Blackhill Ranch (14 page)

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Authors: Katherine May

Tags: #colorado, #ranch, #paradise, #montana, #hotman

BOOK: Blackhill Ranch
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I had broken up with a few
boyfriends here and there in high school, but I had never had a
really long-term boyfriend before I met Brian. This sucked, and
then I thought about Rhet's mouth and smiled. I headed over to the
barn to tell him that I was all his.



When I walked through the
barn doors and saw the light on in the back office I smiled and
started to head that way when Rhet walked out and leaned against
the door. I had to stop and catch my breath, he was

I walked up to him and
placed my arms around his waist, “I'm yours,” I said softly and
reached up and kissed his neck.

He ran his hands through
my hair and let out a heavy breath, “I have waited for you for a
long time,” he said into my ear and kissed my cheek.

“Is it crazy we have only
been around each other for a little over a week, and I have
feelings for you that I have never felt before? I really have that
butterfly feeling in my stomach.”

“That's because we were
meant for each other,” he said and kissed me with such passion that
I felt my toes curl in my boots. He pulled me closer while kissing
and nipping on my lips. I slightly parted my mouth to give him
permission, and he took immediate control. He spun me around so I
was now pinned against the wall. I started trailing light kisses
down his neck and he moaned in approval. I fiddled with his belt
buckle and he grabbed my hands. “Lex, someone could come in and
check on the horses....”

“Then let's go back to my
cabin, Chloe said she would be back late,” I said breathlessly and
hated to pull away from him.

Rhet smiled down at me and
grabbed my hand. We turned the light out and headed out of the
barn, and walked down the path to my cabin. When we got close to
the pool house we heard a little commotion, and Rhet and I looked
over at each other in confusion. “What is that?” I asked and
pointed towards the front.

“Sounds like the guys are
yelling at each other, come on we better check it out.” Rhet pulled
me over towards the pool house and my body protested and wanted to
keep heading to the cabin.

“Alright, but they better
be in serious trouble,” I grumbled and Rhet let out a soft

When we got closer, I
could see that it was Cole who was yelling, and had his finger in
Camden's face. 
 “I don't care what you say, I know what I saw, you
douche!” Cole screamed and was holding Chloe by her arm. She looked
like she was pissed as hell, and was trying to pull away from

“Cole you asshole! We were
just making out, my God!” she yelled and finally broke free of his

“What is going on here?”
Rhet said loudly and everyone turned their head towards

Chloe ran up to me and
pointed towards Cole. “Could you please tell your brother to calm
down and that I was purposely kissing Camden,” she said with venom
in her voice. Right then Camden walked over and put his arm around
her waist.

“Lexi, we were really just
kissing in the steam room. I guess Cole thought I was taking
advantage of her, but I wasn't. She jumped on my lap and I kind of
lost it,” he said, and blushed a little as he turned towards

I looked at Cole and then
at Chloe, “I believe you guys. Chloe would jump on your lap.” I
smirked at her. Cole said something not very nice and stormed off,
I'm assuming towards his cabin. Rhet grabbed my arm when I started
to go after him and shook his head no.

The other bachelors went
back into the pool house, and I apologized to them about my brother
over reacting.

Greg walked up to me and
apologized as well. “I knew they had gone into the steam room, but
we were messing around and swimming I wasn't really paying to much
attention to them,” Greg said and turned to walk back in with his
other friends.

“Lexi, I'm sorry. I didn't
know Cole was going to stop by. I am going to go change and then
Camden asked me to go on a small walk around the ranch. I'll be
home later, and I promise to keep it PG. He is just too freaking
hot to refuse!” She whispered the last part in my ear. Camden
smiled over at me and walked Chloe back to the pool

“The sad thing is I can't
get angry with her because I know exactly how she feels.” I looked
over and Rhet and he laughed loudly and pulled me into a bear

“It definitely has gotten
more interesting since you girls have been here.”

Right then I remembered
that my Dad had told Tina he loved her. “Oh my gosh Rhet! I
witnessed the most amazing thing today,” I said and had a huge grin
on my face. Rhet just stared at me and waited for me to continue.
“My dad told Tina he loved her.” I said sweetly and jumped up and

Rhet smiled back at me and
said, “Well damn, it's about time.”

We grabbed hands and
started back to my cabin. We walked in silence and I started
thinking about my brother. I needed to know what happened with him
and Chloe, and I was going to get it out of Rhet if it was the last
thing I did that night.



When we were finally in my
room at the cabin, I threw my phone and keys down on the table and
turned towards Rhet.

“ I really want to know
about Cole and Chloe, did they hook up? Please tell me, and I'll
give you a really fun reward.” I said and wiggled my eyebrows at

Rhet started to shake his
finger at me and said, “No, uh uh. You are not going to tempt

I licked my lips slowly
and looked down at his belt buckle. “I promise, it will be worth
it.” I smiled deviously and smacked my lips for a little more

Rhet sat down and put his
hand over his face, “Fine, I will tell you.” He removed his hand
and started laughing and shaking his head when he looked over at me
and I had my finger in my mouth, and was sucking on it. He reached
out and grabbed me, but I dodged him and jumped on the

“Tell me first,” I laughed
and pulled him over to me.

He plopped down by me and
looked right into my eyes, “They almost did I guess, Cole has had a
major crush on Chloe and finally made his move. He was so
apprehensive about the whole thing because of Sarah. I guess they
made out for a while, did a few other things, and then right when
they were about to, ya know, Chloe had second thoughts and told him
they would never work out, and what they were doing could never
happen again. I guess she ran out on him, and it has been awkward
ever since.”

I sat and processed this
new information, and was really surprised Chloe stopped and didn't
sleep with him. I really thought they had. “Well, I guess I'm
impressed with Chloe because she was absolutely right... They would
never work,” I said sadly and had such rage towards Sarah at that
moment because how much she had messed Cole up. “If I ever see
Sarah again, I may punch her in her perfect nose.”

Rhet laughed but then shot
me a serious look. “You know, I wouldn't stop you if you did.” Then
we both laughed and he leaned over to give me a small kiss on the
side of my mouth.

“Do you think it will
always be like this with us?” I swooned and kissed him

“I hope so.”

I scooted over so I was
basically right on top of him, and kissed him passionately. He
groaned and started to push me back on the bed, but I stood and
shook my head no. “It's my turn, and I owe you a prize.” I winked
and kneeled down to undo his belt.

“You don't owe me anything
Lexi, come here I want to kiss you some more,” he said sweetly as
he brushed his lips over my forehead.

“Nope. Now be quiet and
enjoy.” I unzipped him and pushed my hand into find his hardness
waiting eagerly for me. I was preparing myself for the moment I
have read in every romance novel, the huge bulging 'how the hell is
that going to fit into me' moment, and it was finally here. I
reached my hand around him and he moaned in approval. Okay, so
maybe the novels embellish a little because what I felt was a nice
size, I couldn't quite make my fingers touch but it wasn't scary
big. I could definitely work with this. I gently pulled him out of
his boxer briefs and smiled as he sprang to attention. I looked up
at him and he had his eyes closed, and began lacing his fingers
through my hair.

Oh yeah, we both wanted
this. I hadn't really done this much, because apparently Brian and
I weren't big fans of oral, but I started to remember little hints
that Chloe had given me. Suck at the tip, massage, swirl the
tongue... Okay, I could do this. I gave it my best and I would say
I did it well, because Rhet's moans gave me all the encouragement I

A few, “Oh shit, Lexi,”
and “Holy hell you are amazing,” was all the encouragement I needed
to finish the job. I suddenly became nervous with the thought of,
'do I grab a sock?' and before I knew it Rhet was warning me he was
close, so I bucked up and decided there was a first time for
everything. I took it like a champ and I'm not going to lie, why do
girls say this tastes good? However, I did it and I was damn proud.
I pulled back and wiped my mouth slowly and looked up at

“Will you marry me?” Rhet
asked as he pulled me up to him. I slapped his arm and laid down
next to him.

“Really, you're that easy
all it took was a blow job?”

“Yes, I am.” He laughed
and looked over and gave me a very sweet and soft kiss. I rubbed my
hand down his face and we just looked at each other for a few
silent minutes.

“I think you should go
check on Cole.”

“Trying to get rid of me?
Did I drop the marriage word too quick? He lifted his eyebrows in
surprise which made me giggle.

“I know that feeling after
a huge high. All you can think about is, 'How can I do this every
minute of every day, and not be a pervert?'”

Rhet laughed, and pulled
me over to him. “Okay, I will check on Cole. Thank you, you are
more then I could have ever imagined.” We both stood and he
adjusted his pants.

“I meant to tell you this
earlier, but I am flying out to Denver tomorrow for a few days to
help my sister out. Apparently, her sitter has the flu and she
can't take off work. I will be back Friday morning though,” he said
sadly and looked like I just kicked his new kitten.

“You are so sweet, Rhet.
She is very lucky to have you. Can I help? Let me know what I can

“Just wait for me, and
I'll make my absence worth your while,” he said and laughed into my
mouth before taking it and making me get all hot and crazy

“Go, or I'll never let you
get out of here.”

Rhet pulled away from me
and gave me his signature panty-dropping smile. He told me he would
call me tomorrow when he landed. “I'm glad I finally have you,
Lexi.” And with that he was out the door.

Ugh, now I had to deal
with Chloe.








Chapter 13


Chloe came home about
thirty minutes after Rhet left. I acted like I was asleep, until
she crawled into bed and pulled the covers over her. I opened my
eyes, and she was staring right at my face.

“Do you hate me?” she
asked in a quiet voice.


She took a deep breath and
smiled back at me, “I'm sorry, I really didn't intend on doing
anything. It just happened. He asked me to go into the steam room
with him, and of course danger sirens were going off in my head,
but you know how often I listen to those, so we were just sitting
there talking and I don't know we just have so much in common and
he is really cute... It just happened.”

“I understand, it's okay.”
I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

“You know how I make fun
of you for your damn little soulmate signs? Well, I won't

“What? No way. You? Soul
mate signs? With Camden?” I basically yelled the last part as Chloe
was shushing me.

“Be quiet, they will hear
you! My gosh,” she said and laughed as I stared at her with big
eyes. “We had a tingle when he grabbed my hands, and when he kissed
me for the first time, I felt something I have never felt

“Whoa, you really did have

“He lives in Denver, Lexi.
He is on a get-a-way trip and is looking for a rebound. It would
only figure I would feel this way about a guy that I don't stand a
chance with.”

“Chloe, don't say that.
You don't know what will happen. Take your own advice and just have
fun, only make sure my dad doesn't find out or he may have you on
the next flight out to L.A.” I smirked and she slapped my

“Stop, it won't be
happening again. I'm too young to feel that anyway, and from now on
I am staying away from Camden the crusher of no soulmate dreams.”
She pouted which made me laugh.

“Drama, oh and speaking of
drama... Don't be mad but Rhet told me about you and

Chloe shot up and had a
look of horror on her face, “What? Why would he tell

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