Blush (Rockstar #2) (14 page)

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Authors: Anne Mercier

BOOK: Blush (Rockstar #2)
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I know you
Who are you now
Look in to my eyes if you can remember
Do you remember?

Next Sera leads us in with The Exies'
Tired of You
and that's when my wife gives up the fight. She stops singing to hum. Her hums fade and soon she's sound asleep in my arms.

I love her so much it hurts. I know I owe Cage huge for setting up the video shoot. Did he somehow know we'd hook up? Yeah, he knew about Lucy's crush, but did he know I'd fall ass over elbows for this beautiful, talented, loving, sexy-as-sin woman now snuffle snoring against my chest?

Damian, who's sitting in the recliner a few feet away, grins a small grin. “That's cute as hell.“

I want to punch him in the face for even noticing, but how can I blame the guy? Lucy's not just any woman. She's a woman that guys notice immediately. Not because she's gorgeous, though she is. It's because she radiates this aura that shouts kindness and sweetness yet there's an edge to it that also says “do
fuck with me“.

So, instead, I nod.

“I love her snuffles,“ Ethan agrees.

“Snuffles?“ Kennedy asks.

Ethan raises his hands then lowers them as if to quiet everyone down without having to say it. Everyone stops and listens to Lucy's snores and I grin. She'd hate knowing we were listening to her snore, but fuck if it isn't cute as hell like Damian said. It lulls me to sleep at night. I honestly don't think I'd be able to sleep without her now.

“Damn. Is there anything about her that isn't charming?“ Kennedy asks.

“Nope,“ I say softly. “Even when she's pissed she's amazing.“

“I'll hold some dinner for her,“ Misty tells me as she goes to check the oven.

I reach out for her to stop her and she immediately stiffens. I want to kick her brother-in-law's nuts into his throat.

“Thank you, Misty. She'll appreciate it.“

Her expression softens and she nods. Eventually she'll relax and figure out no one here is going to harm her. Until then, we'll just keep reassuring her.

Jace brings a blanket over and covers Lucy. I nod my thanks and settle in, rubbing her back as she rests. In this moment, I'm the happiest and most content I've ever been in my life.

Damian mutters, “Lucky fucker,“ and I nod at him.

“I know it.“

He nods. Sera brings an ice pack and a hand towel and puts it on Lucy's hand. She lingers and I meet her gaze.

“I'm happy you found each other. It's nice to see her on the receiving end for once,“ she whispers.

“She always was, Sera. She had you.“

She presses her lips together when the bottom one quivers then shakes her head. “I took more than I gave.“

Cage leans forward. “For her, giving is as good as receiving.“ Amazingly, Xander doesn't make a joke about that statement.

Both Sera and I nod.

“When she wakes up, there's something we need to discuss,“ Cage tells me.

I nod. “Good or bad?“

He smiles a humorless smile. “In between.“

I sigh. Sera sends me a wink and sits next to Cage, resting her head on his shoulder while he fucks around on his phone.

This is our life for the next four months. These are the people we'll be with. Family. Within such a short time we've created a family.

As I said before, it doesn't get any better than this.



“Everyone wants t
o be appreciated,
so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.“



I HEAR QUIET murmurs and slowly rouse myself from sleep. I snuggle into Jesse's hard chest and inhale deeply. He always smells so amazing. Like sandalwood, ocean, and yum.

I wonder how long I've been out. I wiggle a bit and Jesse kisses my forehead.

“How're you feeling?“

“Hurts. How long have I been out?“

“About an hour and a half.“ He rubs his hand up and down my back and I breathe him in again.

“You smell so good,“ I tell him.

He chuckles. “It's just whatever soap or shampoo I've got.“

“I know. That's what makes it so seriously sexy,“ I whisper and kiss his jaw.

“None of that shit out here,“ Jace teases.

I lift my uncasted arm and flip him off. He laughs, as does everyone else in the room. Sitting up, I push the stray hair back from my face and blink myself awake.

“She looks like a baby owl or something,“ Kennedy teases.

“Knock it off.“

“What?“ he asks with a smirk.

“Stop watching me.“ I look around. “All of you knock it off. You're creeping me out.“ I look to Jesse. “What the hell?“

He chuckles and shrugs a shoulder.

“You're too gorgeous for us to resist,“ Meggie purrs. “If I swung that way, Luce, you'd be it for me. I'd fight Jesse to the death.“

I lean back in confusion. “You all are weird.“

They all laugh.

“So tell me,“ I begin, sitting up a little straighter.

“Tell you what?“ Jesse asks.

“Do you all do that often?“

“What's that?“ he seems a little confused.

“Manipulate Kennedy into playing and singing,“ I grin.

Cage chuckles. “For as long as I've known them. Xander baits him, or one of them does, and Kennedy always takes the bait.“

“Really?“ I look at Kennedy.

He nods. “I don't like to lose and I don't like to be proven wrong when I know I'm right.“

I just stare at him for a few seconds then nod and smile. He smiles back.

“I can understand that. I can see that about you.“

“I've got to admit I like this forced proximity thing going on,“ Meggie tells us. “It's a great way to get to know each other better. I mean, we've been around each other a while now but not like we are now. Casa Falling Down is like living across town from my room to yours but here we're going to bump into each other when we don't want to, likely eat each other's food, drink each other's drinks, and learn far too much about each other's bodily functions than we care to know.“

“True,“ Damian agrees.

“I like it,“ I admit.

“Tell me that again in four months,“ Jesse teases.

I just shrug. “I need to take my meds.“

“I've got it set on your dinner tray,“ Misty tells me.

I smiles wide. Misty is amazing. Quiet and shy, but she'll come out of his shell eventually. “Thank you so much, Misty. You are a godsend.“

The pretty blonde shakes her head. “No, you are. I'm on a tour bus with a bunch of famous people who are, for all intents and purposes, strangers to me yet friendlier than my own family.“

“Well,“ Ethan begins, “your family sucks ass and we are fucking awesome.“

Jesse lifts a brow.

“What?“ I ask.

He smirks. “I think this is the most Ethan's spoken in…forever. Same with Kennedy for that matter. Normally our bus is quiet on tour no matter who we're touring with. We usually segregate by band and then we all do our own thing. I get bored as fuck fast, usually write music, play video games or poker, get drunk, and fuck strangers.“

“I think they like having us along,“ I say with a grin. “

This is going to be a hell of a tour,“ Jesse murmurs.

Everyone looks at him, small smiles playing about their lips.

“Fuck yeah it is!“ Xander shouts. “BFD! BFD! BFD!“ he chants.

“He's lost his fucking mind already,“ Kennedy shakes his head.

“Nah. I'm just excited. This is already cool as hell. I've got people to dance with and sing with and coerce Kennedy with,“ Xander announces, sending me a wink and I can't stop my giggle. “And now we've got Misty who, if my sniffer is telling me correctly, has made an incredible dinner that's about ready and it's going to fill me with tasty goodness.“

“Tasty goodness,“ I murmur. “Do we have any Diet Dr. Pepper?“

“Uh, just a
cans,“ Trace murmurs, then opens a cabinet where there are three cases.

“Aww, babe. You're so good to me,“ I hug Jesse and kiss his lips while the guys make pussy whipped faces.

“I don't even care that you all are being assholes. I'm getting loved on by my woman and you're all feckless until tomorrow night,“ Jesse grins..

“Fuck off,“ Jace murmurs and gives Jesse the finger with the verbal curse.

“Oh, I don't know,“ Trace contemplates. “I'm thinking that later I might help Meggie out with her wetness problem and we can scratch each other's itch.“

Meggie eyes him up and down. “You'll do.“

“You bet I will, Red.“

She sends him a wink and Misty announces it's time to eat. Jesse gets me set up before Misty hands him his own tray she set aside.

“Thanks,“ he tells her and she nods.

“I figured they would eat your portion.“

“They would have,“ he nods.

“Come join us, Misty,“ I call out. “You're family now.“

Everyone murmurs their agreement and Misty carries her plate of food to join us.

“Stop!“ Misty says firmly.

“What's wrong?“ Ethan asks.

“Nothing's wrong other than we haven't said grace and given thanks.“

“Huh,“ Xander mutters. “Let's give thanks.“ He bows his head and folds his hands.

We all follow suit as Misty gives us a look. She murmurs a short prayer of thanks for the food and new friends and we all finish the prayer with a unified, “Amen.“

Misty looks up. “Thank you.“

“We're always up for something new and giving thanks can only be a positive change,“ Cage tells her with a smile. Sera leans over to kiss his cheek but he turns his head at the last minute catching her lips. She grins and he winks. Those two. I'd like to know what's going on there. I'm not one to push my sister, but I think it's time I did.

Suddenly Sera sits up straight, she goes pale, deathly white, then races to the bathroom.

“Jesus, Cage. Make a girl sick with a kiss why don't ya,“ Meggie teases.

“I'm going to check on her.“

Jesse nods and helps me remove the tray. I knock on the bathroom door and hear her retching.

“Sera? Are you alright?“

“Uh-uh,“ she grunts.

“Can I come in?“

“Uh-huh,“ she gets out between heaves. Gah. I enter the bathroom and immediately wet a washcloth with cool water and grab a hair tie. I bundle her hair as best as I can with only a couple fingers but she reaches up and quickly puts it up in a bun before she gags some more. I wipe her forehead with the washcloth.

“Aww, sissy. You think it's something you ate?“

She gasps for breath after flushing the toilet. “Must be. This is going to suck so bad. You all are going to hear me sick all night. I should go on the other bus.“

“No, you should not. You'll stay here. The others can go on the other buses to rest tonight. They can switch over when we stop to fuel up.“

I touch her forehead and she's not hot though she's sweating. I can understand that. The nausea and vomiting and whatever else is wracking her body is wreaking havoc.

She nods and I press the cool cloth along her cheeks and around to the back of her neck.

“I'm so hot right now, Luce. My stomach is flip flopping all over the place.“

“What did you eat that I didn't?“ I ask.

She doesn't get to answer before she starts vomiting again. Poor Sera. It's going to be a long night for her.

I open the bathroom door and look at Jesse.

“Babe, is there any 7UP or Sprite?“

He nods and moves to get up but Cage steps up. “I'll get it.“ Jesse inclines his head.

Cage hands me the soda and a glass. “Is she alright?“

“Not right now but she will be. I think she ate something that was bad.“

“Damn,“ he rubs a hand along the back of his neck. He looks so worried. “I can stay with her if you want to eat.“

“I'm not really hungry, but you're welcome to stay with her. Small sips of this for her. When we stop for fuel, we'll need to pick up some vitamin water.“

He nods. “Can do.“

Sera groans and my heart aches. There's nothing worse than nausea and vomiting.

“How's she doing?“ Damian asks when I step into the lounge area.

“Not so good. Nausea, vomiting, sweats.“

He nods. “At least it's not coming out both ends at once.“

“Amen to that,“ Ethan agrees.

I sit back in the chair and take the ibuprofen set out on the tray. The throb is gone but the ache is still there and snausage fingers haven't changed much.

“Sera's going to stay here with us. Anyone who's afraid of getting whatever it is she's got should likely stay on another bus tonight,“ I announce and no one says anything.

I look at my plate of food and notice the enchiladas have been cut up into tiny bites and I look to Jesse who grins and winks.

“Thanks, love.“

His eyes sparkle at the endearment. “You're welcome.“

I use my right hand because eating left-handed has the food falling all over the place instead of landing in my mouth.

“Oh my God, Misty! This is so amazingly delicious.“

She blushes. “Thank you. I'm so glad you like it.“

“Oh, no,“ I correct. “I don't just like it, I love it. I'm so glad we found you.“

“We?“ Ben asks. “I think
found her.“

“Hmm. Maybe.“

“When we stop to fuel, will there be time to stop at a grocery store to pick up some items? I'd like to make Sera some chicken noodle soup,“ Misty asks.

I look to Damian.

“There should be time. I'll have one of the roadies run you over in the van,“ Damian replies.

“Nah,“ Ben tells him. “I'll take her.“

Damian nods.

I look to Jesse who shrugs.

Sera and Cage come out of the bathroom and Meggie makes the sign of the cross with her fingers. Sera flips her off.

“Ugh, I hate puking,“ Sera complains.

“The worst,“ I agree.

“She just sipped some of this soda, so likely she'll end up back in there shortly. If anyone needs to use the restroom, do it now,“ Cage announces.

Xander leads the parade.

“Luce,“ Cage begins. I raise my brows in question. “I got a call earlier from Jim Price.“

Jim Price of Price Productions?“ I gape.

Cage nods. “He was asking if you'd be interested in recording a duet with Lucian Cordero.“

I sit there, mouth hanging open, while Sera and Meggie go on about how hot Lucian is.

“Cupcake, close your mouth,“ Jesse chuckles but it sounds strained. I look over to him and he's smiling but it isn't quite meeting his eyes. I lift a brow in question and he just shakes his head.

I look to Cage. “Yeah, yeah, of course. Just me? Or the band?“

“The band. Apparently Lucian heard your album and thinks you'd collaborate well.“

“Well. Huh. Wow,“ I murmur.

“Wicked,“ Trace says. “I've met Lucian. He's a cool dude. It'll be a good collab.“

“Yeah?“ I ask.

Trace nods. “For sure. You'll like him.“

“What's not to like?“ Meggie asks. “Tall, dark, and fuckable.“

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