars group members: It's amazing how many there are of you now and how many I've gotten to know personally. I enjoy the group more and more every single day and each and every one of you are the reason why. I can't imagine what I'd do without you all to goof off with, share books and book boyfriends with, to objectify hot men with (all in good fun), and to just be able to share everyday things with. I'm so glad you like the Rockstar series and I hope you'll keep on enjoying each and every installment.

To the readers: I'm truly shocked at how quickly the Rockstar series blew up. I wasn't prepared at all. I said, “If I sell a couple hundred copies, that'll be so awesome.“ Ha! You all kicked my ass! I don't know how word traveled or everyone heard about Falling Down, but holy hell, it was an explosion of epic proportions! Thank you! Thank you for reading the story. Thank you for liking it! Thank you for reviewing it! Thank you for your feedback! And thank you for your support!

To Harper Bentley for being an amazing friend, an amazing author, and a fountain of information for this newbie author. I can't wait until May when I get to hug you and squeeze you and call you George!  Ha!

To my amazing editor, Nicole Bailey. What can I say about this lady? She's not simply my editor but one of my very good friends. She tells it like it is and she supports and gives kind words when they're needed. I'm so happy you've come into my life.

To my crit partner and friend, Kimberly Blalock. We kind of stumbled upon one another in the Facebook blogosphere and I'm grateful for that! Your encouragement and feedback pushed me through some rough moments of self-doubt. *raises a glass* Here's to many more years of working together.

To Pamela Cunningham: Thank you so much for designing the Rockstar logo! I didn't know what I wanted when we started this journey, but you created exactly what this series needed. I'm excited and honored to put the logo on each and every book.

To Lisa Matheson Sylva, Tera Chastain, Lisa Ravenscroft, Abby Cook, the FMR Book Grind, and the ladies at HEA Book Tours, PR & More for their nonstop support, promotion, friendship, and kindness. Thank you so much for everything you do. No matter how big or small, it does not go unnoticed by me. I appreciate every single effort more than you know. To Tricia from Bedroom Bookworms for the truly amazing time I had being the November Author of the Month- It was an honor and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To my Betalicious Beauties – Thank you. Your feedback is, as always, invaluable.

To my amazing PA, Leagh Christensen – You've literally saved my sanity. I can never thank you enough for that, for starting within the week and just taking over all the things that I don't have time for. You are extraordinary and I thank you for everything you do!

To Porter – Thank you for believing and pushing me to hit the publish button for the very first time when I was scared beyond belief.

To the entire Burke family – Thank you for the love and support you've always shown, without conditions.

To Heather Lux you are one of the most generous and beautiful people (inside and out) I have ever met. I am so proud to call you friend and I look forward to the day I finally get to give you a big, squishy hug. Thank you for your support, my friend. It means the world to me.

To Janelle Schindler: You sent me chocolate chip cookies! You fed the beast during deadline crunch time and for that I can never thank you enough! You, my dear, are so sweet and kind and a true diamond in the rough.

To my friends, new and old; all of the amazing people in my life who continue to support me and my writing, whether near or far: A simple “thank you“ isn't enough to tell you how thankful I am for each and every one of you and your kind words and encouragement. It's a humbling experience to find out just how many people really do care and love you. Know this- I love you all right back.

To my kids who put up with my bullshit, who run my errands when I'm in the zone, and who wait much longer than “just five minutes“ when I'm in the middle of a scene. Thanks, boys, for being awesome and not complaining out loud—or at least to my face.

To the amazeballs bloggers out there: Thank you, sincerely, for all you do each and every day out of the goodness of your hearts. What you do is selfless and, a lot of the time, unappreciated. Just know that I do appreciate your efforts and your never-ending support.

To Jake Ingrassia: Your debut! Though much of what's written here isn't fiction, when we get to the Blush Baby campaign in books 3 and 3.5, much of it will be. Thank you for allowing me to share information of your talents with the world.

To Milo Ventimiglia: Your work ethics and principles inspire so much of the overall feel of this series. For that I thank you.

To M. Shadows and Avenged Sevenfold: Thank you for inspiring me as I write every day. Your talents amaze me.

And to all the other truly amazing and talented musicians out there: Thank you for sharing with us your talent and your love of music.

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