Blue Blood's Trifecta (6 page)

Read Blue Blood's Trifecta Online

Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #menage crime erotic romance

BOOK: Blue Blood's Trifecta
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Shooting him a small smile, Tempest returned her attention to Lori.

"Don't disregard him for his caveman ways. He's got a heart of gold." Lori sipped her water.

"Oh, definitely a caveman. Give him a club, animal skin clothes, and a bone to put in his hair and he'll fit the part perfectly."

Lori tittered. "Just be careful lest he decide to drag you back to his lair for some down and dirty sex."

Tempest snorted. "You have the wrong woman. Rogue hardly knows I exist except to do the books and fly tourists around."

"You might be surprised."


Shaking her head, Tempest pushed the memory back into storage.

Who was she kidding? A relationship with Rogue would only exist in her daydreams. She needed to wake up to reality and move on before her hopes were destroyed once again.

Maybe Ryan? As quickly as she considered him, she threw the thought out the window. No sense holding her breath on a man who probably had half a dozen women at his beck and call, a confirmed playboy with no interest in settling down or of spending time with someone less than beauty pageant gorgeous.

Both men were out of her league and would always be.

Taking another sip of her soda, she plucked the next document from the pile and started typing.

Chapter 8


Reclining in his chair, Ryan propped his boots on his desk, and rotated his shoulders in an attempt to ease the strain of riding a desk all day long. After hours of non-stop paperwork and a late delivery lunch, he finally managed to mostly clear his docket. A couple more phone calls and he'd be finished. Thankfully. He enjoyed the challenge of his job, the travel, even the hint of danger. Paperwork landed on the flip side. A necessary evil he reluctantly performed, but gnashed his teeth the entire time.

The department secretary walked by, waved, and continued on her way. Pretty lady, but not in the same class as Tempest.

He pictured the brunette pilot in his mind, her saucy grin, the way her flight suit stretched snug over her chest and rear when she bent and moved. Damn fine. Her fighting spirit showed when she tagged along into battle as did her inner fortitude in standing up to her critical boss. Add in a decidedly high intelligence and she made a perfect female package.

If only she were his.

Somehow he had to maneuver around Rogue, her overprotective and surly employer, in order to ask her out. Let her decide for herself who she wanted to spend time with. If the pair was a couple, he didn't see any indication. No rings. Rogue didn't hold her hand or wrap an arm around her as they walked back to the terminal at the small airport. Tempest even introduced him only as her boss. All the facts said she remained single, or at least not in a relationship with Rogue.

Rogue. The man had changed little in the years since they were in the Army together. Physically, he appeared about the same. Big and strong. The attitude certainly hadn't changed. Taciturn and in-your-face described his former comrade's disposition to a T. Good thing he could back up his words or he would have his ass kicked on a daily basis both back then and now.

His cell rang, interrupting his thoughts. Glancing at the caller ID, he quickly answered. "What's up, sis?"

"You're still awake?"

"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"'Cause you're old?"

Rolling his eyes, he snorted into the phone. "I still have a job to do despite some extracurricular activities overnight."

"Speaking of extracurricular activities, have you asked Tempest out yet?"

"No, nosey pants, I haven't."

"Why not?"

He rubbed his forehead. Leave it to his baby sister to have a one-track mind. Either saddle him with biological clock-ticking women or push him into seeing a woman he just met a few hours earlier. What's worse, Lark held their mother's ear and she used the power to encourage their mother's near obsession for having grandchildren from him.

"Can't you find another hobby besides harassing me? Hell, there are three other brothers you can bother. All of them are single. Go march one of them to the altar."

She chuckled. "Oh, someone is testy."

"I don't need a matchmaker. Been finding my own women for a few years now."

"How did that work for you?"

Ryan growled and muttered under his breath. Lark knew how to dig at him, like an angry hornet intent upon inflicting stings until you moved along.

"You like her. She's feisty and pretty. Ask her out already."

Done with the personal conversation, he quickly changed topics. "Did you find the person responsible for the ambush yet?"

She sighed. "No, not yet. We're working on it. And, don't get your panties in a wad. I just want to see my favorite brother happy."

A tiny pinch of guilt settled on his shoulders. Lark rattled his cage more often than not, but she held his best interests at heart. Bryce made her sparkle with contentment, so she decided that Ryan needed to find his other half, thus he would share in the joy. He really couldn't blame her for needling him about dating.

"Okay. Okay. I'll ask Tempest out."

"GREAT!" She whooped.

He shook his head and smiled at her exuberance. "You're turning into Mom."

She gasped. "No way, bro. While I might want to see everyone in a long-term relationship, I'm not clamoring for babies. Nope."

"We'll see." He shook his head. Bryce had his hands full with Lark. "If you're done pressing my buttons, I have work to do."

"Yeah, yeah. When are you going to talk to Tempest?"

"One-track mind, I swear," he grumbled. "Tomorrow."

"Good. I'll catch you later then."

"Hey, Lark?"


"Be careful."

"No worries. Consider me armed and dangerous." With a kissy sound, she clicked off.

No time like the present. Besides, if he didn't follow through, Lark would be on him like white on rice tomorrow evening. Hell, he wouldn't put it past her to step in and call Tempest herself, explain the situation, and line him up for an evening out.

Digging out a phone book, he paused for a second, recalling the words written on the modified Huey. Chopper Views. Thumbing through the pages, he quickly found the listing, jotted down the phone number and address, then stuffed the scrap of paper in his pocket. Tomorrow he would visit the business, see Tempest, and ask her out to dinner.

Chapter 9


The next morning, Tempest plopped down at her desk with a cup of steaming hot coffee. Normally, she mixed in cream and sugar, but not today. After little sleep two nights ago with the overnight flight to rescue the pseudo-military team and that morning's pre-dawn flight with a cute older couple who wanted to watch the sunrise over the city from the air, she needed every jolt and trick to stay awake in the empty office and for the rest of the work day.

Not that she minded the early flight. On the contrary, they were her favorite. There was something peaceful watching the bright colors illuminate the sky in preparation for the new day. Seeing nature's beautiful display from her pilot's seat as they flew over both rural and populated areas didn't lessen the surreal experience in her book.

The chime over the door rang cheerfully.

Spinning around, she glanced up at the visitor, her spirits lifting when she recognized the light blond hair, bright blue eyes, and charming smile. "Hey, Ryan. What brings you by?"

A smile appeared on his face as he met her gaze before raking her body with a slow, wicked look.

Remembering her manners, she quickly held out her mug. "Would you like some coffee? It's fresh."

He shook his head. "No thanks. I've had my limit already this morning."

Her heart fluttered. Beating down the excitement of his arrival, she held to her rational wits with long practiced skill. But he sure looked damn good that morning. Denim painted his lower body, outlining strong thighs while a light blue shirt, a shade darker than his eyes, draped over a sculpted chest, the short sleeves revealing toned and bulging arms. Powerful and graceful.
Dare I drool?

"I wanted to see you again."

"Really?" She arched an eyebrow.

He walked over, stopping just in front of her desk, before plopping down in the empty chair provided for potential clients. Adjusting for comfort, he stretched his long legs out before him. "Yep. I wanted to ask you something."

Setting her mug on the desk, she cocked her head. "Okay. Shoot."

"Will you go out with me?"

Blinking, Tempest replayed his words, surprised and afraid to believe they actually came from his mouth instead of her mind. "I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?"

The corner of his mouth tilted up. "Will you go out with me? You know. Date."

Happy butterflies took flight in her stomach. She slowly grinned. "I would like that."

Ryan smiled widely. "Great. How about tonight?"

Without hesitation, she nodded. "That'll work. I get off here at five."

"I'll pick you up at six."

He dug his wallet from a back pocket, opened it, and pulled out a business card. "Here. It's got my phone number in case you need it."

She took the offered paper.
Ryan Blake, FBI.
Another puzzle piece clicked into place while piquing her interest all the more.

"I need your address to pick you up." Ryan leaned in and whispered.

"Oh, I forgot." A bit flustered, she grabbed a sticky note and jotted it down. "Here you go. It's in the suburbs, a little drive. If you would prefer, I can meet you somewhere…"

"No way." He waved his hand dismissively. "All part of a date with me. Curbside service and an evening of entertainment." A dimple popped out in his cheek.

She chuckled. "Sounds like fun."

He waggled his eyebrows. "I guarantee it." Absently checking his watch, he released a sigh and stood. "Got to get to work before I'm late."

Tempest followed suit, taking to her feet. Ryan strode around the desk and paused long enough to place a chaste kiss to her cheek. "Until later." With a quick salute, he ambled to the front door, holding it open for Rogue to enter, a cardboard box in his arms.

She watched while Ryan climbed in his black truck then quickly drove away.

"What's he doing here?" Rogue's skeptical tone caught her attention.

"Nothing that pertains to you or the business." Long ago, she'd learned to stand up to Rogue or risk getting run over by his battering ram attitude.

His deep chocolate eyes stared at her for a long moment before he puffed out a breath. "He's trouble."

She shrugged, not about to let her pleasant morning be ruined by a grumpy boss.

With a roll of his eyes, he marched past her into his office, shutting the door behind him.

Her heart went out to him, instinctively wanting to replace his scowl with a teasing smile. No. She lifted her chin and hardened her empathetic thoughts. Rogue never indicated he was remotely interested in her in the two years she'd worked there. She could either spend more time pining away for him or move on, living her life, and maybe finding something special with Ryan.

Taking her seat, she fired up the computer, and considered which outfit to wear for their first date.


* * * *


Rogue sat the package down on his cluttered desk, his gaze locked on Tempest as she busily worked on the computer. Irritated and restless, he shuffled through papers before slamming them down on his desk in a fit of temper.

Ryan asked Tempest out. The fact was obvious between Ryan's presence at opening that morning and her bubbly mood. Hell, she hummed to herself as she typed in data. In the two years she'd worked for him, he'd never seen her behave in such a way. The fact that she did now only added gasoline to the fire in his gut.

Either he did something or Blue Blood would whisk her out from under him. A tsunami of jealousy washed over him. The two people he wanted most in the world were dating one another.

Puffing out a breath, he drummed his fingers on the desk, the tension not lessening an inch. He needed to step up to the plate and make a move now or watch his chance float away.

While Ryan was off limits due to his preference for women, Tempest still remained on the playing board as a potential. But, she'd just accepted Ryan's invitation.

A slow smile appeared on his face.
Let her go out with my old rival.
Competition always brought out the best in him and would do so again. He would just woo her at the same time, showing up old Blue Balls, and winning the fair lady in the end. He always fought for the things he wanted in life. He would fight for Tempest, too.

With a plan in hand, he stood and walked to the door of his office. Opening it fully, he stuck his head out. "Tempest?"

She glanced up from her computer.

"Lunch is on me today. We'll go to that new steak house."

Her mouth dropped open as she blinked at him. "Did I miss something? Like employee appreciation day?"

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