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Authors: John Dickie

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‘Il Pci si chiede “Chi ha pagato?”’,
La Stampa
, 25/7/1981. ‘Without any negotiation and without any concession on the part of organs of the state faced with blackmail from an armed band’.
58. The Magliana Band and the Sacred United Crown
E. Ciconte,
Storia criminale. La resistibile ascesa di mafia, ’ndrangheta e camorra dall’Ottocento ai giorni nostri
, Soveria Mannelli, 2008. For very interesting observations on the increasing ties between the mafias, and on the Mala Vita.
‘Commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta sul fenomeno della mafia e sulle altre associazioni criminali similari’,
Mafia, politica, pentiti: la relazione del presidente Luciano Violante e le deposizioni di Antonio Calderone, Tommaso Buscetta, Leonardo Messina, Gaspare Mutolo
, Soveria Mannelli, 1993. ‘In Piedmont, the Calabrians have taken over the region’, testimony of Leonardo Messina, pp. 321–2.
G. Di Fiore,
Io, Pasquale Galasso, da studente in medicina a capocamorra
, Naples, 1994. ‘But what a race there was to suck up to Cosa Nostra’, p. 141.
P. Ginsborg,
Silvio Berlusconi: television, power and patrimony
, London, 2005. The first was ‘semi-clean’, quoted from F. Tamburini,
Misteri d’Italia
, Milan, 1996.
M. Massari,
La Sacra Corona Unita: potere e segreto
, Rome, 1998. ‘Never to allow any family from other regions to lord it over our territory’, p. 15; ‘At the time, Cutolo’s men felt like they were Lord God Almighty’, p. 17; ‘He wanted me to draw a triangle, the sign of the Holy Trinity’, pp. 18–19; ‘eight unknown, invisible and well-armed men’, p. 32.
‘Rapporto del Questore di Bari al Procuratore del Re rivelante l’esistenza in Bari della Mala Vita’, 22/8/1890. Reproduced in C. D’Addosio,
Il duello dei camorristi
, Napoli, 1893, pp. 141ff. The Mala Vita was also widely covered in the press, even in the UK. Its emergence bears many similarities to that of the ’ndrangheta at the same time. The Mala Vita, however, does not seem to have put down roots.
R. Sciarrone,
Mafie nuove, mafie vecchie. Radicamento ed espansione
, Rome, 1998. ‘In 1982 I took part in a meeting of all the Locals in Piedmont. About 700 people were there’, p. 235.
Tribunale Penale di Roma, Ufficio Istruzione, Ordinanza-Sentenza contro Abbatino Maurizio + 237 (Banda della Magliana). ‘We decided to try and carry out the same operation in Rome that Raffaele Cutolo was carrying out in Naples’, p. 65.

‘Così fu ucciso il duca Grazioli’,
Corriere della Sera
, 5/10/1993. ‘Go home and wait. Your father will be freed in a few hours.’


59. Mafia terror
A. Dino (ed.),
Pentiti. I collaboratori di giustizia, le istituzioni, l’opinione pubblica
, Rome, 2006.
Gruppo Abele (ed.),
Dalla mafia allo Stato. I pentiti: analisi e storie
, Turin, 2005.
H. Hess,
Mafia and Mafiosi. Origin, Power and Myth
, London, 1998. ‘Sensation-hungry journalists, confused northern Italian jurists, and foreign authors’, p. 3.
F. La Licata,
Storia di Giovanni Falcone
, Milan, 2002. A fine biography that I have used repeatedly in the following chapters. ‘Ruining the Palermo economy’, p. 61; ‘Well I never. I was absolutely sure it was your turn’, p. 54.
U. Lucentini,
Paolo Borsellino
, Cinisello Balsamo, 2003. Another fine biography that I have used repeatedly in the following chapters. ‘I had married a man carved out of rock’, p. 59.
S. Palazzolo,
I pezzi mancanti. Viaggio nei misteri della mafia
, Rome–Bari, 2010. ‘Palermo’s mafia organizations have now become pivotal in heroin trafficking, the clearing house for the United States’, p. 39.

‘Giornalista assassinato a Palermo’,
, 27/1/1979.

‘Noi politici siamo indifendibili’,
, 10/3/1979. ‘No longer live for the construction industry and off the construction industry’.
‘S’intese col PCI e gli sparì l’auto’,
Giornale di Sicilia
, 11/3/1979.
60. The fatal combination
G. Anremi,
La strategia vincente del Generale Dalla Chiesa contro le Brigate Rosse
. . .
e la mafia
, Rome, 2004.
P. Arlacchi
et al
Morte di un generale. L’assassinio di Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, la mafia, la droga, il potere politico
, Milan, 1982.
G. Bascietto and C. Camarca,
Pio La Torre. Una storia italiana
, Rome, 2008. ‘In a couple of years, La Torre and I should be able to get the most important things done’, pp. 26–7.
G. Bocca, ‘Quell’uomo solo contro la mafia’,
, 10/8/1982.
G. Burgio,
Pio La Torre. Palermo, la Sicilia, il PCI, la mafia
, Palermo, 2010. ‘You’re an intelligent lad. You’ll go far’, p. 47; ‘We just can’t stomach this party. Over there in Russia maybe . . . ’, p. 47.
C.A. Dalla Chiesa,
Michele Navarra e la mafia del corleonese
, ed. F. Petruzzella, Palermo, 1990.
C.A. Dalla Chiesa,
In nome del popolo italiano
, ed. N. Dalla Chiesa, Milan, 1997.
N. Dalla Chiesa,
Delitto imperfetto. Il generale, la mafia, la società italiana
, Milan, 1984. ‘Get lost,
!’, p. 45; ‘I’ve been to see Andreotti; and when I told him everything I know about his people in Sicily, he blanched’, p. 34; ‘What we were afraid of has happened’, p. 122.
N. Dalla Chiesa,
Album di famiglia
, Turin, 2009.
C. De Simone,
Pio La Torre. Un comunista romantico
, Rome, 2002.
G. Frasca Polara, ‘Una vita contro la mafia’,
, 1/5/1982.
P. La Torre,
Comunisti e movimento contadino in Sicilia
, Rome, 1980.
P. La Torre,
Le ragioni di una vita
, Palermo, 1982.
M. Nese and E. Serio,
Il Generale Dalla Chiesa
, Rome, 1982. The anecdote about Dalla Chiesa’s father’s return to Italy, p. 9.
S. Palazzolo,
I pezzi mancanti. Viaggio nei misteri della mafia
, Rome–Bari, 2010.
D. Paternostro,
A pugni nudi: Placido Rizzotto e le lotte contadine a Corleone nel secondo dopoguerra
, Palermo, 2000.
P. Peci,
Io, l’infame
, Milan, 1983. ‘His manner was severe but gentle, authoritative but kind’, p. 189.
Pio La Torre. 30 aprile 1982. Ricordi di una vita pubblica e privata
, Palermo, 2007.
D. Rizzo,
Pio La Torre. Una vita per la politica attraverso i documenti
, Soveria Mannelli, 2003.

, 29/3/1982. ‘There should be no political difficulties’.

61. Doilies and drugs
G. Ascheri,
Tortora. Storia di un’accusa
, Milan, 1984. ‘Aggressive personality strongly influenced by delusions of grandeur’, p. 46; ‘My current status as a detainee who is still bound to the healthy principles of Honour’, p. 39.
F. Coppola, ‘Ecco perché Tortora è innocente’,
, 18/12/1986.
M.V. Foschini and S. Montone, ‘Il processo Tortora’, in L. Violante (ed.),
Storia d’Italia. Annali 12. La criminalità
, Turin, 1997.
L. Galluzzo, F. La Licata, S. Lodato (eds),
Rapporto sulla mafia degli anni ‘80
, Palermo, 1986. On Buscetta’s treatment in Brazil, see the interview with Falcone, p. 35.
M. Jacquemet,
Credibility in Court. Communicative practices in the Camorra trials
, Cambridge, 1996.
R. Lumley, ‘The Tortora Case: The Scandal of the Television Presenter as Media Event’,
The Italianist
, 6, 1986.
R. Lumley, ‘The Tortora Case: Restoring the Image and Putting the System of Justice on Trial’,
The Italianist
, 7, 1987.
Maxiprocesso: Tribunale Penale di Palermo, Ufficio Istruzione Processi Penali, Processo verbale di interrogatorio dell’imputato Tommaso Buscetta, 16/7/1984.

‘C’era una volta Portobello’, episode of TV series
La storia siamo noi
: available at

‘Tra Tortora e il boss Cutolo stretta di mano all’Asinara’,
, 3/12/1985. ‘No, look, you’re the boss’.
62.   Walking cadavers
D. Dolci,
Banditi a Partinico
, Bari, 1955. On the
, p. 282.
G. Falcone and M. Padovani,
Cose di Cosa Nostra
, Milan, 1991. ‘Was like a language professor who allows you to go to Turkey without having to communicate with your hands’.
L. Forte, ‘20 anni fa’,
, 28/7/2005. ‘In Palermo there are about ten of us who are a real danger for the mafia’.
S. Lodato,
Trent’anni di mafia
, Milan, 2008. ‘Everything conspires to individualise the struggle against the mafia’, p. 120; ‘Sooner or later all the investigators who really take their job seriously end up getting killed’, pp. 166–7; ‘We keep a very close eye on the worrying events surrounding both the build-up to the Palermo maxi-trial, and the maxi-trial against the camorra’, pp. 166–7.
U. Lucentini,
Paolo Borsellino
, Cinisello Balsamo, 2003. ‘We’d better resign ourselves to being walking cadavers’, p 122.
S. Lupo, ‘Alle origini del pentitismo’, in A. Dino (ed.),
Pentiti. I collaboratori di giustizia, le istituzioni, l’opinione pubblica
, Rome, 2006.
V. Vasile, ‘La normalità a Palermo’,
, 8/8/1985. ‘You knew Cassarà. And you understood.’

Antonino Caponnetto interview with Gianni Minà from 1992 available in various versions on YouTube. (Buscetta changed everything ‘by opening the door for us from the inside’.)

‘Gian Giacomo Ciaccio Montalto’, episode of TV series
Blu notte
. Episode first transmitted in 2008. The street where he lay bleeding to death was a narrow one.
Interview with Procuratore della Repubblica Bernardo Petralia.
63. The capital of the anti-mafia
N. Alongi,
Palermo. Gli anni dell’utopia
, Soveria Mannelli, 1997. ‘Why are we [i.e., Communists] the only ones who talk about the mafia?’, p. 95; ‘Street crime, operating in the open, is almost inextricably tied in a complex web with occult manipulators’, p. 16; ‘For almost an hour the Cardinal waited in vain for the prisoners to leave their cells’, p. 29.
P. Catalanotto, ‘Dal carcere della Vicaria all’Ucciardone. Una riforma europea nella Palermo borbonica’,
Nuovi Quaderni del Meridione
, 79, 1982.

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