Blue Blood's Trifecta (9 page)

Read Blue Blood's Trifecta Online

Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #menage crime erotic romance

BOOK: Blue Blood's Trifecta
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"God, Tempest." Ryan muttered against her ear where he nipped her earlobe before laving it with his tongue, his hands still fondling her swollen breasts.

Succeeding in flipping his fly open, she dove in, gently wrapping her fingers around the treasure she uncovered, measuring him once, twice, before brushing her thumb over the sensitive tip, spreading the droplet of moisture. She took a moment to tug his shirt upwards, allowing him to finish stripping while she helped him to shimmy his pants down. Ryan tossed his shirt to the side, pulled his shoes off, and stepped out of the pile of garments at his feet. Standing nude, he glanced down to find Tempest caressing his sensitive flesh lovingly. The sight drove him higher.

Sucking in a breath, Ryan reached for her skirt, giving the light material a sharp tug, enough to send the cloth to the floor, and leaving her wearing only her pink satin bikini panties.

She stepped out of the wrappings around her ankles, and toed off first one shoe then the other, still holding on to Ryan's erection, unwilling to let him go for even a moment. His body called to her, begged her to run her hands over every delightful inch, to explore and discover, to take all he had to offer in an act of sheer pleasure. Leaning in, she licked his collarbone, then dipped lower, laving his nipples with her tongue and earning a low groan for her efforts.

"Damn, baby." Ryan met her lips, once again the conqueror in a heated kiss, coaxing, demanding, and insisting on every ounce of passion she could give. His hands wandered freely over her body, rubbing and caressing, driving her to burn hotter, before his mouth followed, his lips wrapping around her pebbled nipple and sucking.

Pleasure speared through her. "Ryan…"

"Hmmm?" he answered as he shared the attention with the other orb.

She dug her fingers in his short blond hair, holding him in place, encouraging him to continue with his ministrations. His hand cupped her femininity, rubbing through the slick material, before tugging the garment downward. Softly, his fingers delved between her thighs, separating her folds, and coating in the moisture before one digit sunk in deep while his thumb pressed down, sending a jolt through her. Her knees wobbled as she clung to him for support in the building waves of rapture.

"I need you. Now." The words whispered from her dry mouth.

Ryan took her hand, leading her to the side of his king size bed after she removed the final garment with a quick kick. With one more brush of his lips over hers, he sat down, scooted over, and stretched out on his back after plumping pillows to give his upper body a definite tilt. His eyes smoldering with sexual want as his gaze raked her bare body. Appreciation lit up his face.

"Then take me, baby." The words and sexy tone set her stomach into a slow, delicious somersault.

For a long moment, she visually feasted on the prime male specimen before her. His wide chest sprinkled with a few hairs, leading down into a flat stomach. Arms bulged with power and ripped thighs spoke of conditioning and strength. His lovely cock, in full glory, drew her attention as he lightly stroked his fingers over the granite hard thickness. She licked her lips as another bead of moisture appeared. What would he taste like? She would find out. Soon.

"Tempest?" He called to her. "Come on, honey. I'm all yours. Ride me."

She loved the cowgirl position. Just the thought of hopping on Ryan for a round of bucking bronco made her mouth water and belly clench in excited anticipation. Too long she waited, needing Ryan's touch, his kiss, his body covering hers as they both flew in those fleeting moments of ecstasy.

Walking to the bedside table, she plucked a condom from a box, tossing it to Ryan. As she watched, he ripped the foil open, pulled the rubber out, and quickly slid it over his large cock. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the wrapper to rest on the small wooden table, then reached out with his hand.

Unable to wait any longer, she climbed on the bed, crawling on all fours until she reached his side. Once there, she shifted over, straddling his supine body, her hips and shoulders level with his, allowing her arms and knees to support her position. As much as she longed to lower her body over his, to connect them, she held herself several inches above him in an attempt to slow down in order to regain control of her stampeding libido and savor this first time together.

Lazily, she leaned down, her breasts brushing across his chest, her hair tickling his shoulders, as she licked the column of his throat.

He molded her breasts once more, gently squeezing and plumping, sending tiny sparks straight to her pelvis.

She arched her back, brushed her mound against his cock, and grinned when she felt his erection jump against her lower belly in response to the direct stimulation.

Ryan snaked his hand lower, found her sensitive nubbin, and lightly plucked.

Tempest whimpered and mewled.

"Come on, baby. Climb aboard," he whispered against her ear, tonguing the lobe.

Sitting back, she met his gaze, reveling in his bedroom eyes and the tensed jaw, signs of his level of excitement and need. Taking his erection in hand, she rubbed him against her. Once, twice, watching as he threw his head back with a needy groan.

Ever so slowly, she lowered herself over him, slipping his manhood into her wet channel. The stretching sensation and fullness added to her pleasure, urging her onward until she seated him deep within her body.

"Damn, you feel good." The words tumbled from her mouth as she began a lazy rocking motion before lifting. He fit perfectly, rubbing against every sensitive spot, spurring her to greater heights.

He thrust.

She moaned and leaned forward, bracing her hands on his chest, splaying her legs wider. Pushing back, she met his next stroke, quickly picking up a steady rhythm, which rapidly accelerated.

More. She needed more. Tempest slammed down against him, rolling her hips, while throwing her head back. She couldn't get enough of him, deep enough, fast enough, hard enough. Riding like a woman born in the saddle, she matched his stride, pushed him higher, demanding all he could give.

She panted, unbridled need driving her to a faster pace, nearly reckless in her attempt to reach the pinnacle. Bouncing and jerking, her mouth fell open with a cry of need.

Ryan reached between them, his fingers centering on her clit, caressing with light brushstrokes. Gently at first, he exerted a bit more pressure with his thumb, the circular motion growing more frenzied with her movements.

"There, baby. Right there."

Tempest saw stars. Her muscles drew taut as she felt the first tingling twinges. "Yesssss."

Ryan's fingers fluttered over her, then ever so lightly pinched.

Rapture overcame her. Strong contractions encompassed her core while her mouth opened on a silent scream, her pelvis ground against his, locking his delectable cock deep inside. Belatedly, she heard him grunt, his hand digging into her hip, holding her in place while he jerked under her. Rapid breathing filled the otherwise quiet room.

"Can we do that again?" Tempest gasped out as she eased her nails from the muscles of his chest.

Ryan chuckled, bracketed her hips with his hands, and pushed upward. "Until one of us cries for mercy."

"It won't be me," she promised with a wicked smile and clenched her inner muscles around his deflating cock.

"Beautiful and insatiable. Damn, I'm lucky." He pulled her down for a kiss. "Good thing I have a whole box of condoms. We're gonna need them."

She grinned, flicked his nipple, and smiled impishly.

Oh, yeah, they were going to need them. And maybe more if she had her way.
With Ryan, she could make love all night. All day tomorrow. Into next week. Forever. Making love. In her experiences with a handful of boyfriends, never had she labeled their bedroom activities more than just sex. Ryan made it all different. New. Sharing and caring. He turned a physical act into a whirlwind of pleasure with something in addition.

Somehow she would navigate her way through this convoluted puzzle and cling to the man who bestowed such blessings upon her.

Chapter 15


"What's wrong with you? You've been acting like a lion with a sore paw for the past week."

Lark plucked containers out of a white plastic bag, setting each one on a placemat. Napkins and plastic silverware soon followed. While she unloaded their carry-out meal, Ryan filled glasses with ice, pouring soda for each to drink.


She snorted, pulled out a wooden kitchen chair and plopped down. "This is me you're talking to, not the parents."

He placed the cup in front of her, then his own, before setting a half-full two liter bottle in between them. Taking his seat, he opened the Styrofoam, grabbed his fork, and sliced through the still hot lasagna.

"So, what's eating you?" Lark popped the box top and dug into her meal.

Unsure he wanted to actually have this discussion, he only shrugged. How did he explain what happened when he didn't understand it himself? Not only that, he feared Lark's response. If she showed blatant censure, what would his parents think? Especially his general of a father? There was a reason men didn't speak of exploits with other men in the Army. During his time, the rule ground down to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." He never really considered the consequences or appropriateness of such an order until the past couple of days. Now, he didn't know what to think, what to do, or how to handle the spur of the moment occurrence.

Sucking in a breath, he focused on chewing his food, finding the taste becoming blander with each bite.



"Is it work?" Lark sipped her drink and returned the glass to the table.


"Woman problems?"

"No." He almost snickered. At the moment, woman problems would be a blessing. He could normally handle them without too much difficulty. Besides, after his last date with Tempest that ended with her spending the night, he could definitely say the woman in his life provided the bright spot. They made another date for Friday night. He couldn't wait. "Tempest and I are doing just fine. She stayed with me Tuesday night."

"You should be happy as a clam, not surly as a constipated camel." She studied him for a moment. "Let me guess. There's a national shortage of pepperoni pizza." She grinned at him.

Ryan rolled his eyes and snorted.

"Come on. 'Fess up. Really." She patted his arm with her smaller hand. "I've never seen you so on edge before. I'm worried."

Setting down his fork, he released a long suffering sigh. If anyone could or would understand, it would be Lark. She knew him almost better than he knew himself. Besides, maybe she could pinpoint the problem in order for him to reason himself through this mess then move forward.

"I kissed a man."

She did a double take, eyes widening as she stared at him. "A man?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Whoa. How did that happen?"

Cradling his face in his hands, he sucked in a deep breath. "I don't know. One minute we were arguing over a woman, the next, we were tongue wrestling."

"Well, did you like it?"

He considered her question for a long moment, scrubbed his face, and answered truthfully, "Yeah."

"Did he kiss you back?"

"God, yes." Boy howdy did he return the kiss. As if the universe stopped revolving while the two of them battled it out with their lips.

"Wow." Her head tilted this way and that. "Do you think you're gay?"

"No." He shook his head. "I still want women, am attracted to them. Hell, Tempest and I nearly set the sheets on fire." Ryan ran one hand through his short blond hair in agitation. "I don't think of kissing other men. It just sort of happened. Why him? Why now?"

She tapped her lips with a well-manicured finger. "So maybe this guy is special and the exception to your straightness?"

"Shit if I know." He met her gaze stoically. "All I know is that it can't happen again."

Her brows furrowed as her bright blue eyes expressed concern and curiosity. "Why not?"

"He's a man, damn it."

"I see. I never thought you were a bigot."

Ryan sucked in a breath, struggled with immediate anger, finally succeeding in gaining control over the volatile emotion. "I'm not," he said between clenched teeth.

"Then what's the problem?"

"What's the problem? Are you listening to yourself or to this conversation at all? I kissed a man, that's the problem!"

How could she sit there so calm and nonplussed? She looked at him like he'd announced he planned on baking a cake for dessert instead of confessing to a homosexual act. His gut churned and his heart pounded while she acted like nothing was wrong. So… accepting. A placid breeze to the hurricane that took over his life.

"Ryan…" She swiveled in her chair to face him directly, scooting close enough to rest her hand comfortably on his arm. "I can see how upsetting this is for you. Maybe even illogical and something that's put a large chunk of chaos in your life. But, let's think about this rationally."

He snorted.

"It's not the end of the world, you know."

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