Blush (Rockstar #2) (20 page)

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Authors: Anne Mercier

BOOK: Blush (Rockstar #2)
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Janalee laughs. “Both my brothers are slow.“

Ethan grins. “Pretty sure they're both idiots.“

I give him the finger.

“So, okay. Here's the picture of mini-us.“

Toni nods at me.

“And a picture of another mini-us?“ I ask, swallowing hard as realization is dawning.

She nods again, smiling wider. “Yep.“

“Oh man,“ Ben murmurs.

“Uh, and a picture of another mini-us?“

“Uh-huh,“ Toni responds.

“I need to sit down,“ I tell no one in particular.

“Hang on,“ Toni says and I am paralyzed.

“No fucking way!“ Damian shouts.

Toni bursts out laughing. “No, I was just fucking with you.“

“Are you allowed to do that?“ I ask, recovering from my near heart attack.

“Probably not.“

“Well if you can do that, then I can do this,“ I flip Toni off and she laughs long and loud.

“I'm glad someone is having a good time in here while my granddaughter is in a coma,“ says a man dressed in an expensive suit, likely Armani, with salt and pepper hair combed back off of his face. He's using a black walking cane with a carved hand grip though I can't make out what it is.

“Giovanni,“ Cage steps forward. “Glad you made it safely.“

“And just in time,“ Toni tells him. Does she know the old man?

“Just in time for what?“ he asks.

“The announcement that Luciana and Jesse are having triplets, grandpa,“ Sera notifies him as she walks over and gives him a hug.

His brows lift and his gaze meets mine, his eyes momentarily lower to where I'm holding Lucy's hand between mine just over our babies' photos. I ignore them all and turn my back to the room. Rude or not, I need a moment with my wife.

I sit on the edge of the bed and lean in close to her.

“Luce, holy shit. Did you hear that?“ I shake my head. “We're having triplets. Three babies, Luce. Three. Babies.“ I kiss her hand.

“You guys just can't do anything normal, can you?“ Xander asks.

“Go big or go home?“ I murmur and he laughs.

“That's what I like to hear,“ Anthony says from the doorway. “Happiness instead of sadness. That's what Luciana needs to hear as well.“

“Yes, she does,“ Regina says, standing next to me. She nudges me with an elbow and I meet her gaze. “My son-in-law, the overachiever,“ she teases with a lift of her brow as she sees the three photos.

“By the way,“ Toni interrupts, “Luciana is about eleven weeks along, nearly through the first trimester.“

“That's good right?“ I ask. Toni nods.

“Very good, especially with triplets.“

“Jesus, Jesse,“ Ben chides.

I shrug. “I can't help it if my guys are super swimmers.“

“Hell,“ Xander begins, “his spermies are just as hot for her eggs as Jesse's—“

“Xander Mackenzie, you will not finish that sentence,“ mama scolds.

“Yes, mama.“

The room grows silent. A few seconds later it erupts into laughter.

I turn to Regina as she lays her hand over Lucy's as it rests in mine. I pull her into a hug. “I'm so glad you're here,“ I admit.

She nods against me. “We'll get her through this, Jesse. Our Luciana is a strong one.“

“That she is.“

Regina pulls back then cuffs me upside the head. “You didn't happen to notice this baby belly on your wife?“

“Mama, damn. I thought maybe she was just putting on some weight. She looks healthier now. She was kinda skinny before,“ I plead.

She nods. “Alright. I can accept that reason.“

“So that was Lucy's pregnancy test in the bathroom then?“ Trace asks.

“What? No. We found out from the hospital,“ I tell him, confused.

“Then whose was it?“ Trace asks, looking between Meggie, Sera, Misty, and Janalee.

Janalee steps up. “It was mine. Yep, mine. I'm pregnant brothers,“ she announces, looking between me and Ben. “Yay!“

“What the fuck?“ Ben bellows.

“My sentiments exactly. Who's the son of a bitch we need to kill?“ I ask.

She snorts, my baby sister. “This from the man who knocked his wife up with triplets—“

“Yes, wife.“

“Before you were married!“

“Doesn't matter,“ I tell her. “We are married and I want this guy's name.“

She crosses her arms over her chest. “No. Not happening.“

“Oh, I beg to differ,“ Ben tells her, stepping up into her face.

“Beg all you want. Not. Happening,“ she snarls with a poke to his chest.

He growls and looks down his nose at her, trying to intimidate her. “You will tell me. Whoever he is better step up and take responsibility.“

She rolls her eyes.

“Whoa,“ Misty murmurs. “Could there be any more drama in this room?“

“I don't know,“ Ben asks her. “Are you pregnant?“

She crosses her arms much the same way Janalee did. “How is that any your business?“

“Oh, I like these ladies. Serafina, introduce me,“ Regina says, dismissing Ben, dismissing me, and, in her roundabout way, protecting Janalee.

I frown and murmur to Lucy. “Your mom's evil.“

“You have no idea,“ Giovanni Russo tells me. “I'd say it's past time we met, don't you?“ he asks.

I nod.

“Jesse Kingston,“ I murmur, holding out the hand not holding Lucy's.

“Giovanni Russo,“ he tells me, shaking my hand.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir.“

He nods. “Good manners. I like that. Call me Giovanni. How is our Luciana?“ he asks.

“Honestly,“ I murmur, “I have no idea. She seems fine one minute and then the next she's having a seizure. They said if she has another, they'd probably have to do surgery. They want to do another MRI. Is that safe with the babies?“ I ask no one in particular.

Giovanni clamps a hand on my shoulder. “No worries, my boy. Only the best are looking after my granddaughter. I assure you she and your bambinos are in good hands.“

I'm not really comfortable with Giovanni taking care of the expenses and I'm about to tell him that when he beats me to the punch.

“I know you're a prideful man,“ he begins as Anthony walks up, “and I respect that, but I hope you'll accept this, my taking care of the details and finances, as a gift from me and Carlotta, my wife, to you and Luciana.“

I consider, then know if I say no I'll insult him and Lucy wouldn't want that. She'd find a way to get me to accept his help anyway.

I nod. “Thank you, Si—Giovanni,“ I correct as he raises his brow. He nods.

“You're most welcome. We're
. We take care of each other.“

“Does that mean I'm family too?“ Xander asks, resting his head on Regina's shoulder.

She pats his head.

“Yes, yes, of course you are,“ Giovanni answers, startling Xander who looks at us in surprise. “Xander Thomas Mackenzie. Father Matthew Mackenzie, prominent obstetrician in the Los Angeles area, correct?“ Giovanni asks and Xander nods, narrowing his eyes.

The old man looks around the room.

“Megan Melody.“

Meggie nods. “Pleasure.“

He smiles and tips his head slightly.

“Benjamin Kingston.“

“Sir,“ Ben replies.

“Please, call me Giovanni. All of you.“

“Jace Warner, we're no strangers. How are you, son?“

“Doing well, Giovanni. It's good to see you again.“

“You as well. Trace Styx.“

Trace lifts a brow.

“No worries. I won't divulge your inherited last name.“

Trace grins and nods in greeting.

“Ah, Damian Black. It's been a while.“

“Sir,“ Damian murmurs, stepping forward to shake his hand.

“We need to discuss business shortly along with Cage Nichols.“

“Yes, Sir,“ Damian agrees.

Cage nods.

Just who the fuck is Damian Black, I wonder. I look at Sera who looks away. That one knows more than she's told her sister, otherwise I'd know more. Interesting.

Xander lifts a brow and I shake my head. Later.

He nods.

“Ethan Ashcroft.“

“Sir,“ Ethan begins.

“No, come now. Giovanni. We are all

“Giovanni,“ Ethan agrees.

“Kennedy Caldwell.“

He tips his head and the old man does the same.

He taps his finger to his lips.

“Misty Castillo. You are new to
, yes?“

“I am.“

“My granddaughter, she has a big heart as does Ben Kingston.“

Ben tilts his head to the side and the old man doesn't blink.

“They do. I'm very lucky to be part of their family.“

Giovanni nods again.

“Janalee Kingston, I presume?“ he asks.

“Correct, Giovanni Russo. A pleasure.“

“Mine as well. Such a lovely young woman,“ he tells her and glances to his left. I look to his left. Ethan and Kennedy? What's he looking at—or for?

“Now that we've all met, found out my granddaughter and Jesse are having triplets, and have security and the media under control, it's time to make some heads roll,“ he tells Cage pointedly.

“Literally,“ Sera murmurs.

“Yes, quite literally, nipote. There is no hurting of
. Ever. I apologize to you, Serafina, but the Manzini's must pay for their attack and threats. I believe I have let this go on for far too long and they believe I've gone soft.“ The old man laughs and it's a very sinister sounding laugh. Soft? This guy? Are they fucking crazy?

“I haven't been a true Manzini for a very long time. And you, nonno, soft?“ Sera laughs.

“Is a joke to think such a thing. We will correct them, will we not, Cage.“

It's not a question and Cage doesn't answer but I don't think he really needs to.

“Now I've just got to say,“ Xander begins and I nearly groan aloud, “I fucking knew you were a bad ass dude, Cage, my man. Damian, you're way more fucked up than I imagined.“

Damian grins. “You have no idea.“

“And I certainly don't want to.“

“No, no you don't,“ Anthony begins. “Papa, what do you need done?“

Giovanni blinks, but only once, then nods at Anthony. “Are you certain you want to become involved?“

“They threaten and hurt my family, our family. I won't stand by and allow this to happen. I vowed to not become involved in
la famiglia
unless it was to protect. Now it also involves revenge,“ Anthony bites out.

“As you wish. Let us go discuss things. Cage, Damian.“

“I would like to go as well,“ Regina tells him.

He pauses. “You are a Manzini by blood but you are a true Russo through-and-through. You are always welcome to sit at the table but, Regina, you know the rules. Females may not participate.“

“This I know, Giovanni. I would merely like to be in the know.“

“So be it.“

With that they leave the room and the tension could be cut with a knife.

“Well then,“ Jace says. “That was fun, huh?“

No one says much.

“Does this mean we're all part of the Russo clan or cartel or whatever it's called?“ Ethan asks.

Sera nods. “You're

“I'll take that protection right about now,“ Meggie announces as she walks over to Sera and kisses her forehead. “These motherfuckers knew what they were doing.“

“What do you mean?“ I ask. I hadn't gotten many details.

“It was assumed it was a rock that hit Lucy. Sharp, jagged, and whoever threw it had impeccable aim and incredible strength, but when I was listening to security talking before we all headed over here, I heard them say it was a chunk of ice.“

“Ice?“ I ask.

She nods. “Clever if you ask me. The impact of a jagged ice ball as damaging as that of a rock, but the effect of the sharpness of the edges and the fact that the ice melts, leaving no trace evidence including fingerprints, well…“ she trails off with a shrug.

I look to Kennedy who nods his agreement.

Lucy's fingers twitch in my hand and I look down at her. Her eyelids flutter and I say a silent prayer that she doesn't have another seizure. Her heart rate begins to elevate and I begin to panic.

“Baby, it's alright,“ I murmur close to her ear. “You're safe. Your grandpa is here and the old man has taken charge. You can breathe easy.“

I watch as her heartbeat slows a little on the monitor.

“You just rest up, Lucy. Take care of you and our mini-us's.“ I shake my head, knowing I'll have a full-blown panic attack later. “Triplets, Luce. How the fuck did we manage that one?“

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