Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 (30 page)

Read Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 Online

Authors: Cari Silverwood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Bind and Keep Me, Book 2
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Orgasms tempered by pain could send the pleasure level through the roof.

“I know you don’t like pain that much, but I do. When I see you whimper, it makes me want to fuck you sideways until you can’t walk straight. Luckily for you, toy, I have an idea as to your tolerance now. I can give you pain or pleasure…when you need it most.”

I leaned in, squashed her now-engorged breasts together then bent and took her nipples into my mouth, sucking and chewing on them, making her wince and moan, sometimes almost at the same time. With my hands clasped around both her breasts and the bondage she’d be feeling like she had nowhere to go. Jodie always loved that. When her arousal escalated rapidly, I suspected this one did too. Though she strained at the ropes, and tried to writhe against my grip, her pants and groans became louder and desperate.

“Shove some fingers into her, Jodie.” I smiled around my mouthful of breast when she almost immediately tensed and bowed her body forward. Another orgasm wracked her.

After giving her time to recover, I started on a full-on biting assault, covering her front then her back and her ass in small nips and, here and there, large bites that let me take a chunk of her ass or shoulder or back muscle between my teeth. She was so eminently biteable.

Then I stood back, admiring our sweaty captive as Jodie kissed her face. I moved so I could see her mouth over Steph’s with the rope gag between them. That Steph was answering the kiss or trying to was inspiring.

I checked her hands and feet. Good. Warm. Her fingers and toes moved well when I tickled her.

Hand on my cock, I contemplated which of my beautiful women to fuck.

I pulled off my shorts, seeing that they were the most uncomfortable things in creation when I had a full erection, and found a condom from a pocket and rolled it on.

“Wish I could do your ass again, pet, but it’s too hard to clean up here.”

She grunted at me then whined a little, shaking her head. Sweat flicked at me from her hair. In the low light I could see trails of it running down the sides of her face.

From behind Steph, with one arm anchoring her body to me, and the other holding one butt cheek and the rope aside, I probed upward. My cock knew where to go in all that slipperiness and I thrust up and up, sliding in, grunting in satisfaction when I knew I was in all the way.

Smooth gentle strokes seemed to do little for her so I undid the rope at the back of her neck to get it out of the way. Sanding off my dick would not be a smart thing to do. I grabbed the other side of her butt so I held her properly open and I rammed in over and over until she squealed and bounced on her toes. Her back arched, her chest jutted forward and I could feel her legs try to open even more.

“G-spot?” I smirked and tried hard to get the same angle and depth.

If she’d thought she couldn’t climax again Jodie soon proved her wrong by wringing one out of her. Her little gasping screams gradually petered out.

I’d withdrawn in time, barely keeping it together and not coming inside her. Best to use a new condom. I found another in my shorts.

“Your turn, Jodie. Come here.”

Leaving Steph panting, with her bedraggled hair across her face, she walked the few feet to where I’d sat on one of the chairs. When she arrived, I pulled her over my lap, facedown. I stroked her ass, getting a feel for her flesh, remembering the many times I’d done this.

“You have such a great ass.”

“Thank you.” Her voice was husky and I grinned. Playing with Steph had wound her up.

Then I began to spank her. Each slap made her shift a little—her legs, her thighs, her waist twisted, and at the harder ones, she threw back her head and tried to look at me. But I kept her there, on my lap, trapped as I slowly increased the force. By the sound of her moans and her panting, by how she dug her toes in the floor, or by the writhe of her hips, I could tell where my girl was at. I slipped my fingers inside her when it seemed a good time, or rubbed on her clit, then spanked her some more. When I finally stopped, I rested my palm on her skin, spellbound in the heat radiating off her.

“Sit on me sweetheart, but facing outward. I want Steph to see your face when I make you come.”

“Okay.” She kissed my thigh once then shakily climbed to her feet.

She stood between my legs and while she slowly lowered herself, I held my cock upright and still. Her ass wiggled. In. Fuck. The cupping of her warmth around the head made me arch my head back for a second. Then she slid further. At halfway, I put my hands on her shoulders and made her sink all the way down.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh, that’s good.” She swallowed. Her head fell forward as I thrust a few times.

“Now ride me.”

I found her clit and stroked her with the rhythm that would get her off if I did it for long enough, biting her back and nape here and there, and making her thump herself down on me harder when I wanted it. But I didn’t let her come.

When she was close, I stood with her impaled on me, and slipped to my knees while she went to hands and knees. It was gritty on the floor but I was too interested in getting my cock happy to worry. Then I settled in with the thrusts while I kept at her clit until she gasped and came, squeezing onto my cock hard. The sensations rippled into me like a minor seismic event.

I gasped once and let myself rest for a second. Earthquakes had nothing on sex.

I kissed her shoulder then started to fuck her in earnest. Feeling that aching pressure reach its peak, I put my palm in the center of her shoulder blades and forced her to the floor. My knees would hate me for this but I didn’t care. Bursting to come, I slammed in a few more times, spurting into her hard enough to make me gasp through my teeth and wonder if my balls had imploded. I hugged her a while, for she was still breathing fast, still clamping onto me now and then. Her head turned into my arm. For a minute we stayed there. Her hot breath stirred the hairs on my forearm.

I rolled to take my weight off her then clambered to my feet. I had to free Steph.

She was so tired I had to support her or she would have collapsed. “Stay up here with me, sweet girl. It’s not worth getting all sticky and gritty on the floor.”

I kissed her hair and patted her, seeing Jodie’s bright eyes watching us from where she lay. I suddenly realized what I’d called Steph—sweet girl. An endearment, maybe the first I’d ever called her. I sighed and smelled her hair. She did feel sweet in my arms. Then she grumbled and I felt her small tongue lick at my chest.

“You’re all hairy,” she complained. Her words slurred and she sounded half-asleep. “But…I like it. You taste like a man should. Nice.” She sighed.

Oh hell. I held her tighter, frowning down at Jodie. This was meant to be a night to show her what she’d be missing when she left us. I meant to fuck her brains out and to give her so many orgasms she’d never in a million years forget us, but instead, she’d made me wonder if
could ever forget her. I’d grown…fond of her.

Eventually, Jodie got to her feet and I drew her into the cuddle.

“I’ll get you both a drink, then we can go down to the beach and rinse off. Okay?”

Jodie nodded. Steph whispered from her place in the middle of the hug, “Sure.” Then she added something that near stopped my heart. “I know this is odd, but that was amazing. Thank you, Klaus.”

But it wasn’t the thanks that hurt my heart; it was her saying my name.

Chapter 24

Klaus had pushed the two beds together and, after drying off with beach towels we’d piled in together. I’d drunk what seemed gallons of water before collapsing on the bed and snuggling into my lovers.

My head was fuzzy. My body seemed to have fires lit on my skin in so many places. I throbbed with aches and stings and yet I floated toward sleep, somehow strangely content, despite the sadist sleeping behind me with his hand on my thigh. A few lame mosquitoes whined in my ear then I was gone into dreamland.

I awoke to the sound of the waves surging and the trees rattling and whispering above, and to something scratching on the floor. Puzzled, I shifted up onto my butt with my arm out, and rubbed my eyes. The lamps were turned off, though a tiny blinking red light showed where Klaus had left something on. Sitting up gave me a better view. The floor was moving.

What was it? Dreaming still? The bedclothes were real. Jodie lay before me curled up and spooning to my front. The pale moving things scuttled forward. I blinked then I shrieked.

“What the fuck?” Jodie sprang awake, sitting up and staring up at me.

“What is it?” The bed shifted as Klaus also woke. His baritone reassured me, even if he sounded confused from being hurled from sleep into reality by my scream. His hand settled on my waist and he squeezed lightly. “Have the Martians landed?”

“There’s something on the floor!” I pointed frantically, half expecting whatever it was to leap onto my extended arm then crawl up it to smother me and rip out my throat.

“What?” She turned and peered over the edge. “Oh shit.” Jodie giggled. “Crabs! We have an invasion of crabs. Well, three or four. Silly. You know the door has a hole.” She lay down again then pulled me on top of her.

Though the soft warmth of her female body instantly reminded me of sex. I had to look. From closer, I could see the little creatures making their way across the floor. Two nearer ones had frozen in place. I guess I’d scared them.

“Fuck. Sorry. Though ick too. What happens if I need to go to the toilet?”

“Not a problem. Mostly they skedaddle faster than you can step on them, but I can shoo them outside and put something in the hole in the door.” Though clearly amused Klaus patted my hip. “Poor girl.”

“It’s okay.” Jodie drew my face down to hers. She nibbled on my lips, slowly fading it into a true gentle kiss. I couldn’t resist poking my tongue between her lips and pressing down on her, taking more of her mouth. I moved my legs to go outside hers but she spread hers instead and ground her pussy up into mine. Pleasure surged and I moaned as I exhaled.

“You’re hot for it already.” I felt her smile against my lips then her hand groped for the hair at the back of my neck, gathering it.

Already she was trying to take control. Slightly annoyed, I shook my head to get loose but she firmed her hold.

“Uh-uh. Stay there. Didn’t we exhaust you, pet?”

“I…” The night’s meager light outlined her face with silver and dark. Her hair spread about her pillow in a wash of tendrils. I traced her cheekbone, swallowed. “You’re beautiful, my goddess.”

Jodie chuckled. “Am I? Maybe…maybe I can be a sex goddess.”

Her pelvis kept moving, circling upward, stirring me, and heat flooded in. I heard the rustle of plastic tearing and wondered if that was what I thought it was. Every part of me was awake now and aware of where this was heading.

“We should go back to sleep,” I whispered, hoping, and not hoping, but mostly there was that dark and new need of mine to be made to do something I might not want. Pet. Fucktoy. Depravity had found me.

“No, we should not.” As he spoke, Klaus settled himself above my body. His heavy thighs pushed mine apart. His arms propped either side of me.

He must have pulled down his pants and I had none on, only a t-shirt. I could tell his cock was precisely where it should be. My entrance spilled wetness and opened. I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t help anticipating the delicious slide. Transfixed by the knowledge that he meant to fuck me at any second, I waited, enthralled. His first thrust entered me, slick, hard, impatiently driving in and in until his groin thumped onto my ass.

Eyes slamming shut, I grunted at the invasion, wanting more, needing

Oh god. So full. So amazing being used like this. No asking if or when. No nothing. Though still sore, I so liked this.

“Damn that’s pretty,” Jodie murmured. “Are you in her, Sir?”

I opened my eyes and saw her studying me.

“In all the way.” He laughed. “She was ready for me. Kiss her while I fuck her.”

“Yes, Sir.”

I braced my arms on the bed, and was rocked forward by the power of each of his thrusts. My neck strived to curl downward, my lips opened, and Jodie licked at my mouth.

“Come back down here.”

Our kisses ended up being wet and sloppy as she took over that part of me while he took me with his cock. I couldn’t concentrate on one or the other. Soft woman under me, breast and devouring mouth, her hand clawed in my hair, and him, hard-muscled, powerful, and heavy, thumping in deep. Possessed by the two of them at once. I groaned and writhed.

When I was at the point of wanting to scream at him to drive into me harder, he withdrew. I almost cried and fisted the sheets. A second later I knew what he was doing as his hands fumbled at my back and rearranged us. Jodie grunted under me and gasped. He’d entered her. She shifted back and forth as he plowed her instead. So did I, caught in the middle of their lust. I smiled despite my ache to have him in me. Watching her enthralled me.

When he at last climaxed, Jodie’s eyes rolled back. My own pussy clenched in a sympathetic wish to feel what she did in that moment. I imagined the swell of his cum and pulse of his member. Him fucking her like this was amazingly arousing.

When he pulled out, she whimpered. He lowered himself more and I had no choice except to snuggle half my face into the angle of Jodie’s neck and shoulder. With one eye, I watched him kiss her gently.

“How was that, gorgeous?”

“Good.” She smiled. “Good, mister sexy beast.”

“I figured it was your turn to have me come in you.”

“Mm-hm. Great minds think alike.”

This fascinated me—seeing how loving he was with her. Yet also it bothered me. I wasn’t sure I was a part of this. I wasn’t sure why I wanted to be. I shoved that away and shut my eyes and felt my breathing slowly synchronize with theirs.

I hadn’t come. I didn’t need to, and I could have stayed there under him forever. Man-weight squashing me.
The fog of lust made me happy to just
. At last, I shifted. Klaus moved away and lay next to me. I was drooling on Jodie. I huffed as she kissed my cheek and stroked my hair.

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