Black Storm [Panther Key] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Black Storm [Panther Key] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Blake leaned over and looked out her window. “Welcome to the Keys, sweetheart.”

“We’re going down there?” Her gaze stayed glued to the window, not just because it really was beautiful, but she still did not trust herself to look at him. Her control was too tenuous.

“To our island. Panther Key.”

Kate’s head spun, and she looked at Blake. She couldn’t help it. His pronouncement was too shocking. “You have an island?”

Blake grinned that damned sexy grin that drove her insane, and she had to tear her gaze away from him before she did something embarrassing. “Our family has an island. It’s been in our clan for generations.”

Kate turned her attention back to the window as the plane descended and skimmed over the water. Her anxiety returned at the idea of landing in the ocean, but it was tempered by her greater need to get on the ground so she could do something about her aching need and the burning heat raging through her veins. She never would have imagined that being aroused could be so damned uncomfortable. Blake had assured her this was not normal arousal and was only triggered because she had just found her true mates. She just hoped he was right.

She was so focused on maintaining control of her desires that she almost didn’t notice when the plane touched down, sending a spray of water past her window. The plane slowed and then glided, almost like a boat, toward one of the larger green islands that dotted the landscape. Brad steered the plane to a dock that jutted out from a small beach and brought the plane to a stop. Kate breathed a huge sigh of relief. Not only were they finally—and safely—on the ground, but now she could get off this plane and go somewhere private with her men.

Her heart sank, however, when the door was opened and she looked outside. A crowd of people were walking and running across the narrow beach to the dock to greet them. It looked as though it was going to be harder than she’d hoped to sneak away.

She unfastened her seat belt and stood up, but her legs were wobbly, and the plane was rocking slightly in the water. She started to stumble, but Blake’s strong arms wrapped around her and steadied her. She looked up into his eyes, and her breath caught in her throat. The golden specks in his eyes were glowing slightly, mesmerizing her with their beauty. Her arousal flared, and she felt Blake’s answering passion rise as well. Jake and Drake crowded around them, their own desires heightened.

“So not the time, guys. Your mom is watching.” Chase chuckled and shook his head as he grabbed some of the bags and exited the plane onto the dock.

Blake grinned down at Kate and kissed her lightly on the forehead. His lips were like a hot brand to her skin. Only the knowledge that his mother was watching them kept her from wrapping her arms around him and demanding that he move those lips a little farther down.

Blake chuckled, and Kate had the feeling he knew exactly what she was thinking. “Soon, sweetheart.” His whisper in her ear sent a shiver down her spine. Kate huffed in agitation. As far as she was concerned, soon was too damned long.

They emerged from the plane into a crowd of people who looked very eager to get a look at Kate. It didn’t take long to figure out which one was her guys’ mother, since a woman immediately separated herself from the group and quickly approached Kate. She looked to be in her early fifties, but she was strikingly beautiful, with long golden-blonde hair, elegant features, and deep chocolate-brown eyes. Kate was completely taken aback when the woman placed both hands on Kate’s shoulders, kissed her on both cheeks, then wrapped her arms around her in a warm hug.

“Welcome, daughter.” She pulled back but kept her hands on Kate’s arms. She flashed such a genuine and enthusiastic smile that Kate couldn’t help return. The woman laughed, and it sounded like tinkling bells to Kate’s ears. “I’m Beth. I know this is probably all overwhelming for you, dear, but it will get easier, I promise.”

“Mom, sorry we—” Blake never got to finish his sentence.

“Don’t you ‘Mom’ me!” The smile that had so welcomed Kate instantly disappeared and was replaced by the sternest scowl Kate had ever seen as Beth turned on her sons.

“The most important event of my sons’ lives and I don’t get a phone call, no e-mail…you couldn’t even text me! I have to find out about it from them!” Beth gestured toward the cousins, who were standing off to the side trying to look inconspicuous.

If it was possible for three huge muscular men to look sheepish, and then Blake, Drake, and Jake were prime examples. They stood on the dock shuffling their feet and looking down, mumbling apologies.

Beth let out a huff and wrapped one arm around Kate’s shoulders. She pointed a long finger at her sons. “You three had just better treat her right.” She turned her face to Kate again, and her features instantly transformed back to bright and happy. “She’s the daughter I’ve been waiting for, and she better be kept happy.”

“Speaking of keeping Kate happy, Mom…” Blake drew Beth and Kate’s attention. “She’s only been able to transform once and…”

Beth gasped and turned to Kate. “Oh, you poor girl. You must be practically out of your mind right now.” She turned to the cousins and motioned for them. “Get their luggage and take it to the house.” Beth then cast her gaze around to the rest of the welcome committee. “Reunion will have to wait, everyone. Let’s leave them alone for a while.” Several people smiled and waved as they turned and headed back up the beach.

Brad grabbed a couple of bags and started walking up the dock but turned around and yelled to Blake. “Take the west side of the island for your run. No one is over there today, and you’ll get a nice sunset.” He flashed a wicked grin and then turned around and headed toward the beach, along with Beth and the other cousins.

Kate was mortified at the thought that Brad knew what they would probably really be doing. Then again, everyone else probably knew as well. Kate could swear she felt herself blush all the way to her toes, but the thought of being alone with her men also caused another reaction. She heard someone inhale deeply behind her. A low purring caused her to spin around, and she found herself staring into Jake’s eyes. They were glowing slightly, and she recognized it as a sign of his intense arousal.

“Let’s run.”

Kate turned at Blake’s words and was stunned at the sight of him stripping his clothes off. She turned to Drake and saw he was doing the same, already having shed his shoes and shirt.

Jake began unbuttoning Kate’s shirt, and she pushed his hands away and jumped back. “We can’t undress here! We’ll be seen!”

Jake was undaunted. He chuckled and pulled her back toward him, resuming his work on her buttons. “For one thing, babe, you get used to nudity when you’re part of a shifter clan. But more importantly, our mother told everyone to give us some privacy. They wouldn’t dare spy on us right now, or she’ll have their heads.” He finished with her buttons and slipped the shirt off, leaning in to put his lips to her ear. “Besides, I need to run with you, my little kitten. I need you.”

Kate suddenly forgot they were standing outside on a dock. She couldn’t even remember what country she was in. All she could think of was getting naked. Now. Jake grinned, and his hands went to her shorts, where they made quick work of the zipper and had them sliding down her legs before she could even process what was happening. She turned toward the beach, knowing exactly what she wanted to do.

It was so much easier this time. Her cat had been waiting for the call and immediately reacted when Kate reached out for it. Without any effort, Kate leapt into the air and came down on all fours, instantly transformed into her panther. She turned her head to look behind her and saw her men in various states of undress, their mouths gaping open in awe. She twitched her tail at them and purred, which immediately got the reaction she was going for. The men scrambled to shed their remaining clothes, practically tripping over each other to get everything off.

Satisfied she had sufficiently stirred them up, Kate launched herself up the beach and through the tree line. She wasn’t sure which way was west, but hopefully she had a better sense of direction as a panther than she did as a human. What she really wanted to do was get away from everyone else. Well, everyone other than the three cats chasing her.

She sped up and let her panther instincts guide her, enjoying the freedom of the run. Her feet—or paws, she realized—practically flew over the ground. She was aware of so many things at once. She could sense the birds and small animals in the trees and bushes. She could hear their twitters and the faint scurrying sounds as they scrambled through the brush. The breeze ruffled her fur, and she smelled the heady aromas of salt, fish, and earth. The ground felt soft under her paws, and she had no trouble leaping over fallen trees and maneuvering through the stands of palmetto and mangroves.

As she relished the freedom of the run, she became aware of a presence gaining on her, and she stretched out her senses, recognizing Jake by his scent and the feel of his mind. She saw a golden blur in the corner of her vision as he accelerated and ran beside her. His panther body was lithe and sinuous, and his fur shone in the dappled light filtering through the trees. She saw the sparkle in his eyes and felt the pure joy coming from him as they ran together. She could also feel Blake and Drake behind them, but she somehow sensed they were holding back and allowing her and Jake to take the lead.

They continued to run around the island, leaping and weaving as they hurled themselves along the ground. It was an exhilarating feeling to allow her cat to take control of her thoughts, her senses, and her instincts. There was freedom in it that Kate had never experienced. She felt in her soul that she’d been born to do this, to be this. Going back to the way she was before was unthinkable.

Being mated to three men was something that would have seemed outrageous and taboo a few days before, but her cat knew it was what she needed. The shifter world was completely foreign to Kate, and she was beginning to accept that she would have to trust her cat’s instincts. Plus, after watching Jake lie unconscious for so many hours, Kate couldn’t imagine being without any of them. She was reluctant to let her heart believe it would be forever, but she decided she would take happiness for now and for however long it was offered to her.

The need to run began to lessen, and Kate felt another need take its place. Considering how urgent her desire had been on the plane, she was surprised it had been suppressed so easily while she ran. It seemed that was no longer the case, however, as she felt her blood heat up again. As the fever began to rage through her veins, she and Jake emerged from the dense vegetation onto another small beach. She ran to the center of the beach and then stopped and spun, coming nose to nose with Jake. Her cat retreated into her mind, and Kate felt a slight tingle as she transformed back into her human form. Jake transformed in the same instant and pulled her to him, rolling them together onto the sand.

Jake came to rest on his back with Kate straddling him. She looked down at his wide chest and ran her hands over his muscles, loving how they felt under her fingers. His skin was silky smooth but hot to the touch, as hot as the blood coursing through her. She stared at the glowing embers in his eyes and felt herself drawn toward him, as if his gaze were pulling her in. She hungrily took in the lines of his face, and then her gaze roamed down to his lips. She felt an overwhelming urge to claim those lips as hers.

She leaned over and pressed her lips to his, taking pleasure in the fullness of them and the way they moved under hers. She ran her tongue over them, enjoying the taste of him. He was salty and savory, all at the same time. His lips opened under her tongue, and she delved inside, exploring his mouth and reveling in the emotions coming from him through their growing mental link. She felt his passion rise, and her own responded. She deepened the kiss, making it more aggressive and more demanding. He groaned into her mouth and took control of the kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth with the same control she had used moments earlier.

Kate couldn’t stand it anymore. The heat in her body was rising to an unbearable level, and she needed Jake inside of her. Now. She raised herself up, and Jake, seeming to sense what she wanted to do, guided his cock to her entrance. She lowered herself onto him, letting him enter her slowly as she stretched to take him. He was hard and slick and glorious. She groaned and threw her head back as she came down fully onto him. She felt hands on her breasts and instinctively knew they belonged to Blake and Drake, who were on either side of her. They massaged her breasts and stroked her nipples as she began rocking on top of Jake, letting him slide partially out of her before she slammed back onto him. Blake claimed her mouth, and she let him control the kiss. His tongue danced over and around hers, and he sucked her tongue between his teeth, creating a thrilling sensation she felt all the way to her clit.

Jake had taken one of her nipples into his mouth and was sucking on it. The erotic feel of all three men pleasuring her at the same time fueled her passion, and she felt her climax start to build. She rocked harder onto Jake, and he gripped her hips in his big hands and drove her harder, lifting her and slamming her down onto his cock faster and faster. Her clit repeatedly hit against the hard muscles of his abdomen, and she cried out with desperation as she felt herself hover on the edge of bliss. Finally, Jake thrust upward at the same time he pulled her down hard against him, and her orgasm exploded, her walls squeezing Jake’s cock and sending him over the edge as his own orgasm broke.

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