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Authors: John Dickie

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L. Galluzzo, F. La Licata, S. Lodato (eds),
Rapporto sulla mafia degli anni ‘80
, Palermo, 1986. ‘They have shown that, in the struggle against the mafia, party political labels are irrelevant’, and the rest of the interview with Falcone, pp. 39–40.
A. Jamieson,
The Antimafia: Italy’s Fight against Organized Crime
, London, 2000.
S. Lodato,
Trent’anni di mafia
, Milan, 2008. ‘Palermo has always been the mafia’s capital city. But I want to express my pride in its ability to be the capital of the anti-mafia too’, p. 212; ‘the Church is worried that holding such a big trial might attract too much concentrated attention on Sicily’, p. 179; ‘Today the mafia is fundamentally unconnected to power’, p. 182.
Maxiprocesso: Tribunale Penale di Palermo, Ufficio Istruzione Processi Penali, Processo verbale di interrogatorio dell’imputato Tommaso Buscetta, 16/7/1984–. ‘The presence of so many Men of Honour in the Ucciardone at the same time further reinforces the links between them’, p. 376.
U. Santino,
Storia del movimento antimafia
, Rome, 2009 (updated edn).
J.C. Schneider and P.T. Schneider,
Reversible Destiny: mafia, antimafia, and the struggle for Palermo
, Berkeley, CA, 2003.
F.M. Stabile,
I consoli di Dio
, Caltanissetta, 1999.
64. The rule of non-law
F. Barbagallo,
Napoli fine Novecento: politici, camorristi, imprenditori
, Turin, 1997.
F. Barbagallo,
Il potere della camorra (1973–1998)
, Turin, 1999.
F. Barbagallo,
Storia della camorra
, Rome-Bari, 2010. ‘In the 1980s we realised that we had to “industrialise mafia activities”’, p. 154.
Commissione parlamentare antimafia, Camorra e politica: relazione approvata dalla Commissione il 21 dicembre 1993
, Rome, 1994. Estimate of number of camorra clans, p. 10; ‘The camorra’s activities create a generalised “rule of non-law”’, p. 55; construction of Pianura without a single building licence, p. 61; ‘a conurbation that can only be compared to some of the metropolises that have grown up rapidly and chaotically in South America or South-East Asia’, p. 62; arrest of a former mayor, a chief of a local health authority and three bank managers, p. 47.
Corte di Assise di Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Sentenza contro Abbate Antonio, + 129, ‘Sentenza Spartacus’, 15/9/2005.
S. De Gregorio,
I nemici di Cutolo
, Naples, 1983.
D. Della Porta,
Lo scambio occulto: casi di corruzione politica in Italia
, Bologna, 1992.
G. Di Fiore,
Io, Pasquale Galasso, da studente in medicina a capocamorra
, Naples, 1994. ‘Everyone remained autonomous. We weren’t like the Sicilian mafia’, p. 148.
L. Gay, ‘L’atteggiarsi delle associazioni mafiose sulla base delle esperienze processuali acquisite: la camorra’,
Quaderni del Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura
, 99, 1996. ‘We felt like the Israelis facing up to the Arabs’, said by Pasquale Galasso; Sicilian construction companies operating in Campania immediately abandoned the region.
Processo Olimpia. ‘He lived to do justice because he was the armed emissary of the Madonna of Polsi’, p. 517; ‘Great fluctuations in power. Marriages to seal pacts. Secret alliances’, p. 558; ‘the war’s protagonists, who had by now been decimated, were irrationally hitting victims chosen at random’, p. 653.
I. Sales,
La camorra le camorre
, Rome, 1993. Figures on numbers of camorra clans, p. 7.

‘Assalto alla villa del boss camorrista: tre morti e 2 feriti’,
, 11/6/1984.

’U maxi
G. Ayala,
Chi ha paura muore ogni giorno. I miei anni con Falcone e Borsellino
, Milan, 2008.
Istruttoria Stajano. ‘For many a long year the state was practically absent from the struggle against the mafia’, p. 328.
F. La Licata, ‘La “finta giustizia” di Cosa Nostra’,
La Stampa
, 4/10/1994.
G. Lo Forte, ‘L’atteggiarsi delle associazioni mafiose sulla base delle esperienze processuali acquisite: la mafia siciliana’,
Quaderni del Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura
, 99, 1996.
Maxiprocesso: Tribunale Penale di Palermo, Ufficio Istruzione Processi Penali, Processo verbale di interrogatorio dell’imputato Tommaso Buscetta, 16/7/1984–. ‘The Salvos’ role in Cosa Nostra is modest. Yet their political importance is huge’, p. 465.
F. Viviano,
Michele Greco il memoriale
, Roma, 2008.

‘Anti-mafia trial to open in Sicily’,
New York Times
, 9/2/1986. ‘The prosecution will try to prove how individual acts were part of a vast criminal conspiracy born centuries ago’.

‘Cast assembles for Mafia show trial’,
‘Trial a challenge to might of mafia’,
, 10/2/1986. ‘Overtones of a Barnum and Bailey production’.
‘The Mafia is not dead’,
, 15/2/1986. The Commission as ‘semi-mythical’, p. 55.
‘Anche Salvo non sa nulla’,
La Stampa
, 21/6/1986. ‘The Salvos paid all the political parties. Money to all of them: no exceptions’; ‘You seem bored’.
‘Sgomento a Palermo’,
La Stampa
, 10/10/1986. ‘And they call themselves Men of Honour!’ ‘We join the Domino family in their grief.’
‘Maxiprocesso alla mafia’, RAI documentary available on YouTube. Includes Michele Greco’s infamous ‘peace’ wishes.
66. One step forward, three steps back
C. Duggan,
Fascism and the Mafia
, New Haven, London, 1989.
G. Falcone and M. Padovani,
Cose di Cosa Nostra
, Milan, 1991. ‘I warn you, judge. After this interrogation, you will become a celebrity’, p. 44.
L. Galluzzo, F. Nicastro, V. Vasile,
Obiettivo Falcone. Magistrati e mafia nel Palazzo dei veleni
, Naples, 1989. ‘ . . . distorted protagonism’ and ‘personality culture’, p. 205; ‘No one is irreplaceable . . . there is no such thing as a demi-god’, p. 267; ‘Has he resigned? Things in Palermo are still trouble’, p. 280.
F. La Licata,
Storia di Giovanni Falcone
, Milan, 2002. ‘I am a walking corpse’, p. 113; ‘One step forward, three steps back: that’s how the fight against the mafia goes’, p. 120.
L. Sciascia,
A Futura memoria (se la memoria ha un futuro)
, Milan, 1989.
67. Falcone goes to Rome
Corte d’Assise di Caltanissetta, Sentenza nel procedimento penale contro Aglieri Pietro +40 (the trial for the murder of Falcone, his wife and bodyguards). ‘Wage war on the state first, so as to mould the peace afterwards’, p. 1242; ‘destroy Giulio Andreotti’s political faction led by Salvo Lima’, p. 825.
P. Ginsborg,
Italy and its Discontents. Family, Civil Society and the State 1980–2001
, London, 2001.
A. Jamieson,
The Antimafia: Italy’s Fight against Organized Crime
, London, 2000.
F. La Licata,
Storia di Giovanni Falcone
, Milan, 2002. ‘Yes, I am Sicilian. And for me, life is worth less than this button’, p. 14; ‘My country has not yet grasped what has happened. This is something historic: this result has shattered the myth that the mafia cannot be punished’, p. 163; ‘Don’t you understand? You must realise that an equilibrium has been broken, and the entire building could collapse’, p. 166.


68. Sacrifice
Corte d’Assise di Caltanissetta, Sentenza nel procedimento penale contro Aglieri Pietro +40 (for the details of the Capaci bomb). ‘Giovanni, Giovanni’, p. 146.
S. Lodato,
Venti anni di mafia
, Milan, 1999. ‘The state seemed like a punch-drunk boxer’, p. 305.
U. Lucentini,
Paolo Borsellino
, Cinisello Balsamo, 2003. ‘While he carried out his work, Giovanni Falcone was perfectly well aware that one day the power of evil, the mafia, would kill him’, pp. 260–62; ‘It will be him first, then they will kill me’, p. 243.
69. The collapse of the old order
R. Alajmo,
Un lenzuolo contro la mafia
, Palermo, 1993.
F. Barbagallo,
Storia della camorra
, Rome-Bari, 2010.
B. De Stefano,
I boss della camorra
, Rome, 2007.
G. Di Fiore,
Io, Pasquale Galasso, da studente in medicina a capocamorra
, Naples, 1994.
N. Gratteri and A. Nicaso,
La malapianta
, Milan, 2010. On invitation from Riina for ’ndrangheta to join massacre campaign, p. 63.
Gruppo Abele,
Dalla mafia allo Stato
, Turin, 2005. ‘Everyone saw me, and I immediately thought: now they’re going to arrest me’, p. 461; ‘Today I feel as if I am completely one of them, because when it comes down to it we’re all running the same risks and fighting for the same cause’, p. 469.
D. Parrini, ‘Collaboratori e testimoni di giustizia. Aspetti giuridici e sociologici’, in
L’altro diritto. Centro di documentazione su carcere, devianza e marginalità
, available at:

Some of the sheets of protest hung up in Palermo in the summer of 1992 can be viewed here:

‘La mafia dichiara guerra allo Stato. Dopo Falcone, uccisi Borsellino e cinque agenti’,
La Stampa
, 20/7/1992.
70.   Negotiating by bomb: Birth of the Second Republic
S. Ardita,
Ricatto allo Stato
, Milan, 2011. ‘After the second bomb we were genuinely all ready to be killed’, p. 7.
S. Colarizi and M. Gervasoni,
La tela di Penelope. Storia della Seconda Repubblica
, Rome, 2012. ‘No agreement with the
’, p. 103.
Corte d’appello di Palermo, 29/6/2010. Sentenza d’appello nei confronti di Dell’Utri Marcello.
N. Farrell and B. Johnson, ‘Forza Berlusconi’,
The Spectator
, 6/9/2003. ‘To do that job you need to be mentally disturbed, you need psychic disturbances,’ p. 16.
P. Ginsborg,
Silvio Berlusconi: television, power and patrimony
, London, 2005.
Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Palermo, Memoria a sostegno della richiesta di rinvio a giudizio, 5/11/2012. ‘The new pact of co-habitation between the state and the mafia was finally sealed’, p. 20.
N. Tranfaglia,
La mafia come metodo
, Milan, 2012. ‘The ongoing negotiations were the main reason why the plan to eliminate Borsellino was accelerated’, p. 129.
Tribunale di Palermo. II Sezione penale presieduta da Leonardo Guarnotta. Sentenza nei confronti di Dell’Utri Marcello e Cinà Gaetano, 11/12/2004.

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